-- Leo's gemini proxy

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Michael Nordmeyer

Gemlog — The Longs

I try to only write if I think I have something meaningful to add. That also means I will delete posts if they have lost their utility.


2024-05-04 I Retired My Atom Feed in Favor of My Gemfeed

One is enough, and my tinylog helped me to mitigate the need for Atom.

2024-05-03 I Now Have a Tinylog

Because I’ve always missed a way of expressing anything short in Geminispace.

2024-05-01 Hotlinking Means Other People Get Your Analytics

Old-school mistakes can leak data.

2024-04-25 The Problem With Full-Content Web Feeds Today

The struggle of having full-content feeds while trying to avoid being exploited.

2024-04-18 Self-Inflicted Markdown vs. Gemtext Pain

Idealism running rampant.

2024-04-16 The AI Doom Cycle

How the textual web will die.

2024-04-14 On Gemtext Specification 0.24.0

A proposal stemming from reading the current version.

2024-04-04 I Bought a New Old Laptop

Thin, light, fanless, with high PPI and LTE.

2024-03-24 Embedding YouTube Videos Without Sending the Site’s URL to YouTube

The iframe’s referrer policy can achieve this.

2024-03-22 IPv6 vs. IPv4 Distribution According to My Personal Browsing History

I used a simple script to measure my personal IPv6 vs. IPv4 distribution.

2024-02-26 Enemy at the Gate

Automatic redirection to the HTTP referrer.

2024-02-24 Why I Blocked Bing, Yandex, and Other High-Profile Crawlers

I blocked Bing, Yandex, and some others from crawling and indexing my website, because they only take and don’t give back.

2024-01-10 The Fallacy of Linux LTS Distributions

LTS distributions don’t extend support for all packages, but only for a subset.

2024-01-07 Hyperscalers and the Smolnet are Incompatible

Hosting the smolnet on hyperscaler is defeating the smolnet’s purpose.


2023-12-30 Retiring My Web JSON Feed to Style the Web Atom Feed In-Browser

I retired my web JSON feed to be able to style the web Atom XML feed with XSLT to educate feed beginner.

2023-09-04 Feed Subscriptions on the Small and Not So Small Net

Disable all automatic feed fetching to not waste resources.

2023-08-28 TIL Bad Habits Can Create Unforeseen Insights

How tab hoarding and link rot is connected.

2023-07-03 Enabling HTTP/3 QUIC on nginx

With nginx 1.25 mainline, experimental HTTP/3 support is widely available.

2023-07-01 Fighting a Heisenbug in Agate

Occasionally missing meta responses after restarts for the exact same config.

2023-06-16 My Perfect Home Lab — An Antithesis

A non-home-lab as a low-consumption power and data solution for all possible devices.

2023-05-31 Today I Lost an Important Thing in My Life

I’m not sure, if this is for the better.

2023-05-30 A Recommendation: Future Histories Podcast

A podcast about current and future socioeconomic problems and ways to solve them.

2023-05-22 Feedback and Validation, Engagement and Performance

Contradictive Feelings.

2023-05-22 Everybody Has a Take on Bubble. Here’s Mine

It’s short.

2023-05-04 My Gemini Crawlers Meta Info Page

Meta information about friendly crawlers crawling the Geminispace.

2023-03-30 On Mastodon DDoS’ing Sites

Mastodon link previews can lead to excessive requests at the same time, which is not Mastodon’s fault.

2023-02-26 I Created Two Ultra-Minimalistic Jekyll Themes

Barely changing default browser styles, dark mode, but one takes it too far.

2023-02-25 Deploying Jekyll with Rake and Notifying Search Engines

Deploying Jekyll to the server with built-in tools.

2023-02-24 Generating Favicons from Unicode Glyphs

How to easily generate favicons from unicode glyphs like ★.

2023-02-01 How Would You Feel If Google Indexed the Geminispace?

Entertaining the unthinkable.

2023-01-31 A Documentary About Early ANSI Art / BBS History

ANSI art history told by the people who created the art.

2023-01-31 Better Availability or I Begrudgingly Switched My Gemini Server Back to ECDSA

Achieving better availability by lowering security.

2023-01-30 I Use Proper Typography in Gemtext

You should always use proper typography, even if you have to do it manually.

2023-01-29 Maintaining Simplicity While Acknowledging FOMO

Seeing clearly after a hazy period and too many choices.

2023-01-28 Buzz Aldrin’s Race into Space

An old DOS game re-playing the race into space, now public domain, playable in an emulator.


2022-12-21 I Was Mistaken – Gemini is Awesome

Gemtext is a gem and with a proper client the Geminispace shines.

2022-11-17 Today I Deleted All My Tweets

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…

2022-11-14 Limiting the Lifetime of Social Media Posts

Iʼve limited my Fediverse data retention to 90 days.

2022-11-12 On Gemini and Gopher, the Internet Protocols

Bare-bones web browsing by design.

2022-11-13 On Proper Markdown Usage

Writing Markdown in a portable way. No, not all Markdown is portable.

2022-11-11 The Ephemeral Internet

Iʼve come to believe that itʼs not a good idea to keep all my content around indefinitely.

2022-11-11 Moving From Twitter to Mastodon on the Fediverse

Iʼm in the process of moving to the fediverse and am quite excited.

2022-11-10 Computers Should…

What computers should be like.

2022-11-09 Bing and DuckDuckGo Remove Indexed Websites

Bing and therefore DuckDuckGo apparently remove already indexed websites and bury those inadvertently.

2022-11-08 Privacy-Friendly YouTube Embeds

Embedded YouTube videos have third-party tracking cookies, which can easily be avoided by embedding in a privacy-friendly way without sacrificing functionality.

2022-10-31 Choice on the Web

Why not choosing the most popular option is good for everyone.


2021-06-25 My WordPress Repositories on GitHub

I still have some repositories on GitHub I have used for customizing my former WordPress installations.

2021-06-24 Deleting Posts Again

I deleted posts again, after I had deleted a lot in 2014 while switching from German to English again, and after deleting my Tumblr in 2016.

2021-02-09 iCloud Email Address: How To Change, Merge, Move, Delete

Changing, merging, moving, or deleting iCloud email addresses is tricky, because Apple doesn’t allow to merge accounts. These are your options.


2020-12-12 Twitter – A Personal Time Capsule

Twitter sometimes is a personal time capsule, which allows me to remember things, which I can add to my diary retroactively to create a thread of my life.


2019-11-05 Bad Indie Developers

Sometimes independent developers are as self-centered as large corporations.

2019-05-28 Heavy Data Usage on Mobile and Desktop

There are some pitfalls when it comes to data usage. Data charges can add up quickly, especially when tethering. Know where your data goes.


2018-07-09 Social Media and News Cycle Fatigue

After stopping using an RSS reader and deleting my Facebook account, I still feel exhausted & appalled by social media and the news cycle.

2018-05-25 How to Delete an iCloud Email Account

Delete an iCloud email account altogether or delete an iCloud email account from an iOS device or Mac.

2018-05-25 #DeleteFacebook

This is a draft I wrote on my phone to announce me quitting Facebook, which I never posted.


2017-05-02 Digital Hoarding

Sometimes I wonder if I sport a behavior called digital hoarding.

2017-04-29 How to Disable WordPress Comments to Fully Avoid Spam

Avoid comment spam on WordPress blogs without the need for plugins by configuring your server. Just turning off comments in settings won’t stop spam.

2017-03-12 Thoughts on My Personal Relationship with Facebook

I took a hiatus from Facebook. Even after pruning my feed it wasn’t serving me anymore. Then I realized why Facebook is detrimental to my sanity.


2016-12-29 All Computer Problems I Have Nowadays Come from Sync

More than 90 % of the errors in my computing life come from syncing via iCloud and the restrictions of iOS. macOS is fine by comparison.

2016-12-25 Why I Switched Back From Markdown to Visual Editor on WordPress

I was an early adopter of Markdown. Now I use WordPress’ visual editor exclusively again with great results and don’t miss Markdown a bit.

2016-11-24 The Problem With Owning Movies Today

I want to buy movies but buying them on iTunes or Google Play would limit the ability to switch platforms because of high additional costs.

2016-08-10 iPad Keyboard Annoyances

I’m much faster when using physical keyboards on iPad. Especially the 9.7″ iPads, where there’s no number row. But some things are annoying.

2016-06-13 How to Remove a Google Account from Your iPhone or iPad

Can’t remove or delete a Google login from your iOS device? Here’s how to easily do it.

2016-03-27 iCloud Drive and Apple’s Own OS X File Types, Which Won’t Open on iOS

It’s definitely reasonable to have a personal or private iOS-only setup. You just have to be aware some OS X files won’t open on iOS.

2016-03-24 Storing Videos on iCloud Drive on iOS

After 1.5 years iCloud Drive works reliably. But because of the intricacies of iOS data storage it’s not straight forward to use.

2016-02-28 The Difference Between Apple Music and iTunes Match in a Nutshell

Apple Music and iTunes Match have overlapping features which makes them confusing. I explain why it’s reasonable to have both.

2016-02-12 Using Tumblr to Take Back the Internet

Some time ago I took back the Internet to own my data. I cross-posted status updates, links, images & videos from Tumblr to Facebook & Twitter.

2016-02-12 Cord-Cutting: Just Do It!

Just cut the cord. You won’t miss it. Don’t be a couch potato and let other people put ideas in your mind while spending your spare time.

2016-02-02 30 Day Challenge: No Social Media, No Online Video

I’m cutting down on external input like social media, RSS, YouTube, and the Internet in general for a month to gain time and mental space.


2015-12-04 Apple ID Email Addresses: Primary, Alternate, Rescue, and Notification

There are different email addresses you can add to an Apple ID. Here are the different types in a nutshell.

2015-11-07 Why Apple iBooks Highlighting Sucks

Apple iBooks highlights are sometimes omitted from exports without notification and are in the wrong order, which is quite uncool.

2015-05-30 How Long Does an Online Backup Take

Online backups take a long time. Here is a list for some common upload speeds to get an idea of how long exactly.

2015-05-23 Moving an Opened Dropbox File Can Mess Things Up

If you move a Dropbox file on another device like your smartphone while having it opened in an application on your computer is a bad idea.

2015-05-20 The State of Ghost vs. WordPress

I do like the concept of Ghost, but I’m not committing to a product where I’m missing important features compared to WordPress.

2015-03-03 iCloud Photo Library and Photos

iCloud Photo Library is still in beta but works reliably. It’s a much more convenient way to manage your photos you took with your iPhone or iPad.

2015-02-01 How to Get iCloud Drive to Display Files

If iCloud Drive on iOS doesn’t display any files or the folders are empty (0 items) even though there should be some files, then there is an easy solution.


2014-12-03 Does Downloading Facebook Data Ever Work?

It’s the third time I couldn’t download my Facebook data. It never worked even once. Retrying doesn’t help. It’s useless.

2014-11-30 Safari’s iCloud Keychain Creates a Security Problem

Safari/iCloud automatic logins are convenient. But it weakens website account security by letting others easily change your sensitive account information.

2014-11-29 How to Easily Create Strong Passwords

Strong passwords are important because your personal data is important. I’m going to show that everybody can have strong passwords easily without forgetting them.

2014-11-23 Combing Through 7 Years of Tweets

Twitter extended its search to include all tweets ever tweeted and not only tweets from the last two weeks.

2014-11-16 Opt Out of Interest-Based Ads on Google

Google’s collection of interest-based data is pervasive. It won’t hurt to opt out and have peace of mind.

2014-11-13 Disable Your Google Account History to Keep Your Privacy

If you are interested in keeping your privacy and use Google products it’s highly recommended to disable your Google account history.

2014-11-09 WordPress Featured Image Plugins

WordPress has a cool feature: featured images. Here are some plugins which make the use of featured images even better.

2014-11-09 Running your iPhone or iPad without iCloud on iOS

It’s possible, but not feasible anymore, because Apple removed the ability to sync locally over Wi-Fi.

2014-08-21 On Quitting Twitter

A friend of mine quit Twitter recently. I think this is not unreasonable if you think about how Twitter wants to change itself to monetize better.

2014-08-21 On Quitting Google, WhatsApp, BuzzFeed, HuffPost

I stopped using a couple of very popular services for a variety of reasons, mainly ethical ones, because I want to be in charge of my own digital life.

2014-08-21 Mailbox Mac OS X Beta

The Mailbox iOS app everybody loves gets a OS X companion app. It’s still in beta and you need beta invites, which are very cool betacoins.

2014-03-16 Why You Should Delete Your Klout and TrustCloud Accounts and Remove All Your Data

These scores may be useful, but in the process these sites have to gather a lot of public and private data across different networks.

2014-03-14 Klout is a Clever Way of Collecting User Data

Klout is a very clever way to gather data from users without giving much in return. Users only get a vanity number, and Klout perks are the worst.


2013-09-25 Of Mice and Men – My First BarCamp

BarCamps are awesome and here’s why.

2013-04-30 JavaScript Blocklists for Removing Ads or Notifications

The poor man’s ad blocker and tracking blocker.

2013-04-23 Apple AirPort Time Capsule Power Consumption

I measured both the Time Capsule 802.11n 4th generation and the Time Capsule 802.11ac in their 2 TB variants.

2013-02-21 Social Medias schlimme Angewohnheit: Crossposting 🇩🇪

Crossposting vermindert die Informationsdichte und vermüllt die Feeds.

2013-02-21 Infinite Scrolling ist Böse 🇩🇪

Infinite Scrolling hat viele Nachteile, aber nur wenig Vorteile.

2013-02-21 Difference Apple AirPort Express vs. Extreme vs. Time Capsule

Apple’s AirPort devices are the first choice for Mac users. These are the differences.

2013-01-01 Difference in HD Quality at 720p and 1080p Resolution

The difference in quality is less than you think when watching from the sofa.


2012-12-17 Amazon Kindle E-Book Backup

A kindle e-book purchased and downloaded doesn’t mean you own it. Amazon can remove content from your devices without notice and close your user account.

2012-11-04 Agile Schätzmethoden 🇩🇪

Eine Präsentation von agilen Schätzmethoden.


2011-05-24 TEDxHamburg 2011 🇩🇪

Ein Bericht über die TEDxHamburg von 2011.

2011-01-10 Market-First Approach for Start-Ups

How to make money on the web creating and selling applications.


2010-07-15 The Community Building Top 5

How to properly build a community.

2010-06-06 Apples WWDC 2010 und der iPhone/iPad Gold Rush 🇩🇪

Wie das iPhone und iPad Apple und die WWDC verändern.

2010-05-28 TEDxHamburg 2010 🇩🇪

Ein Bericht über die erste TEDxHamburg.

2010-05-11 WePad, WeTab, ReCap 🇩🇪

Nach der desaströsen Premiere des iPad-Konkurrenten WeTab versuchte Neofonie noch zu retten, was zu retten ist. Vergeblich.

2010-05-11 First Impressions from NEXT Conference 2010

How does NEXT conference do in Berlin after moving away from Hamburg?

2010-04-22 Aktuelle Web-Tauglichkeit von „qualitäts”-journalistischen Artikeln – eine Kurzanalyse 🇩🇪

Journalistische Publikationen können oder wollen nicht verlinken, obwohl sie die Inhalte selbst nur zusammengeklaubt haben.

2010-04-15 MakerBot: A 3D-Printer with Open Source Designs

3D printing with MakerBot is almost quasi-teleportation.

2010-04-14 re:publica 2010 – Modern Technology and Its Failure

I attend an Internet & online conference and I’m offline. Underpowered re:publica wireless network & totally non-working 3G keeps me offline.

2010-04-01 BarCamp Ruhr 3 – Ein besonderes BarCamp 🇩🇪

Das BarCamp Ruhr ist ein besonderes BarCamp.

2010-03-07 Google Chrome Extensions Hackathon Hamburg – Aftermath

A review of a Google hackathon.

2010-02-22 Google Chrome Extensions Hackathon Hamburg

Explaining Google hackathons.


2009-11-30 TEDxBerlin 🇩🇪

Ein Bericht über die erste TEDx Deutschlands.

2009-11-12 oEmbed Presentation

A short introduction to oEmbed.


2008-12-02 Green Tea Tasting, Web 2.0 Style

How tea tasting is connected to the Internet.

2008-10-17 DNAdigital Open Space

A short introduction to the DNAdigital events.

2008-05-17 next08 Conference Afterthoughts

What happened at next08 and my take on it.

2008-05-15 Microsoft Blogger Connection Kickoff

Microsoft is eager to get closer to bloggers and look more modern.

2008-05-14 next08 Conference “get realtime” Coming Tomorrow

Awaiting the next08 conference. It’s going to be exciting.

2008-04-21 OpenCoffee Club and Cutting Some Slack

OpenCoffee Club in Hamburg is a bi-weekly gathering of developers and entrepreneurs of the Web 2.0 community.

2008-02-27 BarCamp Hannover 2008

My first BarCamp – an awesome experience.

2008-01-26 WordCamp 08 in Hamburg

WordPress and BarCamps are cool. A WordCamp is the perfect symbiosis.

2008-01-26 Why I Chose WordPress – Thoughts from WordCamp 08

WordPress trumps other blog software. Here’s why, in a nutshell.

2008-01-15 Can’t Wait for MacWorld 2008 Keynote

Eagerly waiting for the Apple keynote.

2008-01-08 Plugins and Themes and Skins. And No Sleep.

Getting a grip on WordPress.

2008-01-06 Wow, I’m Live!

Never thought I would get my blog up and running this decade.

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