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> "This is a cool and meaningful quote for the game" - mega man


Soulstorm is a game about living in Interesting Times. It is a game about keeping the flame of optimism and hope alive inside of you and working up the courage each day to go out and make the world a better place, despite the great confluence of self-interested people and unfortunate circumstances that seek to stop you.


If you fall into any of the following categories:

A fascist

A racist (a fan of white supremacy, a eugenicist, anyone who would call someone "pure" because of their genetics, etc)

A cop (I already said fascist, so this is redundant, but I want to be as clear as possible)

A transphobe (yes, that includes terfs and truscum)

A homophobe

An anti-semite

A bigot of any sort

Then this game is not meant for you. This is not your space and you are not welcome here - leave now and never come back. Go out and sit on a beach under the stars for a while, until you can feel in your soul just how small you are amid the mass of stars and cosmic dust out, and then ask yourself why you think you need to hurt marginalized people.

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Tue Jun 18 10:42:48 2024