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Topic: World war II

Anarchism, Anarchy, Anarchists — David Wieck

Anarchist activity in Nazi Germany — Albert Meltzer

Bifolchi, Giuseppe, 1895–1978 — Nick Heath

Class War on the Home Front — Anti Parliamentary Communist Federation, Wildcat

Death to the brutes — International Revolutionary Syndicalist Federation

The Difference Between “Just Coping” & “Not Coping At All” — Anonymous

Fight? for What? Poem read at Old Bailey — Wildcat Inside Story

Fighting Fascism: Lessons from Italy — Iain Mc Kay

From ‘White Terror’ To ‘Red Terror’ — Anarchist Federation of Hungary

George Orwell & Alex Comfort's World War II Debate — Rui Preti

The Internationale — Tom Brown

An Interview — Charlie Baird Snr

Mahatma Gandhi’s Attitude Towards War — Bart De Ligt

The Manipulation of Fear — Noam Chomsky

Marie Louise Berneri — Phillip Sansom

Neil Roos, Ordinary Springboks: white servicemen and social justice in South Africa, 1939–1961 — Lucien Van Der Walt

A new anarchism emerges, 1940–1954 — Andrew Cornell

On the Backgrounds of the Pacific War — Noam Chomsky

Resistance to Nazism — Anarchist Federation

Revived 45: Anarchists Against the Army — Philip Sansom

Slaughterhouse-Five — Kurt Vonnegut

Social Revolution – Genuine Brand — Albert Meltzer

Some Notes and Information on Anarchist Opposition to War — Anonymous, Charlatan Stew

Stakhanovism and the British workers — Marie Louise Berneri

The Meaning of World War II—An Anarchist View — Wayne Price

The Religion of Technology — Alex Trotter

To All Intellectual And Manual Workers — International Revolutionary Syndicalist Federation, Voline, Jean Sauliere

Tribunals and Political Objectors — Albert Meltzer, Albert Meltzer and Vernon Richards, Vernon Richards

War & Civil Rights — Chris Hobson

World Peace Meeting — Laurance Labadie


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