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Topic: Domestication

A social history of the internet — Humanaesfera

Against the Gendered Nightmare — Baedan

An Obituary for Identity Politics — Flower Bomb

The Anti-Chamber — Baedan

Anti-Gender Monstrocity — Rebellious, I

Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack — Flower Bomb

baedan — Baedan

Comments on John Zerzan’s Critique of Agriculture — Bob Brubaker

In Defense of Cannibalism — Ausonia Calabrese, Ausonia Calabrese T F G

Domestication — Peter Lamborn Wilson, Hakim Bey

The Domestication of Animals… and of Man — Crimeth Inc

Education as the Domestication of Inner Space — Layla Abdel Rahim

Excerpts in Unordered Time from a Healing Female Line — Fin

Fucked Off Not Fucked Up — V Q

L'Amour Civilisé — Anonymous

Lessons from the Fall of Rome — Anonymous

Max & I — (I)An Ok Ta Chai, An Ok Ta Chai

Nature is the marvellous that the surrealist seeks — Seaweed

On Radical Moralism and Wildness — Anonymous

Reclus — Fire

Taking Children Seriously (TCS) and Anarchy — (I)An Ok

The Sexual Domestication of the Four-Brained Biped — Robert Anton Wilson

The Suffocating Void — Kevin Tucker

The Wind Roars Ferociously — Four Legged Human

The “Wild” as Will & Representation — M, M

Thoughts on Wildness and Domestication — Renzo Connors

Youth Liberation — (I)An Ok Ta Chai


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-- Page fetched on Sat Sep 21 00:18:26 2024