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"Free" Software

Stallman's Plaint, paraphrased.

The world is evolving away from Richard Stallman. He is a stallwart of the free as in ...

     Well, beer was never free. And speech is no longer free in the "public square" sense with all the censoring and shaming. And I find all that a metaphor for his frustrations. He is sad and angry that the Liberal[1] notions of "Freedom" have been eroded. One COULD say "destroyed" but that's a little too far.

     He continues to dream of a world where everything is unencumbered by artificial/legal limitations on the use, distribution, or modification of software. Where the processes and platforms are all just as open and "Free" as the GPL software and Gnu practices he has championed for years. And this puts him squarely in the honorable school of Liberal Idealists.

      Richard is neither wrong nor right. The reality is that "the money"hasn't stepped up to fund moving in that direction. Debian tried but with flaws that trouble Stallman and his friends in these matters. One suspects that Enterprise adoption of Gnu/Linux was (is) largely based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux's promises of support (and their willingness to take money to prove their commitment)[2]. And that brought funding from the beneficiaries. Funding both to Red Hat in the form of sponsored contributors but to Gnu in (continuing) sponsorships.

     IBM is in early stages of their IT identity transformation based on Red Hat. Canonical and its Ubuntu are more aggressively working to eat into the Windows/MacOS market. Package management is too complex. It costs too much to both developers and end-users. I/we have no dog in that hunt but we pay a heavy price.

     The /. article touched a nerve

     • • •

[1] "Liberal" as in political philosophy. Not as in political name-calling.

[2] We find that Firms, Agencies, and Institutions, being essentially greedy, don't trust free. A price tag that is not too high but high enough that some internal ritual is required for approval is very reassuring apparently.

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