-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to idiomdrottning.org:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini; lang=en


Impermanent echoes, sketches, and scratches for various Idiomdrottning components and libraries can be found here.

2024-05-02 21:07

Sit down, you’re rocking the boat:

Sci-Hub | Tapering of SSRI treatment to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. The Lancet Psychiatry | 10.1016/s2215-0366(19)30032-x

2024-05-01 08:31

I’m usually not a fan of The Chicago Manual of Style (I have my own style) but when it comes to interval dashes, our recommendations happen to overlap for once.

2024-04-30 08:35

One drawback of POSSE is that you’re bolstering the value of the silos. Instagram grows more powerful with your pictures on it and GitHub thrives on your repos.

POSSE - IndieWeb

2024-04-27 08:07

OK, det verkar vara fixat från och med 3.8. Gillar den här lösningen:

How do I use a C-style for loop in Python? - Stack Overflow

Alla andra lösningar på den där sidan är dåliga.

2024-04-27 07:58


How do I use a C-style for loop in Python? - Stack Overflow

Svenska: “Vi har världens dåligaste språk.”

Python: “Håll min öl.”

2024-04-27 06:27

Expo magazine finally created an RSS-feed for their news articles (complete with a rel alternate from their news category sub page) but then they’re throwing “Client error: 401 Unauthorized” errors when trying to access it 🤦🏻‍♀️

2024-04-26 19:41

Delay delay delay 🤦🏻‍♀️

Trump v. United States (2024) - Wikipedia

2024-04-26 08:36

Maybe the GQP majority on the SCOTUS shouldn’t introduce presidential immunity while the dems hold the executive office. They’d be legalizing their own assassination.

2024-04-25 07:57

A Swedish company is working on a solution to decrease the immediate methane emissions from bovines.

That’s a li’l bit pound-foolish since it doesn’t address how inefficient meat is, using many more times the resources for the same calories.

2024-04-24 07:02

Oh, there’s a source repo, awesome! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Oh. They use CMake. 🤦🏻‍♀️ This is gonna be a long day.

2024-04-24 06:57

“We found a more precise version of your address, use instead?”

Proceeds to show lines mangled and out order and partially concatenated, all letters upcased…

2024-04-23 20:42

Swedish dept of finance proposes lowering the flight tax. What in the heck!? Can’t the bean counters count some actual green beans and just not moolah? Economy should take the entire ecology into account and not just pretend that externalities don’t exist.

2024-04-20 07:05

Men varför är det en sån kapplöpning mot botten mellan rassehögern och rassevänstern?

“Vi måste ta debatten” (genom att göra oss lika dåliga och avhumaniserande 🤦🏻‍♀️)

> Socialdemokraterna vill satsa 700 miljoner kronor på att punktmarkera ungdomar på väg in i kriminalitet.


> Pengarna ska användas antingen till att en ungdom får en följeslagare dygnet runt eller till elektronisk övervakning med fotboja.

Dom menar alltså folk som inte är dömda för brott. Verkar det som iaf:

2024-04-19-s-fotboja-och-punktmarkering-av-ungdomar-i-riskzonen-for-gangkriminalitet at Socialdemokraterna

Det här är ju dubbel-plus-obra, 2+2=5, frihet är slaveri, jag orkar inte.

Dom vill förråa samhället och trissa upp utanförskapet och segregationen.

> —Sverige har blivit farligare och vi måste göra saker vi aldrig gjort tidigare, säger partiets ekonomiskpolitiske talesperson Mikael Damberg.

Botemedlet mot fara är inte att själv göra sig till den farliga.

2024-04-19 09:46

Torn between doing free labor for proprietary hellsites like BGG and Genius vs letting a bunch of fake junk info remain on those sites. Starting to wake up to the possibility of doing the latter. Of letting go a bit. xkcd://386. I wanna reclaim my time a li’l bit.

Duty Calls

2024-04-15 20:57

This bitlbee setting is such a match made in heaven for rcirc’s various ways to send multiple lines at once:

SendNewlines - BitlBee Wiki

2024-04-15 20:07

Tomb of Annihilation was exactly 100 sessions. The various campaigns before it (Lost Mine was 12, The Lost City was 24, then Princes I’m not sure but maybe six or so, and I don’t know about our Glitchworld homebrew either, maybe that was also 24 ish? And something similar for CoS? Then for the Corsair Council campaign, I dunno... over a dozen maybe? Or if you count the alternate ruleset sessions (we ran side stories using Microscope, DitV, and Cthulhu Dark) then probably around 20 total. And then ToA started.) So roughly 500 total is my super rough guess?! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I could maybe try to sift through our old calendar files for a closer estimate.

2024-04-15 20:03

Some of y’all know this but we restarted the campaign numbering when we went back to the rule that new characters start at level one. During Curse of Strahd, we were using milestone XP (that sucked 🤦🏻‍♀️) and during Tomb of Annihilation we used the rules that replacement characters start at the party level. In #boatmode the rule is that replacement characters come in as level one characters.

2024-04-15 19:13

Tonight was session 300 since we moved the campaign to the new leveling system and to the Pearl Cities / Crowded Sea region. #boatmode

110 since coming to Arden Vul.

2024-04-14 20:43

People who have a hard time getting dressed in the morning or who sometimes forgot to brush your teeth, do not fret and do not feel bad because that’s apparently the morning routine of some productivity bloggers:

How I Simplified My Morning Routine for Better Results - Chase Jarvis Photography

No shoes, no clothes, no toothbrush, no hairbrush, no towel, no making the bed, no nothing. Just clean simple living.

2024-04-14 16:36

Troupe play is so wild! 🤯

In #boatmode the biggest threat to the player characters in Arden Vul is… their own alternate party! You can definitively tell that they’ve played Microscope and Hillfolk and Fiasco a couple of times.

2024-04-14 10:46

Found by an autofuzzer according to the best guesses of peeps on irc://irc.oftc.net/debian 🤷🏻‍♀️

2024-04-14 09:50

Li’l known fact: you don’t have to JOESKY tax if you’ve drank beer or otherwise can’t be arsed! As per last paragraph here:

HOUSE RULE FOR OSR AND NOT-OSR GAMES + PEOPLE (BLOGS | Joeskythedungeonbrawler’s Blog

So fight on, keyboard warriors!

2024-04-14 09:14

Something weird just happened with my Emacs after restarting it today.

I got Symbol’s function definition is void: s-concat when calling a function I’ve made, but then when I ran that function again, it worked that time. So s.el musta gotten loaded in between. I called describe-function on s-concat, but I’m not sure that made the difference. Autoloading flakiness I guess.

2024-04-14 06:28

Wayland not super ready for remote yet, according to:

what_ever_happened_to_krdp_the_waylandcompatible at Reddit

2024-04-14 06:23

A hundred and eighty bugs in one DSA?

[[SECURITY] [DSA 5658-1] linux security update](https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2024/msg00066.html)

What happened?

2024-04-13 19:40

Great essay on The Question:

“The Question” of Revision; Or the Difficult Case of Renee Montoya | The Middle Spaces

Here is current canon:

Renee Montoya (Prime Earth) | DC Database | Fandom

2024-04-13 19:12

Admirable restraint:

Bob the Angry Flower - Disputed Territories

2024-04-13 18:36

Someone made an auto-lifepath creator off the tables in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything:

Xanathar’s Backstory Generator - Chartopia

Fun fun fun♥︎

2024-04-13 17:02

Fick lära mig när jag var liten att “röka som en borstbindare” är fel, det är skorstenar som röker medan borstbindare svär (för dom sticker sig på halmen). Men tydligen är “supa som en borstbindare” ett mycket mycket äldre uttryck—på tyska!

2024-04-13 16:30

I didn’t know that Tabitha King contributed to The Sudbury Devil:

366 UNDERGROUND: THE SUDBURY DEVIL (2023) | 366 Weird Movies

Awesome movie.

2024-04-13 10:23

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for me to hate Discord more than I already did, so this changes nothing:

Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers - The Verge

My hatred levels for them were already satiated at the fierce fires of 10⁶⁵³⁵⁵ burning suns.

2024-04-12 19:42

I was talking to a friend and a couple of times I’ve brought up that Trump is in the lead and that I’m a li’l worried about that.

President: general election Polls | FiveThirtyEight

And everytime he goes into denial mode, “enh that’s not what I saw lately”. I’ve never understood the mindset of trying to read polls wishful-thinkingly. Like the GOP did with Romney in 2021, refusing to believe that he was behind.

I’m a born pessimist so I can’t get behind this mindset but won’t it breed complacency?

2024-04-12 16:44

I’m more provoked by bull and bad faith behavior in Swedish language than in English, I’m realizing. I get more angry when people are behaving badly in Swedish. It hits closer to home. One more reason to stay off the svolternet.

2024-04-12 12:42

Does anyone of y’all have Kevorkian’s PMID 3277000?

2024-04-12 10:23

“Men vad kan väl vi här i lilla Sverige göra?” är lite snett tänkt.

Vi behöver ta vårt ansvar precis som alla andra på jorden. Vi ligger efter mot vad vi behöver göra:

ny-analys-sverige-bommar-alla-klimatmal at Www

2024-04-12 10:05

On an overcast day in hell you and I had been resting on the shores of the Lḗthē. Suddenly you scooped up a handful of its water and offered me a drink of oblivion, a cup of kindness. You saw me hesitate and wondered what I had to hold on to. I was just surprised, that’s all. Don’t worry. Thank you, let me rinse away the bitterness. One more stamp in my Samsara merry-go-round ticket. Enlightenment and hard-earned–lessons all over again.

2024-04-11 20:00

> HTML5 tries to accomplish commendable goals and one could use it to create a rather minimal web pages. How? Go back to roots: write it in a way it can be understood by a human being, properly mark the content within it, and keep the hierarchy shallow.

Yes, that’s great. That’s the way to think.

> However, adding one more layer of syntax on top won’t solve the issue at all. Believe it or not, it will only make it worse.

I disagree here. Once you’ve handwritten enough HTML, and believe me, I have for a lifetime in my day, having a li’l helper to cross those t’s and dot those i’s is pretty dang welcome.

Back in the nineties, after having written less than slash p greater than for the thousandth time, and with Ward’s wiki still being a few years out in the future, I even used a filter to convert RTF to HTML. That’s how sick I was of open angle bracket slash i close angle bracket. (Only for the body part of my own handwritten templates. I was never onboard with the gross muck of Dreamweaver and its ilk, never used that, always hated that. Always look at the HTML. A computer should not make managerial decisions.)

In the end I can get behind hating HTML. Use gemtext. Gemtext is great. Gemtext is robust. Gemtext is truth. And I generate mine from Markdown.

2024-04-11 19:50

I disagree with this:

Markdown Is Bad for You

I use Markdown as a tool to help me write HTML. I use it as a way to not have to write every <p> and every <br/>. I use it along keyboard shortcuts and other preprocessors and filters. It’s a big beautiful shortcut.

> It really shines as a syntax to describe comments, short plain-text documents or messages like e-mails

That’s when it is at its weakest because of the em/i/cite issue. It’s good for blog posts when I can freely mix in HTML. I don’t use a lot of extensions. I don’t even use the three backticks fence, I use four spaces. I prefer reference links. I use a pretty old-school, traditional Markdown. I don’t see it as a format. I see it as a way to generate HTML.

2024-04-11 11:32

I sent a patch today to a project that ran my code through a TypeScript linter. I agreed with some of the linebreak and indentation choices (+ I had also majorly borked up something unrelated to indentation but that the linter caught, so that’s good) but I don’t like that it added unnecessary parens. It wanted to turn

foo && bar || baz


(foo && bar) || baz

Promoters of infix languages that then can’t deal with infix’ own orders of operations. I’m so spoiled over in Prefix Sexp Land that everytime I take a visit to Infix City I get clobbered by the gratuitious parens their linters wanna slather all over my elegant li’l typewriter gothic.

If something in the deli aisle makes you cry, of course I’ll put my arms around you and walk you outside. Why would I mind?

But I then never ever again wanna hear someone promote infix over prefix and say that infix is better or more intuitive or whatever. That right has been permanently wavered by the application of these grubby linters.

2024-04-11 08:07

Added ewhen, eor and eand to brev. They are anaphoric versions of when, or and and that treats empty things as falsy. Not always what you want but sometimes pretty dang nice. We already had eif and econd.

(eand -1 (add1 it)) ;; #f since it treats zero as falsy
(eor 0 (add1 it)) ;; 1

From brev-separate version 1.96.

2024-04-10 21:59

That said, this is an easy way that works 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes keep it simple keeps it simple

2024-04-10 21:29

Watching boosted videos from PeerTube isn’t the best from a bandwidth sharing perspective since that’s just a hotlinked mp4. Instead going to their site and using the web interface is a WebTorrent system that shares the load and you can also find .torrent files in the JSON metadata of each video.

2024-04-10 09:46

Bra av Alonzo:

en-fascist-lajvande-opposition-gynnar-ingen at Www

Tyckte sossarna började med det här långt innan valet. Deras gullande med Paludan var vidrigt att se.

2024-04-10 09:37

What a great game:


I only got 44%, I’m pretty out of tune with the pulse of the canaille I guess.

I think Dan’s take is spot on:

Why it’s impossible to agree on what’s allowed

2024-04-10 09:33

Not so sure about this anymore:

How I significantly improved my sleep schedule - Issa Rice

I’ve been a pretty extreme user of redshift for the past fifteen years and lately I’ve been developing a li’l bit of aqcuired tritanomaly later in life. We were playing 1889 and I could not tell apart the blue and green action trains.

2024-04-10 09:18

Great thoughts on how autoconf is vulnerable:

autoconf makes me think we stopped evolving too soon

One reason the autotools are still around is how horrible many of the alternatives are. Like CMake. So awful. Or hecking Cargo.🤬 Autotools does something that apparently is not very easy to do.

2024-04-09 08:02

A house rule we don’t use anymore since the players always hated it so it was my Christmas present to them one time to remove it and I ask them about it every now and then and they’re like “yes! It’s great that you removed it!!” but I loved it, it was this:

If they asked for silver but you wanna pay with gold, each gold coin is worth eight silver.

If they asked for gold but you wanna pay with silver, twelve silver is worth one gold.

This made both coin types more valuable since having the right type for the right situation would be a more efficient way to pay. It also really fit the flavor of the different currencies in use in the region, that gold really is another kind of money and not just a shiny tenner.

If the book or module said a hemp rope costs 1 gp, I’d have them ask for 10 silver. So on that end the 1:10 ratio still existed. Some OSR books in the wake of Delta and LotFP ask would say “1 sp” there; that would mean 10 silver in our game world, basing our prices and economy roughly on the Cairo edition of The Thousand and One Nights, and 2e’s “50 coins is one pound” rule. A “silver standard” in the sense that people usually deal with silver and gold is something really special, but not in the sense of slashing all values by ten.

2024-04-09 07:01

Whenever I smell asphalt I think of Maureen.

The road to hell is paved with asphalt | devonzuegel.com

2024-04-08 19:02

Session 298 of #boatmode devolved into a hidden movement game with the players writing down their characters’ movement room to room so my NPCs couldn’t know where they went

2024-04-08 09:48

The watch -g option doesn’t seem to be very reliable? As part of trying gradually to get back to a li’l healthier relationship w the internet, I set up a shell script to notify me, but it hasn’t been working very well. I swapped out watch -g with my own reimplementation and it has been much more solid. Not sure what’s going on there.

2024-04-08 08:59

I don’t know how to influence “browser defaults” for super old sites that don’t have any CSS, like how the “default” link colors are blue and purple and how the “default” background has gone from gray to white, but I have a proposal for a new change:

A max-width for body text.

I have to use reader mode (or narrow the browser window) on super old, unstyled web pages and there’s something that feels kinda ironic about that.

2024-04-07 14:54

Someone’s practical guide to combining eurorack with traditional rack mounting:

Fitting eurorack modules in a 19“ rackmount audio case. - MOD WIGGLER

Just reading about it for curiosity’s sake, I don’t have this kinda hardware.

2024-04-06 18:38

A few years back I ran some sorta “TLDR to man” script I made and generated a bunch of man pages from the TLDR project but I pretty much always need to go look at the real one after trying my luck at the short one. I don’t meant to slag ‘em because I know there’s a lot of work behind that project. It’s just sad that it usually ends up a detour for me most of the time.

2024-04-06 18:19

Duh! I was struggling with git send-email being like “Hey baby you’ve got some 8-bit characters in your patch, what coding system do you want for them? UTF-8 is cool, right?” and I was like “Now hold on mister! Whaddaya mean 8-bit characters? I’ve kept it 7-bit poppin’ over here!” and I went cuckoo trying to sort it out, thinking I’ve had an Emacs mistyping in the commit message with some invisible character like a stray ZWJ or something, finally running the buffer through iconv -c -t ASCII with mediocre success.

Turns out the patch itself, the code, is what had the 8-bit char because the code touched printing of some glyphs.🤦🏻‍♀️

I had to come crawling, saying “Yes, git. UTF-8 will be fine. Sorry for doubting you and Emacs.”

2024-04-06 17:36

In my campaign gnomes are SUPER TINY so our party’s gnome is 7 inches tall! She’s a real scrapper! She used to be a black mamba but she’s had an awakening spell and a reincarnation spell. She’s al-Toril’s tiniest kahin now!

2024-04-06 17:25

D&D got pretty intense and confusing! Into it!

I tried two things differently.

Number one is that I can’t have the video app open at the same time as the PDF app. So they can’t see me nor can I see them. But today I tried really hard to switch back to the video app as often as I could! Since my memory is /dev/null, that meant making notes of some of the baboons’ stats. (They were fighting large baboons.)

Number two is something that the DMG tells you to do (p247) but which is usually too much of a chore to do. It’s to give each monster a trait, like “the one with a helmet”, “the one with a scar” and so on. That’s difficulter than it sounds for pretty small rewards (we’ve been getting by just fine for ten years with just “the one that’s fighting Nanna”, “the one over by Nechta” and so on) but those rewards, though small, are non-zero and since I wanted to give 110% today, I tried it. It’s difficult but the difficulty is up front and then the payoff of doing that lasts throughout the entire fight.

Fun fun fun.♥︎

Also the session today was #blorb at its finest and most distilled:

I’ve got the rooms, I’ve got the features, I’ve got the monsters, I’ve got the traps, what do you do? And what ensues are totally fair shenigans like “OK we’re stuck down here and we don’t have a rope but if we polymorph the elf rogue into a giant hornet (other “giant fliers” are too big to fit the passage) she can carry the gnome and they can go to the Horus Head barbershop and buy ropes.” Two explorations turns later: “Whoops we can’t unpolymorph ourselves and the bard is 200 feet under the ground and don’t know whether we’ve landed and we didn’t come up with a plan. So we’re hiding on the ground until the polymorph runs out.” One hour later: “Whoops we have no money and there are only three ropes for sale here. Let’s head down to Gosterwick, maybe we can sell this figurine down there.” Two hours later: “Whoops we wore out our shoes and we are getting attacked by boars!” And so on. Love it.

One Hour Later... | SpongeBob Time Card #122 - YouTube

Less intricate method of purchases and acquisitions

2024-04-06 09:42

GQP coming for our cigarettes and potato chips?

Birth Control Pill Causes Abortions? | Snopes.com

2024-04-06 08:52

Einstein making a pretty banger case for socialism:

Did Einstein Warn a Time Will Come When the Rich Control Means of Communication? | Snopes.com

For me it’s becoming a wider question than just means-of-production. Production affects both sides of the transaction. If the people are being beaten by a stick, they aren’t much happier if the guy wielding the stick owns it.

(That’s quickly becoming my favorite snowclone. Thanks, Bakunin!)



2024-04-05 07:09

I block ads usually so seeing some of the ads (in the context of this Daily Show monologue) was shocking. 😭

Charlamagne Tha God Has An Issue With DEI | The Daily Show - YouTube

Not on board with all the implications (“DEI programs are bad”??) but definitively with the main one (“Corporate America is bad”!!).

2024-04-04 21:23

I got the pro tip to catch up on Culpin’s earlier “Crazy for You” first but that’s not been printed in Swedish, French, or English. Reading the digital version now.

2024-04-04 20:27

Hey there are new Kimi Ni Todoke* volumes coming in English! “Kimi Ni Todoke Soulmate” is the subtitle for the new numbers (and they start over with a new numbering). Kimi Ni Todoke is only one of the best comics of all time. Although there have been so many ripoffs and inspired-by that maybe it doesn’t hold up? I haven’t reread it even though like a third of my book collection consists of the thirty Kimi Ni Todoke tanks (and I’m never getting rid of them!).

Six years ago when v30 just came out I had heard there were some sorta “sequel chapters” and I wrote Viz** to ask them to please publish that and they say maybe and now I dug out that old email thread to write thank you thank you thank you to them!

*: I kinda wish it had an English title? Some call it “From me to you”.

**: The book publisher, no relation to the UK gross-out magazine.

2024-04-04 19:40

My belief is that the only way this Strange Stars campaign is gonna work is if I leverage the SWN toolbox fully. Fully lean into the fact that the game is a SWN game, just in a different setting.

2024-04-04 19:37

Rolling up some NPCs with “W5 Persons of Interest” and the second I started rolling up I kept making the exact same rolls as the first one. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Blursed dice. Taking a break now. Prep is going slow on this thing since I don’t know the #StrangeStars setting as well as I know Zakhara and the Crowded Sea. But I did shake loose some blocks I was having. Fun fun fun.♥︎

Also I was working off the PDFs and switching between them was fiddly; I have the books but I was just too laz to go get them off the shelf and go set up lamps and stuff.

2024-04-04 07:24

m455 linked to these flags for GCC to perhaps consider sometimes:

Getting the maximum of your C compiler, for security | Security-related flags and options for C compilers

2024-04-03 20:11

Bakuman is such a weird comic in the sense that the main character doesn’t show up until the fourth tank. Mr Hiramaru, mr Kazuya Hiramaru.

Therr are a couple of other comics like that, like Blondie or Archie. Veronica is my fave there and she didn’t show up until years in. And Nancy is another example as is Popeye, and the uncanny X-Men. Ah, well, there is a bunch. Didn’t mean to get sidetracked from the legendary hero Hiramaru.

2024-04-02 07:26

Just one day after reading the last KoDT bundle there’s a new one up. Pretty good timing! I was pretty sad after having caught up. I even resorted to re-reading Bakuman.

2024-04-02 07:01

Not happy with issue trackers that has a ton of required boilerplate just to suggest an issue. Users (“lusers”) who are reporting bugs are helping the project and if it’s easy for them to contribute, more bugs will be found.

Non-mandatory boilerplate prompts (“here’s where you can find the version number”, “here’s where you can find logs”) are great but it should be possible to bypass since it’s stuff that’s not always relevant, like a user finding a bug can’t submit the admin’s logs for example.

I’ve said it before but probably the biggest culture shock when working in the corporate world was that they pay for testers and UI designers while when users give such suggestions for free in the FOSS world, they get kicked in the head.

The flipside to that is when the users are coming across as entitled, that’s not right either. Users, you’re not a paying customer or employee.

2024-04-01 16:38

“x25519 is quantum resistant” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Tuta Mail Adds Quantum Resistant Encryption via TutaCrypt | RestorePrivacy

Quit it with the April fool’s jokes already!

2024-04-01 13:31

Darren writes:

> But for the past 10-20 years there is a separate trend in industry where you just code “glue” between components in some package repo like npm for JavaScript; pip for Python, etc.

I don’t think that’s a negative. Code reuse is awesome. That was the dream behind the entire misguided and dumb “object oriented” era and is finally getting realized now that there are some more thought-through APIs.

And if there’s an exploit in one library, it can sometimes be patched in way that everyone can benefit from the fix. Whereas if there’s an exploit in one NIH pattern, each specific instance needs to be found and fixed. Like there was in the buffer overflow era, which took more than a decade to clean up, or to a lesser extent SQL injections or XSS.

We’ve seen a few supply chain exploits that have become legendary: heartbleed, log4j, colors.js, and liblzma. But there are so many issues that don’t become legendary, that don’t even happen because code reuse and dynamic linking helps against them.

This is like that image of “the planes that return damaged are all shot up in wings and body. None of the planes that returned have any bullet holes in the engines”. With these dependency issues, we’re seeing planes returning with holes in the wings. That’s a good thing. The plane returned. Let’s keep it that way.

And, it’s also a sign that the Debian method with a separate stable repo is an awesome thing of wonder.

2024-04-01 07:46

Sending an April Fool’s WALLOPS is messed up. 🤬

2024-03-31 18:23

With Inkscape, can’t I remap the Backspace/​Escape/​Return trio for the pen tool? Undo node, eject figure, commit figure? It’s hard to do those things from just the toolbar icons and when drawing lots of pen figures, I find myself reaching for those three things all the time but how can I remap them?

2024-03-31 12:12

I have a global key command to turn on markdown-mode but sometimes it borks with my IRC buffers and shell buffers and I’m always complaining that Emacs and other apps should be more clumsiness-resistant since I hit wrong keys 10000 times per day so I just changed it to:

(defun markdown-mode-safely ()
  (or (process-live-p (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))

2024-03-31 07:08

This is wrong:

> Using systemd on publicly accessible ssh: update RIGHT NOW NOW NOW

> Otherwise: update RIGHT NOW NOW but prioritize the former

No, the exploit doesn’t rely on systemd being run or even installed. If you have the poisoned version, update right away please. The infected version is infected even without systemd (just as long as it’s run as other than arg0, which is the case with many init systems.). Now, it is because of systemd that Debian and Red Hat shipped a version of sshd that was dynamically linked to liblzma. So that’s the connection to systemd. But it’s “SSH linked to liblzma” that’s exploited, not “SSH inited by systemd”.

2024-03-30 07:18

Love Critical Role poking fun of how difficult their own campaign 3 is to understand with a li’l spelling bee:

Critical Role Spelling Bee - YouTube

Fun fun fun♥︎

2024-03-30 06:32

And the rubber necks all came out to know-it-all:

VSm83 at Archive

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