-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to her.st:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

her.st hosting

Everything is fully KVM virtualized.

This hosting service is run as a hobby not as a business

There's no Uptime guarantee or SLA

Please take the pricing table below as a general frame of reference and tell me exactly what you actually need so we don't waste resources for no reason.

Total downtime since 01/01/2019: **05h21m47sec** (>99.9% Uptime)

Last downtimes

11/05/2020: Nameserver - **0h09m43sec** - Maintenance work, *.her.st domains didn't resolve during that time, everything else was fine

01/07/2020: EVERYTHING - **5h12m04sec** - Power surge, entire Rack in the DC went offline, our PSU didn't survive and got replaced.

>Additional downtimes not explicitly stated / not included in the total downtime:

>Two quarterly node reboots for updates, taking less than 3 minutes each.

How do I order?!

message me on XMPP



Terms of Service

You agree that you will not run things like:

Tor Exit nodes or Relays (we already run one on this server)

Torrent (Germany is actively Monitoring)

or do things like:

Attacking systems (Flooding, Mass-Scanning, Spamming, ...)

View/Hit Botting

and not serve things like:

Movies, Music, Series, Games,... for which you don't hold the copyright


If I start getting complaint letters about something severe, I'll terminate your machine.

I respect your freedom and privacy but I am not your legal shield


Write Comment

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Mon Jun 17 18:12:44 2024