-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gnebbia.net:1965...

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gnebbia's personal capsule







(define me
   :name        (or 'gnc
   :e-mail      (base64-decode #"bmViYmlvbmVnaXVzZXBwZUBnbWFpbC5jb20K")
   :location    'Sweden
   :designation 'Researcher
   :interests   '(computer-science

I am a computer systems security researcher currently at KTH, Stockholm,

my name is Giuseppe, but online for reasons of brevity you can

find me on IRC and other services under the short names of gnebbia or gnc.

My research interests are mainly in the fields of Computer Systems

Security and Machine Learning.

In this personal capsule, you can find personal notes and some of the

projects I am involved in.

If you are interested in my academic research, you can find my scholar

page here:

scholar profile

To find out more about what I am working on in my free time you can

check out my github account at the following link:

github account

I hope these resources may be helpful to you.

I currently work at the Division of Network and Systems Engineering at

KTH in Stockholm (Sweden).

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Sun Apr 28 14:28:27 2024