-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gmi.osiux.com:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini;lang=es_AR

Graficar desde consola

AUTHOR: Osiris Alejandro Gómez

EMAIL: osiux@osiux.com

DATE: 2014-03-11 10:35


Páginas más solicitadas

ssh osiux 'cat osiux.com-access.log | grep -Eo "GET /.*HTTP" | sed s/HTTP//g | cut -c 5- | egrep -v "(img|tmb|css|robots|ico)" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head' | barra

 60.18 %  60.18 %       461 ██████████████████████████████ /
 75.98 %  15.80 %       121 ████████ /feed
 79.77 %   3.79 %        29 ██ /2014-03-14-saso-conf-curuzu-cuatia.html
 83.03 %   3.26 %        25 █ /index.html
 86.16 %   3.13 %        24 █ /painless-backups-using-rdiff-backup
 89.16 %   3.00 %        23 █ /visualizando-org-mode-con-gnuplot.html
 92.04 %   2.87 %        22 █ /docs.html
 94.78 %   2.74 %        21 █ /que-no-se-entere-nadie.html
 97.39 %   2.61 %        20 █ /todo-txt-rst+org-mode.html
100.00 %   2.61 %        20 █ /blog.html

Códigos de error HTTP

ssh osiux 'cat osiux.com-access.log | egrep -o " [0-9]{3} "' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | barra


 66.78 %  66.78 %      3225 █████████████████████████████████ 200
 86.75 %  19.96 %       964 ██████████ 404
 99.34 %  12.59 %       608 ██████ 304
 99.98 %   0.64 %        31 ▌ 206
100.00 %   0.02 %         1 ▌ 400

Análisis de `user-agent`

ssh osiux 'cat osiux.com-access.log | cut -d\" -f6 | cut -d" " -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr' | head -20 | barra

 86.82 %  86.82 %      4188 ███████████████████████████████████████████ Mozilla/5.0
 90.84 %   4.02 %       194 ██ Mozilla/4.0
 93.06 %   2.22 %       107 █ msnbot-media/1.1
 95.02 %   1.97 %        95 █ Googlebot-Image/1.0
 96.64 %   1.62 %        78 █ Opera/9.80
 97.53 %   0.89 %        43 ▌ Claws
 97.97 %   0.44 %        21 ▌ SAMSUNG-SGH-E250/1.0
 98.38 %   0.41 %        20 ▌ DoCoMo/2.0
 98.63 %   0.25 %        12 ▌ Sogou
 98.86 %   0.23 %        11 ▌ www.adressendeutschland.de
 99.07 %   0.21 %        10 ▌ Feedly/1.0
 99.25 %   0.19 %         9 ▌ -
 99.42 %   0.17 %         8 ▌ Python-urllib/2.6
 99.59 %   0.17 %         8 ▌ Googlebot/2.1
 99.67 %   0.08 %         4 ▌ WebIndex
 99.75 %   0.08 %         4 ▌ Google-HTTP-Java-Client/1.17.0-rc
 99.83 %   0.08 %         4 ▌ facebookexternalhit/1.0
 99.90 %   0.06 %         3 ▌ facebookexternalhit/1.1
 99.96 %   0.06 %         3 ▌ curl/7.21.0
100.00 %   0.04 %         2 ▌ W3C_Validator/1.3


diagram {
 default_node_color = 'black';
 default_linecolor = '#cfff00';
 default_textcolor = '#cfff00';
 default_fontsize = 14;
 span_width = 100;
 span_height = 60;
 node_height = 40;
 node_width = 130;

 inet [shape = cloud];
 inet -- osiux;

 network BuenosAiresLibre {
     address = "10.4.14.x/224"
     osiux [address = ""]
     aleosi [address = ""]
     eosial [address = ""]
     osiale [address = ""]
     ovislink [address = ""]
 network CompartirEsBueno-IPv6 {
     address = "2a00:1508:1:f00f::1/64"
     aleosi [address = "::1"]
     caipiroska [address = ":a9f9:af72:93a2:c94c"]
     leosia [address = ":6670:2ff:fe3d:9173"]
 network CompartirEsBueno-IPv4 {
     address = "10.254.x.x/16"
     aleosi [address = ""]
     caipiroska [address = ""]
     eosial [address = ""]
     leosia [address = ""]
     sialeo [address = ""]
 network linklocal-wan {
     address = "fe80::"
     aleosi [address = "::a2f3:c1ff:fe9d:2579"]
     eosial [address = "::fad1:11ff:fe7a:61b3"]
 network linklocal-wlan {
     address = "fe80::"
     caipiroska [address = "::1e4b:d6ff:fed2:f99"]
     aleosi [address = "::a0f3:c1ff:fe9d:257a"]
     eosial [address = "::f8d1:11ff:fe7a:61b4"]
     leosia [address = "::6470:2ff:fe3d:9175"]
     sialeo [address = "::90f6:52ff:fe6a:7dee"]
 network librenet6 {
     address = "fe80::"
     aleosi [address = "::c8e1:c2ff:fe9c:cfe4"]
 network librevpn {
     address = "192.168.9.x/24"
     caipiroska [address = ""]
 network linklocal-lan {
     address = "fe80::"
     aleosi [address = "::a2f3:c1ff:fe9d:2577"]
     eosial [address = "::fad1:11ff:fe7a:61b1"]
     leosia [address = "::68d3:ecff:fefb:d060"]
     osiale [address = "::214:85ff:fe3c:5a9f"]
     sialeo [address = "::92f6:52ff:fe6a:7dec"]




+------------------------+   +------------+
| gcoop_salesopportunity |   | campaigns  |
+------------------------+   +------------+
| campaign_id            |-->| id         |--+
| id                     |   +------------+  |
+------------------------+                   |
           +------------------------+        |
           | securitygroups_records |        |
           +------------------------+        |
           | record_id              |<-------+
       +-->| securitygroup_id       |
       |   +------------------------+
       |   +----------------+
       |   | securitygroups |
       |   +----------------+
       |   | name           |
       +---| id             |





digraph dot {
   node [fontname=monospace,fontsize=8];
   nodo1 -> nodo2;
   nodo2 -> nodo3;
   nodo2 -> nodo4;
   nodo1 -> nodo5;
   nodo5 -> nodo6;
   nodo5 -> nodo7;
   nodo1 -> nodo8;



graph dot {
   node [fontname=monospace,fontsize=8];
   nodo1 -- nodo2;
   nodo2 -- nodo3;
   nodo2 -- nodo4;
   nodo1 -- nodo5;
   nodo5 -- nodo6;
   nodo5 -- nodo7;
   nodo1 -- nodo8;





org-clock 2014-02-04 | org-timeline


13:    14:    15:    16:    17:    18:
  ┊      ┊      ┊      ┊      ┊      ┊
  ┊□□□□□□┊□□▣▣▣▣┊□□□□□□┊□▨▣▣▣▣┊□□□□□□┊        gca ===============>  133
  ┊□□□□▣▣┊□□□□□□┊□□□□□□┊□□□□□□┊□□□□□□┊   almuerzo ===============>   38
  ┊      ┊      ┊      ┊      ┊      ┊      TOTAL ===============>  171


Diagramas de Clase

campaign "1" *-- "many" calls
    campaign <|-- campaigns

class campaign {

class calls {

class campaigns {


Diagramas de Secuencia

skinparam sequenceParticipantFontName Monospaced
skinparam sequenceParticipantBorderColor black
skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderColor black
skinparam sequenceArrowFontName Monospaced
skinparam sequenceArrowColor blue

participant "firefox\n1.2.3.4:4321" as firefox #orange
participant "proxy\n2.2.2.2" as proxy #green
participant "DNS\n8.8.8.8:53" as DNS #yellow
participant "google.com\n6.6.6.6:80" as google #red
hide footbox
autonumber "<b>[0]"

firefox -> DNS: cuál es la IP de <b>google.com</b>
DNS -> DNS: log
DNS --> firefox: es la IP <b></b>
firefox -> google: mi IP es <b></b> + UserAgent + GET /
google -> google: log
google --> firefox: HTML



desde un archivo de datos

head ~/data/bcc/gca/asterisk/asterisk1-bean-query-20.dat

 1  1.4569969177246 11.918306112289
 2  1.2775399684906 3.2772920131683
 3  1.1570041179657 2.124370098114
 4  1.2286741733551 2.1695129871368
 5  1.1820800304413 2.1903049945831
 6  1.3336930274963 1.7454440593719
 7  1.2775030136108 1.8959369659424
 8  1.2779738903046 2.9318058490753
 9  1.6264469623566 2.3969349861145
10  1.280650138855  2.1734149456024

load '~/bin/osiux.plt'
set lmargin 10
set rmargin 10
set bmargin 10
set title "sqlsoap server bean vs query" font "Inconsolata,28" tc lt 5
set xlabel "requests" font "Inconsolata,14"
set ylabel "tiempo en segundos" font "Inconsolata,14"
set tics out nomirror
set grid ytics
set xtics font "Inconsolata,10" nomirror
set ytics nomirror
set tics font "Inconsolata,10" nomirror
set mytics

plot data using 1:2 with lines lw 3 lt 3 title 'bean', \
     data using 1:3 with lines lw 3 lt 4 title 'query'



procesar un log, generar el archivo y graficar

cd ~/blog
grep "0895.*Query Execution Time:[0-9\.]+" sugarcct6.log | awk '{print $4"\t"$9}' | sed s/"Time:"//g | awk '{if ($2>h[$1]) h[$1]=$2} END {for (hh in h) print hh,h[hh]}' | sort  | tee 0895-query-execution-time.dat

│          │       │
│ 12:17:08 │ 0.030 │
│ 12:17:11 │ 0.010 │
│ 12:17:21 │ 0.043 │
│ 12:17:22 │ 0.019 │
│ 12:17:25 │ 0.010 │
│ 12:17:26 │ 0.015 │
│ 12:17:28 │ 1.619 │
│ 12:17:29 │ 0.022 │
│ 12:17:30 │ 0.008 │
│ 12:17:50 │ 0.009 │
│ 12:17:51 │ 0.011 │
load '~/bin/osiux.plt'
set lmargin 10
set bmargin 10
set rmargin 10
set title "Máximo Tiempo de ejecución Queries usuario 0895\nsugarcct6.log" font "Inconsolata,18" tc lt 5
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M:%S"
set xtics font "Inconsolata,12" rotate
set mxtics
set key off
set tics font "Inconsolata,12" nomirror
set mytics
set grid ytics
set xlabel "horario" font "Inconsolata,14"
set ylabel "tiempo en segundos" font "Inconsolata,14"

plot data u 1:2 lw 8 w i



1: file:img/BuenosAiresLibre-CompartirEsBueno-LibreVPN-LibreNet6.png

2: imagenes-magicas-imagemagick.gmi

3: file:img/asterisk1-bean-query-20.png

4: file:img/0895-query-execution-time.png

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Fri May 17 02:56:10 2024