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Coding in assembly in linux


date: 2023-02-23 18:05:10

categories: assembly

firstPublishDate: 2021-09-06 19:38:28

In the 90s when I got my first PC with a 80286 cpu (12Mhz, 1MB, VGA), I started coding in assembly. I was using DOS or using the computer without an OS by letting the BIOS boot and run the code in sector 0 (512 bytes) on the boot disk.

I was using DOS for accessing the files on the filesystem.

`Tasm` was the assembly compiler and turbo debug was the debugger.

So recently, I decided to try coding in assembly in linux with




I collected some information sources for assembly coding:

x64_86 tutorial

i386 tutorial

with a memory management example calling sys_brk

nasm documentation

linux syscall list for x64_86

and the

source repo

x86 and amd64 instruction reference

: an easy to navigate Instruction reference

Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals

i386 assembly library


I found an ide for programming in assembly called sasm, there is a code editor and a debugger showing the memory and registers, to install run:

apt-get install sasm

Then go to settings, choose nasm and 64bit mode.

I didn't use sasm much because I usually use vim, the terminal, shell scripts and gdb.

I noticed a few good things in nasm:

it is easy to declare sections and they can be declared anywhere in the code

it is possible to compute the length of a buffer with `$-varname`

it has struct like C

it has macros

it has a preprocessor

In my trial program, I used macros to call functions with parameters. The macros wrap the functions and save the registers used for the parameters.

Calling linux syscalls is quite simple:

set syscall number in rax

set other register parameter

execute syscall

Having linux dealing with hardware make thing much easier than running code without an operating system and linux has a lot of drivers for all sorts of hardware.

Also when a program crashes, the process stops and there is no need to reboot the machine.

I created a program that prints the number of arguments and the arguments themselves. It finishes by printing 'Hello world' in 3 ways (call, call with struc, macro).

For a more advanced program, check out `spartasm` a spartan server.

spartasm (gemini)

spartasm (http)

Here is a library I created to try the nasm features (file: `libInc.asm`):

%ifndef libInc
%define libInc

%macro syscallpush 0
  push rax
  push rdi

%macro syscallpop 0
  pop rdi
  pop rax

%macro oscall 0
  push rcx
  push r11
  pop  r11
  pop  rcx

struc putsParams    ; declare struc type
.buf resq 1         ; allocate 1 qword
.len resq 1         ; symbols start with dot to be local putsParams.len

  mov     rax, 1    ; syscall sys_write
  mov     rdi, 1    ; fd stdout

putsStruc:          ; params struc address in rdi
  push    rsi
  push    rdx

  mov     rsi, [rdi]                  ; buf address
  mov     rdx, [rdi + putsParams.len] ; len
  mov     rax, 1    ; syscall sys_write
  mov     rdi, 1    ; fd stdout

  pop     rdx
  pop     rsi

%macro putsMacro 2 ; 2 parameters
  push    rsi
  push    rdx

  mov     rsi, %1   ; buf address
  mov     rdx, %2   ; len
  mov     rax, 1    ; syscall sys_write
  mov     rdi, 1    ; fd stdout

  pop     rdx
  pop     rsi


strlen:                     ; param: rdi char*, return length in rax
  xor    rax, rax           ; store zero in rax
  cmp BYTE [rdi + rax], 0x0 ; compare byte to 0
  je     .strlen_break      ; break if the current byte is 0
  inc    rax
  jmp    .strlen_loop       ; repeat if the current byte isn't 0
  inc    rax                ; add one to string length to count the ending 0

printfunc:                  ; param: rdi char*
  push    rax
  push    rsi
  push    rdx

  call    strlen

  mov     rsi, rdi
  mov     rdx, rax
  mov     rax, 1    ; syscall sys_write
  mov     rdi, 1    ; fd stdout

  pop     rdx
  pop     rsi
  pop     rax

; use a macro to call the print function
; to simplify the code in the caller:
; print string
%macro print 1
    push    rdi

  mov     rdi, %1
  call    printfunc

  pop     rdi

; %macro print 1
;   push    rdi
;   push    rax
;   push    rsi
;   push    rdx
;   mov     rdi, %1
;   call    strlen
;   mov     rsi, rdi
;   mov     rdx, rax
;   mov     rax, 1    ; syscall sys_write
;   mov     rdi, 1    ; fd stdout
;   oscall
;   pop     rdx
;   pop     rsi
;   pop     rax
;   pop     rdi
; %endmacro
%macro exit 1       ; one parameter: exit code
  mov    rax, 60    ; syscall sys_exit
  mov    rdi, %1    ; exit code


section .bss
  putibuf  resb 30  ; 30 byte array, resb... should be in the bss section

section .text

; Convert integers to string
; Argument - Integer Value in rax
; return: string address in r9, size in r11

  mov rbx, 10
  ;We have declared a memory which we will use as buffer to store our result
  mov r9, putibuf+10 ;We are are storing the number in backward order like LSB in 10 index and decrementing index as we move to MSB
  mov [r9], byte 0 ;Store NULL terminating byte in last slot
  dec r9 ;Decrement memory index
  mov [r9], byte 0XA ;Store break line
  dec r9 ;Decrement memory index
  mov r11, 2;r11 will store the size of our string stored in buffer we will use it while printing as argument to sys_write

  mov rdx, 0
  div rbx    ;Get the LSB by dividing number by 10 , LSB will be remainder (stored in 'dl') like 23 divider 10 will give us 3 as remainder which is LSB here
  cmp rax, 0 ;If rax (quotient) becomes 0 our procedure reached to the MSB of the number we should leave now
  je .return_block
  add dl, 48 ;Convert each digit to its ASCII value
  mov [r9], dl ;Store the ASCII value in memory by using r9 as index
  dec r9 ;Dont forget to decrement r9 remember we are using memory backwards
  inc r11 ;Increment size as soon as you add a digit in memory
  jmp .loop_block ;Loop until it breaks on its own

  add dl, 48 ;Don't forget to repeat the routine for out last MSB as loop ended early
  mov [r9], dl
  dec r9
  inc r11


putifunc:           ; param: print rax as a string
  push rbx
  push r9
  push r11
  push rdx
  push rdi
  push rsi

  call    itoa
  mov     rax, 1   ;Store syscall number , 1 is for sys_write
  mov     rdi, 1   ;Descriptor where we want to write , 1 is for stdout
  mov     rsi, r9  ;This is pointer to the string which was returned by int_to_char
  mov     rdx, r11 ;r11 stores the number of chars in our string , read about how to make syscall in asm
  oscall           ;interrupt , give the wheel to OS it'll handle your systemcall

  pop rsi
  pop rdi
  pop rdx
  pop r11
  pop r9
  pop rbx

%macro puti 1       ; print int argument
  push    rax

  mov     rax, %1
  call    putifunc

  pop     rax

section .data
newline db 0x0A

section .text

; print newline
%macro printnewline 0
  putsMacro newline, 1

printnfunc:                  ; param: rdi char*
  push    rax
  push    rsi
  push    rdx

  call    strlen

  mov     rsi, rdi
  mov     rdx, rax
  mov     rax, 1    ; syscall sys_write
  mov     rdi, 1    ; fd stdout


  pop     rdx
  pop     rsi
  pop     rax

; print string and new line
%macro printn 1
  push    rdi

  mov     rdi, %1
  call    printnfunc

  pop     rdi


Here is the code for the main function (file: `arguments.asm`):

section .data
  msg     db      "hello, world!", 0x0A ; 0x0A is newline
  msglen  equ     $-msg

  msg2    db      0x0A,"Hello, world!", 0x0A, 0x00 ; 0x0A is newline, 0x00 end of string

section .text
  global _start

%include "libInc.asm"

section .data
  istruc putsParams
    at putsParams.buf, dq msg
    at putsParams.len, dq 13

section .text

  pop       rcx         ; put argc in rcx
  puti      rcx
  pop       rsi
  printn    rsi
  loop      .printArgV

; hello
  mov       rsi, msg    ; buf
  mov       rdx, msglen ; msg length
  call      puts
  mov       rdi, params ; call putsStruc with params address in rdi
  call      putsStruc
  putsMacro msg, 13
  print     msg2
  exit      0

To compile run the commands:

nasm -f elf64 -o arguments.o arguments.asm
ld -o arguments arguments.o

DOS Assembly code

Here are some example code for the 80486 in 16bit mode in DOS, the code here is the borland turbo assembler tasm style: Open a file with DOS:

         Mov     AH,3Dh
         Mov     AL,01000010b
         Mov     DX, OFFSET filename
         Int     21h

Generate a beep sound:

         Mov     AL,182
         Out     43h,AL
         Mov     AX,170
         Out     42h,AL
         Mov     AL,AH
         Out     42h,AL
         In      AL,61h
         Or      AL,3
         Out     61h,AL

Print a string:

    mov  ah,9
    mov  dx,OFFSET string
    int  21h

To set the graphical mode, the hardware had to be detected and then configured:

; detect vga graphic card
    mov  ax,1A00h
    int  10h
    cmp  al,1Ah
    je   vgaDetected

; set graphic mode to 320x200 256 colors
    mov  ax,0013h
    int  10h

; then set 360x480 256 colors mode
    mov  dx,3C4h
    mov  ax,0604h
    out  dx,ax

    mov  ax,0100h
    out  dx,ax
    mov  dx,3C2h
    mov  al,0E7h
    out  dx,al
    mov  dx,3C4h
    mov  ax,0300h
    out  dx,ax

    mov  dx,3D4h
    mov  al,11h
    out  dx,al
    inc  dx
    in  al,dx
    and  al,7Fh
    out  dx,al
    dec  dx
    mov  si,offset vptbl
    mov  cx,11h ; Nombre de mots
@b:  lodsw
    out  dx,ax
    loop @b

    mov  dx,3C4h   ; SC_INDEX
    mov  al,2       ; MAP_MASK
    mov  ah,00001111b
    out  dx,ax       ; Ceci donne acces aux 4 plans de bits

    mov  ax,0A000h
    mov  es,ax
    sub  di,di
    mov  ax,di
    mov  cx,0A8C0h ; 360*480/4
    rep  stosw

; set text mode
    mov  ax,0003
    int  10h

Switch the CPU to 32bit protected mode (short version):

         SMSW   AX
         Test   AX,1
         Jz     InitLeModeProtege
         Jmp    DejaEnModeProtege


         Mov    DI,2
         Xor    EAX,EAX
         Mov    AX,DS
         Shl    EAX,4
         Mov    [DI],EAX                 ; GDTR
         LGDT   FWord Ptr [Offset IGDTR]

         Mov    DI,Offset IIDTR+2
         Xor    EAX,EAX
         Mov    AX,DS
         Shl    EAX,4
         Add    EAX,Offset TabIDT
         Mov    [DI],EAX                ; IDTR

         Mov     SI,Offset TabIDT
         Mov     CX,256
         Mov     Word Ptr [SI],Offset InterruptionNul
         Add     SI,8
         Loop    InitInterruptionProt

         Mov    DI,Offset CODEP
         Xor    EAX,EAX
         Mov    AX,CODE2
         Shl    EAX,4
         Or     [DI+2],EAX             ; CS Proteg‚ 32 Bits

         Mov    DI,Offset CODER
         Xor    EAX,EAX
         Mov    AX,CS
         Shl    EAX,4
         Or     [DI+2],EAX             ; Segment R‚el 16 Bits

         Mov    DI,Offset DATAR
         Xor    EAX,EAX
         Mov    AX,DATA
         Shl    EAX,4
         Or     [DI+2],EAX             ; DATA du R‚el

         Mov    Ax,TailleEtendue            ; Initialise
         Shr    AX,2                        ; le segment au dessus du
         Mov    Word Ptr [Offset DATAP],AX  ; premier m‚ga
         Mov    EAX,AdSeg32                 ; Granularit‚
 1 /4
         Mov    EBX,EAX                     ; Page de 4Ko
         Shr    EBX,24
         And    EAX,00FFFFFFh
         Or     DWord Ptr [Offset DATAP+2],EAX
         Mov    Byte Ptr [Offset DATAP+7],BL

         Mov    DI,Offset PILERP
         Xor    EAX,EAX
         Mov    AX,SS
         Shl    EAX,4
         Or     [DI+2],EAX             ; PILE


         Cmp    XmsTaille,0
         Jne    XMSHMA
         In     AL,61h                 ; Initialise Ligne A20
         Call   TestA20
         Jne    ErreurA20
         Mov    AL,0D1h
         Out    64h,AL
         Call   TestA20
         Jne    ErreurA20
         Mov    AL,0DFh
         Out    60h,AL
         Call   TestA20                ; Fin Init
         Jne    ErreurA20

         Jmp    ContinueLInitProt
         Cmp    HMA,1
         Je     ContinueLInitProt
         Jmp    ActiveHMA

         In     AL,21h                 ; Interdit toutes les interruptions
         Mov    IntMat,AL              ; mat‚rielles
         Mov    AL,0FFh                ; Et stock ancienne Valeur
         Out    21h,AL

         SMSW   AX
         Or     AX,1
         LMSW   AX                     ; Passage en Mode Prot‚ger

         DB 0EAh                       ; Jmp Far ptr [8:0]
         DW 0,8                        ; Segment CODE2 Offset 0
         Mov    AX,DATA
         Mov    DS,AX

         Mov    EAX,DWord PTR [Offset PILERP+2]  ; PILE
         Shr    EAX,4
         Mov    SS,AX

         LIDT   Qword Ptr [IDTRR]      ; Interruptions du Mode R‚el

         Mov    AL,IntMat              ; Autorise les interruptions
         Out    21h,AL                 ; mat‚rielles

         Cmp    HMA,1
         Je     FinGestionHMA

         Call   TestA20                ; Remets la Ligne A20
         Jne    ErreurA20
         Mov    AL,0D1h
         Out    64h,AL
         Call   TestA20
         Jne    ErreurA20
         Mov    AL,0DDh
         Out    60h,AL
         Call   TestA20                ; Fin A20
         Jne    ErreurA20


         Jmp    FinDuModeProtegeRetourAuDos

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