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My RE:log experiment (RE: "Introducing the Re:log concept" by Freezr)

Freezr made an interesting proposal about having a "Re:log" for replies in the geminispace, separate from the gemlog:

RE: Introducing the Re:log concept

His main points: Responses to other gemlogs are different to normal gemlog posts. They might be different in style and length than original articles. Therefore, he decided not to mix them together in his capsule but to list them on a separate log, the "Re:log".

I understand his points and somehow understand the intention to separate the two kinds of posts. Nevertheless I see some pros and cons for this idea. My main con argument: Responses can be written in a different style, for example in a more personal tone, but they don't need to be. I already found many gemlog articles, which were technically responses to others, but not declared as such, sometimes even not linking to the original alticle. On the other hand, such a style is questionable. I think it is desirable to have a clean and transparent linkling to articles one is responding to, since it is beneficial for the the (so far very constructive and high quality) debate culture in the Geminispace. The Re:log concept could encourage such a culture.

But enough theorising, let's just try it. Since my capsule is 100% handcrafted and experimental, I will try the Re:log concept as another experiment and see how it will work out. Oe variation from my side, I will call it "RE:log" rather than "Re:log", since I'm more familiar with starting reply emails with capitalized "RE". Another variation is, that I will structurally place the RE:log in a subdirectory of the Gemlog rather than in a separate folder structure, since I see the RE:log logically as a subset of my Gemlog. Besides that I will also try out another idea with gemlog debates. More on that I will write in an upcoming post.

Thank you, Freezr, for bringing up this idea!

Update 2023-01-10

Interesting, whenever I reply to someone, a funny coincidence seems to happen. Just the morning after I posted this article Freezr announced to change his capsule domain from warp.geminispace.club to omg.pebcak.club:


Thanks to the Antenna aggregator I saw it on time and could update the link immediately, because the old one doesn't work any more.

@Freezr, since you paid for your old domain until 2025, as you wrote, would it be possible to set redirects?

Feel free to respond or comment via e-mail:


CC BY-SA 4.0 Martin Marot-Perz, 2023-01-10

⇑ RE:log

⇑⇑ Gemlog

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