-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to git.thebackupbox.net:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

repo: segfault_home
action: commit
revision_from: 309250ca8f1ce7b6fe25706774eb3fbbd7919a0b:




commit 309250ca8f1ce7b6fe25706774eb3fbbd7919a0b
Author: Epoch Qwert <epoch@53flpnlls43fcguy.onion>
Date:   Mon Sep 22 01:09:56 2014 -0500

    updated scripts to use %~ for homedir instead of hardcoded /home/segfault

diff --git a/files/rawlog b/files/rawlog
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc3f98a11db899c7ec8290477a57914d7f1798e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/files/rawlog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :?
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :rawlog works fine...
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!tails
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!tail /home/segfault/files/message_in
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG #default :a tail from rawlog in #default would be fun
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!tails
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!untail /home/segfault/files/message_in
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!tail /home/segfault/files/message_in
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG SegFault :!c printf "hello hello? anybody out there?\n" >> /home/segfault/files/message_in
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG SegFault :!c ls -la /home/segfault/files/
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG SegFault :!c ls -la /home/segfault/files/message_in
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG #default :!c ls -la /home/segfault/files/message_in
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG #default :such restrictive
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Test.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :asdf
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :I could make segfault have a "restricted" mode.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :So he'll only accept commands sent to him by himself. :P
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :So it could act more like a client.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Take out all the extra commands an IRC client wouldn't need...
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :SegFault, the IRC client that has too many features you'll never know how to use and none of the features you're used to!
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG #syslog :!alias !tell !say %s
-:foobaz!~foobaz@ PRIVMSG #default :SegFault, tell epoch i am just a bot
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :I'll name the IRC client something morbid like meatpuppet
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Should I make it a mode that segfault can run in or a separate program?
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :ACTION cleans up segfault before forking.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Might not have to fork if I make segfault generic enough. :P
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :ehlo localhosts
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Hi.
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :epoch: is segfault a bot?
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Yep.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Has enough features I could make him into an IRC client with just scripting though.
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :want something similar for vern
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :git clone git://armitage.hacking.allowed.org/segfault
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Should compile on any sane unix-like.
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :this tablet has limited features
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :i run into issues each time anything compiles
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :Then tell me and I'll fix it. :)
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :heh
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :If you're using Linux, it should compile fine except maybe a missing function like strndup().
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :That one gives me the most trouble and I have a backup commented out.
-:Guard1an!~Guard1an@2a01:7b8:2000:3d:a515:5380:1bf0:560a PRIVMSG #default :will play with it later
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :I'll have to make a ./configure script sometime to test if it exists and send a compile-time option to enable or disable it.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!c whob
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #syslog :fuck you china.
-:epoch!~epoch@ PRIVMSG #default :!reload
-:armitage.hacking.allowed.org NOTICE SegFault :Connection statistics: client 104.7 kb, server 28.5 kb.
diff --git a/files/useraliases b/files/useraliases

index f26a2dd64011ecde5a55bf9fe0c8bf9fa97a3e05..

index ..20f6514d339468b9fee514a1b404332cccba087e 100644

--- a/files/useraliases
+++ b/files/useraliases
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-!alias !savealias !leetappend /home/segfault/files/useraliases 10 !alias %s
+!alias !savealias !leetappend %~/files/useraliases 10 !alias %s
 !alias !reload !raw quit :reload
 !alias !addlink !leetappend /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/links.txt 10 %s (~%u)
-!alias !reset !kill 9 -1
 !alias !drop !say %u: Dropping shell right now, type exit when done.
 !alias !dig !c dig %s
-!alias !more !tailunlock /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
+!alias !more !tailunlock %~/files/cmd_out
 !alias !ping !say pong
-!alias !ec !eval /home/segfault/scripts/evalcommand %s
+!alias !ec !eval %~/scripts/evalcommand %s
 !alias !lambda !ec echo -ne 'SegFault: alias !tmp %s\n!tmp\n'
-!alias !reset !ec printf "!kill 9 -1\n!c pwd\n"
-!alias !reset !ec printf "!kill 9 -1\n";sleep 1;printf "!c pwd\n"
-!alias !reset !ec printf '!kill 9 -1\n!c pwd\n'
 !alias !pymath !c python -c 'import math;print(%s)'
 !alias !reset !kill 9 -1
 !alias !up !c uptime
@@ -20,20 +16,55 @@
 !alias !links !c grep "%s" /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/links.txt
 !alias !lambda !ec echo -ne '%m: alias !tmp %s\n!tmp\n'
 !alias !nlinks !links -c" "%s
 !alias !topic !rc echo "TOPIC %f :%s (set by %u at $(date -u "+%%b %%m %%R") UTC)"
 !alias !pty !c python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/usr/pkg/bin/bash")'
-!alias !you !rc if [ "%s" = "there" ] || [ "%s" = "there?" ]; then printf "PRIVMSG %f :\x01ACTION is totally here\x01\n"; else echo "PRIVMSG %f :no, you %s"; fi
 !alias !you !rc if [ "%s" = "there" ] || [ "%s" = "there?" ]; then printf "PRIVMSG %f :\x01ACTION is totally here\x01\n"; else echo "PRIVMSG %f :no, you %s" | tr '?' '!'; fi
 !alias !escape_sequences !c grep "//here" /root/services/segfault/segfault.c
-!alias !irc !eval /home/segfault/scripts/ircrawcommand %s
-!alias !ic !eval /home/segfault/scripts/irccommand %s
+!alias !irc !eval %~/scripts/ircrawcommand %s
+!alias !ic !eval %~/scripts/irccommand %s
+!alias !reeval !eval %~/files/useraliases
 !alias !addtodo !leetappend /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt 10 "%s"
-!alias !reeval !eval /home/segfault/files/useraliases
-!alias !todo !c shuffle -f /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt | head -n1
 !alias !todo !c cat -n /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt | shuffle -f-| head -n1
 !alias !diddo !c sed '%sd' /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt > /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt_;cat /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt_ > /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt
 !alias !todos !c cat -n /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt
 !alias !ntodo !c wc -l /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt
+!alias !greptodo !c grep "%s" /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt
+!alias !myaddtodo !leetappend /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt 10 "%s"
+!alias !mytodo !c cat -n /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt | shuffle -f-| head -n1 2>/dev/null || echo "You've got nothing todo today, but smile."
+!alias !mydiddo !c sed '%sd' /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt > /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt_;cat /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt_ > /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt
+!alias !mytodos !c cat -n /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt 2>/dev/null || echo "You've got nothing to do today, but smile."
+!alias !myntodo !c wc -l /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt 2>/dev/null || echo "You've got nothing todo today, but smile."
+!alias !mygreptodo !c grep "%s" /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt 2>/dev/null || echo "You've got nothing todo today, but smile."
+!alias !mytodoadd !myaddtodo %s
+!alias !tell !c false
+!alias !ask !c false
+!alias !messages !c false
+!alias !help !say unknown command: !help. try !help
+!alias !mytododel !mydiddo %s
+!alias !mytodogrep !mygreptodo %s
+!alias !mygreptodo !c cat -n /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt 2>/dev/null | grep -i "%s" || echo "You've got nothing todo today, but smile."
+!alias !tmplink !c echo '<a href="%s">%s</a>' > /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/tmplink.html
+!alias !title !c wget -qO- %s | tr '>' '\n' | XuntilY "<title" "</title"| sed 's/<.*$//'
+!alias !tmplink !c echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s">' > /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/tmplink.html
+!alias !links !c if [ "%s" ];then grep "%s" /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/links.txt;else echo http://hacking.allowed.org/links.txt;fi
+!alias !seen !c false
+!alias !mytodocount !myntodo
+!alias !rmuseralias !c rmln %s %~/files/useraliases
+!alias !useraliases !c cat -n %~/files/useraliases %s
+!alias !duplicateuseraliases !c cut '-d ' -f2 %~/files/useraliases | uniq -d
+!alias !grepuseraliases !useraliases | grep %s
+!alias !mytodo !c nr="%s"; test -z "$nr" && nr=1; cat -n /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo/%u.txt | shuffle -f-| head -n $nr 2>/dev/null || echo "You've got nothing todo today, but smile."
+!alias !tits !say [  . | .  ]
+!alias !geo !c whob %s | egrep "^Country:|^City"
+!alias !dcc !rc echo -e "privmsg %u :\x01DCC SEND $(basename %s) `dcchelper %h` 12345 `wc -c "%s" | sed 's/ //g'`\x01";ncat -l -p 12345 < "%s"
+!alias !diddo rmln %s /var/www/hacking.allowed.org/todo.txt
+!alias !title !c wget --no-check-certificate -qO "%s" | tr '>' '\n' | XuntilY "<title" "</title"| sed 's/<.*$//'
+!alias !title !c wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "%s" | tr '>' '\n' | XuntilY "<title" "</title"| sed 's/<.*$//'
+!alias !suicide !kill -9 %p
+!alias !suicide !kill 9 %p
+!alias !pingout !kill 17 %p
+!alias !built-ins !c grep strncmp /root/services/segfault/segfault.c | grep '"' | grep msg | tail -n+1 | cut '-d"' -f2 | tr '\n' ' ' | tr -s ' '
+!alias !help !say !builtins !aliases
+!alias !help !say  !builtins !aliases
+!alias !cinit !leettail 56%~/files/cmd_out
+!alias !cat !leettail 28%s
diff --git a/scripts/command b/scripts/command

index adc0860cf1b8e41cdea0a338b98916d1f99dc87e..

index ..58533d2b5b028ab40e2e74db8ce6c7bb6e299f51 100644

--- a/scripts/command
+++ b/scripts/command
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-!leetuntail * /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leettail 56/home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 %s
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out %f 56
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 %s
diff --git a/scripts/crashit b/scripts/crashit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d20160a4415ba574507390661f62e4806223422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/crashit
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ !leetuntail * %~/files/cmd_out
+ !leettail 56%~/files/cmd_out
+ !leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 %s
diff --git a/scripts/evalcommand b/scripts/evalcommand

index db37f059ae06c8d9d67d4cf6dccd8c3797fa055a..

index ..723b1b7074b58c99fd102dd05c18b75a31c60d69 100644

--- a/scripts/evalcommand
+++ b/scripts/evalcommand
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-!leetuntail * /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leettail 50/home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 %s
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out %f 50
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 %s
diff --git a/scripts/irccommand b/scripts/irccommand

index 09ad8bd62f4ae285cb94af511878c7f7e06166fb..

index ..94fe1a3da67aae0b70da6619a026104a01a5f90f 100644

--- a/scripts/irccommand
+++ b/scripts/irccommand
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_U=%u'
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_F=%f'
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_S=%s'
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_M=%m'
-!leetuntail * /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leettail 56/home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 %s
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_U=%u'
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_F=%f'
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_S=%s'
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_M=%m'
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out %f 56
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 %s
diff --git a/scripts/ircrawcommand b/scripts/ircrawcommand

index 9de7396e7c739ec7c4f7a5a8ff038026ce8a1c25..

index ..d2fe0175fc37e1b100ff6c71bf8155aa4ad3c336 100644

--- a/scripts/ircrawcommand
+++ b/scripts/ircrawcommand
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_U=%u'
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_F=%f'
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_S=%s'
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_M=%m'
-!leetuntail * /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leettail 49/home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 %s
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_U=%u'
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_F=%f'
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_S=%s'
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 export 'IRC_M=%m'
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out %f 49
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 %s
diff --git a/scripts/more b/scripts/more

index 0859ee20127332ec8f1fa6a2ec33a71bfb43e7ef..

index ..e974887b09ff5a9ba5e94352de18307288f32b8b 100644

--- a/scripts/more
+++ b/scripts/more
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-!changetail /home/segfault/files/cmd_out %f
-!tailunlock /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out %f
+!tailunlock %~/files/cmd_out
diff --git a/scripts/rawcommand b/scripts/rawcommand

index 4ed297ac615a17a3ff7fb645fbf562da38794fb5..

index ..870abd4c410723f7a177ff3972d4acd22688b4e2 100644

--- a/scripts/rawcommand
+++ b/scripts/rawcommand
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-!leetuntail * /home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leettail 49/home/segfault/files/cmd_out
-!leetappend /home/segfault/files/cmd_in 10 %s
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out %f 49
+!leetappend %~/files/cmd_in 10 %s
diff --git a/scripts/startup b/scripts/startup

index 8e6a8e307b41e3216873e43c201bd5c658ff74c6..

index ..d59045ed4686665b7fc8a4c878626f6c3222e64e 100644

--- a/scripts/startup
+++ b/scripts/startup
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-!alias !rc !eval /home/segfault/scripts/rawcommand %s
+!raw oper g0d WAFFLEIRON
+!raw join #cmd
+!alias !rc !eval %~/scripts/rawcommand %s
 !alias !eval !leettail 22%s
-!alias !c !eval /home/segfault/scripts/command %s
+!alias !c !eval %~/scripts/command %s
+!leettail 56%~/files/cmd_out
+!changetail %~/files/cmd_out #default
 !raw join #default
 !raw join #syslog
 !alias !tail !leettail 08%s
 !tail /var/log/syslog/messages
 !changetail /var/log/syslog/messages #syslog
-!eval /home/segfault/files/useraliases
+!eval %~/files/useraliases
+!tail %~/files/default
+!changetail %~/files/default #default

-----END OF PAGE-----

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