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repo: hackvr
action: commit
revision_from: 087e0973860fd97a8283ed15b56e6dba62dcdf2b:




commit 087e0973860fd97a8283ed15b56e6dba62dcdf2b
Author: epoch <epoch@hacking.allowed.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 7 03:06:01 2019 -0600

    new tool to convert a heightmap to a cylinder in hackvr format. needs work still.

diff --git a/bin/height2cyl.py b/bin/height2cyl.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37eef4911033e8451cb0d26b597b71297f7fa792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/height2cyl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import random
+import math
+import sys
+from PIL import Image
+#we're going to make triangles. lots of triangles.
+#since the heightmap is in a square pattern
+#we're going to have a point that is the average
+#of between the 4 around it.
+#subpixel[x,y] = pixel[x,y] pixel[x+1,y] pixel[x,y+1] pixel[x+1,y+1]
+#we can do this first.
+#then we draw 4 triangles that go around subpixel[x,y]
+#triangle pixel[x,y]     pixel[x+1,y]   subpixel[x,y]
+#triagnle pixel[x+1,y]   pixel[x+1,y+1] subpixel[x,y]
+#triagnle pixel[x+1,y+1] pixel[x,y+1]   subpixel[x,y]
+#triagnle pixel[x,y+1]   pixel[x,y]     subpixel[x,y]
+im=Image.open(sys.argv[1]).convert('L').resize((width,height)) #load image as greyscale
+#im=Image.open(sys.argv[1]).convert('L') #load image as greyscale
+def trianglize(x1,y1,x2,y2,xs,ys):
+  x1%=width
+  y1%=height
+  x2%=width
+  y2%=height
+  xs%=width
+  ys%=height
+  yscale= 32 / height
+  tx1=math.sin(x1 / (width / (2 * math.pi)) ) * (pixel[x1][y1] / (127 / math.pi))
+  tz1=math.cos(x1 / (width / (2 * math.pi)) ) * (pixel[x1][y1] / (127 / math.pi))
+  ty1=-((y1 * yscale) / 5) + 15
+  tx2=math.sin(x2 / (width / (2 * math.pi)) ) * (pixel[x2][y2] / (127 / math.pi))
+  tz2=math.cos(x2 / (width / (2 * math.pi)) ) * (pixel[x2][y2] / (127 / math.pi))
+  ty2=-((y2 * yscale) / 5) + 15
+#  xs=(xs * 2) + 1
+  tx3=math.sin(xs / (width / (2 * math.pi)) ) * (subpixel[xs][ys] / (127 / math.pi))
+  tz3=math.cos(xs / (width / (2 * math.pi)) ) * (subpixel[xs][ys] / (127 / math.pi))
+  ty3=-(((ys * yscale) + 1) / 5) + 15
+  print("test addshape 3 3 {} {} {}   {} {} {}   {} {} {}".format(tx1,ty1,tz1,tx2,ty2,tz2,tx3,ty3,tz3))
+pixel=[[0]*height for i in range(width)]
+subpixel=[[0]*height for i in range(width)]
+## initialize for testing:
+for y in range(0,height):
+  for x in range(0,width):
+#    pixel[x][y]=random.randint(1,255)
+#    pixel[x][y]=im.tobytes()[y * width + x]
+    pixel[x][y]=pixel_derp[x,y]
+#    pixel[x][y]=y * 20
+for y in range(0,height-1):
+  for x in range(0,width):
+    subpixel[x][y] = ( pixel[x][y] + pixel[(x+1)%width][y] + pixel[x][(y+1)%height] + pixel[(x+1)%width][(y+1)%height] ) / 4
+    trianglize(x,y,     x+1,y,   x,y)
+    trianglize(x+1,y,   x+1,y+1, x,y)
+    trianglize(x+1,y+1, x,y+1,   x,y)
+    trianglize(x,y+1,   x,y,     x,y)

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