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repo: dotfiles
action: commit
revision_from: 020e711f2307b20e1b842de8bfc2c9682617a576:




commit 020e711f2307b20e1b842de8bfc2c9682617a576
Author: epoch <epoch@hacking.allowed.org>
Date:   Fri May 1 18:25:44 2020 -0500

    uristart.conf is the first file.

diff --git a/uristart.conf b/uristart.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a2f3b17e6df3ba464c54b69d1ed62930111966e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uristart.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+### if x-terminal-emulator is able to have clickable links then using it as the pager comes in handy
+s selftitle:		cat <(ppid) <($PPID) <(ppid $$) <(ppid $PPID) <(xps) | xmessage -file -
+s ppid:			xmessage $PPID
+s finger:		x-terminal-emulator -e less -f <(printf '%%s\r\n' '%p' | cut -d/ -f2- | ncat '%d' 79 | tr -d '\r')
+s telnet:		x-terminal-emulator -e telnet %d %P
+s ssh:			tty || export 'HACK=x-terminal-emulator -e' ; if [ "%p" ];then p='%p';fi;if [ "%P" ]; then HACK_PORT="-p %P";fi;if [ "%u" ];then HACK_USER="%u@";fi; ${HACK} ssh ${HACK_PORT} ${HACK_USER}%d ${p:1}
+s whois:		x-terminal-emulator -e less -f <(whois "$(printf '%%s\n' '%d' | sed 's/^..*$/-h/')" '%d' '%p')
+s http d pastebin.com:	tty || export 'HACK=x-terminal-emulator -e' ; $HACK less -f <(curl '%s://%d/raw%p')
+s http D youtube.com:	music-pause ; music-player '%U' ; music-unpause
+s http:			firefox --new-tab '%U'
+s https d pastebin.com:	tty || export 'HACK=x-terminal-emulator -e' ; $HACK less -f <(curl '%s://%d/raw%p')
+s https D youtube.com:	music-pause ; music-player '%U' ; music-unpause
+s https:		firefox --new-tab '%U'
+s mailto:		tty || export 'HACK=x-terminal-emulator -e' ; $HACK mutt %p
+s sftp:			tty || export 'HACK=x-terminal-emulator -e' ; echo $HACK sftp %u@%d -p %P
+s ftp:			dillo '%U'
+s irc:			CH="$(printf '%%s%%s\n' '%p%f' | cut -b2- | unescape | sed 's/^#//')";x-terminal-emulator -e irssi --config <(printf '%%s\n' 'servers=({address="%d";port="%P";chatnet="default";use_ssl="no";autoconnect="yes";});chatnets={default={type="IRC";autosendcmd="/join #'"$CH"' %q";}}')
+s ircs:			CH="$(printf '%%s%%s\n' '%p%f' | cut -b2- | unescape | sed 's/^#//')";x-terminal-emulator -e irssi --config <(printf '%%s\n' 'servers=({address="%d";port="%P";chatnet="default";use_ssl="yes";autoconnect="yes";});chatnets={default={type="IRC";autosendcmd="/join #'"$CH"' %q";}}')
+#s magnet:		magnet_handler '%U'
+s magnet:		qbittorrent '%U'
+s gopher:		gopher '%d' '%P' '%p'
+#s gopher:		uristart 'http://gopher.hacking.allowed.org/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url=%U'
+#s gopher		lynx '%U'
+#s gopher		iceweasel --new-tab '%U'
+s hackvr:		if [ "%u" ];then USER="%u";fi;ncat '%d' '%P' -c "echo $USER action %p;hackvr_uri"
+s spice:		remote-viewer '%U'
+s man:			CMD='printf "%%s\n" '\''%p'\'' | tr '\''()'\'' '\''  '\'' | awk '\''{print $2, $1}'\'' | xargs man' ; tty && eval "$CMD" ; tty || x-terminal-emulator -e sh -c "$CMD"
+#s minetest:		/usr/games/minetest --go --name '%u' --password '%k' --address '%d' --port '%P'
+s minetest:		minetest_handler '%U' '%u' '%d' '%P' '%q'
+s dntp:			x-terminal-emulator -e less -f <(printf '%%s\n' '%p' | uriunescape | ncat '%d' '%P')
+s talk:			x-terminal-emulator -e ytalk %p
+s start:		xmessage '%U'
+s meta:			grep '^%q\t' ~/.config/start.conf | xmessage -file -
+s env:			env | xmessage -file -
+s whob:			x-terminal-emulator -e less -f <(whob '%d')
+s ip:			x-terminal-emulator -e less -f <(printf "whob://%%s/\ndrop://%%s/\nssh://%%s/\n" '%p' '%p' '%p')
+s drop:			rsh -l epoch "echo '%d' >> /etc/bant/dicks"
+s nntp:			pan '%U'
+s vnc:			vncviewer -shared %d:%P
+s tls:			ncat --ssl %d %P
+s ssl:			ncat --ssl %d %P
+s rtmp:			mpv '%U'
+## this is if cuturl can't find a scheme for the "url". get the mimetype and check for a pipeline to run
+#s DEFAULT:		xmessage '%U'
+s file:			if [ -e '%p' ];then eval "$(printf '%%s\n' '%U' | uriprintf "$(grep "^$(if [ "%q" ];then echo '%q' | tr '&' '\n' | grep ^mime-type= | cut -d= -f2-; else file --mime-type '%p' | cut '-d ' -f2;fi):" ~/.config/mimetype.conf | cut -d$':' -f2- | sed 's/^'$'\t''*//g')")";else xmessage file %p does not exist;fi
+#s FUCK:		xmessage testing
+#s file:		start '%p'
+s steam:		uristart https://steamdb.info/app/$(printf "%%s\n" "%p" | cut -d/ -f2)
+s acct:			user_at_host.sh '%p'
+s view-source:		firefox '%U'
+s xpilot:		xpilot -join '%d' -name $USER -user $USER -port '%P'
+s geo:			tty || export 'HACK=x-terminal-emulator -e' ; $HACK geo_handler '%p'
+s search:		printf "%%s\n" "%q" | tr '&' '\n' | grep '^q=' | cut '-d=' -f2- | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 printf 'https://ddg.gg/?q=%%s\n' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 uristart
+s dict:			xmessage "$@"
+s about p certificate:	query_param cert | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 uriunescape | xargs printf "%s\n\n" | fold -w 64
+s mosh:			if [ '%P' ];then 'P=--ssh="ssh -p %P"';fi;if [ '%u' ];then u='%u@';fi ; $(printf "$(oxtin)" "mosh $P $u"'%d')

-----END OF PAGE-----

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-- Page fetched on Sun Jun 2 13:45:17 2024