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commit 3026759157ff44592258ff89a7df587f60ed0a09
Author: epoch <epoch@thebackupbox.net>
Date:   Tue Feb 22 00:08:41 2022 +0000

    oh, that's a long thing

diff --git a/uri-plumbing b/uri-plumbing
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1687d156923e943cfba60850c7c5693fdbf65393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uri-plumbing
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# the uri plumbing mess
+alt+u is set to run:
+## urilaunch
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/urilaunch `urilaunch`
+which will collect URIs from a handful of places
+(uristart history, clipboard, xwindow-uri, hosted bookmarks)
+(TODO: this script may be turned into just: `urilist | choose` and do the same thing)
+which gets piped into:
+## choose
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/choose `choose`
+choose will use either:
+=> https://github.com/sgtpep/pmenu `pmenu`
+=> https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/ `dmenu`
+to let the user select which line of stdin (a uri and optional comments after first whitespace) to use.
+the output of choose gets used as the arguments of:
+## copy_start_nevermind.sh
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/copy_start_nevermind.sh `copy_start_nevermind.sh`
+(TODO: copy_start_nevermind.sh may be deprecated, as I added in multiple-choice selection to uristart)
+copy_start_nevermind.sh uses `choose` again, to let the user choose one of a handful of things to do with the URI.
+things like:
+uristart, copy, shorten, unshorten,
+urititle, QR-image, QR,
+run copy_start_nevermind.sh with this URI on a remote computer, and
+copy only portions of the URI
+I add more things as I think of them.
+the remote copy_start_nevermind option currenly uses ssh URIs that do a dumb thing of putting a command in the ssh URI path.
+I use this to launch like, VNC on my laptop that is being used as a second screen and is connected to my desktop with:
+=> https://github.com/debauchee/barrier `barrier`
+## uristart
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/uristart `uristart`
+uristart was originally meant to be a replacement for xdg-open, but on my system I have xdg-open replaced with copy_start_nevermind.sh
+uristart's first order of business is to call out to:
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/urigetline.c `urigetline.c`
+with the uri as an argument and a config file on stdin.
+This was originally a shell-script, but the format got a bit wonky because of extra matching options that don't require values
+this program parses all of the config file lines and outputs either one or all of the matches.
+in uristart's case, urigetline is ran with stdin set to the output of another script:
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/uristart.conf `uristart.conf`
+uristart.conf will cat some files from a few different places, usually ~/.config/uristart.conf
+uristart calls out twice to urigetline, once to get only the first matching config line,
+and the second time with -a to get all matching config lines.
+if those don't match it will (later) let the user pick which line to use for launching the URI.
+uristart second order of business is to get SRV records using:
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/getsrv `getsrv`
+and rewrite the URI using those.
+if the SRV records don't provide a port, and a port wasn't explicitly in the URL, it'll set one based on /etc/services and the URI scheme.
+if it got this far, it writes the URI to a log file and then starts the next layer of magic
+the uri gets piped (with the line as first arugment, and the output of that is eval'd) into:
+## uriprintf
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/uriprintf `uriprintf`
+this is a small script that will, read a URI from stdin, and output the first argument, but with these replacements:
+%s for scheme
+%u for username
+%k for password
+%d for domain
+%P for port
+%p for path
+%q for query_string
+%f for fragment_id
+%U for the whole URI
+it does this using sed, xargs, and:
+## uricut
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/uricut.c `uricut`
+the first C program I've linked to so far and this is the first program in this repo.
+I originally wrote the URI parsing into this file directly, then decided it'd make more sense
+to put it into a header file and include it, so the parsing could be used in other C programs easier.
+that header is:
+## uri.h
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/uri.h uri.h
+I waned to do the URI parsing without regular expressions, but it is probably
+not a good implementation of a URI parser because it doesn't ever return an error.
+that might be another function to write later... a URI validator instead of just a parser.
+that got kind of low level. we left off at... uristart evaluating a config line that was uriprintf'd with an input URI.
+the format for uristart config lines is like:
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/uritools/blob/refs/heads/master:/uristart.conf.example `uristart.conf.example`
+I'm not going to go through all of the config lines I actually have in my real uristart.conf files because... that'd take kind of forever.
+so, I guess for feed URIs because that uses a handful of neat things.
+# TODO: finish putting links into here:
+none of it is in my git repos atm, so I'm just going to spill shit and link to it later.
+s feed:		curl -si '%U' | message_http
+=> todo:put-a-link-to-message_http
+curl -si outputs a whole HTTP response, which, itself is content type of:
+=> https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/message/http "message/http"
+message_http will read the "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok"-like first line into three env vars,
+then it calls out to:
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/shell-daemons/blob/refs/heads/master:/read_headers.c `read_headers`
+which was originally meant to parse HTTP request headers server-side, but comes in handy for parsing them client-side too.
+it dumps them into the environment and then executes another program that is named in read_header's arguments.
+in the case of message_http, the program is message_http itself, but with an argument "stage2"
+running message_http with an argument of "stage2" causes message_http to run:
+=> https://git.thebackupbox.net/geminiclient/blob/refs/heads/master:/run_stdio_handler_by_mime_type `run_stdio_handler_by_mime_type`
+with $HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE as its first argument.
+this script is a switch that contains different things to run... on stdio.. based on mime-type...
+the script name is kind of descriptive. *blinks*
+for application/atom+xml, it runs atom2uri-list that has a single call to xmlstarlet that rewrite the feed into a uri-list
+and then it pipes the output of that script to run_stdio_handler_by_mime_type with text/uri-list as the first argument.
+and text/uri-list data is handled by piping the list into `choose` and then using the choice as an argument for:

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