-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gemlog.blue:1965...

-- Connected

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-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

What is this?

This is just a thing for me to get rid of Whatsapp Status, and yes I still have to use Whatsapp because is the only thing my mom uses, and I really just use to talk to her but I also use Whatsapp Status so Facebook still spies on me so i'm creating this gemlog to dump my feelings and thoughts, I know nobody is going to see it actively so at least for now I won't bother adding a RSS feed to it. Good night.


i love playing the guitar so i did just this all day

i introduced myself in the 4th paragraph, and rambled a bit about things


23:05 - 23:33 UTC -3

I've decided to do this thing. It's a bit awkward having a broader potential audience since only my contacts could see the Whatsapp Status posts, and now literally anyone around the globe can see this. I might try to (but fail miserably, probably) don't say shit about some things because I just shittalked about literally anything, from brazilian youtubers (yes i'm brazilian) to emacs (i don't really like it, i'm using vim rn).

This will be a very short post because i just have 50m to say what I want before moving to a new file. About gemini, this feels like a social media but withtout bloat/tracking/pressure it has. It is very nice, I like customizing everything to feel like I want, and have consistent layouts/themes throughout all capsules, and this helps me a lot. I use amfora (it's a good client but i might switch, i feel isn't as minimal as i want).

About me, if you are curious (i doubt you are), my name is Vitor (duh it's my nick), i'm a 14yo that likes some minimal and free stuff, i'm currently running NixOS on my pc, Qtile is my favourite wm, but i'm considering to switch to dwm because it's faster. I'm also considering switch to another distro like alpine linux, i have tried it but it annoyed me that it doesn't have some packages, even though i like compiling and emerging packages (i tried to be a gentoo user, but my hardware didn't like it)

My favourite food is the one with lots of garlic, i put it on everything, from rice and pasta to pizza and things, i really really love garlic. but i like a lot of candies and sugar too, my mom made a thing called pavê (it feels like trifle, but it is not trifle), and it has lots and lots of chocolate and sugar in it, i really like. i just contrast everything, 4h ago i've ate (correct me if i'm wrong) my own (yes i cook) spaghetinni (spaghetti but thinner, that's what was wrote on the box so i think it's spaghetinni), 1h ago i ate pavê.

Around a year ago, i discovered that i really like music, even though when i was a kid my father tried to teach me guitar and i didn't liked it, so i learned guitar myself (my parents are divorced, and as you probably think, i live with mom), i was amazed at classical music, how people could do that with only 12 different pitches, what amazed me more was the theory, not the music itself even tho it is extraordinary to listen to. i think a month ago or something i saw a Adam Neely's video (no i'm not that into jazz but i'm into music theory) talking about Garota de Ipanema, a song i've heard since i was a kid but i never really payed attention to it. now i think i heard it a lot, and enough. i'm now a huge fan of those that us, brazilians, didn't respected as they deserved. i'm talking about tom jobim, joão gilberto and astrud gilberto. And many many others that made Brazil something in the music world, and if you think bumbum tantan is something i think you are very very wrong (to not say something offensive, even though i think nobody here really likes this shit that is brazilian funk). They made the most beautiful things Brazil ever made, the samba and the bossa nova. Now brazilians are such dependents of other countries musically. everybody is like: what you know about rolling down in the deep when you brain goes numb you can call that mental freeze... ok i'll stop

So yeah, i think that sums everything. Sorry for the inconsistent typing (at first i was a bit shy with the text and now i'm more in the flow, so i just don't care enough to capitalize everything), even though i doubt anyone will read this.


23:39 - 23:45 UTC -3

yeah i'm back. i think i might be thinking about really sharing this now that i'm confortable. there's this little thing that itches at the back of my head, it just appeared, i don't know. i just added the thing in the bottom of the page so if you want to donate (nobody will) or email me (hi spam bots!) you can do so. i'll backup every file that i post at my old hdd, so that when i go work and pay a shared vps i don't lose everything. my vim is kinda buggy and it is thinking that ' and ' is actually for strings but everything is just plain text, if you have a recomendation on this, i would be grateful. well i took a bit long to say this. when i post links i'll mark them with [number], like that[1], and them at the bottom of the paragraph i'll put the link, so that you don't get confused. well, see ya! i think i'll sync my dotfiles again, i just messed them up when switching to nixos.


23:53 - 23:56 UTC -3

i think i'll post some videos speaking in portuguese, and maybe do some translations of my posts to portuguese too. the brazilian/portuguese/other countries that speak portuguese is very very small, in fact i've searched for it and didn't found anything. and i played a bit of guitar now, i forgot to mention that my fingers somehow are purple and i don't really feel pain.


Email: vitorgonc56@protonmail.com (i don't have a vps to host my own)

Monero: 86MmHZzK6vWYvMjiEgdJwoGYvUPQG9xf9QJndJp2rZPXTR1CVkrdfrXG7ajipJPFVsXnqHVgxeENZ7zVyhzEiaURPnVWbp4

My GitLab (it has nothing, i don't program but i plan to every millenium or so)

Good night!

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