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14/11/2021 (things i leanrt)

- oh no trying to manually mirror the ui is disastrous, but really good. It's like a healthy form of trying to upside down world maps

- Zelda TMC Minish Cap japanese text that are too wide simply uses two characters xD wow... thank wow for unicode standards haha {Symbol:xx} only goes up to FF, but that's good enough. not planning to explore japanese rom lmfao

- IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL THO THE BM TRANSLATION :') So professional... haih... i will complete this. This is my own piece of art, flawed art.

- translated TMC from after lunch till before dinner, gonna do a little bit more then sleep. My malay is MUCH better than before despite not reading the books i bought for the sole purpose of coming back to zelda better at malay, mainly i think i can read faster and have better intuition for what's right. Still need to study grammar more comprehensively. This game improves vocab lots tho. I can read much faster, which is why i managed to progress all the way to Desa Minish so fast in 1 day.

- towel fell from rack to floor, dont care

- right forefinger hurt, ate dinner with thumb, middle and ring finger

- بهاساوا how's that hehe ساي نق بلاجر يونيکود دوياراه

- bezier curve, huh knowledge base in malay/indonesian available online really not enough for self-sustainence yet

- gtk font rendering is cool, the youtube video "by MyvarEdit IDE from scratch" was AMAZING

- duolingo ha'waiian language more popular than indonesian HAH, probably because if they even know what indonesian is to try it out means they're more sincere

- nice dinner, random tweeting, satisfying work to sleep, what's not to like

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