-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gemlog.blue:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

Readability Verification, this is understandable now that i have actually collaborated with others and see why it's so important

MySejahtera EPIC FAIL hahah i love curl

- lowyat forum really sucks tho, but a useful thing to keep in mind nonetheless

Duh if you dont understand something like GET headers just search it up lol, q=0.9 for language preference order


- FIFO = first in first out academic/educational jokes and memes should always welcome explanations so ppl can actually learn

Adjust 555 timer pwm duty cycle with potentiometer

- Monash Malaysia Immersion Hub MIH https://www.monash.edu.my/mih/about-us/message-from-the-head "General Studies, “ATS2992: the Global Immersion Guarantee”, “AMU2455: Special Topics in Social Science”, and our upcoming collaboration with the School of Science, a new unit titled “SCI 2800 Human Ecology & Biodiversity”,"

- MONASH HAS AN INDONESIAN CAMPUS!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! haish i dont think it's open for intercampus exchange, much less for my specialization

first president of monash indonesia campus

- i see, everything about it revolves around peak capitalism... https://www.monash.edu/study/indonesia-campus-courses Master of data science, urban design, business innovation & public policy. lol their "urban design" SUCKS, full of lawns

- yuck i wouldnt want to live in monash indonesia either, colonizer area...

- i seriously dislike the "business capitalist" vibe/mood, really sounds like my propaganda unit, so detached from reality yet is supposed to somehow be the reality politicians deal with? fuck

- Lol Task 2 Circuit 3 Mode 1 is easy if you find the right schematic to copy lol

- grim reaper dream lmfao

- huh i do learn a lot every day, im almost a different person every week

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-- Page fetched on Sun Jun 2 11:55:24 2024