-- Leo's gemini proxy

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Tha mi Saor a-nise!

A juist haed ma last day at college. A wis daein Higher Gaelic. A passed the exam, an the rest o the day wis juist tae lairn mair Gaelic, an juist hing aboot. We aw met ootside in toun, an we juist blethered awa. It wis nice, the weather wis guid an aw, awtho a bit ower hot.

Onywey, nou thit a'v duin college, a'v mair time tae wirk on ma gemm, on ma wabsite an capsule, an juist mair time tae rest.

Thare's anither coorse after 'is, whaur we dae conversation classes an practice actual tawkin 'e leid. It's less oors an mair laid back. A'll prolly dae 'at, bit 'till than. Am gaun'ae focus on ma projects an mibbie funnin a wee job tae git bi.

Here's a photie a teuk ae the meetup the day. Turnt oot shite in ASCII, bit here ye ur, onywey:


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-- Page fetched on Sun Jun 2 10:46:22 2024