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today's howtos

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jun 03, 2023

8 things you can do with Linux that you can't do with MacOS or Windows

Security Leftovers (UPDATED)

How to Remove a Directory and File in Linux Using ‘rm’ Command

↺ How to Remove a Directory and File in Linux Using ‘rm’ Command

> The rm command is a UNIX and Linux command line utility for removing files or directories on a Linux system. In this article, we will clearly explain what actually rm and “rm -rf” commands can do in Linux.

> In addition, we will share a few useful examples of removing a file, removing a directory, removing multiple files or directories, prompting for confirmation, removing files recursively, and forcing the removal of files.

How to Fix NetworkManager Not Running on Linux

↺ How to Fix NetworkManager Not Running on Linux

> It can be frustrating losing your connection to the internet—and it’s much worse when you find that NetworkManager isn’t running at all. Unfortunately, this issue is commonly encountered by users running distros such as Arch Linux and Ubuntu.

> In most cases, issues with NetworkManager are simple to resolve. You might find that the solution is as easy as reinstalling NetworkManager or enabling the service. Let's take a look at some troubleshooting methods that are effective at resolving most issues with NetworkManager not running on Linux.

How to better monitor your Ubuntu Linux PC's temperature and voltage

↺ How to better monitor your Ubuntu Linux PC's temperature and voltage

> If you have fans running too often or you want to improve how Linux uses your hardware, there's a simple command for that.

Disk Space Analysis Made Easy: Understanding df And du Commands In Linux

↺ Disk Space Analysis Made Easy: Understanding df And du Commands In Linux

> If you're new to the Linux environment, it's common to feel puzzled by certain commands, especially when they serve similar purposes. One such confusion arises between the df and du commands, both of which are used for disk space analysis. Don't worry, you're not alone! Understanding df and du commands and their distinct purposes is key to effectively managing your disk space in Linux. In this beginner-friendly guide, we will demystify the df and du commands, helping you gain clarity on their functionalities and how they contribute to analyzing disk space in Linux. By the end of this article, you'll feel confident in distinguishing between these commands and utilizing them to make informed decisions about your disk space management.

How to install Hashcat on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 LTS

↺ How to install Hashcat on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 LTS

> Hashcat is for those who are in the computer security field and want to test the strength of the password to perform security audits. In short, it is an advanced password recovery tool that supports various hashing algorithms with extensive options for password cracking.

How To Fix 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Error on Nginx

↺ How To Fix 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Error on Nginx

> The 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error is a common HTTP status code that indicates the unavailability of a web server. When encountered, it implies that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overload or maintenance.

How To Install and Use PowerShell on Linux - Free Guide [Ed: In this "sponsored" placement the Microsofters try to turn GNU/Linux into Microsoft Windows, making them dependent on Microsoft]

↺ How To Install and Use PowerShell on Linux - Free Guide

> There are key differences such as the ability to run standard Bash commands in Linux PowerShell.

How to prevent your Linux computer from falling asleep with Caffeine

↺ How to prevent your Linux computer from falling asleep with Caffeine

> Operating Systems do not always do precisely what you would like or expect them to do.

Linux ifconfig Command

↺ Linux ifconfig Command

> The ifconfig command in Linux is a powerful utility that allows users to configure and manage network interfaces on their systems. Whether you need to view IP address information, activate or deactivate interfaces, or troubleshoot network connectivity, ifconfig provides the necessary tools.

How to Choose the Best Linux Distribution

↺ How to Choose the Best Linux Distribution

> Choosing the best Linux distribution depends on your specific needs and preferences. In the following view I explain how 20+ years of experience with Linux have shaped my views. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a Linux distribution: Remember, there is no single "best" Linux distribution that suits everyone.

Restricting Root: Limiting Capabilities for Users within Docker Containers

↺ Restricting Root: Limiting Capabilities for Users within Docker Containers

> Introduction: In recent years, container technology has become a popular tool for developers and sysadmins to deploy and manage software systems. Docker is a widely used platform that provides an efficient way to create, deploy, and manage containers.

Bridging the Gap: Sharing Namespaces Between Hosts and Containers

↺ Bridging the Gap: Sharing Namespaces Between Hosts and Containers

> Introduction In today's digital landscape, containerization has become a popular method for deploying and managing applications. Containers enable developers to package their application with all necessary dependencies, making them portable and easily deployable across different environments. However, an important aspect of containerization is the concept of namespaces.

Soaring with Docker: An Introduction to Docker on Cloud Platforms

↺ Soaring with Docker: An Introduction to Docker on Cloud Platforms

> Introduction In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are focusing more on delivering software quickly and efficiently. This is where container technology has become a game-changer for developers and IT operations teams. Docker is one such container technology that has been widely adopted by the industry for its benefits in streamlining application development, testing, and deployment.

Docker and AWS: A Powerful Partnership for Cloud Deployments

↺ Docker and AWS: A Powerful Partnership for Cloud Deployments

> Introduction The Dynamic Duo: Docker and AWS Docker and AWS are two of the most powerful technologies in the cloud computing industry today. Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage applications in a lightweight, portable manner.

Seamless Blogging: Deploying WordPress with Docker on AWS

↺ Seamless Blogging: Deploying WordPress with Docker on AWS

> The Importance of Seamless Blogging Blogging has become an essential tool for sharing ideas and expertise with a global audience. Bloggers and content creators rely on their blogs to connect with their audience, build a loyal following, and establish themselves as industry experts. However, managing and maintaining a seamless blog can be time-consuming and challenging.

Fixing ‘Repository does not have a Release file’ Error in Ubuntu and Debian

↺ Fixing ‘Repository does not have a Release file’ Error in Ubuntu and Debian

> Encountering an error while updating or installing packages can be frustrating, especially when it hinders your progress. One such error that Ubuntu and Debian users often face is 'Repository does not have a Release file.' This error usually occurs due to an incorrect repository source list, or if the repository does not support your version of Ubuntu/Debian.

How to increase Swap size on Ubuntu

↺ How to increase Swap size on Ubuntu

> Hello, friends. Today, you will learn how to increase Swap on Ubuntu. The process is easier than you think. Let's go. Swap or swap memory space, or also known as virtual memory, is the one that uses the space on the HDD instead of a memory module.

How to Filter Log Files Based on Date in Linux

↺ How to Filter Log Files Based on Date in Linux

> Linux logs are the most important files which tell us what is happening with the Linux kernel, distribution, its boot process, applications, and more.

How to Install Eclipse IDE on Linux

↺ How to Install Eclipse IDE on Linux

> The Eclipse IDE is an established open-source tool used by software developers for developing applications. This software offers a wide range of features and tools that effectively optimize the development process.

> The Eclipse (IDE) is primarily utilized for the purpose of writing, evaluating, and debugging code. The platform provides support for a wide range of programming languages, which includes Java, C/C++, Python, PHP, and others.


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