-- Leo's gemini proxy

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Tux Machines

Programming Leftovers

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Apr 04, 2023

today's howtos

Pop!_OS, Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Ubuntu Pro, and Ubuntu 23.04 'Lunar Lobster' Beta

Qt 6.5 LTS released!

↺ Qt 6.5 LTS released!

> Today we have released Qt 6.5! In the 6th release of the Qt 6 series, we introduce lots of new functionality for graphics and UI developers and the application backend. In addition, Qt 6.5 brings many fixes and general improvements and will be a long-term supported release for commercial license holders.

How to add QtActivity to an Android Studio Project

↺ How to add QtActivity to an Android Studio Project

> Qt has great tools for designing, developing, and testing Android apps using Qt Design Studio, Qt Creator, and Squish. But sometimes, there is an already existing codebase developed in Android Studio which needs a few functionalities from the Qt framework. This blog post demonstrates how we can integrate a Qt for Android project into an Android Studio Project.

A leaner in libstdc++ for GCC 13

↺ A leaner in libstdc++ for GCC 13

Open source text editing for your website with CKEditor

↺ Open source text editing for your website with CKEditor

> Most applications allow users to create and add some textual content, such as a comment, a chat message, an article, a product description, or a legal document. Today, plain text isn't enough. Users format text, insert images and memes, videos, tables, and create lists and links. A developer can probably craft this rich content in HTML by hand, but there's a high chance that your users would appreciate some help.

> WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") editing allows you to see and edit rich text content in a form that resembles how it's displayed to end users. A WYSIWYG editor provides a UI that makes it easy to format the text and incorporate various elements such as images, links, or tables into your digital content.

> If you want to supply this sort of functionality in your app, you can choose to:

> Each option has advantages and disadvantages.

The Month in WordPress – March 2023

↺ The Month in WordPress – March 2023

> March saw the arrival of the first major release of 2023, WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy.” Planning for the project's 20th anniversary continues with new celebratory updates and commemorative swag. Read on for the latest happenings in the WordPress space.


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