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Tux Machines

Free, Libre, and Open Source Software: Fediverse Stories and Kubecon Fluff

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Mar 22, 2023

WordPress 6.2 Release Candidate 3

PostgreSQL: CloudNativePG Releases, JDBC 42.6.0, and pgBadger 12.1

A Fediverse Backup?

↺ A Fediverse Backup?

> I have been thinking about having a backup account on the Fediverse, but I’m struggling with which service to use.

> We’ve been having some challenges over on Fosstodon recently. Between availability issues thanks to large influxes of users, technology problems and DDoS attacks, it’s been a fun few months.

↺ Fosstodon

↺ large influxes of users

> Problem is, when Fosstodon is down, I have no presence on the Fediverse, so we can’t inform people as to what’s going on. With that in mind, I’d like to setup an alternate account on the Fedi for me to use. Plus, it also allows me to post about my other hobbies outside of tech; like fish keeping, motorbikes, home steading etc.

↺ Fosstodon

↺ large influxes of users

A 5-minute tour of the Fediverse

↺ A 5-minute tour of the Fediverse

> The "Fediverse" (a portmanteau of "federated" and "universe") is a collection of protocols, servers, and users. Together, these form networks that can communicate with one another. Users can exchange short messages, blog-style posts, music, and videos over these networks. Content you post is federated, meaning that once one network is aware of your content, it can pass that content to another network, which passes it to another, and so on.

> Most platforms are run by a single company or organization, a single silo where your data is trapped. The only way to share with others is to have them join that service.

Open-source project helps solve centralized infrastructure problems

↺ Open-source project helps solve centralized infrastructure problems

> Foundational open-source projects usually result in ground-breaking technologies being made available to the general public, not arbitrarily controlled by one company.

Grafana Labs enhancements aimed at reducing cloud-native complexity [Ed: Siliconangle is rapidly becoming a paid-for spam service or spammers for hire.]

↺ Grafana Labs enhancements aimed at reducing cloud-native complexity

↺ paid-for spam service

Q&A: Solo.io brings open-source community to the enterprise

↺ Q&A: Solo.io brings open-source community to the enterprise


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