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today's howtos

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Dec 29, 2022

Lazyweb: Best Linux distro for a 2015 MacBook Pro? (UPDATED)

Disempowering Technologies: How Google and Microsoft Harm Universities

How To Install Kapacitor on Ubuntu 20.04 | 22.04 LTS

↺ How To Install Kapacitor on Ubuntu 20.04 | 22.04 LTS

> In this tutorial, We will show you how to install Kapacitor on Ubuntu systems

> Kapacitor is a real-time streaming data processing engine.It is designed to process streaming data in real-time. It can be deployed across the infrastructure as both a pre-processor to down sample and perform advanced analytics before shipping the data to InfluxDB, and a post-processor allowing older high-precision data to be stored in data stores like Hadoop (for example) for further analysis. Kapacitor is very easy to use and is also very powerful. It allows the scripting to be done using lambda expressions to define transformations on data points as well as define boolean conditions that act as the filter.

How to Install VSCodium on Ubuntu 20.04 22.04 | LTS [Ed: Adopting this helps Microsoft attack Software Freedom by spreading its proprietary spyware that's supposedly the "real deal"]

↺ How to Install VSCodium on Ubuntu 20.04 22.04 | LTS

> VSCodium is a community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VS Code. VScode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), but the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.

[Older] Ubuntu 22.10 on Dell XPS 15 9520

↺ [Older] Ubuntu 22.10 on Dell XPS 15 9520

> I recently purchased a new laptop after spending a few months without one. This purchase has been a long time coming as I was waiting for Black Friday deals to start in the US to save some money.

Required key not available fix for CUPS

↺ Required key not available fix for CUPS

> It is because of fscrypt. This is the ext4 per-folder encryption mechanism. In the initrd, when the password is entered, a kernel "key" is acquired that decrypts the folders. This key applies to the root user after login; however, if an 'su' or 'sudo' is performed to a non-root user, the key has to be linked to the user "keyring" to be able to read/write files.

How to Install Odoo 15 on Linux Mint 21

↺ How to Install Odoo 15 on Linux Mint 21

> Odoo 15 is a customizable management software that comes in handy in many businesses, applications like inventory management, billing, e-commerce, and many others. Further read this guide to install Odoo15 on Linux Mint 21.

How to Install and Configure an NFS Server on Linux Mint21

↺ How to Install and Configure an NFS Server on Linux Mint21

> File sharing is one of the major issues Linux users faces, especially transferring files from one system to another though there are some easy ways to transfer a file. Using the NFS tool on Linux Mint is the best way to share files between other systems as long as all the systems are connected to a network. So, if you are interested in sharing files and looking for an easy-to-use tool then try NFS and for that read this guide.

How to Install Apache Subversion on Linux Mint 21

↺ How to Install Apache Subversion on Linux Mint 21

> Apache subversion is a version control system that keeps track of changes in the files, folders, and directors of your Linux Mint 21. Not only that this also allows users to restore files to their previous versions and gives the whole history of all changes. Further if you are looking for an easy way to get Apache subversion on Linux Mint 21 then this guide is for you.

How to Install Django on Linux Mint 21

↺ How to Install Django on Linux Mint 21

> Looking for an easy and robust way to make web applications then try the Django framework as it requires less lines of code and is highly scalable. Its framework is based on Python; if you have sound knowledge of the Python programming language then it would be of great help. If you are interested in using this Django framework for web-based applications then you need to to install it on Linux Mint 21 so read this guide to get complete information on its installation.

How to Install FreeFileSync on Linux Mint 21

↺ How to Install FreeFileSync on Linux Mint 21

> File syncing is one of the most demanded features particularly when it comes to sharing files, not only that it also serves the purpose well for syncing the data with cloud storage. So, if you are looking for a tool that is freely available and is easy to use on Linux Mint then try FreeFileSync 11.29 and for that read this guide.

How to Install MinIO Server and Client on Linux Mint 21

↺ How to Install MinIO Server and Client on Linux Mint 21

> If you are looking for a substitute for the Amazon S3 cloud storage system, then try MinIO as it is free and quite easy to use. It is primarily an object storage system that can be used for a number of applications related to AI and machine learning.

> Moreover, its functionality can be increased when used with Intel products and not only that MinIO provides MinIO server, MinIO client and some software development kits as a solution for cloud storage. So, if you are interested in using MinIO on Linux Mint 21 and looking for a complete installation guide for MinIO server and client then go through this guide.

How to Use Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins - Python Tutorial

↺ How to Use Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins - Python Tutorial

> One of the amazing features of Raspberry Pi is its programmable pins known as GPIO Pins. Just like any microcontroller, these GPIO pins can be used as output or input pins to control different circuits using Raspberry Pi. The official language for the Raspberry Pi operating system is Python so, in this tutorial, we will show you in detail how to use Raspberry Pi GPIO pins through Python.

How to Install RISC OS on Raspberry Pi�

↺ How to Install RISC OS on Raspberry Pi�

> The Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) OS is based on RISC architecture which is an open-source, lightweight architecture designed for the ARM chipset that supports Raspberry Pi devices. Most of the OS that can be installed on Raspberry Pi are Linux based but RISC OS is a non-Linux OS. So if you are looking for some non-Linux OS for Raspberry Pi, then RISC OS is a good option.

> The complete installation of the RISC OS on Raspberry Pi is discussed in the article.

How to Install QT Creator on Raspberry Pi

↺ How to Install QT Creator on Raspberry Pi

> QT Creator is based on the complete Integrated Development environment (IDE) tool, which allow developers to create software, access embedded platform, and mobile applications including Android and iOS. Additionally, QT Creator facilitates developers to share different projects throughout multiple development platforms with the help of a single tool for development and debugging. The major objective of QT Creator is to satisfy the development requirements of QT Creator’s developers seeking productivity, and ease of use.

> Based on the debugging and ease integration of QT Creator with other platforms, this tool can easily be merged with Raspberry Pi OS.

> If you are a Raspberry Pi user and looking forward to work on the QT Creator, this guide will help you install QT Creator on Raspberry Pi device.

How to Install TShark on Raspberry Pi

↺ How to Install TShark on Raspberry Pi

> TShark is a command line-based tool that allow users to examine the ongoing traffic of the network. It allows users to save and retrieve information of ingoing and outgoing data from network packets. TShark utilizes the command line terminal to capture data instead of the graphical user interface.

> If you are a Raspberry Pi user and want to monitor traffic, this article will help you to install TShark on Raspberry Pi.

How to Install Gifsicle on Raspberry Pi

↺ How to Install Gifsicle on Raspberry Pi

> The Gifsicle is a command line tool that allows user to create, edit, optimize, and retrieve information, about Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images and animations. Additionally, the integration of Gifsicle with Raspberry Pi allows users to modify pictures within the Raspberry Pi terminal.

> If you are a Raspberry Pi user and want to edit pictures using Gifsicle, then this article gives you a guide install and user this tool on Raspberry Pi system.

How to Install Memcached on Raspberry Pi

↺ How to Install Memcached on Raspberry Pi

> Memcached is an open-source general-purpose memory caching system widely used for increasing the speed and performance of dynamic database-driven websites. It reduces the load on databases by storing the data objects in dynamic memory.

> Since Raspberry Pi is highly utilized for database management, installing Memcached on the system helps to improve the performance of different web-based applications. You can follow this article to install Memcached on Raspberry Pi.

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS on SD Card Using Raspberry Pi Imager

↺ How to Install Raspberry Pi OS on SD Card Using Raspberry Pi Imager

> The Raspberry Pi is a device that has a CPU module used to run a lightweight operating system. It doesn’t come with a pre-installed operating system however; the users can install the OS on the SD Card or portable USB according to their own choice. Utilizing the different imager tools make the Raspberry Pi device capable to install any operating system. The Raspberry Pi Imager is one of the most compatible tools that can be utilized for install Raspberry Pi OS on the SD card.

> This article describes step by step method to install Raspberry Pi operating system on the SD card by utilizing Raspberry Pi Imager.

How to Install Any OS on Raspberry Pi - 3 Different Methods

↺ How to Install Any OS on Raspberry Pi - 3 Different Methods

> A single-board computer, Raspberry Pi can be used to perform various computing tasks. Just like any other computer Raspberry Pi also requires an operating system to perform different operations/tasks. There are multiple operating systems that can be installed on Raspberry Pi such as Raspberry Pi OS, tiny core Linux, RISC OS, and many others.

> If you need help installing an operating system on Raspberry Pi, follow this article for guidance.


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