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Tux Machines

Free Software and Education

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Dec 17, 2022

Today in Techrights

today's howtos

Joplin Review: Is This Notetaking App Worth It?

↺ Joplin Review: Is This Notetaking App Worth It?

> Joplin meets these criteria except for additional features. Joplin isn’t a feature-rich app like Evernote and Notion. It’s bare bones, so it’s impractical for anyone looking for something that offers all the bells and whistles.

> For example, with Evernote, you access mobile scanning, advanced templates, and OCR for images. Joplin has none of these features. So if you need a more feature-rich note-taking app, Evernote is a better option.

What Is Varnish Cache and Why Is It Important?

↺ What Is Varnish Cache and Why Is It Important?

> Varnish Cache is an open-source web application accelerator that helps optimize web pages for faster loading times. It does this by storing copies of web pages in memory. When a user requests a webpage, they get back the cached version instead of having to wait for the original web server to generate the page from scratch.

The strange case of BeOS, SRS and the silent Power Mac 6500

↺ The strange case of BeOS, SRS and the silent Power Mac 6500

> Tonight's story time: the Power Macintosh that wouldn't make any sound in BeOS R5, how I figured out the problem, and how I hacked the sound driver to fix it. (Download link at the end.)

> My favourite beige Power Mac is the Power Macintosh 7300 and its relatives. They're compact, capable, upgradable and easy to work on. For as much as people raved about the pull-down side door of the Yosemite G3 and the Power Mac G4, they owe their design to their fold-out Outrigger Power Mac ancestors which did it all and did it horizontally — and in some ways did it better.

Training teachers and empowering students in Machakos, Kenya

↺ Training teachers and empowering students in Machakos, Kenya

> Over the past months, we’ve been working with two partner organisations, Team4Tech and Kenya Connect, to support computing education across the rural county of Machakos, Kenya.

Stop Writing Horrible Python Code. Use This Tool! - Invidious

↺ Stop Writing Horrible Python Code. Use This Tool! - Invidious

> Code readability is important and most professionals take coding conventions to heart, using pycodestyle you can make your code more readable to others by making it more standard by conforming to certain coding conventions.


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