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Tux Machines

Red Hat's Latest Corporate Fluff

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 24, 2022

Android Leftovers

Miniature Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board only exposes USB-C port and 40-pin GPIO header

How to overcome barriers to innovation in your IT organization

↺ How to overcome barriers to innovation in your IT organization

> Even as companies adopt remote and hybrid work as the new normal, many are still struggling to adapt to the digital processes they now rely on to bring new products to the market.

Digital transformation: 3 contrarian tips

↺ Digital transformation: 3 contrarian tips

Use design by contract to build Kubernetes Operators in Java

↺ Use design by contract to build Kubernetes Operators in Java

> Kubernetes is great at automating the deployment, monitoring, and scaling of applications. Whatever you want Kubernetes to control—a service, deployment, etc.—is called a resource. This article shows you how to extend Kubernetes's capabilities by writing a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) and an Operator in Java.

> CRDs specify how to install, monitor, and manage resources, whereas Operators are agents that actually carry all that out. The usual language for writing an Operator is Go. But most Java teams prefer to keep all their code in Java: they want to avoid doing a deep dive into a new language, and to maintain a unified environment without supporting two sets of tools and practices.

> This article explains how to create a CRD and Operator in Java, complete with sample Java code and YAML specification files. We'll use the Java Operator SDK, the Fabric8 Kubernetes Java client, and a brand new CRD-to-Java mapping generator.

> If you'd like to extend Kubernetes with Java, you are in the right place. If you are just curious about the concepts described so far, you are also welcome to continue.

How Ansible automates JBoss Web Server updates and upgrades | Red Hat Developer

↺ How Ansible automates JBoss Web Server updates and upgrades | Red Hat Developer

> In the previous article, Automate Red Hat JBoss Web Server deployments with Ansible, I discussed how to fully automate the deployment of Red Hat JBoss Web Server with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. However, this initial installation and configuration is only the beginning. Once the Java server is in use, it must be maintained and updated. Otherwise, critical bugs could affect its operation, or a security vulnerability might expose it to bad actors.

> Fortunately, we can utilize Ansible and the JWS collection to mitigate these concerns, enabling it to fully patch your deployment by automation and to upgrade the server itself. In this article, we will cover, in detail, how to implement such automation.

A PWA is the web browser

↺ A PWA is the web browser

> A progressive web app (PWA) is a web application that uses modern web technologies to deliver a user experience equal to any mobile app. An active open source community, in conjunction with tech leaders like Google and Microsoft, pushes the PWA agenda forward in an effort to "bridge the app gap."

> Basically, a PWA runs your app in a web browser. Because there's essentially a two-party system of the Play and App stores, the focus is on two browsers: Google Chrome and Apple Safari (built on top of the open source Chromium and WebKit, respectively).

> I won't be covering creating desktop apps. For more information on that topic, look into Electron.

> PWAs are built the same way as any website or web app. They use the latest mobile technologies and implement UX best practices. PWAs can also hook the browser in with native code to improve the experience.

> If you type "What is a PWA" in your favorite search engine, you'll probably get a stock response similar to "PWAs are designed to be fast, reliable, and engaging, with the ability to work offline and be installed on a device's home screen." While this is partly true, it's just the tip of the iceberg for what a PWA has the potential to be and what it's evolving into, even as I write this article.


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