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Tux Machines

today's howtos

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 13, 2022

LibreOffice 7.4.2 Office Suite Released with 80 Bug Fixes, Download Now

KDE Gear 22.08.2 Adds 7-Zip and Samba 4.16 or Later Compatibility, Many Bug Fixes

↺ Manuel Matuzović

Day 13: the :where() and :is() pseudo classes

↺ Day 13: the :where() and :is() pseudo classes

> It’s time to get me up to speed with modern CSS. There’s so much new in CSS that I know too little about. To change that I’ve started #100DaysOfMoreOrLessModernCSS. Why more or less modern CSS? Because some topics will be about cutting-edge features, while other stuff has been around for quite a while already, but I just have little to no experience with it.

5 Key Reasons to Consider Open Source Storage Over Commercial Offerings

↺ 5 Key Reasons to Consider Open Source Storage Over Commercial Offerings

> Storage is the most critical and sensitive component of your infrastructure. Applications that crash can be restarted, network packets that are lost can be retransmitted, but storage needs to be always on, and absolutely reliable. This is where it might seem to make sense to go with a popular commercial offering, even falling into the mantra of “Nobody ever got fired for buying $vendor”. However, being locked into a single vendor means you are utterly at their mercy when it comes to upgrades, price increases, and the quality of support they offer. If your storage vendor releases a new version of their software that causes issues for you, they may help you right away, or your issue might be exotic enough that it goes to the back of their support queue. The vendor might also release a newer product focused on a different use case and decide to end-of-life the product you are using. In any of these cases, you are left with just two choices: stay locked-in with the vendor, or take on the pain of a migration.

> Storage can be incredibly hard to migrate, due to the amount of data involved, the fact that it is constantly changing as you are trying to migrate it, and the requirement for absolute accuracy.

> What if we told you there was a third choice? Open source infrastructure. When you have the source code, you control your own destiny and have the freedom to ensure your infrastructure works for you. Open source solutions are reliable, have outstanding performance, and offer a degree of flexibility that is not available with commercial vendors.

How To Install IntelliJ IDEA on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot

↺ How To Install IntelliJ IDEA on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot

> In this tutorial, we will show you how to install IntelliJ IDEA on Rocky Linux 9. For those of you who didn’t know, IntelliJ IDEA is an open-source Integrated Development Environment(IDE) used for developing Java applications. It is developed by JetBrains and is available in two editions, Community and Ultimate. IntelliJ IDEA has built-in support for Java, Kotlin, Groovy, and XML/XSL languages. You can also install plugins to support other languages such as Go, Python, Perl, Erlang, etc.

> This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of IntelliJ IDEA on Rocky Linux. 9.

How to Install Wine (WineHQ) on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

↺ How to Install Wine (WineHQ) on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

> Wine is a software application that translates Windows system calls into POSIX-compliant functions, allowing Windows applications to run on operating systems such as macOS and Linux. Wine is open source and provides an excellent compatibility layer for running Windows applications on these alternative platforms. While Windows applications typically have better performance and stability on their native platform, Wine can be beneficial if one needs or wants to use specific features only available on Windows. Additionally, because Wine is open source, it is possible to run Windows applications on platforms that do not have stable or supported versions of Microsoft’s operating system, such as Android. In general, Wine is a handy tool for anyone who needs or wants to run Windows applications on another platform. Thanks to its compatibility layer, many Windows applications can be run without any issues on macOS and Linux.

> In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Wine on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS release series using the command line terminal by importing the official WineHQ repository and installing the latest stable or next release titled development for those eager to try the latest bleeding-edge version of Wine for your windows compatibility needs.

How to Install VirtualBox 7.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

↺ How to Install VirtualBox 7.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

> VirtualBox 7.0 is the latest version of the free and open source (FOSS) hypervisor developed by Innotek, which Sun Microsystems acquired in February 2008 – barely more than a year before Sun was itself acquired by Oracle. VirtualBox allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical server, providing high flexibility and efficiency for enterprise deployments. Since the acquisition, Oracle has continued to develop and support VirtualBox, and the latest release includes several new features and improvements.

> Among the most notable changes in VirtualBox 7.0 is the remote control of VMs hosted in the cloud and support for encrypted VMs. The GUI has been streamlined, with better integration of help and error messages and the ability to easily tweak settings such as the number of CPU cores during VM creation. The new version also includes several other features, such as support for high-resolution displays, support for multiple monitors, and the ability to print from a VM. Overall, the new version of VirtualBox is a significant improvement over previous versions and should be welcomed by users.

> In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install VirtualBox 7.0 on your Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish system by importing the official virtual box repository and installing the most up-to-date version using the command line terminal. The extra benefit for users using this method is that you will receive them instantly from the VirtualBox repository when updates drop.

How to Install NVIDIA Drivers on CentOS 9 Stream

↺ How to Install NVIDIA Drivers on CentOS 9 Stream

> When it comes to graphics drivers for NVIDIA video cards, there are two main options: the proprietary/open-source NVIDIA drivers or the open-source Nouveau drivers. Most importantly, the Nouveau drivers are perfectly acceptable; however, if you use your Linux system for activities requiring high-performance graphics, you may want to consider using the official NVIDIA drivers. The Nouveau drivers are community-created and -supported drivers that are available free of charge; however, they may not offer the same level of performance as the NVIDIA drivers. Ultimately, deciding which driver to use depends on your needs and preferences.

> The following tutorial will teach you how to install the NVIDIA drivers on CentOS 9 Stream using the command line terminal with alternative installation methods of RPM Fusion or the NVIDIA Cuda Repository.

How to Install Linux Kernel 6.0 on CentOS 9 Stream

↺ How to Install Linux Kernel 6.0 on CentOS 9 Stream

> As anyone who has used CentOS Stream for any time knows, one of its primary focuses is stability. This can often mean that the distribution is relatively stable but usually has very outdated packages in terms of new features. For example, at the time of this writing, CentOS Stream features kernel 5.14, but some users may require a more recent kernel for better hardware compatibility, among many other things. While this focus on stability is admirable, it can be frustrating for users who need the latest and most significant features that newer kernels often provide. Fortunately, there are a few ways to work around this issue. One option is to use the ELRepo repository, which has an excellent reputation amongst EL9 distributions such as CentOS Stream, Rocky Linux, etc.

> Additionally, ELRepo offers many updated packages across various categories, including everything from kernels and drivers to multimedia codecs and desktop applications. As a result, ELRepo is an excellent option for users who need access to the latest and greatest software while still using a stable distribution like CentOS Stream.

> Some of the various changes besides the typical CPU improvements include the following.

How to Install Google Chrome on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

↺ How to Install Google Chrome on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

> Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world, and for a good reason. It’s fast, feature-rich, and compatible with nearly every website and online service. And for Pop!_OS users, Chrome is an especially great choice. That’s because it’s faster than Firefox, the default browser installed on your desktop. Additionally, Chrome has several features that make browsing the web a better experience. For example, Chrome has a built-in PDF viewer, so you can open PDFs without downloading them. Chrome also has an incognito mode, which allows you to browse privately without saving your history or cookies. And because Chrome is synced with your Google account, your bookmarks and passwords will be available on all your devices. So if you’re looking for the best browser for Pop!_OS, try out Google Chrome.

> In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Google Chrome on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS release series in three ways: stable, beta, or unstable versions, along with some essential command tips for users.

How to Install Steam on Manjaro - Linux Nightly

↺ How to Install Steam on Manjaro - Linux Nightly

> This tutorial shows you how to install Steam on Manjaro Linux via command line and GUI step by step instructions.

How to install Jenkins on Rocky Linux 9 / Alma Linux 9

↺ How to install Jenkins on Rocky Linux 9 / Alma Linux 9

> In this post, we will talk about a vital tool in continuous integration. Today, you will learn how to install Jenkins on Rocky Linux 9 / Alma Linux 9.

> Jenkins is an open-source server for continuous integration. It is a tool used to compile and test software projects continuously. This has the advantage that developers can quickly integrate their changes into the software on the application server.

> Some details about Jenkins include that it is open source and built in Java. With this in mind, it is deducible that it is cross-platform and that you can use it in many environments.


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