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Open Hardware: RISC-V, Arduino, and More

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Sep 22, 2022

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Arm Is The New RISC/Unix, RISC-V Is The New Arm

↺ Arm Is The New RISC/Unix, RISC-V Is The New Arm

> When computer architectures change in the datacenter, the attack always comes from the bottom. And after more than a decade of sustained struggle, Arm Ltd and its platoons of licensees have finally stormed the glass house – well, more of a data warehouse (literally) than a cathedral with windows to show off technological prowess as early mainframe datacenters were – and are firmly encamped on the no longer tiled, but concrete, floors.

> For modern corporate computing, Day One of the Big Data Bang comes in April 1964 with the launch of the System/360 mainframe. Yes, people were farting around with punch cards and tabulating machines for 75 years and had electro-mechanical computation, and even true electronic computation, before then. But the System/360 showed us all what a computer architecture with hardware and software co-design, with breadth and depth and binary compatibility across a wide range of distinct processors, really looks like. And by and large, excepting a change in character formatting from EBCDIC to ASCII, a modern computer (including the smartphone in your hand) conceptually looks like a System/360 designed by Gene Amdahl that had a love child with a Cray-1 designed by Seymour Cray.

Mokey is an affordable DIY laser engraver | Arduino Blog

↺ Mokey is an affordable DIY laser engraver | Arduino Blog

> All makers love lasers and they make great shop tools. Even low-power lasers can engrave a variety of materials. Cutting material requires more power, with the most popular cutting lasers being CO2 with power between 10W-100W. But the small, affordable solid state laser modules can cut some materials, like acrylic, if you get a powerful enough model. If you want an affordable way to use one of those, then the Mokey Laser v1.0 is worth looking at.

> Lasers like these can engrave and cut material, which means they can absolutely hurt you — your eyes are especially vulnerable. If you’re going to build something like this, make sure you understand how to operate it safely. It isn’t shown in the video, but you should absolutely use some kind of shielded enclosure that can handle the wavelength and power of the laser you use. Even with such an enclosure, you should wear the appropriate safety goggles.

Shop fan automatically activates when airborne particulates are present | Arduino Blog

↺ Shop fan automatically activates when airborne particulates are present | Arduino Blog

> Even if you’re one of the few people in the world who is consistent about wearing a respirator in the shop, it’s a good idea to run a filtration fan. Not only is that good for your own health and comfort, it can help keep your equipment running well — the last thing you want is something overheating and catching fire because its cooling ducts are clogged. To avoid running a fan when it isn’t needed, Brandon of the YouTube channel Honest Brothers built a system to automatically activate his filtration fan when airborne particulates are present.

> The first half of this video provides detail on building the fan itself, including an explanation of filtration fundamentals and what particulates different standards can handle. If you don’t have an interest in building a fan from scratch and would prefer to buy something off the shelf, you can skip ahead. The important thing to take away before Brandon gets to the low-voltage section is that the fan receives AC mains voltage and you’ll switch it on via a relay.

Art class stinks! Learn with smell in art class using this olfactory display | Arduino Blog

↺ Art class stinks! Learn with smell in art class using this olfactory display | Arduino Blog

> Smelling is crucial to our everyday living. But how well do we really understand the role that smells play in our day-to-day? Ask someone who temporarily lost their sense of smell because of COVID-19. They’ll probably tell you about how incredibly boring eating became all of a sudden, and how their roomies saved them from eating a foul-smelling, spoiled block of cheese that had zero mold on it.

T-Watch-Keyboard-C3 with ESP32 "watch", ESP32-C3 keyboard looks like a miniature PC replica - CNX Software

↺ T-Watch-Keyboard-C3 with ESP32 "watch", ESP32-C3 keyboard looks like a miniature PC replica - CNX Software

> T-Watch-Keyboard-C3 is a device that looks like a miniature PC replica comprised of an ESP32-C3 powered keyboard, and the TTGO T-Watch ESP32 programmable device with a 1.54-inch touchscreen display.

How We Fixed Reboot Loops on the Librem Mini - Purism

↺ How We Fixed Reboot Loops on the Librem Mini - Purism

> Firmware debugging is uniquely challenging, because most conventional software debugging tools aren’t available. With coreboot’s specialized tooling, support from the amazing community, and a little bit of creativity, we fixed a regression in coreboot 4.17 that caused reboot loops on the Librem Mini.


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