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Open Hardware: Librem, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Sep 08, 2022

Komikku: A Free and Open-Source Manga Reader for Linux

Gemini Articles of Interest

Shape Shifting Computer, Powered by Convergence - Purism

↺ Shape Shifting Computer, Powered by Convergence - Purism

> The Librem 5 is the first mobile computer with a truly convergent OS. Convergence means having the same OS across multiple hardware platforms with apps that adapt to their hardware. The Librem 5 uses the same convergent PureOS as our Librem 14 laptop and Mini PCs, with the same adaptive applications that make the Librem 5 more than merely a phone, it’s a mobile computer in your pocket that can shape shift into a laptop, tablet, desktop, or even a server.

What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of Arduino

↺ What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of Arduino

> Arduino is an electronic platform with a diverse number of development boards available to communicate between real and programming worlds. It allows students, beginners, teachers, and engineers to design academic and real time projects to solve modern problems. Apart from Arduino’s vast scope it has some limitations also. Nothing is 100% perfect in this world! Like every electronic gadget Arduino has also some restrictions to work with.

> Arduino is designed to make the microcontroller world more accessible. It is based upon ATmega AVR microcontrollers. Arduino platforms consist of circuit boards like UNO, normally referring to microcontrollers and the development part known as IDE. Using IDE, Arduino boards can be programmed using C++ language.

What Programming Language Does Arduino Use

↺ What Programming Language Does Arduino Use

> Multiple programming languages are used to communicate between electronic devices. Programming languages are a precise way of communication between a machine and a programmer. Arduino is a platform that controls a microcontroller using a program. To write these programs a user-friendly language known as Arduino programming language is used.

How to Turn on Raspberry Pi After Shutdown?

↺ How to Turn on Raspberry Pi After Shutdown?

> To turn on and off a device there are always some specific ways and the same is in the case of Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately, the one thing that is different in Raspberry Pi than a regular size computer is that it doesn’t come with a power button. To turn on Raspberry Pi you simply must plug in the power supply, and it will turn on. If you are interested to know about ways by which you can turn on the Raspberry Pi other than plugging in the Type-C port, then read this guide.

How to Power Raspberry Pi 4?

↺ How to Power Raspberry Pi 4?

> Providing adequate power to the Raspberry Pi is necessary as it ensures its proper functionality. To power up a device there are multiple methods that can be used based on ease of the user. If you have recently bought a Raspberry Pi 4 and are wondering how to power it up effectively then read this guide as it will explain various ways to power up the Raspberry Pi 4.

How to Install GUI to Raspberry Pi OS Lite Version

↺ How to Install GUI to Raspberry Pi OS Lite Version

> Although the Raspberry Pi does have a GUI version that you can install on your device quite easily from the Raspberry Pi Imager. However, it does include the lite version designed especially for users who only need to use the Raspberry Pi terminal. If you have already installed the Raspberry Pi OS lite version on your device and changed your mind about needing a GUI for your system. So, instead of installing the OS again, you can use the command-line tool to install a desktop environment according to your choice.

> In this article, we will show you how you can install GUI to your Raspberry Pi OS lite version so that you can perform your tasks with ease.

How to Power Multiple Raspberry Pi

↺ How to Power Multiple Raspberry Pi

> Powering your Raspberry Pi device with a suitable power supply is extremely important for increasing your performance efficiency. The reason is if the exact power isn’t provided to your device, it won’t be able to work efficiently and reduce your working speed on your device. The Raspberry Pi operates on 5V/3A provided through a C-Type port and works efficiently if the device gets the exact power supply. Although supplying the power to the Raspberry Pi device through your mobile charger may work in a few cases, it’s better to acquire an official charger for your device.

> Powering a single Raspberry Pi is pretty simple; however, if you want to work on multiple Raspberry Pi devices, you should need a high-capacity power supply option to power them up efficiently.

How to Use Raspberry Pi for Earning a Profit

↺ How to Use Raspberry Pi for Earning a Profit

> Raspberry Pi is a valuable device that opens various opportunities for users, from creating a personal web server to creating a home automation system. Although the device isn’t powerful enough to replace your desktop computer, it has an advantage over the expensive desktop environment that you can use this device as a source of earning through different methods.

> If you don’t know how you can make money with Raspberry Pi, follow our article, where we will provide you with several ways that you can try on your device to make the most out of it.

What Age is Raspberry Pi Suitable For?

↺ What Age is Raspberry Pi Suitable For?

> Raspberry Pi is a mini-computer board initially designed for teaching purposes; however, as time passed, it emerged as an efficient machine for projects like home automation, web servers, and more. This device is an ideal choice for people of all ages; however, due to its open circuit layout and the presence of GPIO pins, the user should need to use it carefully.

> Someone may not consider this device a kid toy because of its sensitivity and should not be given to kids who don’t know about it. There is an age limit for the kids to use this device for developing school projects, and this article is presented to inform you about the minimum age requirement for using this device.


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