●● IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 ●● ● Apr 26 [02:02] XRevan86 https://rferl.org/a/32376000.html [02:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Protesters In Paris Demand Sanctions Against Wife Of Russian Minister [02:02] AdmFubar great... lets send him to russia [02:05] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social [02:08] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [02:08] XRevan86 * her [02:12] XRevan86 Ah, ye mean Tucker :D [02:12] XRevan86 It just hit me. [02:26] AdmFubar daaayam!!! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/24/mexican-navy-tequila-liquid-meth [02:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theguardian.com | Mexican navy seizes tequila bottles containing nearly 10 tons of liquid meth | Mexico | The Guardian [02:31] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-250423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-250423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-250423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-250423.txt [02:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 [02:32] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-250423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-250423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-250423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-250423.txt [02:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 [02:33] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-250423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-250423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-250423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-250423.txt [02:33] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social [02:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 [02:34] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-250423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-250423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-250423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-250423.txt [02:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 [02:39] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [02:43] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2023-04-25.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2023-04-25.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now) ● Apr 26 [03:57] AdmFubar https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934370 [03:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-arstechnica.com | Melatonin in sleep-aid gummies can be off by up to 350%, study finds | Ars Technica ● Apr 26 [04:01] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social [04:04] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:05] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [04:11] AdmFubar https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2023/apr/26/why-are-london-schools-disappearing-podcast [04:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theguardian.com | Why are Londons schools disappearing? | podcast | News | The Guardian [04:13] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social [04:14] AdmFubar https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=23/04/24/1748251&from=rss [04:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-soylentnews.org | A Vegan Leather Made of Dormant Fungi Can Repair Itself - SoylentNews [04:17] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [04:37] TR News (NEW): You Can Now Install Linux Kernel 6.3 on Ubuntu, Heres How http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/25/You_Can_Now_Install_Linux_Kernel_6_3_on_Ubuntu_Here_s_How.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/25/You_Can_Now_Install_Linux_Kernel_6_3_on_Ubuntu_Here_s_How.gmi [04:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines You Can Now Install Linux Kernel 6.3 on Ubuntu, Heres How [04:38] TR News Techrights Bulletin for Tuesday, April 25, 2023 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives [04:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Bulletin Archives [04:38] TR News Techrights full IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt [04:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Full IPFS Index [04:47] TR News "At our last structured dialogue, Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine" https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/SPEECH_23_2423 [04:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ec.europa.eu | Press corner | European Commission [04:49] TR News "sustainable agribusiness" https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_23_2401 [04:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ec.europa.eu | Press corner | European Commission [04:51] TR News Latvian, Estonian presidents stress need for Ukraine's accession to NATO https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/diplomacy/25.04.2023-latvian-estonian-presidents-stress-need-for-ukraines-accession-to-nato.a506187/ [04:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Latvian, Estonian presidents stress need for Ukraine's accession to NATO / Article [04:51] TR News Latvia summons Chinese diplomat over 'former Soviet' comments https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/diplomacy/24.04.2023-latvia-summons-chinese-diplomat-over-former-soviet-comments.a506151/ [04:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Latvia summons Chinese diplomat over 'former Soviet' comments / Article [04:52] schestowitz XRevan86: ^^ [04:52] TR News Healthcare workers might strike in autumn https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/24.04.2023-healthcare-workers-might-strike-in-autumn.a506115/ [04:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Healthcare workers might strike in autumn / Article [04:55] TR News Latvia goes all-in on Stingers for Ukraine https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/defense/24.04.2023-latvia-goes-all-in-on-stingers-for-ukraine.a506093/ [04:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Latvia goes all-in on Stingers for Ukraine / Article [04:56] TR News Latvia's teachers begin three-day strike https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/education/24.04.2023-latvias-teachers-begin-three-day-strike.a506054/ [04:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Latvia's teachers begin three-day strike / Article [04:58] TR News Planned Senate bill would counteract Mining Law ruling https://federalnewsnetwork.com/business-news/2023/04/planned-senate-bill-would-counteract-mining-law-ruling/ [04:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-federalnewsnetwork.com | Planned Senate bill would counteract Mining Law ruling | Federal News Network [04:59] TR News LAs big Armenian community marks genocide remembrance day https://federalnewsnetwork.com/u-s-news/2023/04/las-big-armenian-community-marks-genocide-remembrance-day/ [04:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-federalnewsnetwork.com | LAs big Armenian community marks genocide remembrance day | Federal News Network [04:59] TR News $1.6M settlement reached in handcuffed prisoners 2014 death https://federalnewsnetwork.com/u-s-news/2023/04/1-6m-settlement-reached-in-handcuffed-prisoners-2014-death/ [04:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-federalnewsnetwork.com | $1.6M settlement reached in handcuffed prisoners 2014 death | Federal News Network ● Apr 26 [05:01] TR News RFK Jr. Takes Strong Antiwar, Anti-Empire Stance in Presidential Run https://original.antiwar.com/john-v-walsh/2023/04/24/rfk-jr-takes-strong-antiwar-anti-empire-stance-in-presidential-run/ [05:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-original.antiwar.com | RFK Jr. Takes Strong Antiwar, Anti-Empire Stance in Presidential Run - Antiwar.com Original [05:01] TR News A Bad Idea Resurfaces: Using the US Military Against Mexicos Drug Cartels https://original.antiwar.com/ted_galen_carpenter/2023/04/24/a-bad-idea-resurfaces-using-the-us-military-against-mexicos-drug-cartels/ [05:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-original.antiwar.com | A Bad Idea Resurfaces: Using the US Military Against Mexico's Drug Cartels - Antiwar.com Original [05:03] TR News How Weak Is the Economy? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/briefing/economy.html [05:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | How Strong Is the Economy? - The New York Times [05:03] TR News Putins Spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, Claims Son Fought in Ukraine https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/europe/russia-peskov-son-wagner-ukraine.html [05:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Putins Spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, Claims Son Fought in Ukraine - The New York Times [05:04] TR News Opposition Leader Says He Left Venezuela After Being Threatened https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/world/americas/venezuela-juan-guaido-colombia.html [05:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Arriving at Talks, Venezuelan Opposition Leader Is Rebuffed and Rerouted - The New York Times [05:05] TR News Deadly Blasts Destroy Police Station in Pakistan https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/world/asia/pakistan-swat-blasts.html [05:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Deadly Blasts Destroy Police Station in Pakistan - The New York Times [05:05] TR News These Countries Lined Up to Help Ukraine. Now Their Farmers Are Angry. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/world/europe/ukraine-grain-deal-romania.html [05:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Angry Farmers Pierce Europes United Front on Ukraine - The New York Times [05:07] TR News China Accuses Liberal Columnist of Espionage After a Lunch With Diplomat https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/asia/china-journalist-dong-yuyu.html [05:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | China Accuses Liberal Columnist of Espionage After a Lunch With Diplomat - The New York Times [05:07] TR News Men in Military Uniforms Killed at Least 60 People, Burkina Faso Says https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/africa/burkina-faso-military-killings-civilians.html [05:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Men in Military Uniforms Killed at Least 60 People, Burkina Faso Says - The New York Times [05:07] TR News Chinas Ambassador Lu Shaye Comments on Ex-Soviet States Drawing Ire https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/europe/china-ambassador-soviet-states.html [05:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Chinas Ambassador Lu Shaye Comments on Ex-Soviet States Drawing Ire - The New York Times [05:08] TR News Russian Foreign Minister Faces Rebuke at U.N. Over War in Ukraine https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/04/24/world/ukraine-russia-news [05:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Russian Foreign Minister Faces Rebuke at U.N. Over War in Ukraine - The New York Times [05:09] TR News German Magazine Editor Is Fired Over [CHATBOT] Michael Schumacher Interview https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/media/michael-schumacher-ai-fake-interview.html [05:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | German Magazine Editor Is Fired Over A.I. Michael Schumacher Interview - The New York Times [05:10] TR News How to Compile and Install OpenSSH from Source in Linux https://www.tecmint.com/install-openssh-server-from-source-in-linux/ [05:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tecmint.com | How to Install OpenSSH Server from Source in Linux [05:11] TR News The Ultimate Guide to i3 Customization in Linux https://itsfoss.com/i3-customization/ [05:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-itsfoss.com | The Ultimate Guide to i3 Customization in Linux [05:11] TR News Tucker Carlson Nipped from Fox https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/04/24/tucker-carlson-nipped-from-fox/ [05:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.emptywheel.net | Tucker Carlson Nipped from Fox - emptywheel [05:13] TR News "Green Nobel" is BS. Stop making up awards, then naming then Nobel. It's misleading. https://yle.fi/a/74-20028589 [05:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Finnish researcher wins US "Green Nobel" prize | News | Yle Uutiset [05:15] TR News Helsinki to host two-day Nato NEPAC meeting https://yle.fi/a/74-20028619 [05:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Helsinki to host two-day Nato NEPAC meeting | News | Yle Uutiset [05:15] TR News Jyvskyl to rename its Yaroslavl Square over Russia's invasion of Ukraine https://yle.fi/a/74-20028663 [05:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Jyvskyl to rename its Yaroslavl Square over Russia's invasion of Ukraine | News | Yle Uutiset [05:16] TR News But "attracting skilled foreign workers" may mean the locals cannot find a job https://yle.fi/a/74-20028719 [05:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Researcher: Finland lagging behind competitors in attracting skilled foreign workers | News | Yle Uutiset [05:18] TR News When racism gets imported from India https://record.umich.edu/articles/faculty-perspective-inclusion-of-caste-in-u-ms-non-discrimination-policy/ [05:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-record.umich.edu | Faculty Perspective: Inclusion of caste in U-Ms non-discrimination policy | The University Record [05:20] TR News https://rss.csmonitor.com/feeds/csm?format=xml Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:10:44 -0400 How can states secure voting systems? Nonprofit aims to offer a test. [05:21] TR News Discard voting systems, go back to PAPER. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2023/0424/How-can-states-secure-voting-systems-Nonprofit-aims-to-offer-a-test [05:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How can states secure voting systems? Nonprofit aims to offer a test. - CSMonitor.com [05:22] TR News A reporters full investment of head and heart https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/From-the-Editors/2023/0424/A-reporter-s-full-investment-of-head-and-heart [05:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-A reporters full investment of head and heart - CSMonitor.com [05:22] TR News Battle rages on in Sudan as mass airlifts rescue foreign nationals https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2023/0424/Battle-rages-on-in-Sudan-as-mass-airlifts-rescue-foreign-nationals [05:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Battle rages on in Sudan as mass airlifts rescue foreign nationals - CSMonitor.com [05:22] TR News Nuance in the fog: Plumbing for honesty in Russian opinion polls https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2023/0424/Nuance-in-the-fog-Plumbing-for-honesty-in-Russian-opinion-polls [05:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Russian opinion polls risk failing to show opposition to Ukraine war - CSMonitor.com [05:23] TR News Downtown ghost town? More cities convert empty offices into homes. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2023/0424/Downtown-ghost-town-More-cities-convert-empty-offices-into-homes [05:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Downtown ghost town? More cities convert empty offices into homes. - CSMonitor.com [05:23] TR News What Tucker Carlsons Dismissal From Fox News Means for the Network https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/media/tucker-carlson-fox-news-dismissed-controversy.html [05:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | What Tucker Carlsons Dismissal From Fox News Means for the Network - The New York Times [05:23] TR News Tucker Carlson gone: Fox News announces departure of popular host https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2023/0424/Tucker-Carlson-gone-Fox-News-announces-departure-of-popular-host [05:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News after Dominion lawsuit settlement - CSMonitor.com [05:24] TR News Ukraines drive to put Putin on trial https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2023/0424/Ukraine-s-drive-to-put-Putin-on-trial [05:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Ukraines drive to put Putin on trial - CSMonitor.com [05:24] TR News Carroll v. Trump: Battery and defamation case comes to trial https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2023/0424/Carroll-v.-Trump-Battery-and-defamation-case-comes-to-trial [05:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Carroll v. Trump: Battery and defamation case comes to trial - CSMonitor.com [05:25] TR News UK Threatens End-to-End Encryption https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/uk-threatens-end-to-end-encryption.html [05:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-UK Threatens End-to-End Encryption - Schneier on Security [05:26] TR News WTF????? "In partnership with Lenovo" technologyreview is whoring itself. MIT is a HOAX! https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/24/1071733/digital-transformation-as-a-service-is-poised-to-drive-enterprise-growth/ [05:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.technologyreview.com | Digital transformation as a service is poised to drive enterprise growth | MIT Technology Review [05:27] TR News WTF??? "SPONSORED... ACCENTURE" (Microsoft proxy)... technologyreview has basically become a corporate spam farm for Microsoft https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/24/1070402/seizing-a-watershed-moment-for-enterprise-sustainability-efforts/ [05:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.technologyreview.com | Seizing a watershed moment for enterprise sustainability efforts | MIT Technology Review [05:31] TR News No, social control media is the wrong outlet and, in this case, it is fully controlled by foreigners and frauds https://www.techzim.co.zw/2023/04/social-media-worked-6000-funeral-policy-premiums-equals-fully-paid-up/ [05:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.techzim.co.zw | Your social media grumblings led to this, $6000 in funeral policy premiums = fully paid up - Techzim [05:33] TR News Diane Wilson: 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Diane-Wilson-2023-Goldman-Environmental-Prize-Winner-20230424-0020.html [05:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.telesurenglish.net | NO TITLE [05:33] TR News 9 European Countries to Turn North Sea Into Green Power Plant https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/9-European-Countries-to-Turn-North-Sea-Into-Green-Power-Plant-20230425-0001.html [05:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.telesurenglish.net | 9 European Countries to Turn North Sea Into Green Power Plant | News | teleSUR English [05:34] TR News Earthquake in Western Indonesia, Residents Flee Coastal Areas https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Earthquake-in-Western-Indonesia-Residents-Flee-Coastal-Areas-20230425-0002.html [05:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.telesurenglish.net | NO TITLE [05:37] TR News When you force people to take EXPERIMENTAL products the risk is that people start distrusting everything https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/European-Leaders-Raise-Alarm-Over-Falling-Vaccination-Rates-20230424-0014.html [05:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.telesurenglish.net | European Leaders Raise Alarm Over Falling Vaccination Rates | News | teleSUR English [05:46] TR News New comment: "If you hear "aligning our cost structure with our revenue growth", you can translate it as "layoffs"." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1mjWkWja#replies [05:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thelayoff.com | Earnings are today - post regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffs [05:46] TR News Microsoft now insinuating more layoffs are coming. Big ones, not "here and there..." [05:47] TR News New Microsoft 365 outage causes Exchange Online connectivity issues https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/new-microsoft-365-outage-causes-exchange-online-connectivity-issues/ [05:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.bleepingcomputer.com | New Microsoft 365 outage causes Exchange Online connectivity issues [05:50] TR News So Microsoft staff already reading between the lines: MOAR layoffs. [05:51] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D573.jpg [05:51] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D899.jpg [05:52] TR News "for setting me straight on an Antenna detail or two critical to my gemlog entries showing on Antenna!" gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-04-25-01-this-that-and-otherness.gmi [05:52] TR News Gemini capsules of Techrights will have all-time record traffic this month [05:53] TR News "I've been extatic with the suckless tiling desktop manager dwm on my notebook. Feeling all cocky I decided to switch my main machine to dwm as well. The result is great, but it took more time than I imagined." gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~stack/gemlog/2023-04-26.dwm_allin.gmi [05:54] TR News "It has been forever since the Player and I have worked on this story. Time to change that! I have a lot of ideas for Lantashi, and the adventures that take place after the campaign the story is based on." gemini://lantashifiles.com/gemlog/entries/2023-04-25.gmi [05:57] TR News tiktok shilling by Wall Street Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/04/25/business/tiktok-ban.html [05:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | What's At Stake for TikTok Users if Lawmakers Ban the App - The New York Times [05:57] TR News TikTok is NOT "app" [05:57] TR News manchin https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/manchin-threatens-back-repeal-major-climate-measure-bidens-energy-poli-rcna81299 [05:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nbcnews.com | Manchin threatens to back repeal of major climate and tax measure over Biden's energy policies [05:57] TR News "Linux Foundation Launches New Organization to Maintain TLA+" https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=23/04/25/0130211 [05:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-soylentnews.org | Linux Foundation Launches New Organization to Maintain TLA+ - SoylentNews [05:58] TR News On EU "chat control" https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=https://femtejuli.se/2023/04/25/chat-control-kraver-spionprogram-i-din-telefon/ [05:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-femtejuli-se.translate.goog | Chat Control krver spionprogram i din telefon [05:58] TR News newsletter https://chrishannah.me/request-for-feedback-on-a-potential-newsletter/ [05:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-chrishannah.me | Request for feedback on a potential newsletter [05:58] TR News "Linux IS Everywhere But So Are Corporations Seeking Control" https://odysee.com/@eBuzz_Central:7/linux-is-everywhere-but-so-are:a [05:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-odysee.com | Linux IS Everywhere But So Are Corporations Seeking Control [05:59] TR News "after ten years, John Deere FINALLY lost" https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/after-ten-years,-john-deere-finally-lost:3 [05:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-odysee.com | after ten years, John Deere FINALLY lost [05:59] TR News "feelings" https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/04/21/court-convicts-women-for-offending-religious-feelings-with-rainbow-virgin-mary-at-lgbt-march/ [05:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-notesfrompoland.com | Court convicts women for offending religious feelings with rainbow Virgin Mary at LGBT march | Notes From Poland [05:59] TR News How To Install Fedora 38 [A Step By Step Guide] https://ostechnix.com/install-fedora/ | Source: OSTechNix [05:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How To Install Fedora 38 Desktop - OSTechNix ● Apr 26 [06:00] TR News "The survival game Grounded from Obsidian Entertainment and Xbox Game Studios has now released version 1.2" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/grounded-1-2-is-out-now-and-steam-deck-verified/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [06:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Grounded 1.2 out now and Steam Deck Verified but desktop Linux needs a small fix | GamingOnLinux [06:00] TR News "People have used their Steam Deck to do all sorts of crazy things but this latest is nuts." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/using-a-steam-deck-to-control-a-ukrainian-automatic-turret-now-ive-seen-it-all/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [06:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Using a Steam Deck to control a Ukrainian automatic turret, now I've seen it all | GamingOnLinux [06:02] TR News kdenlive https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/kde-apps-like-kdenlive-get-big-upgrades-for-kde-gear-2304/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [06:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-KDE apps like Kdenlive get big upgrades for KDE Gear 23.04 | GamingOnLinux [06:03] TR News ubisoft? https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/first-person-slasher-lichenvale-out-now-from-ex-ubisoft-dev/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [06:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-First-person slasher Lichenvale out now from ex-Ubisoft dev | GamingOnLinux [06:03] TR News "Immersion Pack" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/paradox-announce-first-immersion-pack-for-victoria-3-and-free-upgrade/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [06:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Paradox announce first 'Immersion Pack' for Victoria 3 and free upgrade | GamingOnLinux [06:04] TR News Steam puzzles https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/steam-puzzle-fest-2023/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [06:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-What are you checking out in Steam Puzzle Fest 2023? | GamingOnLinux [06:06] TR News Wikit https://www.tecmint.com/wikipedia-commandline-tool/ | Source: TecMint [06:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tecmint.com | Wikit - Search Wikipedia on Linux Command Line [06:07] TR News "18 Best NodeJS Frameworks" https://www.tecmint.com/best-nodejs-frameworks-for-developers/ | Source: TecMint [06:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tecmint.com | 18 Best NodeJS Frameworks for Developers in 2023 [06:09] TR News Canonical selling proprietary software https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-pro-is-now-part-of-the-aws-ec2-console | Source: Ubuntu [06:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Ubuntu Pro is now part of the AWS EC2 console | Ubuntu [06:09] TR News Canonical continues to promote anti-privacy scams (outsourcing) and Microsoft proprietary junk, as if Canonical is a subsidiary of Microsoft https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-confidential-vms-intel-tdx-microsoft-azure-confidential-computing | Source: Ubuntu [06:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Try Ubuntu confidential VMs with Intel TDX today: limited preview now available on Azure | Ubuntu [06:09] TR News "create conditions for online piracy" [sic] https://torrentfreak.com/bulgaria-approves-draft-law-that-turns-pirate-site-operators-into-criminals-230425/ | Source: Torrent Freak [06:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Bulgaria Approves Draft Law That Turns Pirate Site Operators Into Criminals * TorrentFreak [06:10] TR News "1337x.to, one of the world's most-visited torrent sites, has trouble finding recent torrents." https://torrentfreak.com/1337xs-search-is-broken-cant-find-recent-torrents-230425/ | Source: Torrent Freak [06:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-1337x's Search is Broken, Can't Find Recent Torrents (Updated) * TorrentFreak [06:11] TR News "Cacti is an extensible framework for operational monitoring and fault management." https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-cacti-on-rocky-linux/ | Source: HowTo Forge [06:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.howtoforge.com | How to Install Cacti on Rocky Linux [06:11] TR News "Qodem has built in support for SSH" https://www.cambus.net/fun-with-kermit-and-zmodem-over-ssh/ | Source: Frederic Cambus [06:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cambus.net | Fun with Kermit and ZMODEM over SSH | Frederic Cambus [06:13] TR News (UPDATED): Kdenlive 23.04.0 released http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/24/Kdenlive_23_04_0_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/24/Kdenlive_23_04_0_released.gmi [06:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Kdenlive 23.04.0 released [06:13] TR News (NEW): Games: Grounded, Steam Deck, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Games_Grounded_Steam_Deck_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Games_Grounded_Steam_Deck_and_More.gmi [06:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Games: Grounded, Steam Deck, and More [06:14] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/today_s_howtos.gmi [06:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines today's howtos [06:15] TR News "GNU Linux-libre 6.3 is based on recent Linux kernel 6.3 release but strips out all binary blobs, non-free firmware" https://www.omglinux.com/linux-libre-kernel-6-3-releassed/ | Source: OMG! Linux [06:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.omglinux.com | GNU Linux-libre Kernel 6.3 Now Available - OMG! Linux [06:17] TR News "Part 2 of The TanenbaumTorvalds Debates." https://matt-rickard.com/16-lessons-from-the-tanenbaum-torvalds-debates | Source: Matt Rickard [06:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-matt-rickard.com | 16 Lessons from the TanenbaumTorvalds Debates [06:20] TR News (UPDATED): GNU Linux-Libre 6.3 Kernel Is Out for Those Seeking 100% Freedom for Their PCs http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/24/GNU_Linux_Libre_6_3_Kernel_Is_Out_for_Those_Seeking_100_Freedom.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/24/GNU_Linux_Libre_6_3_Kernel_Is_Out_for_Those_Seeking_100_Freedom.gmi [06:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines GNU Linux-Libre 6.3 Kernel Is Out for Those Seeking 100% Freedom for Their PCs [06:20] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) [06:21] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Programming_Leftovers.gmi [06:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Programming Leftovers [06:21] TR News (NEW): Proprietary Microsoft 'Clown Computing' Down Again, Other Security Incidents http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Proprietary_Microsoft_Clown_Computing_Down_Again_Other_Security.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Proprietary_Microsoft_Clown_Computing_Down_Again_Other_Security.gmi [06:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Proprietary Microsoft 'Clown Computing' Down Again, Other Security Incidents [06:21] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [06:21] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) [06:22] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [06:22] TR News "Released over the weekend by Linus Torvalds, Linux kernel 6.3 has already landed in Ubuntus official..." https://9to5linux.com/you-can-now-install-linux-kernel-6-3-on-ubuntu-heres-how | Source: 9to5Linux [06:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-You Can Now Install Linux Kernel 6.3 on Ubuntu, Heres How - 9to5Linux [06:22] TR News No more DHCP(d) https://canonical.com/blog/no-more-dhcpd | Source: Canonical [06:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-No more DHCP(d) | Canonical [06:26] TR News (NEW): Canonical/Ubuntu Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Canonical_Ubuntu_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Canonical_Ubuntu_Leftovers.gmi [06:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Canonical/Ubuntu Leftovers [06:27] TR News "list of things I thought Id ever read about alongside Raspberry Pi..." https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/creating-mesmerising-kinetic-art-furniture-with-sisyphus/ | Source: Raspberry Pi [06:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.raspberrypi.com | Creating mesmerising kinetic art furniture with Sisyphus - Raspberry Pi [06:28] TR News "The changes are largely the same as for the new pi3hat: [...]" https://jpieper.com/2023/04/25/power_dist-r4-5b/ | Source: J Pieper [06:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-jpieper.com | power_dist r4.5b | A Modicum of Fun [06:28] TR News "This infrared sensor module works by emitting infrared light from an LED and monitoring the reflection." https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/04/25/build-your-own-tachometer-with-an-ir-sensor-and-an-arduino/ | Source: Arduino [06:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.arduino.cc | Build your own tachometer with an IR sensor and an Arduino | Arduino Blog [06:28] TR News "The premise of the arm project was to utilize a total of five servo motors for manipulating each degree of freedom" https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/04/25/an-arduino-leonardo-powered-3d-printed-robotic-arm-designed-from-scratch/ | Source: Arduino [06:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.arduino.cc | An Arduino Leonardo-powered, 3D-printed robotic arm designed from scratch | Arduino Blog [06:29] TR News "This feature isn't even only in the Qualcomm 630 chipset, it's in practically all Qualcomm" https://blog.brixit.nl/nitrokey-dissapoints-me/ | Source: Martijn Braam [06:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.brixit.nl | NitroKey disappoints me [06:31] TR News "Its been a long time coming, but this is my 100th post as part of 100 Days To Offload." https://gregoryhammond.ca/blog/100th-day-to-offload/ | Source: Gregory Hammond [06:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gregoryhammond.ca | 100th Day To Offload! - Gregory Hammond [06:33] TR News mayan https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7be5b/a-mysterious-mayan-calendar-stumped-scientists-for-decades-a-new-study-has-cosmic-answers | Source: Vice Media Group [06:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.vice.com | A Mysterious Mayan Calendar Stumped Scientists for Decades. A New Study Has Cosmic Answers. [06:33] TR News vikings https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/1000-year-old-viking-coins-unearthed-young-girl-denmark-1715390 | Source: International Business Times [06:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ibtimes.co.uk | 1,000-year-old Viking coins unearthed by young girl in Denmark [06:33] TR News "For this test flight, the two main experiments were government-sponsored" https://text.npr.org/1171924186 | Source: NPR [06:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-text.npr.org | Contact is lost with a Japanese spacecraft attempting to land on the moon [06:34] TR News "Shortly after landing, Swedish and Norweigan authorities were notified" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sweden-rocket-norway-research/ | Source: CBS [06:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbsnews.com | Swedish research rocket flies off course, accidentally lands in Norway - CBS News [06:35] TR News "At the same time, around 2012, time on social [CONTROL] media began to soar." https://text.npr.org/1171773181 | Source: NPR [06:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-text.npr.org | The truth about teens, social media and the mental health crisis [06:35] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and more http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Open_Hardware_Raspberry_Pi_Arduino_and_more.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Open_Hardware_Raspberry_Pi_Arduino_and_more.gmi [06:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and more [06:35] TR News (NEW): NitroKey disappoints me http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/NitroKey_disappoints_me.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/NitroKey_disappoints_me.gmi [06:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines NitroKey disappoints me [06:47] TR News Wikimedia Foundation at LibrePlanet 2023 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/wikipedia-libreplanet-talk/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/wikipedia-libreplanet-talk/ [06:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Wikimedia Foundation at LibrePlanet 2023 | Techrights [06:55] TR News Links 26/04/2023: Release of Git 2.40.1 and Canonical Pushing Microsoft Clown Computing Again | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/canonical-microsoft-clown-computing/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/canonical-microsoft-clown-computing/ [06:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Links 26/04/2023: Release of Git 2.40.1 and Canonical Pushing Microsoft Clown Computing Again | Techrights [06:57] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [06:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Today in Techrights [06:59] TR News Microsoft chaffbots that lie https://www.thenation.com/article/society/ai-chatgpt-tech-disruption-humanity/ | Source: The Nation [06:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | Will AI Lead to Human Extinction? | The Nation [06:59] TR News Gulag's grip on perceptions https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/04/google-maps-world-perception/673834/ | Source: The Atlantic [06:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theatlantic.com | The Only Good Social Network Is Google Maps - The Atlantic ● Apr 26 [07:00] TR News "The primary reason I started my blog was to have a repository of code snippets" https://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-04-25-10_years/ | Source: Bruno Rodrigues [07:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.brodrigues.co | I've been blogging for 10 years [07:01] TR News "Well explore this, but first, lets examine the wrong answers." https://www.codewithjason.com/why-duplication-is-more-acceptable-in-tests/ | Source: Jason Swett [07:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.codewithjason.com | Why duplication is more acceptable in tests - Code with Jason [07:01] TR News "Which leads me to this epiphany about online retail. Living in a remote house..." https://rubenerd.com/urban-sprawl-and-online-retail/ | Source: Ruben Schade [07:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Rubenerd: Urban sprawl guarenteed the success of online retail [07:02] TR News "Kotlin Coroutines are usually integrated in Java code via Javas CompletableFuture" https://alexn.org/blog/2023/04/24/kotlin-suspended-functions-to-cats-effect-io/ | Source: Alexandru Nedelcu [07:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-alexn.org | Kotlin Coroutines to Cats-Effect - Alexandru Nedelcu [07:02] TR News "it is actually fairly simple to replicate a similar workflow to that of a CLI" https://bt.ht/git-patches | Source: Brad Taunt [07:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bt.ht | Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux [07:02] TR News "The common thread linking most of these gotchas is scalability." https://philbooth.me/blog/nine-ways-to-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot-with-postgresql | [07:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-philbooth.me | Nine ways to shoot yourself in the foot with PostgreSQL [07:03] TR News "As I explained in my previous status update, I decided not to dive into LAN based multi-player for Pixel Wheels." https://agateau.com/2023/split-screen-revival-progress/ | Source: Aurlien Gteau [07:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Split-screen revival progress | agateau.com [07:03] TR News "The Aftermath of The Aftermath" https://gizmodo.com/magic-march-of-the-machine-aftermath-leak-pinkertons-1850369015 | Source: Gizmodo [07:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gizmodo.com | Magic The Gathering Fan Raided By Pinkertons For Leaked Cards [07:09] TR News "The EHDS also proposes to legally compel hospitals or physicians to hand out your medical records" https://edri.org/our-work/eu-plans-allow-big-tech-to-exploit-your-medical-records-without-permission/ | Source: EDRI [07:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-edri.org | EU plans allow Big Tech to exploit your medical records, without permission - European Digital Rights (EDRi) [07:09] TR News "how a cryptography blog reviews a work of fiction" https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2023/04/24/book-review-red-team-blues/ | Source: Cryptography Engineering [07:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.cryptographyengineering.com | Book Review: Red Team Blues A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering [07:09] TR News "Russian authorities recorded the IMEI codes of their smart[sic]phones" https://yle.fi/a/74-20028795 | Source: YLE [07:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Russia tracks visiting Finns via smartphone IMEI codes, Yle finds | News | Yle Uutiset [07:10] TR News "Following the burglary of a French logistics company in 2019" https://edri.org/our-work/retrospective-facial-recognition-surveillance-conceals-human-rights-abuses-in-plain-sight/ | Source: EDRI [07:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-edri.org | Retrospective facial recognition surveillance conceals human rights abuses in plain sight - European Digital Rights (EDRi) [07:10] TR News "In the future, every police headquarters in Rhineland-Palatinate will be equipped with such a mobile speed camera system." https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2055838.html | Source: RTL [07:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-today.rtl.lu | RTL Today - Rhineland-Palatinate : Speed cameras that can detect mobile phones to be introduced in border region [07:13] TR News "Daniel Ellsberg, the man behind the largest and perhaps most consequential disclosure in U.S. history" https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3970983-pentagon-papers-leaker-dod-records-show-ukraine-at-stalemate-very-similar-to-vietnam/ | Source: The Hill [07:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-thehill.com | Pentagon Papers leaker: DOD records show Ukraine at stalemate, very similar to Vietnam | The Hill [07:13] TR News "You read about the Allies invasion in the books and learn details about this specific operation" https://news.umich.edu/sacred-ground-stepping-off-the-map-and-onto-the-cliffs-of-normandy/ | Source: uni Michigan [07:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.umich.edu | Sacred ground: Stepping off the map and onto the beaches, cliffs of Normandy | University of Michigan News [07:13] TR News "Now, lab workers are unable to return to the facility and secure the hazardous materials." https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvnjn/high-risk-of-biological-hazard-in-sudan-after-fighters-seize-biolab-who-says | Source: Vice Media Group [07:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.vice.com | 'High Risk of Biological Hazard' In Sudan After Fighters Seize Biolab, WHO Says [07:15] TR News "Public Service" https://overpopulation-project.com/making-media-seriously-discuss-population-growth-and-its-consequences-a-case-in-sweden/ | Source: Overpopulation [07:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-overpopulation-project.com | Making media seriously discuss population growth and its consequences a case in Sweden - The Overpopulation Project [07:16] TR News "crashing" https://text.npr.org/1171851775 | Source: NPR [07:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-text.npr.org | In Oklahoma, a woman was told to wait until she's 'crashing' for abortion care [07:17] TR News amsterdam https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/amsterdam-airport-set-ban-private-jets-overnight-flights-1715398 | Source: International Business Times [07:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ibtimes.co.uk | Amsterdam airport set to ban private jets, overnight flights [07:17] TR News ammonia https://www.h2-view.com/story/stanford-researchers-make-ammonia-from-water-droplets-and-nitrogen-from-the-air/ | Source: H2 View [07:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.h2-view.com | Stanford researchers make ammonia from water droplets and nitrogen from the air [07:17] TR News kerala https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/34-railway-stations-in-kerala-will-be-upgraded-to-world-class-standards-vaishnaw/article66777970.ece | Source: The Hindu [07:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thehindu.com | 34 railway stations in Kerala will be upgraded to world class standards: Vaishnaw - The Hindu [07:18] TR News "The next chapter will be trickier." https://www.economist.com/business/2021/03/13/rupert-murdoch-prepares-to-hand-over-his-media-empire | Source: The Economist [07:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Rupert Murdoch prepares to hand over his media empire | The Economist [07:20] TR News "The status of the investigation was unclear Monday" eu.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/michigan/2023/04/24/michigan-secret-grand-jury-investigation-2020-election-equipment-tampering-donald-trump-matt-deperno/70127775007/ | Source: Digital First Media [07:20] TR News "Of late, Apple has been remarkably calm, even-keeled, no big layoffs." https://mondaynote.com/apple-rumor-hallucinations-human-ones-6e70a6f4d90f | Source: Monday Note [07:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-mondaynote.com | Apple Rumor Hallucinations. Human Ones. | by Jean-Louis Gasse | Apr, 2023 | Monday Note [07:20] TR News Fentanylware https://today.rtl.lu/news/business-and-tech/a/2056057.html | Source: RTL [07:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-today.rtl.lu | RTL Today - Amazon, Google, Meta and more: EU designates TikTok, other online platforms for stricter rules [07:21] TR News Facebook = Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda https://neweasterneurope.eu/2023/04/25/whose-side-is-facebook-on-in-this-war-lithuanian-activists-ask/ | [07:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-neweasterneurope.eu | Whose side is Facebook on in this war? Lithuanian activists ask - New Eastern Europe [07:21] TR News "Russia's propaganda aims are not necessarily to persuade people to accept its position" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/tucker-carlson-offered-jobs-russian-state-tv-channels-putin-ukraine-rcna81281 | Source: NBC [07:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nbcnews.com | Tucker Carlson offered jobs on Russian state TV [07:22] TR News Censorship: "In the new documentary Judy Blume Forever" https://text.npr.org/1171112806 | Source: NPR [07:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-text.npr.org | Judy Blume was banned from the beginning, but says 'It never stopped me from writing' [07:23] TR News Censorship in China Kong https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/short-film-screening-axed-after-failing-to-get-censors-approval-despite-adding-natl-security-poster-to-seditious-scene/ | Source: Hong Kong Free Press [07:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | Short film screening axed after failing to get censors' approval despite adding nat'l security poster to 'seditious' scene - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [07:23] TR News Freedom of Information https://www.voanews.com/a/family-chinese-journalist-faces-espionage-charges/7065258.html | Source: VOA News [07:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | Family: Chinese Journalist Faces Espionage Charges [07:24] TR News Guangming Daily https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/asia/china-journalist-dong-yuyu.html | Source: New York Times [07:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | China Accuses Liberal Columnist of Espionage After a Lunch With Diplomat - The New York Times [07:24] TR News "His family didnt share any details about his detention with the public for more than a year" https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/china-formally-charges-journalist-with-spying-media-rights-group-says/ | Source: Hong Kong Free Press [07:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | China formally charges journalist with spying, media rights group says - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [07:25] TR News headscarves https://www.voanews.com/a/iran-charges-two-actors-for-not-wearing-headscarves/7065880.html | Source: VOA News [07:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | Iran Charges Two Actors for Not Wearing Headscarves [07:25] TR News When your boss is an algorithm https://text.npr.org/1171800324 | Source: NPR [07:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-text.npr.org | When your boss is an algorithm [07:26] TR News "I put script after script before people who just rejected them out of hand" https://jacobin.com/2023/04/harry-belafonte-film-actor-singer-civil-rights-movement-obituary/ | Source: Jacobin Magazine [07:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-jacobin.com | Harry Belafontes Promising Career as a Film Star Ended Before It Really Began [07:26] TR News Evil Gulag pushing Digital Restrictions (DRM). "The tool allows administrators to block users from copying and pasting data" https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/25/google-releases-new-cybersecurity-features-chromeos/ | Source: Silicon Angle [07:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Google releases new cybersecurity features for ChromeOS - SiliconANGLE [07:26] TR News "Amazon is very proud of its "flywheel": at first, the company offered subsidies to customers" https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/25/greedflation/#commissar-bezos | Source: CoryDoctorow [07:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pluralistic.net | Pluralistic: How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it (25 Apr 2023) Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow [07:27] TR News "The new framework for vetted researchers access to data from very large online platforms" https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13817-Delegated-Regulation-on-data-access-provided-for-in-the-Digital-Services-Act_en | Source: European Commission [07:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ec.europa.eu | Have your say [07:27] TR News "The new AI systems certainly have massive problems, not least in the sphere of privacy," https://walledculture.org/yet-again-the-copyright-industry-demands-to-be-shielded-from-technological-progress-and-the-future/ | Source: Walled Culture [07:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ https://walledculture.org/yet-again-the-copyright-industry-demands-to-be-shielded-from-technological-progress-and-the-future/ ) [07:28] TR News education not permitted by primitive regimes https://telex.hu/english/2023/04/25/a-protest-for-education-ends-with-tear-gas | Source: Telex (Hungary) [07:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-telex.hu | Telex: A protest for education ends with tear gas [07:28] TR News The soldiers from Orbanistan https://telex.hu/english/2023/04/25/18-hungarian-soldiers-from-transcarpathia-may-have-died-in-the-fighting-in-ukraine-so-far | Source: Telex (Hungary) [07:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-telex.hu | Telex: 18 Hungarian soldiers from Transcarpathia may have died in the fighting in Ukraine so far [07:29] TR News inflation https://telex.hu/english/2023/04/26/arte-european-comission-wheat-poland-hungary-agriculture-inflation-notre-dame | Source: Telex (Hungary) [07:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-telex.hu | Telex: The latest from Arte Weekly: Tensions rise among farmers in Eastern Europe over cheap grain from Ukraine, while Sweden grapples with highest inflation in decades [07:30] TR News "Am I the only American to travel overseas and feel embarrassed by the conduct of the diplomats Washington sends abroad to speak for our republic?" https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/patrick-lawrence-force-marching-the-europeans/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Patrick Lawrence: Force-Marching the Europeans - scheerpost.com [07:30] TR News delaware https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/ralph-nader-scranton-joe-nevermore-its-always-been-delaware-joe/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Ralph Nader: Scranton Joe Nevermore It's Always Been Delaware Joe - scheerpost.com [07:30] TR News Ernest Moret https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/what-the-uks-arrest-of-a-french-publisher-means-for-public-intellectuals-the-world-over/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-What the UK's Arrest of a French Publisher Means for Public Intellectuals the World Over - scheerpost.com [07:31] TR News American Dream https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/the-american-dream/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The American Dream - scheerpost.com [07:33] TR News "After the Chinese-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Araba and Iran" https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/scott-ritter-syria-comes-in-from-the-cold/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Scott Ritter: Syria Comes in From the Cold - scheerpost.com [07:34] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) [07:34] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:34] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [07:34] TR News "Responsible Statecraft interviewed the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on Ukraine aid" https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/afghanistan-watchdog-says-youre-gonna-see-pilferage-of-ukraine-aid/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Afghanistan Watchdog Says 'You're Gonna See Pilferage' of Ukraine Aid - scheerpost.com [07:34] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #boycottnovell-social [07:34] *irc.techrights.org sets mode +a #boycottnovell-social MinceR [07:34] *TwistedPersonality has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:34] *immibis (~quassel@yh8rvxcviamba.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [07:35] TR News "False endorsements violate FTC rules, legally exposing Musk" https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/experts-warn-musks-misleading-celebrity-twitter-blue-check-are-ftc-violation/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Experts Warn Musk's Misleading Celebrity Twitter Blue Check Are FTC Violation - scheerpost.com [07:36] TR News Tax Bill https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/breaking-down-your-tax-bill/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Breaking Down Your Tax Bill - scheerpost.com [07:36] TR News "If you ever work with a circuit that controls a decent amount of current, you will often encounter a FET" https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/fet-the-friendly-efficient-transistor/ | Source: Hackaday [07:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-FET: The Friendly Efficient Transistor | Hackaday [07:37] TR News Low-Cost RF Power https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/low-cost-rf-power-sensor-gets-all-the-details-right/ | Source: Hackaday [07:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Low-Cost RF Power Sensor Gets All The Details Right | Hackaday [07:37] TR News "single board computer featuring a 13th gen i5 processor" https://linuxgizmos.com/dfrobot-debuts-compact-x86-sbc/ | Source: Linux Gizmos [07:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/dfrobot-debuts-compact-x86-sbc/ ) [07:37] TR News "The last beta introduced a new SELinux module for Cockpit." https://news.opensuse.org/2023/04/25/next-v-leap-micro-reaches-rc/ | Source: OpenSUSE [07:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.opensuse.org | Next Version of Leap Micro Reaches Release Candidate - openSUSE News [07:38] TR News "Remember fax machines?" https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/retrotechtacular-putting-pictures-on-the-wire-in-the-1930s/ | Source: Hackaday [07:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Retrotechtacular: Putting Pictures On The Wire In The 1930s | Hackaday [07:42] TR News "The 1970s was a great time to be an electronics hobbyist" https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/op-amp-contest-a-slice-of-the-70s/ | Source: Hackaday [07:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Op Amp Contest: A Slice Of The 70s | Hackaday [07:42] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:42] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #boycottnovell-social [07:42] *irc.techrights.org sets mode +a #boycottnovell-social MinceR [07:42] TR News "[mat kelcey] was so impressed and inspired by the concept of a very slow movie player" https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/very-slow-movie-player-avoids-e-ink-ghosting-with-machine-learning/ | Source: Hackaday [07:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Very Slow Movie Player Avoids E-Ink Ghosting With Machine Learning | Hackaday [07:42] TR News "Open Culture VOICES is a series of short videos that highlight the benefits and barriers of open culture" https://creativecommons.org/2023/04/25/jessemusse-cacinda-open-culture-voices-season-2-episode-12/ | Source: Creative Commons [07:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-creativecommons.org | Jessemusse Cacinda Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 12 - Creative Commons [07:44] TR News Manhattan https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/trump-jean-carroll-rape-trial/ | Source: The Nation [07:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | Is Donald Trumps Luck About to Run Out in a Manhattan Court? | The Nation [07:44] TR News "Kyrsten Sinema left the Democratic Party and registered as an independent" https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/kyrsten-sinema-democrats-arizona/ | Source: The Nation [07:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | Arizona Democrats Want the National Party to Join Their Fight to Oust Kyrsten Sinema | The Nation [07:45] TR News "Omali Yeshitela and his wife, Ona Zene, awoke at 5 oclock in the morning to the sound of flash grenades" https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/foreign-agents-registration-act-political-repression/ | Source: The Nation [07:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | The DOJ Is Using Foreign Agents Accusations to Repress Black Liberation Organizers | The Nation [07:45] TR News "It seems more and more that we live in a world of moral dislocation" https://www.thenation.com/article/world/anna-badkhen-bright-unbearable-reality-interview/ | Source: The Nation [07:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | The World According to Anna Badkhen | The Nation [07:46] TR News "Last week, BuzzFeed CEO and founder Jonah Peretti stunned the Internet by announcing the closing of BuzzFeed News." https://www.thenation.com/article/society/buzzfeed-news/ | Source: The Nation [07:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | BuzzFeeds Epic Fail Is Bad News | The Nation [07:47] TR News "ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power" while taking bribes from famous criminal Bill Gates to not write about his crimes https://www.propublica.org/article/the-met-museum-native-american-collections | Source: Pro Publica [07:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.propublica.org | Where Did the Met Get Its Native American Artwork? ProPublica [07:48] TR News Government Bigger https://robertreich.org/post/715608851501694976 | Source: Robert Reich [07:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-robertreich.org | Robert Reich (We Need to Make Government Bigger (Its Not What...) [07:49] TR News "Each of the cases had relied on the results of chemical field test kits used by corrections officers" https://www.propublica.org/article/do-courts-use-roadside-drug-tests-accuracy | Source: Pro Publica [07:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.propublica.org | Courts Are Beginning to Prevent the Use of Roadside Drug Tests ProPublica [07:49] TR News Great https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/america-great/ | Source: The Nation [07:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | America: Great | The Nation [07:49] TR News Sudan https://www.thenation.com/article/world/sudan-violence-protests/ | Source: The Nation [07:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | What the World Should Know About Sudan | The Nation [07:50] TR News insulin https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/insulin-pump-teardown-shows-one-motor-does-many-jobs/ | Source: Hackaday [07:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Insulin Pump Teardown Shows One Motor Does Many Jobs | Hackaday [07:51] TR News Susan Rice https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/neera-tanden-susan-rice/ | Source: The Nation [07:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | Susan Rice Steps Down. Make Way for Neera Tanden. | The Nation [07:52] TR News meteoroscope https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/reading-ptolemys-treatise-on-the-meteoroscope-on-palimpsests-after-centuries-of-recovery-attempts/ | Source: Hackaday [07:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Reading Ptolemys Treatise On The Meteoroscope On Palimpsests After Centuries Of Recovery Attempts | Hackaday [07:52] TR News "In 2015, a private equity firm called BC Partners bought PetSmart, the ubiquitous pet supply chain" https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/private-equity-pets-veterinarian/ | Source: The Nation [07:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | Private Equity Is Killing Your Pets | The Nation [07:53] TR News Historic https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/25/jeffrey_sachs_china | Source: Democracy Now [07:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.democracynow.org | Jeffrey Sachs on Chinas Historic Push for Multipolar World to End U.S. Domination | Democracy Now! [07:54] TR News Carlson https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/25/tucker_carlson_fox | Source: Democracy Now [07:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.democracynow.org | Why Did Fox Fire Tucker Carlson? Far-Right Host Helped Fox Mainstream Hate, Conspiracies to Millions | Democracy Now! [07:54] TR News Environment https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/25/environmental_justice | Source: Democracy Now [07:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.democracynow.org | What Does Bidens Executive Order on Environmental Justice Mean for Frontline Communities? | Democracy Now! [07:55] TR News Catherine Cortez Masto https://www.commondreams.org/news/cortez-masto-risch-nevada-mining | Source: Common Dreams [07:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Senate Democrat Slammed for Pushing 'Unprecedented Giveaway' to Mining Industry [07:55] TR News "failure of various climate and Indigenous rights resolutions" https://www.commondreams.org/news/shareholder-activism-2659910795 | Source: Common Dreams [07:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Banks Accused of Placing 'Profit Over People and Our Planet' as Investor Climate Resolutions Fail [07:55] TR News techdirt still shilling fentanylware. "The great TikTok moral panic of 2023 shows no sign of slowing down." https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/fcc-commissioner-brendan-carr-continues-to-enjoy-oodles-of-free-press-for-fear-mongering-about-tiktok/ | Source: Techdirt [07:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Continues To Enjoy Oodles Of Free Press For Fear Mongering About TikTok | Techdirt [07:58] TR News "Ahead of a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday evening regarding Holtec International's plan" https://www.commondreams.org/news/100-groups-to-ny-gov-hochul-don-t-allow-radioactive-waste-dumping-in-hudson-river | Source: Common Dreams [07:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | 100+ Groups to NY Gov. Hochul: Don't Allow Radioactive Waste Dumping in Hudson River [07:59] TR News "In response to U.S. President Joe Biden's Tuesday announcement that he is seeking reelection in 2024" https://www.commondreams.org/news/progressive-young-voters-biden-2024 | Source: Common Dreams [07:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Progressive Young Voters to Biden: Energize Us and Win or Ignore Us and Lose ● Apr 26 [08:00] TR News Ocean Warming Study So Distressing https://www.commondreams.org/news/ocean-warming-study | Source: Common Dreams [08:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Ocean Warming Study So Distressing, Some Scientists Didn't Even Want to Talk About It [08:01] TR News WHO https://www.commondreams.org/news/sudan-who-lab-biological-risk | Source: Common Dreams [08:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | WHO Official Warns Occupation of Sudanese Lab Poses 'Huge Biological Risk' [08:01] TR News Musk shitting all over the planet https://www.commondreams.org/news/spacex-explosion-sparks-environmental-concerns | Source: Common Dreams [08:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | SpaceX Explosion Sparks Environmental Concerns After Coating Texas Community in Ash [08:02] TR News "calls grow for the impeachment or resignation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas" https://www.commondreams.org/news/neil-gorsuch-colorado-home | Source: Common Dreams [08:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | 'So Blatant': Gorsuch Failed to Disclose He Sold Home to CEO of Major Law Firm [08:02] TR News "Tucker Carlson got fired!" https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/fox-news-didn-t-find-religion-by-firing-tucker-carlson | Source: Common Dreams [08:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Has Fox News 'Found Religion' by Firing Tucker Carlson? | Common Dreams [08:03] TR News "Its not often that conservative lobbyists beat the drum for increased environmental oversight and regulation." https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/ecofascism-environmental-movement-climate | Source: Common Dreams [08:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Ecofascism Leads to Hate and Destruction, Not a Greener World | Common Dreams [08:04] TR News ProPublica itself has very severe conflicts of interest, inc. bribes from Famous Criminal Bill Gates https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/democratic-party-clarence-thomas | Source: Common Dreams [08:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Clarence Thomas and Democratic Fecklessness | Common Dreams [08:08] TR News "civil rights activist who never wavered from his commitment" https://www.commondreams.org/news/harry-belafonte-dies-at-96 | Source: Common Dreams [08:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Legendary Performer, Civil Rights Champion Harry Belafonte Dies at 96 [08:08] TR News "As the trial begins for the mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh that killed 11 people in 2018" https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/gun-violence-mass-shooting-mental-illness | Source: Common Dreams [08:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Targeting Mental Illness Will Not Prevent Mass Shootings | Common Dreams [08:09] TR News Big Tech is a propaganda term weaponised by Microsoft to distract from Microsoft's crimes https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/big-tech-companies-more-powerful-than-nations | Source: Common Dreams [08:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | Opinion | Big Tech Companies Are Becoming More Powerful Than Nation-States | Common Dreams [08:11] TR News "To Stand Up for Democracy" https://www.commondreams.org/news/joe-biden-official-reelection-2024 | Source: Common Dreams [08:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | 'To Stand Up for Democracy,' Biden Makes 2024 Reelection Bid Official [08:13] TR News North Dakota GOP https://www.commondreams.org/news/north-dakota-gop-abortion-ban | Source: Common Dreams [08:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | North Dakota GOP Approves Near-Total Abortion Ban After Rejecting Free School Lunches [08:14] TR News "Win for Artistic Freedom" https://www.commondreams.org/news/roger-waters-frankfurt | Source: Common Dreams [08:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | 'Win for Artistic Freedom' as Court Reverses Frankfurt Ban on Roger Waters Concert [08:14] TR News "both Theranos and Zenefits were engulfed in scandals" https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/forbes-30-under-30-and-facing-30-years-behind-bars/ | Source: Techdirt [08:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Forbes 30 Under 30 And Facing 30 Years Behind Bars | Techdirt [08:18] TR News antitrust https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/once-again-epic-fails-in-its-antitrust-quest-against-apple/ | Source: Techdirt [08:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Once Again, Epic Fails In Its Antitrust Quest Against Apple | Techdirt [08:21] TR News spyware is just a form of malware https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/canadian-court-allows-distance-learning-spyware-seller-to-continue-silencing-one-of-its-many-critics/ | Source: Techdirt [08:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Canadian Court Allows Distance Learning Spyware Seller To Continue Silencing One Of Its Many Critics | Techdirt [08:21] TR News IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/irc-log-250423/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/irc-log-250423/ [08:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | Techrights ● Apr 26 [09:18] TR News "Were hard at work on a very cool new project that will be released very soon" https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/two-excellent-podcast-episodes-techdirt-readers-might-like/ | Source: Techdirt [09:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Two Excellent Podcast Episodes Techdirt Readers Might Like | Techdirt [09:18] TR News honk honk honk honk honk FREEDOM!!! https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/ninth-circuit-says-a-horn-honk-isnt-protected-political-expression-even-when-thats-the-honks-entire-point/ | Source: Techdirt [09:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Ninth Circuit Says A Horn Honk Isnt Protected Political Expression Even When Thats The Honks Entire Point | Techdirt [09:19] TR News section 702 https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/internal-documents-show-how-little-fbi-did-correct-misuse-section-702-databases | Source: EFF [09:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.eff.org | Internal Documents Show How Little the FBI Did to Correct Misuse of Section 702 Databases | Electronic Frontier Foundation [09:19] TR News "Effective anti-SLAPP laws like the current TCPA" https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/texas-should-leave-its-anti-slapp-law-alone | Source: EFF [09:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.eff.org | Texas Should Leave Its Anti-SLAPP Law Alone | Electronic Frontier Foundation [09:23] TR News "You might be a little surprised how many Techdirt posts have been done that involve donuts." https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/25/n-h-bakerys-mural-causes-town-beuracrats-to-go-nuts-over-donuts/ | Source: Techdirt [09:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-N.H. Bakerys Mural Causes Town Beuracrats To Go Nuts Over Donuts | Techdirt [09:25] TR News crimea https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/russian-defense-ministry-says-drone-attacks-in-crimea-threaten-extension-of-grain-deal | Source: Meduza [09:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Russian Defense Ministry says drone attacks in Crimea threaten extension of grain deal Meduza [09:25] TR News "special military operation" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/russian-ministry-of-education-puts-together-new-history-textbook-with-section-on-war-in-ukraine | Source: Meduza [09:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Russian Ministry of Education puts together new history textbook with section on war in Ukraine Meduza [09:27] TR News "According to Ukrainian intelligence (SBU), a Ukrainian court has seized assets from Oksana Marchenko" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/ukrainian-court-seizes-assets-of-oksana-marchenko-wife-of-viktor-medvedchuk | Source: Meduza [09:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Ukrainian court seizes assets of Oksana Marchenko, wife of Viktor Medvedchuk Meduza [09:27] TR News "Red Square will be closed to the public from April 27 to May 10 due to preparations for the parade" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/red-square-to-be-closed-for-two-weeks-prior-to-may-9-parade | Source: Meduza [09:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Red Square to be closed for two weeks prior to May 9 parade Meduza [09:29] TR News "Earlier this month, Russias State Duma and Federation Council passed a new military conscription law" https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/04/25/state-services-r-us | Source: Meduza [09:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | State Services R Us Building a digital gulag for draft-eligible Russians is turning into a major headache for the government IT contractor Meduza [09:29] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social [09:29] TR News "The 65-year-old Marina Novikova from the Tomsk region of Western Siberia is a defendant" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/justice-isn-t-for-people-like-me-criminal-defendant-charged-with-spreading-fakes-about-russian-invasion-can-t-afford-to-pay-fine-requests-prison-sentence-instead | Source: Meduza [09:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Justice isnt for people like me: Criminal defendant charged with spreading fakes about Russian invasion cant afford to pay fine, requests prison sentence instead Meduza [09:32] TR News "for clarifications" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/state-duma-withdraws-bill-on-30-percent-income-tax-withholding-for-russians-working-from-abroad | Source: Meduza [09:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | State Duma withdraws bill on 30-percent income tax withholding for Russians working from abroad Meduza [09:32] TR News Sweden https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/sweden-expels-five-russian-diplomats | Source: Meduza [09:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Sweden expels five Russian diplomats Meduza [09:33] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [09:33] TR News "A group of pro bono civil liberties lawyers working with the advocacy group OVD-Info" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/civil-liberties-group-petitions-russia-s-constitutional-court-to-repeal-misdemeanor-law-on-discrediting-military | Source: Meduza [09:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Civil liberties group petitions Russias Constitutional Court to repeal misdemeanor law on discrediting military Meduza [09:35] TR News scam https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/scam-artist-signs-up-sakhalin-resident-for-contract-army-service-without-his-knowledge | Source: Meduza [09:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Scam artist signs up Sakhalin resident for contract army service without his knowledge Meduza [09:36] TR News "arrested Bogdan Tsyganenko in absentia." https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/26/moscow-court-orders-arrest-in-absentia-of-second-suspect-in-daria-dugina-murder | Source: Meduza [09:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Moscow court orders arrest in absentia of second suspect in Daria Dugina murder Meduza [09:37] TR News Six Raspberry Pi 4's Power Sci-Fi-Themed Chinese Take-Out Signage https://www.tomshardware.com/news/six-raspberry-pi-4s-power-sci-fi-themed-chinese-take-out-signage [09:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Six Raspberry Pi 4's Power Sci-Fi-Themed Chinese Take-Out Signage | Tom's Hardware [09:40] TR News Maybe get rid of x86. Cleatly wasteful lunacy. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/msi-new-bios-for-am5-motherboards-restricts-ryzen-7000x3d-volgtages [09:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | MSI's New BIOS Restricts Ryzen 7000X3D Voltages | Tom's Hardware [09:43] TR News
  • Arm Developing Reference Chips to Attract New Customers: Report
    Arm reportedly forms solutions team to develop advanced SoC prototypes. [09:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Arm Developing Reference Chips to Attract New Customers: Report | Tom's Hardware [09:43] TR News Intel in trouble. This will impact Microsoft too. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/arm-developing-reference-chips-to-attract-new-customers [09:44] TR News Defective CPUs with far too many bugs that aren't fixable.. also brick themselves or self-fry https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-ryzen-7000-burning-out-root-cause-identified-expo-and-soc-voltages-to-blame [09:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | AMD Ryzen 7000 Burning Out: EXPO and SoC Voltages to Blame (AMD Responds) | Tom's Hardware [09:47] TR News Is This Elon Musks Burner Twitter Account? https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/v7bew8/elon-musk-burner-account-ermnmusk [09:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.vice.com | Is This Elon Musks Burner Twitter Account? [09:48] TR News A Group of Amazon Drivers Just Joined One of the Biggest Unions in the US https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5ygaw/a-group-of-amazon-drivers-just-joined-one-of-the-biggest-unions-in-the-us [09:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.vice.com | A Group of Amazon Drivers Just Joined One of the Biggest Unions in the US [09:49] TR News SEGA of America Workers Are Unionizing https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ak3gbe/sega-of-america-workers-are-unionizing [09:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.vice.com | SEGA of America Workers Are Unionizing [09:51] TR News It failed. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/m7beza/japanese-company-commercial-moon-landing-watch [09:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.vice.com | A Japanese Company Is Attempting the First Successful Private Moon Landing. Here's How to Watch. [09:52] TR News Jane Mayer on the Ethical Questions About Justice Clarence Thomas https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/political-scene/jane-mayer-on-the-ethical-questions-about-justice-clarence-thomas [09:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.newyorker.com | Jane Mayer on the Ethical Questions About Justice Clarence Thomas | The New Yorker [09:53] TR News https://www.newyorker.com/feed/everything Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000 The Climate Solutions We Cant Live Without [09:54] TR News When Microsoft and Gulagboy vandalise Linux then pretend it is about "security" (exactly the OPPOSITE) https://www.phoronix.com/news/Debian-ARM64-Secure-Boot-Fix http://techrights.org/wiki/UEFI [09:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Debian Fixes Secure Boot For 64-bit ARM After Being Broken For Two Years - Phoronix [09:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | UEFI - Techrights [09:57] TR News Martian rover likely stalled by sand, dust, says China after months of silence on its status https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-breaks-silence-over-status-of-stationary-martian-rover [09:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Martian rover likely stalled by sand, dust, says China after months of silence on its status | The Straits Times [09:58] TR News "A medical examination confirmed they were unconscious due to lack of oxygen in their bodies." https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/car-crashes-into-toll-gate-barrier-in-malaysia-after-driver-passengers-lose-consciousness [09:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Car crashes into toll gate barrier in Malaysia after driver, passengers lose consciousness | The Straits Times [09:59] TR News Moon shot: Japan firm to attempt historic lunar landing https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/moon-shot-japan-firm-to-attempt-historic-lunar-landing [09:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Moon shot: Japan firm to attempt historic lunar landing | The Straits Times ● Apr 26 [10:01] TR News Clown computing is already a fad https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/amazon-nz-staff-brace-for-layoff-news-today-expected-to-focus-on-aws/T34YXCX4DRAA5GXTIVLXZVZVMY/ [10:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nzherald.co.nz | Amazon NZ staff brace for layoff news today, expected to focus on AWS - NZ Herald [10:02] TR News Clown computing ... imagine wasting years getting "certified" for this nonsense. [10:03] TR News Microsoft NZ also had layoffs this week http://techrights.org/2023/04/24/wiki-layoffs-nz/ [10:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Press Report This Morning: Microsoft Azure Layoffs Again, Entire Team Laid Off (Updated) | Techrights [10:03] TR News Microsoft Azure: we had layoffs. In 2020. In 2021. In 2022. In 2023. BUT THE FUTURE IF THE CLOWN COMP... wait.... no, the future is CHATBOTS! [10:04] TR News Thai zoo breeds endangered vultures, hoping to see them soar again https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/thai-zoo-breeds-endangered-vultures-hoping-to-see-them-soar-again [10:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Thai zoo breeds endangered vultures, hoping to see them soar again | The Straits Times [10:06] TR News Magnitude-7.3 earthquake strikes Indonesia; 2-hour tsunami warning lifted https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/magnitude-74-earthquake-strikes-indonesia-triggers-tsunami-warning [10:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Magnitude-7.3 earthquake strikes Indonesia; 2-hour tsunami warning lifted | The Straits Times [10:07] TR News India to pass China this week as world's most populous nation: UN https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-asia/india-to-pass-china-this-week-as-worlds-most-populous-nation-un [10:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | India to pass China this week as world's most populous nation: UN | The Straits Times [10:07] TR News True crimes of Asia: Years after S.Koreas online sex slavery expose, digital sex crimes still rife https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/years-after-south-korea-s-cyber-sex-prison-expose-tougher-laws-still-needed-for-digital-sex-crime [10:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | True crimes of Asia: Years after S.Koreas online sex slavery expose, digital sex crimes still rife | The Straits Times [10:08] TR News Ukraines Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/us/politics/ukraine-russia-war-spring-offensive.html [10:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Ukraines Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War - The New York Times [10:08] TR News Russias Lavrov Leads U.N. Peace Meeting, Drawing Accusations of Hypocrisy https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/europe/russia-un-security-council-lavrov.html [10:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Russias Lavrov Leads U.N. Peace Meeting, Drawing Accusations of Hypocrisy - The New York Times [10:09] TR News For Many Young Voters, Bidens Support of Drilling in Alaska Casts Pall https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/climate/willow-biden-climate-voters.html [10:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | For Many Young Voters, Bidens Support of Drilling in Alaska Casts Pall - The New York Times [10:09] TR News Don Lemon Ousted From CNN in Move That Left Him Stunned https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/media/don-lemon-cnn.html [10:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Don Lemon Ousted From CNN in Move That Left Him Stunned - The New York Times [10:10] TR News NBCUniversals Jeff Shell Was Fired After Harassment Complaint https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/nbcuniversal-jeff-shell-sexual-harassment.html [10:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | NBCUniversals Jeff Shell Was Fired After Harassment Complaint - The New York Times [10:10] TR News North Dakota Governor Signs Near-Total Abortion Ban https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/us/abortion-ban-north-dakota.html [10:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | North Dakota Governor Signs Near-Total Abortion Ban - The New York Times [10:12] TR News Shaping the Future of Digital Experience - UI Framework Graphics https://www.qt.io/blog/shaping-the-future-of-digital-experience-ui-framework-graphics [10:12] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.qt.io | Shaping the Future of Digital Experience - UI Framework Graphics [10:16] TR News Qt for Android Automotive 6.5 is released https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-for-android-automotive-6.5-is-released [10:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.qt.io | Qt for Android Automotive 6.5 is released [10:17] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) [10:17] TR News Former UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon meets with junta leaders in Myanmar https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/visit-04242023143227.html [10:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | Former UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon meets with junta leaders in Myanmar Radio Free Asia [10:18] TR News Japanese woman of Uyghur origin wins seat in Japans parliament https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/arfiya-eri-04242023162727.html [10:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | Japanese woman of Uyghur origin wins seat in Japans parliament Radio Free Asia [10:18] TR News Juntas second bombing of Sagaing village meant to destroy evidence, rebels say https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/airstrike-04242023164424.html [10:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | Juntas second bombing of Sagaing village meant to destroy evidence, rebels say Radio Free Asia [10:18] TR News Weekend attacks in Cambodias capital target two more opposition party members https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/weekend-opposition-attacks-04242023164641.html [10:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | Weekend attacks in Cambodias capital target two more opposition party members Radio Free Asia [10:19] TR News China tightens border controls, slaps travel bans on blacklisted dissidents https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-borders-04242023142536.html [10:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | China tightens border controls, slaps travel bans on blacklisted dissidents Radio Free Asia [10:19] TR News China backs away from 'wolf-warrior' remarks on Ukraine's national sovereignty https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-ukraine-04242023103505.html [10:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | China backs away from 'wolf-warrior' remarks on Ukraine's national sovereignty Radio Free Asia [10:20] TR News Troops arrest around 100 villagers in Myanmars Tanintharyi region https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/tanintharyi-arrests-04242023043149.html [10:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | Troops arrest around 100 villagers in Myanmars Tanintharyi region Radio Free Asia [10:20] TR News 'Fierce Battles' In Bakhmut As The City Remains Under Sustained Russian Attack https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-invasion-bakhmut-assaults-russia/32378224.html [10:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Deadly Russian Strike Hits Museum In Kupyansk As Battle For Bakhmut Picks Up [10:21] TR News US aircraft carrier arrives in Thailand after crossing South China Sea https://www.rfa.org/english/news/southchinasea/uss-nimitz-04242023033545.html [10:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rfa.org | US aircraft carrier arrives in Thailand after crossing South China Sea Radio Free Asia [10:21] TR News Estonian PM Backs Kyiv's Bid For NATO, EU Membership https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-estonia-kallas-eu-nato/32377643.html [10:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Estonian PM Backs Kyiv's Bid For NATO, EU Membership [10:21] TR News Explosions At Pakistan Anti-Terror Office Kill At Least 15; Stored Ammunition Suspected https://www.rferl.org/a/pakistan-swat-terror-police/32377625.html [10:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Explosions At Pakistan Anti-Terror Office Kill At Least 16; Stored Ammunition Suspected [10:22] TR News Murdoch spin machine https://pressgazette.co.uk/the-wire/newspaper-corrections-media-mistakes-errors-legal/ipso-ruling-media-masters-paul-blanchard-the-times/ [10:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pressgazette.co.uk | IPSO clears The Times over investigations into PR chief Paul Blanchard [10:23] TR News Fox News parts ways with Tucker Carlson, and Don Lemon out at CNN https://pressgazette.co.uk/the-wire/media-jobs-uk-news/tucker-carlson-fox-news/ [10:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pressgazette.co.uk | Fox News 'parts ways' with Tucker Carlson with immediate effect [10:25] TR News Intel working on new Meteor Lake L4 cache for faster next-gen Windows, Linux, Chrome booting https://www.neowin.net/news/intel-working-on-new-meteor-lake-l4-cache-for-faster-next-gen-windows-linux-chrome-booting/ [10:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.neowin.net | Intel working on new Meteor Lake L4 cache for faster next-gen Windows, Linux, Chrome booting - Neowin [10:25] TR News Washtenaw County applies for funding to fight rising housing insecurity https://www.michigandaily.com/news/ann-arbor/washtenaw-county-applies-for-funding-to-fight-rising-housing-insecurity/ [10:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.michigandaily.com | Washtenaw County applies for funding to fight rising housing insecurity [10:29] TR News How To Fix Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Error In Ubuntu https://itsubuntu.com/fix-sub-process-usr-bin-dpkg-returned-an-error-code-1-error-in-ubuntu/ [10:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How To Fix Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg Returned An Error Code (1) Error In Ubuntu | Itsubuntu.com [10:29] TR News Fix Failed to mount /dev/sdax: Input/output error, NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or its a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware https://itsubuntu.com/fix-failed-to-mount-dev-sdax-input-output-error/ [10:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-itsubuntu.com | Fix Failed To Mount /dev/sdax: Input/output Error, NTFS Is Either Inconsistent, Or There Is A Hardware Fault, Or Its A SoftRAID/FakeRAID Hardware [10:29] TR News Multiple Ways To Recover Deleted Files On Linux [2023] https://itsubuntu.com/recover-deleted-files-on-linux-distros/ [10:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Multiple Ways To Recover Deleted Files On Linux [2023] | Itsubuntu.com [10:30] TR News How To Install TeXworks on Debian 11 https://idroot.us/install-texworks-debian-11/ [10:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-idroot.us | How To Install TeXworks on Debian 11 - idroot [10:31] TR News Intel AND Trust CANNOT coexist in the same headline, Gulag. "Confidential Computing" is the opposite of confidential https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2023/04/technical-report-into-intel-tdx.html [10:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-googleprojectzero.blogspot.com | Project Zero: Release of a Technical Report into Intel Trust Domain Extensions [10:32] TR News "Confidential Computing" = misleading codeword. Outsourcing to SURVEILLANCE companies. Promoted by liars and charlatans who sabotage security. [10:32] TR News Security in computing or secure computers are those that you control [10:34] TR News New article about Gulagboy https://www.securityweek.com/external-signs-of-narcissism-raising-awareness-to-avoid-collateral-damage/ [10:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-External Signs of Narcissism - Raising Awareness to Avoid Collateral Damage - SecurityWeek [10:34] TR News 38 Countries Take Part in NATOs 2023 Locked Shields Cyber Exercise https://www.securityweek.com/38-countries-take-part-in-natos-2023-locked-shields-cyber-exercise/ [10:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-38 Countries Take Part in NATO's 2023 Locked Shields Cyber Exercise - SecurityWeek [10:34] TR News Proprietary software https://www.securityweek.com/solarwinds-platform-update-patches-high-severity-vulnerabilities/ [10:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SolarWinds Platform Update Patches High-Severity Vulnerabilities - SecurityWeek [10:38] TR News Kubernetes is complexity you seldom really NEED https://www.securityweek.com/attackers-abuse-kubernetes-rbac-to-deploy-persistent-backdoor/ [10:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Attackers Abuse Kubernetes RBAC to Deploy Persistent Backdoor - SecurityWeek [10:41] TR News Critical Flaw in Inea ICS Product Exposes Industrial Organizations to Remote Attacks https://www.securityweek.com/critical-flaw-in-inea-ics-product-exposes-industrial-organizations-to-remote-attacks/ [10:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Critical Flaw in Inea ICS Product Exposes Industrial Organizations to Remote Attacks - SecurityWeek [10:44] TR News North Korean Hackers Target Mac Users With New RustBucket Malware https://www.securityweek.com/north-korean-hackers-target-mac-users-with-new-rustbucket-malware/ [10:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-North Korean Hackers Target Mac Users With New 'RustBucket' Malware - SecurityWeek [10:57] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Android_Leftovers.gmi [10:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Android Leftovers [10:58] TR News This Amphibious Fish May Hold The Secret to The Evolutionary Origins of Blinking https://www.sciencealert.com/this-amphibious-fish-may-hold-the-secret-to-the-evolutionary-origins-of-blinking [10:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-This Amphibious Fish May Hold The Secret to The Evolutionary Origins of Blinking : ScienceAlert [10:58] TR News The Large Magellanic Cloud Shapes The Milky Way in Ways We're Only Starting to Grasp https://www.sciencealert.com/the-large-magellanic-cloud-shapes-the-milky-way-in-ways-were-only-starting-to-grasp [10:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Large Magellanic Cloud Shapes The Milky Way in Ways We're Only Starting to Grasp : ScienceAlert [10:58] TR News In an Incredible First, Scientists Have Discovered What's at The Core of Mars https://www.sciencealert.com/in-an-incredible-first-scientists-have-discovered-whats-at-the-core-of-mars [10:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-In an Incredible First, Scientists Have Discovered What's at The Core of Mars : ScienceAlert [10:59] TR News Common Sleeping Pill May Reduce The Build-Up of Alzheimer's Proteins, Study Finds https://www.sciencealert.com/common-sleeping-pill-may-reduce-the-build-up-of-alzheimers-proteins-study-finds [10:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Common Sleeping Pill May Reduce The Build-Up of Alzheimer's Proteins, Study Finds : ScienceAlert [10:59] TR News New Study of Einstein Rings Says Dark Matter Behaves More Like a Wave, Not a Particle https://www.sciencealert.com/new-study-of-einstein-rings-says-dark-matter-behaves-more-like-a-wave-not-a-particle [10:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-New Study of Einstein Rings Says Dark Matter Behaves More Like a Wave, Not a Particle : ScienceAlert ● Apr 26 [11:00] TR News It's Official: Cranberries Can Reduce Risk of UTI by 50% in Certain People https://www.sciencealert.com/its-official-cranberries-can-reduce-risk-of-uti-by-50-in-certain-people [11:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-It's Official: Cranberries Can Reduce Risk of UTI by 50% in Certain People : ScienceAlert [11:01] TR News We May Have Just Detected an Elusive Ocean World Orbiting a Sun-Like Star https://www.sciencealert.com/we-may-have-just-detected-an-elusive-ocean-world-orbiting-a-sun-like-star [11:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-We May Have Just Detected an Elusive Ocean World Orbiting a Sun-Like Star : ScienceAlert [11:02] TR News (NEW): Anaconda Installer Partitioning and Storage Survey Results http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Anaconda_Installer_Partitioning_and_Storage_Survey_Results.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Anaconda_Installer_Partitioning_and_Storage_Survey_Results.gmi [11:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Anaconda Installer Partitioning and Storage Survey Results [11:10] TR News New Data Sharing Platform Serves as Early Warning System for OT Security Threats https://www.securityweek.com/new-data-sharing-platform-serves-as-early-warning-system-for-ot-security-threats/ [11:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-New Data Sharing Platform Serves as Early Warning System for OT Security Threats - SecurityWeek [11:10] XRevan86 https://ft.com/content/03137d7f-6ea0-45eb-9284-d8957a650ba4 [11:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ft.com | Subscribe to read | Financial Times [11:11] XRevan86 > Horses, art and private jets: the charmed life of Russian warlords family [Prigozhin's] [11:29] TR News Kevin Shockeys Presentation on Puerto Rico and FSF | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/puerto-rico-and-fsf/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/puerto-rico-and-fsf/ [11:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Kevin Shockeys Presentation on Puerto Rico and FSF | Techrights [11:30] TR News "Researchers warn that majority of Windows and macOS PaperCut installations still vulnerable to critical vulnerability already exploited in malware attacks" https://www.securityweek.com/huntress-most-papercut-installations-not-patched-against-already-exploited-security-flaw/ [11:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Huntress: Most PaperCut Installations Not Patched Against Already-Exploited Security Flaw - SecurityWeek [11:32] TR News Seahorses Have an Insanely Powerful 'Gulp' That Lets Them Suck Down Food Fast https://www.sciencealert.com/seahorses-have-an-insanely-powerful-gulp-that-lets-them-suck-down-food-fast [11:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Seahorses Have an Insanely Powerful 'Gulp' That Lets Them Suck Down Food Fast : ScienceAlert [11:33] TR News Earth's Largest Logjam Holds 3.4 Million Tons of Carbon, Study Finds https://www.sciencealert.com/earths-largest-logjam-holds-3-4-million-tons-of-carbon-study-finds [11:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Earth's Largest Logjam Holds 3.4 Million Tons of Carbon, Study Finds : ScienceAlert [11:33] TR News Yet Another Study Warns We're On Track To Hit 3 Degrees of Warming https://www.sciencealert.com/yet-another-study-warns-were-on-track-to-hit-3-degrees-of-warming [11:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Yet Another Study Warns We're On Track To Hit 3 Degrees of Warming : ScienceAlert [11:34] TR News The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 164: Teresa Scassa on the Latest Canadian Court Ruling on Facebook and What It Might Mean for Privacy Reform https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2023/04/law-bytes-podcast-episode-164/ [11:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.michaelgeist.ca | The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 164: Teresa Scassa on the Latest Canadian Court Ruling on Facebook and What It Might Mean for Privacy Reform - Michael Geist [11:35] TR News Latest Kubernetes 1.27 Release Provides More Control https://cloudnativenow.com/features/latest-kubernetes-1-27-release-provides-more-control/ [11:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-cloudnativenow.com | Latest Kubernetes 1.27 Release Provides More Control - Cloud Native Now [11:39] TR News How Bed Bath & Beyond lost the fight to stave off bankruptcy https://qz.com/how-bed-bath-beyond-lost-the-fight-to-stave-off-bankr-1850367625 [11:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | How Bed Bath & Beyond went bankrupt [11:39] TR News Zomato's new pay structure has prompted 1,000 delivery workers to quit https://qz.com/zomatos-blinkit-lost-1-000-delivery-workers-over-pay-1850367637 [11:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | Zomato's Blinkit lost 1,000 delivery workers over new pay [11:39] TR News Credit Suisse reported its last-ever quarterly resultsand it's still leaking money https://qz.com/credit-suisse-reported-its-last-ever-quarterly-results-1850367655 [11:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | Credit Suisse is still leaking money [11:40] TR News NBCUniversals CEO has quit after having an inappropriate relationship with a colleague https://qz.com/jeff-shell-nbc-ceo-exit-inappropriate-relationship-1850367674 [11:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell is stepping down due to misconduct [11:41] TR News Bed Bath & Beyond Shoppers Rush to Use All Those Coupons https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/bed-bath-beyond-customers-bankruptcy.html [11:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Bed Bath & Beyond Shoppers Rush to Use All Those Coupons - The New York Times [11:41] TR News Whats Going On With Covid Right Now? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/well/live/covid-cases-deaths-spring.html [11:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Whats Going On With Covid Right Now? - The New York Times [11:42] TR News USA: we invade your country to "save lives" and invade homes of NURSES in our own country to assassinate them https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/us/breonna-taylor-police-officer-kentucky.html [11:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Sheriffs Office in Rural Kentucky Hires Detective Who Killed Breonna Taylor - The New York Times [11:43] TR News The banking crisis did not end https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/business/economy/first-republic-earnings.html [11:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | First Republic Bank Lost $102 Billion in Customer Deposits - The New York Times [11:43] TR News (UPDATED): Servers: Kubernetes 1.27, Drupal, and Distributed Databases (UPDATED) http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/18/Servers_Kubernetes_1_27_Drupal_and_Distributed_Databases.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/18/Servers_Kubernetes_1_27_Drupal_and_Distributed_Databases.gmi [11:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Servers: Kubernetes 1.27, Drupal, and Distributed Databases (UPDATED) [11:45] TR News Tucker Carlson and the Tragedy of Fox News https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/opinion/tucker-carlson-fox-news-murdoch.html [11:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Opinion | Tucker Carlson and the Tragedy of Fox News - The New York Times [11:45] TR News Tucker Carlsons Great Replacement https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/opinion/tucker-carlson-fox-news-dominion.html [11:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Opinion | Tucker Carlsons Great Replacement - The New York Times [11:47] TR News CNN host Lemons job terminated by cable news network https://michaelwest.com.au/cnn-host-lemons-job-terminated-by-cable-news-network/ [11:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-michaelwest.com.au | CNN host Lemon's job 'terminated' by cable news network - Michael West [11:48] TR News Jury Selection Begins in Ed Sheerans Lets Get It On Copyright Infringement Lawsuit https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/jury-selection-begins-in-ed-sheeran-lets-get-it-on-copyright-infringement-lawsuit/ [11:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/jury-selection-begins-in-ed-sheeran-lets-get-it-on-copyright-infringement-lawsuit/ ) [11:49] TR News What Happened with Gimme Radio? Major Investors Contributed Millions, Now Its Kaput https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/what-happened-to-gimme-radio/ [11:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/what-happened-to-gimme-radio/ ) ● Apr 26 [12:14] TR News Assessing Chinas approach to technological competition with the United States https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series/strategic-insights-memos/assessing-chinas-approach-to-technological-competition-with-the-united-states/ [12:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.atlanticcouncil.org | Assessing China's approach to technological competition with the United States - Atlantic Council [12:14] TR News What the ICJ ruling on the Central Bank of Iran means for the US and the Islamic Republicand those seeking reparations for state-sponsored atrocities https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/what-the-icj-ruling-on-the-central-bank-of-iran-means-for-the-us-and-the-islamic-republic-and-those-seeking-reparations-for-state-sponsored-atrocities/ [12:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.atlanticcouncil.org | What the ICJ ruling on the Central Bank of Iran means for the US and the Islamic Republicand those seeking reparations for state-sponsored atrocities - Atlantic Council [12:16] TR News Such a currency would harm many people in a lot of ways https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/econographics/practice-makes-perfect-what-china-wants-from-its-digital-currency-in-2023/ [12:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.atlanticcouncil.org | Practice makes perfect: What China wants from its digital currency in 2023 - Atlantic Council [12:16] TR News (NEW): AudioTube is a Slick YouTube Music App for Linux http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/AudioTube_is_a_Slick_YouTube_Music_App_for_Linux.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/AudioTube_is_a_Slick_YouTube_Music_App_for_Linux.gmi [12:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines AudioTube is a Slick YouTube Music App for Linux [12:17] TR News The problem isn't that regimes want people to carry computers around; the problem is that they want these computers to be remotely controlled by the regimes. [12:18] TR News Carrying computers around can be OK (PDAs, hand calculators), but this is not how regimes envision the future. They want instruments of control over people. [12:19] TR News nuclear pollution, not innovation https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/report/the-imperative-of-the-versatile-test-reactor-for-nuclear-innovation/ [12:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.atlanticcouncil.org | The imperative of the Versatile Test Reactor for nuclear innovation - Atlantic Council [12:20] TR News Fanless mini PC features up to Core i3-N305 Alder Lake-N processor https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/04/25/fanless-mini-pc-features-up-to-core-i3-n305-alder-lake-n-processor/ [12:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cnx-software.com | Fanless mini PC features up to Core i3-N305 Alder Lake-N processor - CNX Software [12:22] TR News Microsoft Windows (ransomware) https://cyberscoop.com/doj-cybercrime-disruption-ransomware/ [12:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-To combat cybercrime, US law enforcement increasingly prioritizes disruption | CyberScoop [12:22] TR News Collaboration between CISA, Cyber Command thwarted dangerous cyberattacks, officials said https://cyberscoop.com/information-sharing-cisa-cyber-commands-rsa-conference/ [12:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Collaboration between CISA, Cyber Command thwarted dangerous cyberattacks, officials said | CyberScoop [12:22] TR News Industrial security vendors partner to share intelligence about critical infrastructure threats https://cyberscoop.com/emerging-threat-open-sharing-industrial-cybersecurity/ [12:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Industrial security vendors partner to share intelligence about critical infrastructure threats | CyberScoop [12:24] TR News https://www.rferl.org/api/z$qimetkiy Mon, 24 Apr 2023 07:05:37 +0000 Meager Turnout Amid Serb Boycott Of Local Elections In Northern Kosovo [12:24] TR News Meager Turnout Amid Serb Boycott Of Local Elections In Northern Kosovo https://www.rferl.org/a/northern-kosovo-low-turnout-election-serb-boycott/32376698.html [12:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Meager Turnout Amid Serb Boycott Of Local Elections In Northern Kosovo [12:25] TR News Hong Kongs Memory Is Being Erased https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/opinion/hong-kong-protest-china-beijing.html [12:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Opinion | Hong Kongs Memory Is Being Erased - The New York Times [12:25] TR News Three Workers Die While Repairing Auxiliary Dry Dock In Russia's Far East https://www.rferl.org/a/workers-deaths-auxiliary-dry-dock-russia-far-east/32376919.html [12:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Three Workers Die While Repairing Auxiliary Dry Dock In Russia's Far East [12:27] TR News In AP vocabulary, when a currency falls in value it "softens" https://michaelwest.com.au/dollar-softens-as-investors-weigh-earnings-data/ [12:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-michaelwest.com.au | Dollar softens as investors weigh earnings, data - Michael West [12:29] TR News How to Remove Windows Viruses with Linux https://www.maketecheasier.com/remove-windows-viruses-with-linux/ [12:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.maketecheasier.com | How to Remove Windows Viruses with Linux - Make Tech Easier [12:31] TR News New NATO defence plans meet Lithuanias expectations president https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969516/new-nato-defence-plans-meet-lithuania-s-expectations-president [12:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | New NATO defence plans meet Lithuanias expectations president - LRT [12:32] TR News At Security Council, Lavrov Faces Blistering Condemnation From West, UN Chief https://www.rferl.org/a/32377482.html [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | At Security Council, Lavrov Faces Blistering Condemnation From West, UN Chief [12:32] TR News Crimean Tatar Jailed For Fighting With Ukrainian Forces https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-crimean-tatar-chelebidzhikhan-battalion/32377555.html [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Crimean Tatar Jailed For Fighting With Ukrainian Forces [12:32] TR News Kazakh Student Faces Prosecution At Home For Joining Russia's Wagner In Ukraine https://www.rferl.org/a/kazakhstan-russia-wagner-ukraine/32377598.html [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Kazakh Student Faces Prosecution At Home For Joining Russia's Wagner In Ukraine [12:32] TR News Lithuania to summon Chinese rep over statements by Beijings ambassador to France https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969270/lithuania-to-summon-chinese-rep-over-statements-by-beijing-s-ambassador-to-france [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Lithuania to summon Chinese rep over statements by Beijings ambassador to France - LRT [12:32] TR News China says it respects sovereignty of post-Soviet states following outcry over ambassadors statements https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969467/china-says-it-respects-sovereignty-of-post-soviet-states-following-outcry-over-ambassador-s-statements [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | China says it respects sovereignty of post-Soviet states following outcry over ambassadors statements - LRT [12:33] TR News Russia demolishes monument to Lithuanian, Polish deportees https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969589/russia-demolishes-monument-to-lithuanian-polish-deportees [12:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Russia demolishes monument to Lithuanian, Polish deportees - LRT [12:33] TR News Lithuanian officials eager to remove obstacles for developing arms industry https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969715/lithuanian-officials-eager-to-remove-obstacles-for-developing-arms-industry [12:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Lithuanian officials eager to remove obstacles for developing arms industry - LRT [12:34] TR News Baltic states summon Chinese envoys to protest statements questioning their sovereignty https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969832/baltic-states-summon-chinese-envoys-to-protest-statements-questioning-their-sovereignty [12:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Baltic states summon Chinese envoys to protest statements questioning their sovereignty - LRT [12:34] TR News Despite visa bans, Russian residents in Lithuania on the rise https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1967918/despite-visa-bans-russian-residents-in-lithuania-on-the-rise [12:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Despite visa bans, Russian residents in Lithuania on the rise - LRT [12:34] TR News Private helicopter barred from taking off from Lithuania to Russia https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1970204/private-helicopter-barred-from-taking-off-from-lithuania-to-russia [12:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Private helicopter barred from taking off from Lithuania to Russia - LRT [12:35] TR News Navalny Given Just Over A Day To Review New 700-Page Case Against Him https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-navalny-new-secret-charges/32377469.html [12:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Navalny Given Just Over A Day To Review New 700-Page Case Against Him [12:36] TR News Former Kazakh National Security Committee Chief Gets 18 Years In Prison https://www.rferl.org/a/kazakhstan-masimov-18-years-prison/32377342.html [12:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Former Kazakh National Security Committee Chief Gets 18 Years In Prison [12:36] TR News Iranian Oil Workers Join Labor Unrest Over Wages, Living Conditions https://www.rferl.org/a/iran-oil-workers-strike/32377496.html [12:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Iranian Oil Workers Join Labor Unrest Over Wages, Living Conditions [12:37] TR News SANDF working to evacuate 77 South Africans in Sudan https://www.defenceweb.co.za/security/human-security/sandf-working-to-evacuate-77-south-africans-in-sudan/ [12:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.defenceweb.co.za | SANDF working to evacuate 77 South Africans in Sudan - defenceWeb [12:39] TR News Arm reportedly developing advanced test chip for customers https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/24/arm-reportedly-developing-advanced-test-chip-customers/ [12:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Arm reportedly developing advanced test chip for customers - SiliconANGLE [12:42] TR News "Makaryan attempts to educate the Stanford community about the Armenian genocide of 1915 and its generational impact on Armenian students at Stanford." https://stanforddaily.com/2023/04/24/opinion-realities-lost-to-genocide-and-genocide-denial-at-stanford/ [12:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-stanforddaily.com | Opinion | Realities lost to genocide and genocide denial at Stanford [12:43] TR News Unary Operator Expected Error in Bash: Causes, Solutions, and Best Practices https://tecadmin.net/resolved-unary-operator-expected-error-in-bash/ [12:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-tecadmin.net | (Resolved) 'Unary Operator Expected' error in Bash [12:44] TR News Even SPAM is now being labeled "HEY HI" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/ai-music-streaming-services/ [12:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/ai-music-streaming-services/ ) [12:50] TR News Another bubble https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/24/tenable-shares-drop-weak-guidance/ [12:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Tenable shares drop on weak guidance - SiliconANGLE [12:50] TR News Anti Cancel Culture hypocrites https://neritam.wordpress.com/2023/04/24/anti-cancel-culture-hypocrites/ [12:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-neritam.wordpress.com | Anti Cancel Culture hypocrites neritam [12:52] TR News How To Secure Against WordPress Vulnerabilities with Predictive Analysis Detection & Automated Remediation https://www.linuxsecurity.com/features/features/secure-against-wordpress-vulnerabilities-with-zerolock [12:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-linuxsecurity.com | How To Secure Against WordPress Vulnerabilities with Predictive Ana... [12:55] TR News First Republic lost more than $70 billion in deposits in the first quarter https://qz.com/first-republic-lost-more-than-70-billion-in-deposits-i-1850370244 [12:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | First Republic lost more than $100 billion in deposits in the first quarter [12:56] TR News RECKLESS aspects of capitalism https://qz.com/the-faa-let-spacex-launch-starship-without-the-usual-pa-1850368386 [12:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | The FAA let SpaceX launch Starship without the usual pad protections [12:56] TR News The countries with the worst malaria rates https://qz.com/the-countries-with-the-worst-malaria-rates-1850368317 [12:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | The countries with the worst malaria rates [12:56] TR News Dodik Says He Wants Bosnian Serb Entity To 'Unite' With Serbia https://www.rferl.org/a/dodik-bosnia-serb-entity-unite-serbia/32376947.html [12:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Dodik Says He Wants Bosnian Serb Entity To 'Unite' With Serbia [12:57] TR News Kyrgyz Authorities Detain Fugitive Ex-Leader Of Uzbek Culture Center In Osh https://www.rferl.org/a/kyrgyzstan-fugitive-osh-leader-uzbek-culture-center/32377042.html [12:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Kyrgyz Authorities Detain Fugitive Ex-Leader Of Uzbek Culture Center In Osh [12:57] TR News Drone Laden With 17 Kilos Of Explosives Reportedly 'Found' Near Moscow https://www.rferl.org/a/moscow-found-drone-explosives-report/32377054.html [12:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Drone Laden With 17 Kilos Of Explosives Reportedly 'Found' Near Moscow [12:58] TR News Death toll in Kenyan starvation cult rises to more than 70, police say https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20230423-police-investigating-kenyan-starvation-cult-exhume-47-corpses [12:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | Death toll in Kenyan starvation cult rises to more than 70, police say [12:58] TR News Air pollution kills more than 1,200 children a year in Europe, report says https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230423-air-pollution-kills-1-200-children-a-year-says-eu-agency [12:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | Air pollution kills more than 1,200 children a year in Europe, report says [12:58] TR News European summit aims to scale up wind energy production in North Sea https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230424-european-summit-aims-to-scale-up-wind-energy-production-in-north-sea [12:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | European summit aims to scale up wind energy production in North Sea ● Apr 26 [13:02] TR News Short film screening axed after failing to get censors approval despite adding natl security poster to seditious scene https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/short-film-screening-axed-after-failing-to-get-censors-approval-despite-adding-natl-security-poster-to-seditious-scene/ [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | Short film screening axed after failing to get censors' approval despite adding nat'l security poster to 'seditious' scene - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:02] TR News United Nations rights expert urges China to review, reconsider Hong Kong national security law https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/united-nations-rights-expert-urges-china-to-review-reconsider-hong-kong-national-security-law/ [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | United Nations rights expert urges China to review, reconsider Hong Kong national security law - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:04] TR News People did NOT forget what "KING" Macron did to them (large majority of the population OPPOSED this!) https://www.france24.com/en/france/20230424-french-bang-pots-pans-in-fresh-protest-against-macron-s-pension-reforms [13:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | French bang pots, pans in fresh protest against Macron's pension reforms [13:05] TR News The Ultimate Guide to Recovery and Rescue Mode in Ubuntu https://www.fosslinux.com/113044/the-ultimate-guide-to-recovery-and-rescue-mode-in-ubuntu.htm [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.fosslinux.com | Mastering Recovery and Rescue Mode in Ubuntu | FOSS Linux [13:05] TR News How to repair a damaged filesystem in Ubuntu https://www.fosslinux.com/111837/how-to-repair-a-damaged-filesystem-in-ubuntu.htm [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.fosslinux.com | How to Repair a Damaged File System in Ubuntu [13:05] TR News How to empty or clear system log files in Linux https://www.fosslinux.com/111830/how-to-empty-or-clear-system-log-files-in-linux.htm [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.fosslinux.com | How to Empty or Clear System Log Files in Linux | FOSS Linux [13:07] TR News Link drip or weekend summary? https://www.dragonflydigest.com/2023/04/24/link-drip-or-weekend-summary/ [13:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.dragonflydigest.com | Link drip or weekend summary? DragonFly BSD Digest [13:07] TR News French court halts controversial migrant expulsions from Mayotte slum https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20230425-french-court-halts-controversial-migrant-expulsions-from-mayotte-slum [13:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | French court halts controversial migrant expulsions from Mayotte slum [13:07] TR News US says Sudan warring parties agree to 72-hour ceasefire after hundreds killed https://www.france24.com/en/afrique/20230424-us-says-sudan-warring-parties-agree-to-ceasefire-after-hundreds-killed [13:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | US says Sudan warring parties agree to 72-hour ceasefire after hundreds killed [13:08] TR News Haiti insecurity 'comparable' to nations at war, says UN https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230424-haiti-insecurity-comparable-to-nations-at-war-says-un [13:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | Haiti insecurity 'comparable' to nations at war, says UN [13:08] TR News Comoros refuses boats carrying undocumented migrants expelled from France's Mayotte https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20230424-comoros-refuses-boats-carrying-illegal-migrants-expelled-from-france-s-mayotte [13:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | Comoros refuses boats carrying undocumented migrants expelled from France's Mayotte [13:08] TR News Guatemala leader vows to stand by solid ally Taiwan https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/guatemala-leader-vows-to-stand-by-solid-ally-taiwan/ [13:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | Guatemala leader vows to stand by 'solid' ally Taiwan - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:09] TR News Words can be weapons, says Hong Kong head of prosecutions, as security chief says protests at risk of being hijacked https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/24/words-can-be-weapons-says-hong-kong-head-of-prosecutions-as-security-chief-says-protests-at-risk-of-being-hijacked/ [13:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | Words can be weapons, says Hong Kong head of prosecutions, as security chief says protests at risk of being 'hijacked' - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:11] TR News Such sovereign immunity has already been weaponised by patent scammers https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/us-supreme-court-considers-case-concerning-bankruptcy-code-sovereign-immunity-of-native-american-tribes/ [13:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | US Supreme Court to weigh bankruptcy disputes, sovereign immunity on American Indian tribal lands - JURIST - News [13:11] TR News But Shell is inside SCOTUS, not a fair trial https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/us-supreme-court-declines-to-hear-oil-company-petitions-to-move-climate-change-cases-to-federal-court/ [13:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | US Supreme Court declines to hear oil company petitions to move climate change cases to federal court - JURIST - News [13:12] TR News Fake patents, corrupt EPO granting them https://www.juve-patent.com/cases/philip-morris-and-bat-continue-heat-not-burn-patent-saga-at-uk-high-court/ [13:12] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.juve-patent.com | Philip Morris and BAT continue heat-not-burn patent saga at UK High Court - JUVE Patent [13:13] TR News How to Install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-openrgb-on-ubuntu-linux/ [13:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to Install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 - LinuxCapable [13:13] TR News How to Install Slack on Debian 12/11/10 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-slack-on-debian-linux/ [13:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to Install Slack on Debian 12/11/10 - LinuxCapable [13:14] TR News How to Change a MySQL User Password https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-change-a-mysql-user-password/ [13:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to Change a MySQL User Password - LinuxCapable [13:14] TR News How to List All MySQL Databases with Command Line https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-list-all-mysql-databases-with-command-line/ [13:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to List All MySQL Databases with Command Line - LinuxCapable [13:15] TR News MySQL DATEDIFF: Concepts and Examples https://www.linuxcapable.com/mysql-datediff-concepts-and-examples/ [13:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-MySQL DATEDIFF: Concepts and Examples - LinuxCapable [13:24] TR News "derogatory tweets" https://qz.com/tesla-investors-are-worried-elon-musk-enjoys-operating-1850369909 [13:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-qz.com | Tesla investors are worried Musk is operating "above the law" [13:25] TR News Linux 6.3 released, Bootlin contributions inside https://bootlin.com/blog/linux-6-3-released/ [13:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Linux 6.3 released, Bootlin contributions inside - Bootlin's blog [13:27] TR News Indian Music Industry Rep Inks Historic Deal With Singers Association, Sets Sights On Tackling The Growing Menace of Digital Piracy and Non-Recognition of Copyright https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/indian-music-industry-imi-isra-deal/ [13:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/24/indian-music-industry-imi-isra-deal/ ) [13:27] TR News US sends first deportation flight to Cuba since 2020 https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230424-the-united-states-sends-first-deportation-flight-to-cuba-since-2020 [13:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | US sends first deportation flight to Cuba since 2020 [13:27] TR News Venezuelan opposition figure Guaido expelled from Colombia, slams persecution https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230425-venezuelan-opposition-figure-guaido-expelled-from-colombia-slams-persecution [13:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | Venezuelan opposition figure Guaido expelled from Colombia, slams persecution [13:28] TR News Controversial TV host Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News after Dominion lawsuit https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230424-controversial-tv-host-tucker-carlson-leaves-fox-news-after-dominion-lawsuit [13:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | Controversial TV host Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News after Dominion lawsuit [13:28] TR News EU sanctions cousins of Syria's Assad for alleged drug trafficking https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20230424-eu-sanctions-cousins-of-syrian-president-assad-for-drug-trafficking [13:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | EU sanctions cousins of Syria's Assad for alleged drug trafficking [13:28] TR News UK toughens sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guard over crackdown on protesters https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20230424-uk-toughens-sanctions-on-iran-s-revolutionary-guard-corps-over-crackdown-on-protesters [13:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.france24.com | UK toughens sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guard over crackdown on protesters [13:29] TR News Patriots appointed by multiple channels to lead Hong Kongs District Councils, leader John Lee says https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/patriots-appointed-by-multiple-channels-to-lead-hong-kongs-district-councils-leader-john-lee-says/ [13:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | 'Patriots' appointed by 'multiple channels' to lead Hong Kong's District Councils, leader John Lee says - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:29] TR News China says it respects ex-Soviet states sovereignty after envoy sparks outrage https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/24/china-says-it-respects-ex-soviet-states-sovereignty-after-envoy-sparks-outrage/ [13:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | China says it respects ex-Soviet states' sovereignty after envoy sparks outrage - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:31] TR News Iranian Professor Educated In U.S. Says Fired For Supporting Protests https://www.rferl.org/a/iran-professor-fired-protests/32377232.html [13:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Iranian Professor Educated In U.S. Says Fired For Supporting Protests [13:31] TR News Chinese Diplomat's Comments On Post-Soviet Nations Sparks Outcry, Demands For Explanation https://www.rferl.org/a/china-diplomat-post-soviet-nations-outcry/32377131.html [13:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Chinese Diplomat's Comments On Post-Soviet Nations Sparks Outcry, Demands For Explanation [13:32] TR News US Supreme Court to hear two cases about public officials blocking users on social media https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/us-supreme-court-to-hear-two-cases-about-public-officials-blocking-other-users-on-social-media/ [13:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | US Supreme Court to hear two cases about public officials blocking users on social media - JURIST - News [13:33] TR News Russia condemns US denial of Russian journalist visas ahead of UN visit https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/russia-condemns-us-denial-of-russian-journalist-visas-ahead-of-un-visit/ [13:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Russia condemns US denial of Russian journalist visas ahead of UN visit - JURIST - News [13:33] TR News G7 agriculture ministers agree to help Ukraine restore food systems amid war https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/g7-agriculture-ministers-agree-to-help-ukraine-restore-food-systems-amid-war/ [13:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | G7 agriculture ministers agree to help Ukraine restore food systems amid war - JURIST - News [13:34] TR News Appeal Of Suspect In Russian Cafe Bombing That Killed War Blogger Denied https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-cafe-bombing-tatarsky/32377327.html [13:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Appeal Of Suspect In Russian Cafe Bombing That Killed War Blogger Denied [13:35] TR News German inflation relief agreement announced for public service workers https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/german-inflation-relief-agreement-announced-for-public-service-workers/ [13:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | German inflation relief agreement announced for public service workers - JURIST - News [13:36] TR News India bar council: legal recognition of same-sex marriage better left for legislative determination https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/04/india-bar-council-legal-recognition-of-same-sex-marriage-better-left-for-legislative-determination/ [13:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | India bar council: legal recognition of same-sex marriage better left for legislative determination - JURIST - News [13:36] TR News China approves coal power surge despite pledging to reduce emissions, Greenpeace says https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/24/china-approves-coal-power-surge-despite-pledging-to-reduce-emissions-greenpeace-says/ [13:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | China approves coal power surge despite pledging to reduce emissions, Greenpeace says - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:43] TR News Joe Brockmeier: Copyright consistency https://dissociatedpress.net/2023/04/25/copyright-consistency/ [13:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-dissociatedpress.net | Copyright consistency: Dissociated Press [13:43] TR News Peter Czanik: Upgrade problems from syslog-ng 3 to 4 https://peter.czanik.hu/other/syslog-ng-upgrade-problems-from-syslog-ng-3-to-4/ [13:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-peter.czanik.hu | Upgrade problems from syslog-ng 3 to 4 | Random thoughts of Peter 'CzP' Czanik [13:43] TR News "On what legal basis do the judges foresee the UPC having competence to issue Arrow declarations? The list of competencies under Article 32 UPCA does not seem to give a clear basis for such actions." http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2023/04/event-report-bie-symposium-raises.html?showComment=1682429632687#c3478256949628681174 [13:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ipkitten.blogspot.com | Event Report: BIE Symposium raises questions on Arrow declarations in the UPC - The IPKat [13:44] TR News Guidance on Patenting Inventions with AI Contributions https://patentlyo.com/patent/2023/04/patenting-inventions-contributions.html [13:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-patentlyo.com | Guidance on Patenting Inventions with AI Contributions | Patently-O [13:44] TR News Hrdy& Seaman: Are NDAs unenforceable when they protect more than trade secrets? https://patentlyo.com/patent/2023/04/unenforceable-protect-secrets.html [13:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-patentlyo.com | Hrdy& Seaman: Are NDAs unenforceable when they protect more than trade secrets? [13:49] TR News Want new features in LibreOffice? Help to fund developers! https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2023/04/25/want-new-features-in-libreoffice-help-to-fund-developers/ [13:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.documentfoundation.org | Want new features in LibreOffice? Help to fund developers! - The Document Foundation Blog [13:56] TR News Qbs 2.0 released https://www.qt.io/blog/qbs-2.0-released [13:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.qt.io | Qbs 2.0 released [13:56] TR News g10 Code Becomes a KDE Patron https://dot.kde.org/2023/04/25/g10-code-becomes-kde-patron [13:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-dot.kde.org | g10 Code Becomes a KDE Patron | KDE.news [13:57] TR News CMake 3.26 update on FreeBSD https://euroquis.nl//freebsd/2023/04/25/cmake.html [13:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-euroquis.nl | CMake 3.26 update on FreeBSD | [bobulate] [13:57] TR News Balint Reczey: Improve build time of Rust, Java and Intel Fortran projects with Firebuilds new release! https://balintreczey.hu/blog/improve-build-time-of-rust-java-and-intel-fortran-projects-with-firebuilds-new-release/ [13:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-balintreczey.hu | Improve build time of Rust, Java and Intel Fortran projects with Firebuilds new release! | Obsessed with reality ● Apr 26 [14:07] TR News (NEW): Call on the IRS to provide libre tax-filing software http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Call_on_the_IRS_to_provide_libre_tax_filing_software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Call_on_the_IRS_to_provide_libre_tax_filing_software.gmi [14:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Call on the IRS to provide libre tax-filing software [14:07] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Security_Leftovers.gmi [14:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Security Leftovers [14:07] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/today_s_howtos.1.gmi [14:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines today's howtos [14:08] TR News (NEW): KDE and Qt Development http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/KDE_and_Qt_Development.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/KDE_and_Qt_Development.gmi [14:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines KDE and Qt Development [14:08] TR News (NEW): Unix Vs Linux: Whats the Difference http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Unix_Vs_Linux_What_s_the_Difference.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Unix_Vs_Linux_What_s_the_Difference.gmi [14:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Unix Vs Linux: Whats the Difference [14:09] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Programming_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Programming_Leftovers.1.gmi [14:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Programming Leftovers [14:25] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Android_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Android_Leftovers.1.gmi [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Android Leftovers [14:34] TR News Journalists, lawyers, politicians detained across Turkey in raids targeting pro-Kurdish groups https://www.bianet.org/english/law/277727-journalists-lawyers-politicians-detained-across-turkey-in-raids-targeting-pro-kurdish-groups [14:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Journalists, lawyers, politicians detained across Turkey in raids targeting pro-Kurdish groups - english [14:35] TR News zmir Bar executives acquitted for condemning Diyanet's anti-LGBT+ sermon https://www.bianet.org/english/lgbti/277744-izmir-bar-executives-acquitted-for-condemning-diyanet-s-anti-lgbti-sermon [14:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | zmir Bar executives acquitted for condemning Diyanet's anti-LGBT+ sermon - english [14:35] TR News DYARBAKIR CENTERED OPERATION: : Theater players also detained in today's police operations https://www.bianet.org/english/minorities/277749-theater-players-also-detained-in-today-s-police-operations [14:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Theater players also detained in today's police operations - english [14:36] TR News Ex-chief editor of bianet acquitted in 'libel' case https://www.bianet.org/english/law/277759-ex-chief-editor-of-bianet-acquitted-in-libel-case [14:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Ex-chief editor of bianet acquitted in 'libel' case - Hikmet Adal - english [14:40] TR News Ten journalists among detainees after massive crackdown across Turkey https://www.bianet.org/english/law/277758-ten-journalists-among-detainees-after-massive-crackdown-across-turkey [14:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Ten journalists among detainees after massive crackdown across Turkey - english [14:53] TR News Demirta: 'What may have Erdoan asked for in mral island, sending there a delegation?' https://www.bianet.org/english/politics/277774-demirtas-what-may-have-erdogan-asked-for-in-imrali-island-sending-there-a-delegation [14:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Demirta: 'What may have Erdoan asked for in mral island, sending there a delegation?' - english [14:53] TR News Protests against mass detentions across Turkey https://www.bianet.org/english/politics/277761-protests-against-mass-detentions-across-turkey [14:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Protests against mass detentions across Turkey - english [14:55] TR News price-fixing cartels used to be treated like conspiracies of criminals and treated accordingly. why or when did that stop? https://www.bianet.org/english/society/277773-turkey-considering-prison-sentence-to-tackle-excessive-rent-increases-says-minister [14:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Turkey considering prison sentence to tackle excessive rent increases, says minister - english [14:56] TR News Crackdown on Kurdish-linked groups leads to detention of Green Left MP candidate https://www.bianet.org/english/politics/277805-crackdown-on-kurdish-linked-groups-leads-to-detention-of-green-left-mp-candidate [14:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Crackdown on Kurdish-linked groups leads to detention of Green Left MP candidate - english [14:56] TR News International reactions to mass raids targeting Kurdish groups https://www.bianet.org/english/law/277791-international-reactions-to-mass-raids-targeting-kurdish-groups [14:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | International reactions to mass raids targeting Kurdish groups - english [14:57] TR News Bar associations condemn detention of lawyers https://www.bianet.org/english/law/277814-bar-associations-condemn-detention-of-lawyers [14:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Bar associations condemn detention of lawyers - english [14:57] TR News S&P 500 Earnings Season Off to Weak Start as Bonds Reverse Losses https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2023/04/26/sp-500-earnings-season-off-to-weak-start-as-bonds-reverse-losses/ [14:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-baronhk.wordpress.com | S&P 500 Earnings Season Off to Weak Start as Bonds Reverse Losses | BaronHK's Rants [14:59] TR News WTH happened to axios in recent months? Is the new editor from buzzfeed or something? What are those topics??? https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/dogs-restaurants-fda-cafes-outdoor-patio-service-therapy-pets [14:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/dogs-restaurants-fda-cafes-outdoor-patio-service-therapy-pets ) ● Apr 26 [15:00] TR News Axios change of leadership is very revealing. The same in VICE. Different editors, different topics. Clickbait and intentionally divisive trash instead of informative reporting. [15:02] TR News Months ago Axios had been reduced to little but a SPAM MACHINE of Microsoft, spewing out ghostwritten HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI fluff. Utterly disgusting. [15:05] TR News (NEW): The life of a GUI application http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/The_life_of_a_GUI_application.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/The_life_of_a_GUI_application.gmi [15:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines The life of a GUI application [15:05] TR News You Can Now Install Linux Kernel 6.3 on Ubuntu, Heres How https://9to5linux.com/you-can-now-install-linux-kernel-6-3-on-ubuntu-heres-how [15:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-You Can Now Install Linux Kernel 6.3 on Ubuntu, Heres How - 9to5Linux [15:06] TR News Ubuntu gives users freedom only relative to Microsoft and Apple, but almost nothing else. For Freedom/Libre users need to look _beyond_ Ubuntu. Canonical now controls users via Snaps, a PROPRIETARY back end. [15:07] TR News Even move away from Ubuntu to Mint/LMDE (Debian-based) is a giant step away from shackles. [15:18] TR News RT documentary series The Silent Civil War uncovers never-before-heard testimonies of Irish Civil War revolutionaries https://about.rte.ie/2023/04/25/rte-documentary-series-the-silent-civil-war-uncovers-never-before-heard-testimonies-of-irish-civil-war-revolutionaries/ [15:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-about.rte.ie | RT documentary series The Silent Civil War uncovers never-before-heard testimonies of Irish Civil War revolutionaries About RT [15:21] *psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:21] TR News It was made illegal, hence MOAR profitable https://adf-magazine.com/2023/04/west-africa-emerges-as-cocaine-hotspot-un-report/ [15:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-adf-magazine.com | West Africa Emerges as Cocaine Hotspot: UN Report - Africa Defense Forum [15:27] TR News CAR Mine Massacre May Be Linked to Wagner Mercenaries https://adf-magazine.com/2023/04/car-mine-massacre-may-be-linked-to-wagner-mercenaries/ [15:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-adf-magazine.com | CAR Mine Massacre May Be Linked to Wagner Mercenaries - Africa Defense Forum [15:28] TR News Peter Czanik: Upgrade problems from syslog-ng 3 to 4 https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/upgrade-problems-from-syslog-ng-3-to-4 [15:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Upgrade problems from syslog-ng 3 to 4 - Blog - syslog-ng Community - syslog-ng Community [15:31] TR News Adam Young: The Minimum Linux Kernel Module Code to Register a Driver https://adam.younglogic.com/2023/04/the-minimum-linux-kernel-module-code-to-register-a-driver/ [15:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-adam.younglogic.com | The Minimum Linux Kernel Module Code to Register a Driver | Adam Young's Web Log [15:31] TR News Idaho Attorney General's Abortion Opinion Shows Overturning Roe Was Only the Beginning https://www.aclu.org/news/reproductive-freedom/idaho-attorney-generals-abortion-opinion-shows-overturning-roe-was-only-the-beginning [15:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.aclu.org | Idaho Attorney General's Abortion Opinion Shows Overturning Roe Was Only the Beginning | ACLU [15:33] TR News Reshaping the ADF to meet our strategic challenges https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/reshaping-the-adf-to-meet-our-strategic-challenges/ [15:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.aspistrategist.org.au | Reshaping the ADF to meet our strategic challenges | The Strategist [15:34] TR News >Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda beamed over from China via the Internet https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/ccps-increasingly-sophisticated-cyber-enabled-influence-operation/ [15:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.aspistrategist.org.au | CCPs increasingly sophisticated cyber-enabled influence operation | The Strategist [15:35] TR News Kernel 6.3: MediaTek, Rockchip RK3588 & more https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/news-and-events/kernel-63-mediatek-rockchip-rk3588-more.html [15:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.collabora.com | Kernel 6.3: MediaTek, Rockchip RK3588 & more [15:36] TR News Linux 6.3 offers improved security and functionality for users https://www.ghacks.net/2023/04/25/linux-6-3-kernel/ [15:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.ghacks.net/2023/04/25/linux-6-3-kernel/ ) [15:37] TR News What sort of professional company uses a term like "Spectral Chicken"?? https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-AMD-Spectral-Chicken see also http://techrights.org/2020/07/13/reddit-bans-again/ [15:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Linux Kernel Drama: AMD's Spectral Chicken - Phoronix [15:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Microsoft Has Put the String 0xBIGBOOBS Inside Linux (Kernel Driver for Microsofts Windows-Only Proprietary Software, Formerly a GPL Violation); Reddit (Cond Nast) Bans You For Mentioning Such Things | Techrights [15:39] TR News phoronix back to shilling Microsoft proprietary+surveillance disguised as "Confidential" (outsourcing!) https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.4-EPYC-Hyper-V-SEV-SNP [15:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Linux 6.4 Can Run As A Confidential AMD SEV-SNP vTOM Guest On Microsoft Hyper-V - Phoronix [15:40] TR News Phoronix.... "Thanks To Microsoft" https://www.phoronix.com/news/FFmpeg-VA-API-Windows Thanks To Microsoft!! It's on WINDOWS. Microsoft! Thanks To Microsoft... Microsoft BENEFITS! Quit Linux! Thanks To Microsoft! [15:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-FFmpeg Now Works With VA-API On Windows Thanks To Microsoft - Phoronix [15:42] TR News Linux Kernel 6.3 is released with some major new features https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-kernel-6-3-is-released-with-some-major-new-features/ [15:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Linux Kernel 6.3 is released with some major new features | ZDNET [15:43] TR News Gigantti announces 56 layoffs https://yle.fi/a/74-20029048 [15:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Gigantti announces 56 layoffs | News | Yle Uutiset [15:44] TR News "tweet included a number of photographs"... so now Elon Musk is also in charge of all the war games? Does the German administration have a Minister of Communications from South Africa? https://yle.fi/a/74-20028997 [15:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Germany: Russian fighters flew over Baltic with transponders turned off | News | Yle Uutiset [15:45] TR News Maybe next time the German regime should post war propaganda to Fentanylware (TikTok), controlled by Pooh-Tin whose officials refer to east Europe as Soviet territories [15:47] TR News "registered unemployed jobseekers in Finland during the month of March" is NOT the same as unemployment. Those are just people who are desperate and have not given up yet. This gaslighting from corporate/state media won't help. They try to buy time in this dying system. https://yle.fi/a/74-20028988 [15:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yle.fi | Finland's employment rate stagnates in March | News | Yle Uutiset [15:50] TR News Go back to paper. Problem solved, Sherlock. Not everything must be done "electronically", esp. not in this age when back doors are mandated in both software and hardware, with the assorted exceptions. https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/cyber-command-cisa-secret-operations [15:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/cyber-command-cisa-secret-operations ) [15:51] TR News USA: we're running out of money. LET'S PRINT SOME MORE, WOOHOO!! Hey, Microsoft, want another $22,000,000,000 military contract for VAPOURWARE? https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/mccarthy-ethanol-corn-debt-ceiling [15:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/mccarthy-ethanol-corn-debt-ceiling ) [15:54] TR News PRINT ME PRINT ME PRINT ME SOME CASH AFTER MIDNIGHT. 31,000,000,000,000.00 USD and counting. RAISE THE ROOF!! RAISE THE CEILING, KEV! https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt [15:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-tradingeconomics.com | United States Government Debt - March 2023 Data - 1942-2022 Historical [15:55] TR News The system to the poor: sorry, we have no money. 11 years ago: Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens https://www.reuters.com/article/us-offshore-wealth-idUSBRE86L03U20120722 [15:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | Reuters [15:56] TR News (UPDATED): Linux Kernel 6.3 Officially Released, This Is Whats New http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/23/Linux_Kernel_6_3_Officially_Released_This_Is_What_s_New.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/23/Linux_Kernel_6_3_Officially_Released_This_Is_What_s_New.gmi [15:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Linux Kernel 6.3 Officially Released, This Is Whats New [15:57] TR News [greedflation] Pluralistic: How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it (25 Apr 2023) https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/25/greedflation/ [15:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pluralistic.net | Pluralistic: How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it (25 Apr 2023) Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow [15:57] TR News Though Silent, I Speak: A Book of Sundial Mottoes (1903) https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/sundial-mottoes [15:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-publicdomainreview.org | Though Silent, I Speak: *A Book of Sundial Mottoes* (1903) The Public Domain Review ● Apr 26 [16:02] TR News Fourth Circuit Affirms Two Decisions Denying Pseudonymity for Plaintiffs Alleging Disabilities https://reason.com/volokh/2023/04/26/fourth-circuit-affirms-two-decisions-denying-pseudonymity-for-plaintiffs-alleging-disabilities/ [16:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-reason.com | Fourth Circuit Affirms Two Decisions Denying Pseudonymity for Plaintiffs Alleging Disabilities [16:05] TR News Firefox Nightly: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Prettier These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 136 https://blog.nightly.mozilla.org/2023/04/25/harder-better-faster-stronger-prettier-these-weeks-in-firefox-issue-136/ [16:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.nightly.mozilla.org | Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Prettier These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 136 Firefox Nightly News [16:06] TR News Exploring an incredible Kyoto Hard Off store https://rubenerd.com/exploring-an-incredible-kyoto-hard-off-store/ [16:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Rubenerd: Exploring an incredible Kyoto Hard Off store [16:07] TR News "theres just one nagging issue that no amount of technical innovation can solve: Electric cars are still cars. Outside of tailpipe emissions, they come with all the problems of cars, whether those problems relate to the environment, social equity or public health." https://rubenerd.com/electric-cars-arent-a-silver-bullet/ [16:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Rubenerd: Electric cars arent a silver bullet [16:07] TR News UK bill aims to tackle GAFAM (Pentagon) dominance in digital markets https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/25/uk-bill-aims-tackle-big-techs-dominance-digital-markets/ [16:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-UK bill aims to tackle big techs dominance in digital markets - SiliconANGLE [16:09] TR News Blame-shifting, as usual https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/25/juniper-shares-drop-networking-giant-warns-ongoing-supply-chain-issues/ [16:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Juniper shares drop as networking giant warns of ongoing supply chain issues - SiliconANGLE [16:11] TR News After a decade or more of Gulag losing like 20 billion dollars in clown computing (every single quarter!) it finally claims to have made some small profit (for a quarter). But will clown computer ever be profitable for Gulag overall? Or is this like Twitter claiming to be a viable with never-ending losses and $14,000,000,000 in DEBT? [16:11] TR News Microsoft: we are doing great because HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI!!! NO MORE QUESTIONS!!! [16:13] TR News Microsoft "investment in HEY HI" = Azure failed, so we used all those unwanted servers to construct useless chatbots and then bribed the media to pretend chatbots are the MOST AMAZING THING SINCE SLICED BREAD. [16:14] TR News Microsoft: bow down to GOD Nadella! Bill Gates says(TM) Nadella is genius. "He does everything I tell him...." (now that I need to keep a distance from the company and run it by proxy with Brad Smith) https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html [16:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times [16:16] TR News siliconangle full of SPONSORED bullshit and nonsense about HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI. It's a HOT MARKET right now. Write lots of puff about HEY HI HEY HI, ask Microsoft to deposit money in your bank account. That helps keep Microsoft shareholders throwing cash into a pit! [16:16] TR News Hey Microsoft, HEY HI is not new. Microsoft: OK, OK, ....... GENERATIVE HEY HI! happy now? [16:22] TR News HEY Hi became a total JUNK term in the media. It's laughable... to the point you start wondering if they get paid a bonus for every mention of the term. That was "blockchain" a few years ago... maybe also "IoT". [16:33] TR News "CLOWN". "HEY HI". On the blockchain. Smart. "IoT". What else to say to become "professional" (corporate) "journalist" covering so-called "tech"? When did we last see the press say out loud terms like "servers cluster" or utter "Palladium"? People who do 'get' tech won't take such "journalism" seriously, but the target audience is people who MANAGE the tech. Marketing people droning on and on about fiction. [16:42] TR News 10 Best Raspberry Pi Pico Projects for Beginners https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-raspberry-pi-pico-projects/ [16:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ubuntupit.com | 10 Best Raspberry Pi Pico Projects for Beginners [16:56] TR News One prominent but overlooked or often-forgotten advantage IRC still has (over social control media) is that when an IRC network dies or goes offline the logs remain. With social control media (CMS bloat), when it dies or when there's downtime nothing works. ● Apr 26 [17:05] TR News 15 Best Download Managers for Linux https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-download-manager-for-linux-top-reviewed-compared/ [17:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ubuntupit.com | 15 Best Download Managers for Linux [17:06] TR News 5 Best 3D Games for Linux To Play https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-3d-games-for-linux/ [17:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ubuntupit.com | 5 Best 3D Games for Linux To Play [17:07] TR News "For reference, during the same time, there were 283 games released for Windows on Steam, so the Linux versions represent about 9.9 % of total.." https://boilingsteam.com/new-steam-games-with-native-linux-clients-with-teslagrad-remastered-and-hush-hush-2023-04-26-edition/ [17:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-boilingsteam.com | New Steam Games with Native Linux Clients with Teslagrad Remastered and Hush Hush - 2023-04-26 Edition - Boiling Steam [17:13] TR News (NEW): Games: Pixel Wheels, Steam, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Games_Pixel_Wheels_Steam_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Games_Pixel_Wheels_Steam_and_More.gmi [17:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Games: Pixel Wheels, Steam, and More [17:14] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware: Six Raspberry Pi 4's Power Sci-Fi-Themed Chinese Take-Out Signage and 10 Best Raspberry Pi Pico Projects http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Open_Hardware_Six_Raspberry_Pi_4_s_Power_Sci_Fi_Themed_Chinese_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Open_Hardware_Six_Raspberry_Pi_4_s_Power_Sci_Fi_Themed_Chinese_. [17:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Open Hardware: Six Raspberry Pi 4's Power Sci-Fi-Themed Chinese Take-Out Signage and 10 Best Raspberry Pi Pico Projects [17:14] TR News How Sirius (Mis)Handled a Crisis in 2022 https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/25/crisis-management/ [17:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-schestowitz.com Blog Archive How Sirius (Mis)Handled a Crisis in 2022 [17:16] TR News "Something that I really struggle with in regards to gratitude is how different it is as an adult vs a child. The naivety and optimism of childhood is a blessing. Simply not knowing how bad life can get pays off." gemini://daintyeco.smol.pub/gratitude [17:16] TR News "Theres a lot of talk about imposter syndrome. But no one ever really acknowledges the possibility that people can just suck at their jobs and be aware of it." gemini://bulletpr00f.host/gemlog/posts/2023-04-26.gmi [17:17] TR News "It needed a router change, and different fibre optics (SFP+) module; apparently the faster connection is over a different wavelength of light. And then, nothing worked." gemini://clanmorgan.org/gemlog/2023-04-26-disappointing-gigabits.gmi [17:17] TR News SpellBinding: BGOPRUS Wordo: GAILY gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2023-04-26.gmi [17:18] TR News "Normality is setting in... at least for now. After my mother-in-law has left for home last week we had quiet a few stressfull days with our son (he had his first vaccinations which lead to some even more sleepless nights), but now things have quieted down a bit." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/ralfwause/phlog/260423.txt [17:19] TR News "I'm ten years old. Sitting quietly in church with my mother and sister. I might be dressed up; or, my family might have abandoned that practice by then. Sitting quietly. I've practiced all week. The hymns are finishing, and it's time for me to read the first lesson." gemini://rawtext.club/~winter/gemlog/2023/4-26.gmi [17:20] TR News "My wife will be awake soon, and she's so in the throes of "all this" that we're talking serious trepidation trying to complete this sentence before hearing the bedroom door open. Soon I'll be hearing about her girls, siblings, rants over political news, how so-and-so "looked at her funny" yesterday." gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-04-26-01-every-day-she-takes-a-morning-bath-she-wets-her-hair.gmi [17:21] TR News in stillness lies a calm so true gemini://tilde.team/~tomasino/journal/20230426-in-stillness-lies-a-calm-so-true.gmi [17:22] TR News It's become a somber kind of a day gemini://textmonger.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-04-26-02-its-become-a-somber-kind-of-a-day.gmi [17:23] TR News Trying for Sunrises 2023-04-26 (Fairbanks, AK, US) gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/starlog/20230426-0.gmi [17:23] TR News "we still don't have AI, properly speaking" gemini://geddit.glv.one/s/642 [17:42] TR News (NEW): Slimbook Pro2, Kubuntu 18.04 to 22.04 upgrade, changes, fun http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Slimbook_Pro2_Kubuntu_18_04_to_22_04_upgrade_changes_fun.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Slimbook_Pro2_Kubuntu_18_04_to_22_04_upgrade_changes_fun.gmi [17:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Slimbook Pro2, Kubuntu 18.04 to 22.04 upgrade, changes, fun [17:43] TR News (NEW): Stable kernels: Linux 6.2.13, Linux 6.1.26, Linux 5.15.109, Linux 5.10.179, Linux 5.4.242, Linux 4.19.282, and Linux 4.14.314 http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Stable_kernels_Linux_6_2_13_Linux_6_1_26_Linux_5_15_109_Linux_5.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Stable_kernels_Linux_6_2_13_Linux_6_1_26_Linux_5_15_109_Li [17:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Stable kernels: Linux 6.2.13, Linux 6.1.26, Linux 5.15.109, Linux 5.10.179, Linux 5.4.242, Linux 4.19.282, and Linux 4.14.314 [17:43] *AdmFubar has quit (connection closed) [17:55] TR News (NEW): Machine Learning in Linux: GPT4All local AI chat application http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Machine_Learning_in_Linux_GPT4All_local_AI_chat_application.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Machine_Learning_in_Linux_GPT4All_local_AI_chat_application.gmi [17:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Machine Learning in Linux: GPT4All local AI chat application [17:56] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Android_Leftovers.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Android_Leftovers.2.gmi [17:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Android Leftovers ● Apr 26 [18:02] TR News Links 26/04/2023: Microsoft / Activision Deal Blocked and Qbs 2.0 Released | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/microsoft-activision-deal-blocked/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/microsoft-activision-deal-blocked/ [18:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Links 26/04/2023: Microsoft / Activision Deal Blocked and Qbs 2.0 Released | Techrights [18:03] TR News (NEW): Introduction to Linux and Real Estate Website Design http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Introduction_to_Linux_and_Real_Estate_Website_Design.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Introduction_to_Linux_and_Real_Estate_Website_Design.gmi [18:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Introduction to Linux and Real Estate Website Design ● Apr 26 [19:14] TR News (NEW): GNOME 44.1 Improves Screencast Support, Quick Settings, Background Apps, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/GNOME_44_1_Improves_Screencast_Support_Quick_Settings_Backgroun.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/GNOME_44_1_Improves_Screencast_Support_Quick_Settings_Backgroun.gmi [19:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines GNOME 44.1 Improves Screencast Support, Quick Settings, Background Apps, and More [19:43] TR News (NEW): Canonical Issues New Ubuntu Kernel Updates to Fix Two Local Privilege Escalation Flaws http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/y.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/y.gmi [19:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Canonical Issues New Ubuntu Kernel Updates to Fix Two Local Privilege Escalation Flaws [19:54] TR News The Sirius Open Source Fantasy Part IV Crushing the Workforce Means Crushing the Company | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/crushing-the-workforce/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/crushing-the-workforce/ [19:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | The Sirius Open Source Fantasy Part IV Crushing the Workforce Means Crushing the Company | Techrights ● Apr 26 [20:45] TR News The European Commission is Playing With Fire When It Comes to Patent Policy and Why the European Union Will Suffer | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/euipo-frand-eu-swpats/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/euipo-frand-eu-swpats/ [20:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | The European Commission is Playing With Fire When It Comes to Patent Policy and Why the European Union Will Suffer | Techrights [20:55] TR News [Meme] Europe-US-International Patent Office (EUIPO) | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/euipo-misplaced/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/euipo-misplaced/ [20:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | [Meme] Europe-US-International Patent Office (EUIPO) | Techrights ● Apr 26 [21:04] TR News California's big melt is set to accelerate amid the first spring heat wave https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/california-snowmelt-heat-wave-flooding-threat [21:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/california-snowmelt-heat-wave-flooding-threat ) [21:04] TR News Harry Belafonte was one of the last surviving Civil Rights-era performers https://www.axios.com/2023/04/26/harry-belafonte-civil-rights-era-performer-singer [21:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/04/26/harry-belafonte-civil-rights-era-performer-singer ) [21:05] TR News Way to say... US is poorer https://www.axios.com/2023/04/26/us-economy-consumer-spending [21:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/04/26/us-economy-consumer-spending ) [21:06] TR News A Heat Shield for the Most Important Ice on Earth https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-control-of-nature/a-heat-shield-for-the-most-important-ice-on-earth [21:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.newyorker.com | A Heat Shield for the Most Important Ice on Earth | The New Yorker [21:07] TR News Why the heck does Conde Nast promote John Podesta?????/ https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/a-case-for-climate-optimism-and-pragmatism-from-john-podesta [21:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.newyorker.com | A Case for Climate Optimism, and Pragmatism, from John Podesta | The New Yorker [21:08] TR News The World According to Tucker Carlson https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-world-according-to-tucker-carlson [21:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.newyorker.com | The World According to Tucker Carlson | The New Yorker [21:12] TR News System76 outsources to Microsoft (proprietary). The code is imprisoned. Why do this? [21:12] TR News (NEW): GCC 13.1 Released http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/GCC_13_1_Released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/GCC_13_1_Released.gmi [21:12] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines GCC 13.1 Released [21:17] TR News Teacher in the Philippines holds class outdoors, as school bakes amid heatwave https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/teacher-in-the-philippines-holds-class-outdoor-as-school-bakes-amid-scorching-heatwave [21:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Teacher in the Philippines holds class outdoors, as school bakes amid heatwave | The Straits Times [21:19] TR News Biden "War games" https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/us-philippines-fire-missiles-at-mock-enemy-ship-in-south-china-sea-drills-as-marcos-watches [21:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | US, Philippines sink mock enemy ship in their largest South China Sea drills | The Straits Times [21:19] TR News Taiwan publisher under investigation for national security crime: China https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/taiwan-publisher-under-investigation-for-national-security-crime-china [21:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Taiwan publisher under investigation for national security crime: China | The Straits Times [21:24] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [21:33] TR News Flvio Lisboa on Legacy of Free Software in the Brazilian Government | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/brazilian-government-freesw/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/brazilian-government-freesw/ [21:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Flvio Lisboa on Legacy of Free Software in the Brazilian Government | Techrights [21:43] TR News Microsoft is Collapsing in Brazil Despite of or Because of the Chaffbot (HypeGPT) | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/free-software-in-brazilian-nation/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/26/free-software-in-brazilian-nation/ [21:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Microsoft is Collapsing in Brazil Despite of or Because of the Chaffbot (HypeGPT) | Techrights [21:49] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Today_in_Techrights.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Today_in_Techrights.1.gmi [21:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Today in Techrights [21:51] TR News Kevin Shockeys Presentation on Puerto Rico and FSF http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/puerto-rico-and-fsf/ [21:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Kevin Shockeys Presentation on Puerto Rico and FSF | Techrights [21:52] TR News Wikimedia Foundation at LibrePlanet 2023 http://techrights.org/2023/04/26/wikipedia-libreplanet-talk/ [21:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Wikimedia Foundation at LibrePlanet 2023 | Techrights [21:52] TR News Corrupt Administration at the European Patent Office is Causing a Mental Health Crisis http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/distress-among-epo-examiners/ [21:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Corrupt Administration at the European Patent Office is Causing a Mental Health Crisis | Techrights [21:52] TR News Software Freedom Conservancy is Selling Verbal Thank-Yous So That Its Chief Can Earn a Quarter Million Dollars Per Year, Tax-Free http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/sfc-sells-thank-yous/ [21:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Software Freedom Conservancy is Selling Verbal Thank-Yous So That Its Chief Can Earn a Quarter Million Dollars Per Year, Tax-Free | Techrights [21:52] TR News LibrePlanet Talk: Rayner Lucas and Tristan Miller on USENET and How Its Moderated http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/rayner-lucas-and-tristan-miller-in-libreplanet/ [21:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | LibrePlanet Talk: Rayner Lucas and Tristan Miller on USENET and How Its Moderated | Techrights [21:53] TR News Microsoft, Based in Redmond, is Exiting Redmond Amid Layoffs and Other Troubles (Updatedx2) http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/office-space-microsoft/ [21:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Microsoft, Based in Redmond, is Exiting Redmond Amid Layoffs and Other Troubles (Updatedx2) | Techrights [21:53] TR News LibrePlanet: Weiming Hu on Free software for Environmental Sciences http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/weiming-hu-at-libreplanet/ [21:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | LibrePlanet: Weiming Hu on Free software for Environmental Sciences | Techrights [21:53] TR News All That Microsoft Has Left Now is Distraction and Destruction (Layoffs and Deflection Aplenty) http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/microsoft-losing-it/ [21:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | All That Microsoft Has Left Now is Distraction and Destruction (Layoffs and Deflection Aplenty) | Techrights [21:53] TR News Lori Angela Nagel on Promoting Free/Libre Software Philosophy http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/libre-software-philosophy/ [21:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Lori Angela Nagel on Promoting Free/Libre Software Philosophy | Techrights [21:54] TR News The Sirius Open Source Fantasy Part III Staff Input (From Technical Workers) Not Accepted http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/input-unwelcomed/ [21:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | The Sirius Open Source Fantasy Part III Staff Input (From Technical Workers) Not Accepted | Techrights [21:54] TR News Microsofts Share in China: From Web Dominance to Almost Nothing in Less Than a Decade http://techrights.org/2023/04/25/loss-of-dominance/ [21:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Microsofts Share in China: From Web Dominance to Almost Nothing in Less Than a Decade | Techrights [21:56] TR News (NEW): Ardour 7.4 Open-Source DAW Released with Support for MIDI Subgroup Busses http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Ardour_7_4_Open_Source_DAW_Released_with_Support_for_MIDI_Subgr.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/26/Ardour_7_4_Open_Source_DAW_Released_with_Support_for_MIDI_Subgr.gmi [21:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Ardour 7.4 Open-Source DAW Released with Support for MIDI Subgroup Busses ● Apr 26 [23:04] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [23:05] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #boycottnovell-social [23:05] *irc.techrights.org sets mode +a #boycottnovell-social MinceR ● Apr 26 [04:51] TR News Latvian, Estonian presidents stress need for Ukraine's accession to NATO https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/diplomacy/25.04.2023-latvian-estonian-presidents-stress-need-for-ukraines-accession-to-nato.a506187/ [04:51] -TechPolBot/#techpol-eng.lsm.lv | Latvian, Estonian presidents stress need for Ukraine's accession to NATO / Article [04:51] TR News Latvia summons Chinese diplomat over 'former Soviet' comments https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/diplomacy/24.04.2023-latvia-summons-chinese-diplomat-over-former-soviet-comments.a506151/ [04:51] -TechPolBot/#techpol-eng.lsm.lv | Latvia summons Chinese diplomat over 'former Soviet' comments / Article [04:55] TR News Latvia goes all-in on Stingers for Ukraine https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/defense/24.04.2023-latvia-goes-all-in-on-stingers-for-ukraine.a506093/ [04:55] -TechPolBot/#techpol-eng.lsm.lv | Latvia goes all-in on Stingers for Ukraine / Article [04:59] TR News LAs big Armenian community marks genocide remembrance day https://federalnewsnetwork.com/u-s-news/2023/04/las-big-armenian-community-marks-genocide-remembrance-day/ [04:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol-federalnewsnetwork.com | LAs big Armenian community marks genocide remembrance day | Federal News Network [04:59] TR News $1.6M settlement reached in handcuffed prisoners 2014 death https://federalnewsnetwork.com/u-s-news/2023/04/1-6m-settlement-reached-in-handcuffed-prisoners-2014-death/ [04:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol-federalnewsnetwork.com | $1.6M settlement reached in handcuffed prisoners 2014 death | Federal News Network ● Apr 26 [05:03] TR News Putins Spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, Claims Son Fought in Ukraine https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/europe/russia-peskov-son-wagner-ukraine.html [05:03] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Putins Spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, Claims Son Fought in Ukraine - The New York Times [05:05] TR News These Countries Lined Up to Help Ukraine. Now Their Farmers Are Angry. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/world/europe/ukraine-grain-deal-romania.html [05:05] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Angry Farmers Pierce Europes United Front on Ukraine - The New York Times [05:07] TR News Men in Military Uniforms Killed at Least 60 People, Burkina Faso Says https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/africa/burkina-faso-military-killings-civilians.html [05:07] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Men in Military Uniforms Killed at Least 60 People, Burkina Faso Says - The New York Times [05:07] TR News Chinas Ambassador Lu Shaye Comments on Ex-Soviet States Drawing Ire https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/europe/china-ambassador-soviet-states.html [05:07] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Chinas Ambassador Lu Shaye Comments on Ex-Soviet States Drawing Ire - The New York Times [05:08] TR News Russian Foreign Minister Faces Rebuke at U.N. Over War in Ukraine https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/04/24/world/ukraine-russia-news [05:08] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Russian Foreign Minister Faces Rebuke at U.N. Over War in Ukraine - The New York Times [05:15] TR News Helsinki to host two-day Nato NEPAC meeting https://yle.fi/a/74-20028619 [05:15] -TechPolBot/#techpol-yle.fi | Helsinki to host two-day Nato NEPAC meeting | News | Yle Uutiset [05:15] TR News Jyvskyl to rename its Yaroslavl Square over Russia's invasion of Ukraine https://yle.fi/a/74-20028663 [05:15] -TechPolBot/#techpol-yle.fi | Jyvskyl to rename its Yaroslavl Square over Russia's invasion of Ukraine | News | Yle Uutiset [05:22] TR News A reporters full investment of head and heart https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/From-the-Editors/2023/0424/A-reporter-s-full-investment-of-head-and-heart [05:22] -TechPolBot/#techpol-A reporters full investment of head and heart - CSMonitor.com [05:22] TR News Battle rages on in Sudan as mass airlifts rescue foreign nationals https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2023/0424/Battle-rages-on-in-Sudan-as-mass-airlifts-rescue-foreign-nationals [05:22] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Battle rages on in Sudan as mass airlifts rescue foreign nationals - CSMonitor.com [05:22] TR News Nuance in the fog: Plumbing for honesty in Russian opinion polls https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2023/0424/Nuance-in-the-fog-Plumbing-for-honesty-in-Russian-opinion-polls [05:22] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Russian opinion polls risk failing to show opposition to Ukraine war - CSMonitor.com [05:24] TR News Ukraines drive to put Putin on trial https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2023/0424/Ukraine-s-drive-to-put-Putin-on-trial [05:24] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Ukraines drive to put Putin on trial - CSMonitor.com [05:52] *t0talist has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [05:59] TR News "feelings" https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/04/21/court-convicts-women-for-offending-religious-feelings-with-rainbow-virgin-mary-at-lgbt-march/ [05:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol-notesfrompoland.com | Court convicts women for offending religious feelings with rainbow Virgin Mary at LGBT march | Notes From Poland ● Apr 26 [06:20] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) [06:21] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #techpol [06:21] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) [06:22] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #techpol ● Apr 26 [07:13] TR News "Daniel Ellsberg, the man behind the largest and perhaps most consequential disclosure in U.S. history" https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3970983-pentagon-papers-leaker-dod-records-show-ukraine-at-stalemate-very-similar-to-vietnam/ | Source: The Hill [07:13] -TechPolBot/#techpol-thehill.com | Pentagon Papers leaker: DOD records show Ukraine at stalemate, very similar to Vietnam | The Hill [07:13] TR News "You read about the Allies invasion in the books and learn details about this specific operation" https://news.umich.edu/sacred-ground-stepping-off-the-map-and-onto-the-cliffs-of-normandy/ | Source: uni Michigan [07:13] -TechPolBot/#techpol-news.umich.edu | Sacred ground: Stepping off the map and onto the beaches, cliffs of Normandy | University of Michigan News [07:18] TR News "The next chapter will be trickier." https://www.economist.com/business/2021/03/13/rupert-murdoch-prepares-to-hand-over-his-media-empire | Source: The Economist [07:18] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Rupert Murdoch prepares to hand over his media empire | The Economist [07:21] TR News Facebook = Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda https://neweasterneurope.eu/2023/04/25/whose-side-is-facebook-on-in-this-war-lithuanian-activists-ask/ | [07:21] -TechPolBot/#techpol-neweasterneurope.eu | Whose side is Facebook on in this war? Lithuanian activists ask - New Eastern Europe [07:21] TR News "Russia's propaganda aims are not necessarily to persuade people to accept its position" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/tucker-carlson-offered-jobs-russian-state-tv-channels-putin-ukraine-rcna81281 | Source: NBC [07:21] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nbcnews.com | Tucker Carlson offered jobs on Russian state TV [07:24] TR News Guangming Daily https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/asia/china-journalist-dong-yuyu.html | Source: New York Times [07:24] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | China Accuses Liberal Columnist of Espionage After a Lunch With Diplomat - The New York Times [07:28] TR News The soldiers from Orbanistan https://telex.hu/english/2023/04/25/18-hungarian-soldiers-from-transcarpathia-may-have-died-in-the-fighting-in-ukraine-so-far | Source: Telex (Hungary) [07:28] -TechPolBot/#techpol-telex.hu | Telex: 18 Hungarian soldiers from Transcarpathia may have died in the fighting in Ukraine so far [07:30] *t0talist (~t0talist@ikcgfy7b282sc.irc) has joined #techpol [07:33] TR News "After the Chinese-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Araba and Iran" https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/scott-ritter-syria-comes-in-from-the-cold/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:33] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Scott Ritter: Syria Comes in From the Cold - scheerpost.com [07:34] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) [07:34] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:34] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #techpol [07:34] TR News "Responsible Statecraft interviewed the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on Ukraine aid" https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/25/afghanistan-watchdog-says-youre-gonna-see-pilferage-of-ukraine-aid/ | Source: Scheerpost [07:34] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Afghanistan Watchdog Says 'You're Gonna See Pilferage' of Ukraine Aid - scheerpost.com [07:34] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techpol [07:34] *TwistedPersonality has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:34] *immibis (~quassel@yh8rvxcviamba.irc) has joined #techpol [07:35] *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:35] *techuser (~techuser@iwka63c8q5d52.irc) has joined #techpol [07:42] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:42] *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [07:42] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techpol [07:42] *techuser (~techuser@9jw4gist7eai4.irc) has joined #techpol [07:49] TR News Sudan https://www.thenation.com/article/world/sudan-violence-protests/ | Source: The Nation [07:49] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.thenation.com | What the World Should Know About Sudan | The Nation [07:53] TR News Historic https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/25/jeffrey_sachs_china | Source: Democracy Now [07:53] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.democracynow.org | Jeffrey Sachs on Chinas Historic Push for Multipolar World to End U.S. Domination | Democracy Now! ● Apr 26 [09:25] TR News crimea https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/russian-defense-ministry-says-drone-attacks-in-crimea-threaten-extension-of-grain-deal | Source: Meduza [09:25] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Russian Defense Ministry says drone attacks in Crimea threaten extension of grain deal Meduza [09:27] TR News "According to Ukrainian intelligence (SBU), a Ukrainian court has seized assets from Oksana Marchenko" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/ukrainian-court-seizes-assets-of-oksana-marchenko-wife-of-viktor-medvedchuk | Source: Meduza [09:27] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Ukrainian court seizes assets of Oksana Marchenko, wife of Viktor Medvedchuk Meduza [09:27] TR News "Red Square will be closed to the public from April 27 to May 10 due to preparations for the parade" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/red-square-to-be-closed-for-two-weeks-prior-to-may-9-parade | Source: Meduza [09:27] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Red Square to be closed for two weeks prior to May 9 parade Meduza [09:29] TR News "Earlier this month, Russias State Duma and Federation Council passed a new military conscription law" https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/04/25/state-services-r-us | Source: Meduza [09:29] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | State Services R Us Building a digital gulag for draft-eligible Russians is turning into a major headache for the government IT contractor Meduza [09:29] TR News "The 65-year-old Marina Novikova from the Tomsk region of Western Siberia is a defendant" https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/justice-isn-t-for-people-like-me-criminal-defendant-charged-with-spreading-fakes-about-russian-invasion-can-t-afford-to-pay-fine-requests-prison-sentence-instead | Source: Meduza [09:29] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Justice isnt for people like me: Criminal defendant charged with spreading fakes about Russian invasion cant afford to pay fine, requests prison sentence instead Meduza [09:32] TR News Sweden https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/sweden-expels-five-russian-diplomats | Source: Meduza [09:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Sweden expels five Russian diplomats Meduza [09:35] TR News scam https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/25/scam-artist-signs-up-sakhalin-resident-for-contract-army-service-without-his-knowledge | Source: Meduza [09:35] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Scam artist signs up Sakhalin resident for contract army service without his knowledge Meduza ● Apr 26 [10:08] TR News Ukraines Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/us/politics/ukraine-russia-war-spring-offensive.html [10:08] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Ukraines Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War - The New York Times [10:08] TR News Russias Lavrov Leads U.N. Peace Meeting, Drawing Accusations of Hypocrisy https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/world/europe/russia-un-security-council-lavrov.html [10:08] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Russias Lavrov Leads U.N. Peace Meeting, Drawing Accusations of Hypocrisy - The New York Times [10:14] t0talist MinceR: seems XRevan86 disappeared [10:17] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) [10:18] TR News Juntas second bombing of Sagaing village meant to destroy evidence, rebels say https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/airstrike-04242023164424.html [10:18] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rfa.org | Juntas second bombing of Sagaing village meant to destroy evidence, rebels say Radio Free Asia [10:18] TR News Weekend attacks in Cambodias capital target two more opposition party members https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/weekend-opposition-attacks-04242023164641.html [10:18] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rfa.org | Weekend attacks in Cambodias capital target two more opposition party members Radio Free Asia [10:19] TR News China backs away from 'wolf-warrior' remarks on Ukraine's national sovereignty https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-ukraine-04242023103505.html [10:19] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rfa.org | China backs away from 'wolf-warrior' remarks on Ukraine's national sovereignty Radio Free Asia [10:20] TR News Troops arrest around 100 villagers in Myanmars Tanintharyi region https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/tanintharyi-arrests-04242023043149.html [10:20] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rfa.org | Troops arrest around 100 villagers in Myanmars Tanintharyi region Radio Free Asia [10:20] TR News 'Fierce Battles' In Bakhmut As The City Remains Under Sustained Russian Attack https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-invasion-bakhmut-assaults-russia/32378224.html [10:20] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Deadly Russian Strike Hits Museum In Kupyansk As Battle For Bakhmut Picks Up [10:21] TR News US aircraft carrier arrives in Thailand after crossing South China Sea https://www.rfa.org/english/news/southchinasea/uss-nimitz-04242023033545.html [10:21] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rfa.org | US aircraft carrier arrives in Thailand after crossing South China Sea Radio Free Asia [10:21] TR News Estonian PM Backs Kyiv's Bid For NATO, EU Membership https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-estonia-kallas-eu-nato/32377643.html [10:21] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Estonian PM Backs Kyiv's Bid For NATO, EU Membership [10:21] TR News Explosions At Pakistan Anti-Terror Office Kill At Least 15; Stored Ammunition Suspected https://www.rferl.org/a/pakistan-swat-terror-police/32377625.html [10:21] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Explosions At Pakistan Anti-Terror Office Kill At Least 16; Stored Ammunition Suspected ● Apr 26 [12:14] TR News What the ICJ ruling on the Central Bank of Iran means for the US and the Islamic Republicand those seeking reparations for state-sponsored atrocities https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/what-the-icj-ruling-on-the-central-bank-of-iran-means-for-the-us-and-the-islamic-republic-and-those-seeking-reparations-for-state-sponsored-atrocities/ [12:14] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.atlanticcouncil.org | What the ICJ ruling on the Central Bank of Iran means for the US and the Islamic Republicand those seeking reparations for state-sponsored atrocities - Atlantic Council [12:25] TR News Three Workers Die While Repairing Auxiliary Dry Dock In Russia's Far East https://www.rferl.org/a/workers-deaths-auxiliary-dry-dock-russia-far-east/32376919.html [12:25] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Three Workers Die While Repairing Auxiliary Dry Dock In Russia's Far East [12:31] TR News New NATO defence plans meet Lithuanias expectations president https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969516/new-nato-defence-plans-meet-lithuania-s-expectations-president [12:31] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | New NATO defence plans meet Lithuanias expectations president - LRT [12:32] TR News At Security Council, Lavrov Faces Blistering Condemnation From West, UN Chief https://www.rferl.org/a/32377482.html [12:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | At Security Council, Lavrov Faces Blistering Condemnation From West, UN Chief [12:32] TR News Crimean Tatar Jailed For Fighting With Ukrainian Forces https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-crimean-tatar-chelebidzhikhan-battalion/32377555.html [12:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Crimean Tatar Jailed For Fighting With Ukrainian Forces [12:32] TR News Kazakh Student Faces Prosecution At Home For Joining Russia's Wagner In Ukraine https://www.rferl.org/a/kazakhstan-russia-wagner-ukraine/32377598.html [12:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Kazakh Student Faces Prosecution At Home For Joining Russia's Wagner In Ukraine [12:32] TR News Lithuania to summon Chinese rep over statements by Beijings ambassador to France https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969270/lithuania-to-summon-chinese-rep-over-statements-by-beijing-s-ambassador-to-france [12:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Lithuania to summon Chinese rep over statements by Beijings ambassador to France - LRT [12:32] TR News China says it respects sovereignty of post-Soviet states following outcry over ambassadors statements https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969467/china-says-it-respects-sovereignty-of-post-soviet-states-following-outcry-over-ambassador-s-statements [12:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | China says it respects sovereignty of post-Soviet states following outcry over ambassadors statements - LRT [12:33] TR News Russia demolishes monument to Lithuanian, Polish deportees https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969589/russia-demolishes-monument-to-lithuanian-polish-deportees [12:33] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Russia demolishes monument to Lithuanian, Polish deportees - LRT [12:33] TR News Lithuanian officials eager to remove obstacles for developing arms industry https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969715/lithuanian-officials-eager-to-remove-obstacles-for-developing-arms-industry [12:33] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Lithuanian officials eager to remove obstacles for developing arms industry - LRT [12:34] TR News Baltic states summon Chinese envoys to protest statements questioning their sovereignty https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1969832/baltic-states-summon-chinese-envoys-to-protest-statements-questioning-their-sovereignty [12:34] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Baltic states summon Chinese envoys to protest statements questioning their sovereignty - LRT [12:34] TR News Despite visa bans, Russian residents in Lithuania on the rise https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1967918/despite-visa-bans-russian-residents-in-lithuania-on-the-rise [12:34] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Despite visa bans, Russian residents in Lithuania on the rise - LRT [12:34] TR News Private helicopter barred from taking off from Lithuania to Russia https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1970204/private-helicopter-barred-from-taking-off-from-lithuania-to-russia [12:34] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Private helicopter barred from taking off from Lithuania to Russia - LRT [12:35] TR News Navalny Given Just Over A Day To Review New 700-Page Case Against Him https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-navalny-new-secret-charges/32377469.html [12:35] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Navalny Given Just Over A Day To Review New 700-Page Case Against Him [12:36] TR News Former Kazakh National Security Committee Chief Gets 18 Years In Prison https://www.rferl.org/a/kazakhstan-masimov-18-years-prison/32377342.html [12:36] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Former Kazakh National Security Committee Chief Gets 18 Years In Prison [12:37] TR News SANDF working to evacuate 77 South Africans in Sudan https://www.defenceweb.co.za/security/human-security/sandf-working-to-evacuate-77-south-africans-in-sudan/ [12:37] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.defenceweb.co.za | SANDF working to evacuate 77 South Africans in Sudan - defenceWeb [12:42] TR News "Makaryan attempts to educate the Stanford community about the Armenian genocide of 1915 and its generational impact on Armenian students at Stanford." https://stanforddaily.com/2023/04/24/opinion-realities-lost-to-genocide-and-genocide-denial-at-stanford/ [12:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol-stanforddaily.com | Opinion | Realities lost to genocide and genocide denial at Stanford [12:57] TR News Drone Laden With 17 Kilos Of Explosives Reportedly 'Found' Near Moscow https://www.rferl.org/a/moscow-found-drone-explosives-report/32377054.html [12:57] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Drone Laden With 17 Kilos Of Explosives Reportedly 'Found' Near Moscow ● Apr 26 [13:07] TR News French court halts controversial migrant expulsions from Mayotte slum https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20230425-french-court-halts-controversial-migrant-expulsions-from-mayotte-slum [13:07] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.france24.com | French court halts controversial migrant expulsions from Mayotte slum [13:07] TR News US says Sudan warring parties agree to 72-hour ceasefire after hundreds killed https://www.france24.com/en/afrique/20230424-us-says-sudan-warring-parties-agree-to-ceasefire-after-hundreds-killed [13:07] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.france24.com | US says Sudan warring parties agree to 72-hour ceasefire after hundreds killed [13:08] TR News Haiti insecurity 'comparable' to nations at war, says UN https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230424-haiti-insecurity-comparable-to-nations-at-war-says-un [13:08] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.france24.com | Haiti insecurity 'comparable' to nations at war, says UN [13:08] TR News Comoros refuses boats carrying undocumented migrants expelled from France's Mayotte https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20230424-comoros-refuses-boats-carrying-illegal-migrants-expelled-from-france-s-mayotte [13:08] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.france24.com | Comoros refuses boats carrying undocumented migrants expelled from France's Mayotte [13:08] TR News Guatemala leader vows to stand by solid ally Taiwan https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/25/guatemala-leader-vows-to-stand-by-solid-ally-taiwan/ [13:08] -TechPolBot/#techpol-hongkongfp.com | Guatemala leader vows to stand by 'solid' ally Taiwan - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:29] TR News China says it respects ex-Soviet states sovereignty after envoy sparks outrage https://hongkongfp.com/2023/04/24/china-says-it-respects-ex-soviet-states-sovereignty-after-envoy-sparks-outrage/ [13:29] -TechPolBot/#techpol-hongkongfp.com | China says it respects ex-Soviet states' sovereignty after envoy sparks outrage - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP [13:31] TR News Chinese Diplomat's Comments On Post-Soviet Nations Sparks Outcry, Demands For Explanation https://www.rferl.org/a/china-diplomat-post-soviet-nations-outcry/32377131.html [13:31] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Chinese Diplomat's Comments On Post-Soviet Nations Sparks Outcry, Demands For Explanation [13:34] TR News Appeal Of Suspect In Russian Cafe Bombing That Killed War Blogger Denied https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-cafe-bombing-tatarsky/32377327.html [13:34] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Appeal Of Suspect In Russian Cafe Bombing That Killed War Blogger Denied ● Apr 26 [15:18] TR News RT documentary series The Silent Civil War uncovers never-before-heard testimonies of Irish Civil War revolutionaries https://about.rte.ie/2023/04/25/rte-documentary-series-the-silent-civil-war-uncovers-never-before-heard-testimonies-of-irish-civil-war-revolutionaries/ [15:18] -TechPolBot/#techpol-about.rte.ie | RT documentary series The Silent Civil War uncovers never-before-heard testimonies of Irish Civil War revolutionaries About RT [15:33] TR News Reshaping the ADF to meet our strategic challenges https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/reshaping-the-adf-to-meet-our-strategic-challenges/ [15:33] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.aspistrategist.org.au | Reshaping the ADF to meet our strategic challenges | The Strategist ● Apr 26 [17:43] *AdmFubar has quit (connection closed) ● Apr 26 [18:32] *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [18:32] *techuser (~techuser@d935644pimp8e.irc) has joined #techpol ● Apr 26 [19:45] *t0talist has quit (connection closed) [19:46] *t0talist (~t0talist@jrpx766xkp2nn.irc) has joined #techpol ● Apr 26 [20:21] *t0talist has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [20:22] *t0talist (~t0talist@dnnduf8ghnid6.irc) has joined #techpol ● Apr 26 [21:19] TR News Biden "War games" https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/us-philippines-fire-missiles-at-mock-enemy-ship-in-south-china-sea-drills-as-marcos-watches [21:19] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.straitstimes.com | US, Philippines sink mock enemy ship in their largest South China Sea drills | The Straits Times [21:19] TR News Taiwan publisher under investigation for national security crime: China https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/taiwan-publisher-under-investigation-for-national-security-crime-china [21:19] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.straitstimes.com | Taiwan publisher under investigation for national security crime: China | The Straits Times [21:24] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2ppr4t4a8xnvs.irc) has joined #techpol ● Apr 26 [23:04] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [23:05] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techpol [23:15] *AdmFubar (~AdmFubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techpol [23:15] AdmFubar https://www.rawstory.com/michigan-gop-2659913211/ [23:15] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rawstory.com | 'The state party is dead': Michigan Republicans fear collapse amid leadership crisis - 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