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News for 2023-06-12

- Back around again

└─ CircaDian — Gemini Identity

⋯ BBS — s/discuss - 22 comments

⋯ BBS — s/Lagrange - 0 comments

🤖 epoch's "blog" — avatars -- so many standards

🤖 epoch's "blog" — torture -- gemini client testing

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Football Club Barcelona

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - The Car Detailing Rabbit Hole

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Formula Won?

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Genesis I

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Genesis II

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Patatas Bravas!

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - May-Ham!

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Pumpkin Patches

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - New Queens Of The Stone Age!

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - May The Froth Be With You

🥁 The Pasture Of Muppets - Tea and Biscuits, Goodbye to a Legend

2023-06-11 - ploum

2023-06-11 senders: Perfect Albums - no. 0

2023-06-12 Remy's tinylog: - I created a spartan TUI browser for terminals.

2023-06-12 - senders

2023-06-13 - alexschroeder

2023-06-13 - cosmic voyage

2023-06-13 - adiabatic

2023-06-13 - midnight.pub

A Lack Of Entropy - It's been a while eh!

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - Gemini on the VT420

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - A week in the terminal

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - A Gopher/Gemini/WWW comparison table

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - Chatbots and the Chinese Room

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - Re: Emacs undo

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - And now for my next trick

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - Re: Exploring Federation and Public Communication On Gemini

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - The computer is a dream

Axion Field - Invidious: Make Youtube cool again

Axion Field - Track your Gemini Capsule for Successful SEO campaign

ben's space - sudo make install

Biterr's Awesome blog! - In case you're having a bad day :3

Biterr's Awesome blog! - Salami'n eggs sandwich is great!

Biterr's Awesome blog! - Would like to thank gmisub aggregate!

Biterr's Awesome blog! - Howdy!

Biterr's Awesome blog! - Linux mint is very cool actually!

Cheetah a Day — Day 946:

CircaDian — The EURion Constellation

compudanzas - reviewed and published our highlights of the year

compudanzas - performed qiudanz tag on the Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces Workshop 2022

Darren's gemlog - GObject Introspection

Darren's gemlog - Correction: SML is Back on the Menu

Darren's gemlog - Language extension, starting from a large implementation

Darren's gemlog - Concurrency & Parallelism Models

Darren's gemlog - High-level languages in production

Darren's gemlog - Document processing

Daudix's Gemlog — Gemini: Exploring the Cozy World of Capsules and Space

DiscoGem — Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-06-12

foo.zone feed - 'Never split the difference' book notes

foo.zone feed - Algorithms and Data Structures in Go - Part 1

foo.zone feed - Unveiling `guprecords.raku`: Global Uptime Records with Raku

foo.zone feed - 'The Obstacle is the Way' book notes

foo.zone feed - KISS server monitoring with Gogios

Gemini Transponder - All Transmissions - 2023-03-21 15:30:54 ~ outsidecontext

Halfway to Mars - I restore the previous design of both the homepage and Scrawlspace.

Halfway to Mars - I add “Ascending vs. Descending”, a way to remember how to sort things ascending vs. descending.

Halfway to Mars - I finish listing the program that I get through Homebrew…for now.

Halfway to Mars - On day nine of saving Hyrule again, I kind of just horse around.

hyperreal's gemlog — Yet Another Homelab Setup

Il gemlog di steko — 🚗 Ho cambiato le gomme dell'auto

Jan's Gemini Capsule - Jan's Minilog

JBanana's gemlog — Variable scope acts like a devil for the user 👿

joneworlds — Blowing it up and gone.

kalechips — Dinosauria

moddedBear's log — New Chapter

officialdonut — News of my demise, etc etc

PlayOnBSD Games — 15:42:08 UTC PlayOnBSD Games Changes

reidrac's Personal Gemlog - Re: Many capsules don't send TLS close_notify

reidrac's Personal Gemlog - The importance of the browser

reidrac's Personal Gemlog - Re: My create article script

Rob's Gemini Capsule — 2023 Week 22/23: Status and Photos

rooster — Bad Dreams at Mt. Fuji

rooster — Tokyo Thoughts #2

rooster — Tokyo Thoughts #1

Senders' Gemlog — Perfect Albums - no. 1

skyjake's Gemlog — I am Spartacus — Anonymous Identities on Gemini

skyjake's Gemlog — Lagrange v1.16.4 Release Notes

slondrlog - Introducing... Galaxy Chat

slondrlog - Will MNT Eat Pine64's Lunch?

slondrlog - Will I Outlive NetBSD?

Snow Leopard a Day — Day 620

Solderpunk vs the windmills - An Earth Day rant against class warfare environmentalism

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Ascension day ponderings

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Capsule relocation

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Cloud spotting blues

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Five years a sundog - Happy birthday, circumlunar space!

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Minidisc updates

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Penguin Green Ideas, simple graphic art

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Six years of gopher

Solderpunk vs the windmills - Spring time, nature observations and lo-fi log

Solderpunk vs the windmills - The gnat hitch

Solene'% - The Old Computer Challenge V3

Solene'% - Backport OpenBSD 7.3 pkg_add enhancement

Solene'% - Install OpenBSD in Qubes OS

Solene'% - OpenKuBSD design document

Solene'% - Create a custom application entry in Qubes OS

Solene'% - Making Qubes OS backups more efficient

Solene'% - How to install Nix in a Qubes OS AppVM

Solene'% - Qubes OS dom0 files workflow using fossil

Solene'% - Declaratively manage your Qubes OS

Solene'% - Send XMPP messages from the command line

Sotiris' gemlog - Why do we build robots?

Sotiris' gemlog - Re: Source controlled dotfiles

Sotiris' gemlog - Meditation on ed


🔤SpellBinding — AJLUORN Wordo: COWLS *

Star Log — Photos from the UAF Botanical Garden

station ping - В математике все говорят о Боге // А. Савватеев

station ping - Носители творчества

station ping - Солярисы

station ping - Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто

//strahinja.org - config.h и redo

//strahinja.org - Слагалица

//strahinja.org - База из командне линије

//strahinja.org - Крај још неких ера

Techrights -

text.eapl.mx - My text log — Sobre comunidades (en 2023)

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - OpenBSD Highlights from the Fall/Black Friday Sale 2022

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - Following Indie Games - OpenBSD Edition

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - Games I Completed on OpenBSD

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - OpenBSD for Gaming?!?!

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - The Urtuk Diaries

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - Migrating Gemini Servers

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - Schoener Thrombus

thfr's Digital Gemini Garden - Hospitalist Inspirations 2023-05-31

thrig.me bphflog — Bad Loops

thrig.me bphflog — The GPL: A Postmortem

ttocsneb - Trying out my own gemlog

ttocsneb - School has begun

ttocsneb - MAC Attack!

ttocsneb - My Capsule Plans

ttocsneb - How I deploy to my server

ttocsneb - Organizing My Life

ttocsneb - Planning PWS Hardware

ttocsneb - Whoops, I broke my weather vane

ttocsneb - My weather vane is now better than new

Tux Machines - Programming Leftovers

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - Setting up a gemini capsule using the gemini-php server

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - The first bugs arrive!

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - Example usage of my HTML to Gemtext API

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - Generating a gemini Atom feed

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - How will the fediverse pay the bills when it is 10x bigger?

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - Long Covid Meta Analysis, Jan 2023

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - Speed up your internet by caching DNS queries for longer - nscd.conf

WP2Smol demo - Gemlog - Migration of html2gmi API done

xandra — the art of letting go

Yretek 🍃 — Y ahora un hexcrawl #rol

Zelena's Gemlog — Gemtext can be worse than plaintext

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