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● Links 10/08/2022: ‘UNIX-like’ Debate Revisited

Posted in News Roundup at 5:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


↺ What is the Difference Between macOS and Linux?

 While the differences between Linux and Windows are quite obvious, Linux and macOS may seem similar to many.

Both can run Unix commands in the terminal, and the user experience is vastly different from Windows. And not all Windows applications and games are available for macOS and Linux.

This is why some people even think Apple’s macOS is based on Linux. But that is not the case. macOS is not Linux despite the similarities.

There are plenty of differences between the two UNIX-like operating systems and I shall highlight both the similarities and the differences in this article.

So, let’s compare Apple and Orange Penguin.


↺ Install Joomla with Apache and free Let’s Encrypt SSL on Alma Linux 8 | Mark Ai Code

Joomla is a free, open-source content management system that is widely used. It’s developed in PHP and can be used to build websites and blogs without any programming skills. It offers both free and commercial plugins and themes to let you increase the functionality of your website. It has a control panel for controlling websites from the web browser. Multi-language support, media manager, SEO, an integrated help system, contact management, and many more features are available in Joomla.

In this guide, you will learn how to install Joomla CMS on Alma Linux 8 with Apache and Let’s Encrypt SSL.

↺ How to Install Miniconda3 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | Mark Ai Code

The Anaconda distribution is a collection of scientific software. It comes with Python and R installations, as well as the Conda package manager, which may be used to install Anaconda products. Because the full Anaconda distribution with all programs takes up a lot of storage space, there is also a Miniconda variation that includes simply Python, Conda, and a few fundamental packages. Both versions are entirely free and open source.

MiniConda3 requires around 400 MB of free space to download and install.

↺ How to conifgure Podman 4.0 for IPv6 | Red Hat Developer

Podman is a major container platform, used by many developers in place of Docker. Podman v4.0 has extensive new support for the IPv6 address format. IPv6 networks with Network Address Translation (NAT) and port forwarding are now fully tested and supported in this latest version of the platform. You can also assign static IPv6 addresses to containers in these networks.

Podman v4.0 is supported in versions 8.6 and 9 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This article shows you how to enable the new IPv6 support.

↺ How to Secure Nginx with Letsencrypt on Rocky Linux/Alma Linux 9

Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority (CA) that provides free certificates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. It simplifies the process of creation, validation, signing, installation, and renewal of certificates by providing a software client—Certbot.

It was developed by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) and trusted by all major browsers. It is used to automate the process of certificate creation, validation, signing, implementation, and renewal of certificates for secure websites.

↺ How to Edit Files as Root in Ubuntu using GUI File Manager

Learn the way to edit text and other files on Ubuntu as a root user using Nautilus GUI File Manager without the help of the Command Terminal. The tutorial is valid for all Ubuntu versions such as 22.04, 20.04, and 18.04…

↺ Linux basic health check commands

There are a variety of tools that a system administrator can use to check and monitor the health of their Linux system. This would include not only the physical hardware, but also the software and how many resources are being dedicated to running the installed services. In this tutorial, you will learn several commands to check overall health of your Linux system from the command line.

↺ Get CPU temperature on Linux

The ability to get the temperature of a key component such as a CPU is important, whether you are gaming, overclocking, or hosting intensive processes on a critical server for your company. The Linux kernel comes with modules built in that allow it to access onboard sensors within the CPU. In this tutorial, you will learn how to access these sensors and get the CPU temperature on a Linux system.

There is a program that will work in conjunction with the kernel modules mentioned above to display the readings of the CPU temperature in the userspace. The program is called lm_sensors. This software allows users to get a readout of the CPU temperature in the command line and interfaces with several graphical front ends that make displaying temperatures in real time automatic and easy.

↺ The lost+found Directory in Linux and UNIX

The Linux fsck system utility is directly associated with the lost+found directory construct. Executing the fsck system utility will initiate a filesystem check and repair routine.

The result of using the fsck system utility might lead to the retrieval of data fragments, not ‘registered/referenced’ by the Linux filesystem.

For instance, fsck tends to highlight data that resembles a complete file but missing a name record on the Linux system. Therefore, such nameless data tend to use up system memory and remain mysterious since there are no conventional means of accessing it.

This article is here to unravel the mysteries behind the lost+found directory and its association with the Linux fsck utility.

↺ Hibernation in Fedora Workstation – Fedora Magazine

Hibernation stores the current runtime state of your machine – effectively the contents of your RAM, onto disk and does a clean shutdown. Upon next boot this state is restored from disk to memory such that everything, including open programs, is how you left it.

Fedora Workstation uses ZRAM. This is a sophisticated approach to swap using compression inside a portion of your RAM to avoid the slower on-disk swap files. Unfortunately this means you don’t have persistent space to move your RAM upon hibernation when powering off your machine.

↺ Create beautiful PDFs in LaTeX | Opensource.com

The LaTeX document preparation system has an interesting history. When programmer Don Knuth wrote his first book, The Art of Computer Programming, in 1968, it was produced using an old-style printing press method. When he published the second edition in 1976, the publisher had moved to modern phototypesetting.

Knuth was unhappy with how the new edition looked. Addressing the problem from a programmer’s perspective, Knuth decided to create his own text processing system so his future books could be formatted to look the same way, for every book in the series. And so it was that Don Knuth wrote the first version of TeX in 1978.

A few years later, Leslie Lamport created a set of macros that help authors write complex documents more easily. Lamport’s macro extensions, LaTeX, essentially extends TeX to easily produce all kinds of documents. For example, many academic organizations use LaTeX to publish journals and proceedings.

↺ Base64 encoding: What sysadmins need to know | Enable Sysadmin

By understanding Base64 encoding, you can apply it to Kubernetes secrets, OpenSSL, email applications, and other common situations.

Distributions and Operating Systems

New Releases

↺ Kali Linux 2022.3 Introduces a Test Lab Environment and New VirtualBox Image – It’s FOSS News

Kali Linux is back with exciting additions for its third upgrade in 2022.

As usual, you can expect new tools and refinements across the board. In addition, there are a few key highlights, including a new test lab environment and a VirtualBox image.

Here, let me give you more details on the release.


↺ NetBSD 9.3 keeps it hardcore old-school • The Register

Version 9.3 of NetBSD is here, able to run on very low-end systems and with that authentic early-1990s experience.

When The Reg FOSS desk took a quick look at the latest version of FreeBSD a few months ago, some NetBSD enthusiasts were quick to point out that NetBSD is (very, very slightly) older. Since then, it has been on our to-do list to take a look at the OG* BSD. A major version, NetBSD 10, is coming relatively soon, but in the meantime, the NetBSD project has just put out an update to the current major version of the OS.

Version 9.3 comes some 15 months after NetBSD 9.2 and boasts new and updated drivers, improved hardware support, including for some recent AMD and Intel processors, and better handling of suspend and resume. The next sentence in the release announcement, though, might give some readers pause: “Support for wsfb-based X11 servers on the Commodore Amiga.”

Open Hardware/Modding

↺ A wearable, waterproof, wireless human-machine interface

“Human-machine interface” (HMI) is a general term that describes any physical input or output hardware that people can use to interface with systems (like computers) and vice versa. That very broad definition usually applies to computer input devices like keyboards or output devices like monitors. The move towards touchscreens represented a fundamental shift in HMI preferences and we might see another shift soon towards wearable HMIs. To provide the building blocks of that potential future, a team of UCLA engineers developed this wearable, waterproof, wireless HMI.

This prototype HMI is a patch that users can wear on their skin and that resembles a thick Band-Aid. It flexes and stretches along with the user’s skin, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. The prototype has four buttons that can wirelessly control remote devices. In the team’s demonstration, for example, the buttons control a music player’s functions. It is also waterproof, so users don’t have to worry about damage from sweat or other moisture.

Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

↺ Google adds new features for improved sleep with wallpaper dimming in Android 13

↺ YouTube getting support for Android 13 media controls – 9to5Google

↺ OnePlus 10 Pro owners can now give OxygenOS 13 beta (Android 13) a shot | Android Central

↺ Nokia Android 12 update roll out tracker [Cont. updated]

↺ How to Update Android

↺ How to access Netflix games on Android | Android Central

↺ Android developers get a safety net with Google’s pilot program

↺ Samsung Just Updated An Android Phone From 2015: Galaxy J7

↺ Motorola MA1 Android Auto dongle gets price increase – 9to5Google

Free, Libre, and Open Source Software


↺ Scratching Out Business Intelligence

At Hackaday, we love things both from scratch and in Scratch, Scratch being the blocks building helpful language for teaching kids and the like how to program. However, when you have a large amount of data that needs to be processed, queried, and collated to get meaningful insights, it is a pain to rewrite a SQL query every time a new question arises that needs an answer. So perhaps a more elegant approach would be to give the people asking the questions the tools to answer them, but rather than teach them SQL, Mongo, GraphQL, or any other database, give them the tools to scratch out the answers themselves.


↺ less hope

apologies. i was part of the joy industrial complex, told them their bodies were miracles & they ate it, sold someday, made money off soon & now. i snuck an ode into the elegy, forced the dead to smile & juke. implied America, said destroy but offered nary step nor tool. i paid taxes knowing where the funds go. in April, my offering to my mother’s slow murder. by May my sister filled with the bullets i bought. June & my father’s life locked in a box i built. my brother’s end plotted as i spend. idk why i told you it would be ok. not. won’t. when they aren’t killing you they’re killing someone else. sometimes their hands at the ends of your wrist. you (you & me) are agent & enemy. there i was, writing anthems in a nation whose victory was my blood made visible, my mother too sugared to weep without melting, my rage a comfort foaming at my racial mouth, singing gospel for a god they beat me into loving. lord your tomorrow holds no sway, your heavens too late. i’ve abandon you as you me, for me. say la vee. but sweet Satan—OG dark kicked out the sky first fallen & niggered thing—what’s good? who owns it? where does it come from? satan, first segregation, mother of exile what do you promise in your fire? for our freedom, i offer over their souls. theirs. mine is mine. i refuse any Hell again. i’ve known nearer devils. the audience & the mirror. they/i make you look weak. they/i clapped at my eulogies. they/i said encore, encore. i/we wanted to stop being killed & they/i thanked me for beauty. &, pitifully, i loved them. i thanked them. i took the awards & cashed the checks. i did the one about the boy when requested, traded their names for followers. in lieu of action, i wrote a book, edited my war cries down to prayers. oh, devil. they gave me a god and gave me clout. they took my poems and took my blades. Satan, like you did for God, i sang. i sang for my enemy, who was my God. i gave it my best. i bowed and smiled. teach me to never bend again.

↺ Bad Dada

I’ve been following Keith Gessen for my entire adult life. The magazine he cofounded, n+1, debuted in 2004, the year after I graduated from college, when I had just entered New York’s creative underclass and was filled with a fire to do what the guys at n+1 did, writing about politics and culture in the nightmare that was George W. Bush’s America. In 2008, Gessen published a novel called All the Sad Young Literary Men, its title describing my twentysomething self to a tee. Then came his years of fruitful productivity: a critic’s gig with New York magazine, articles for The New Yorker and Vanity Fair, a translation of Nobel laureate Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices From Chernobyl into English, and the publication in 2018 of a second novel, A Terrible Country, set in Russia, where he was born. He has recently been reporting on the war in Ukraine, cementing the impression that for every political era and life cycle, Gessen would always be there for young Gen Xers and old millennials, offering a ticking indicator of time’s passage.

↺ Forget The UV Resist Mask: Expose Custom PCBs Directly On Your SLA Printer

For the enterprising hobbyist and prototyping hardware developer, creating custom PCBs remains somewhat of a struggle. Although there are a number of approaches to go about this, they usually involve printing or drawing a mask that is used to expose the photoresist layer on the to-be-etched PCB. Here [Andrew Dickinson]’s Photonic Etcher project provides an intriguing shortcut, by using the UV source of an MSLA 3D printer directly after converting the project’s Gerber files into a format the MSLA printer can work with.

↺ Mapping Out The LEDs On An Outlet Tester

The concept of an outlet tester is pretty simple: plug the gadget into a suspect wall receptacle, and an array of LEDs light up in various patterns to alert the user to any wiring faults. They’re cheap, reliable, and instantaneous. Most people wouldn’t give them much more thought than that, but like any good hacker, [Yeo Kheng Meng] wanted to know how these devices worked.


↺ Up Your Desk Toy Game With This 3D Printed Escalator

Let’s be real, nobody needs a tiny motorized escalator for their desk. But now that you’ve seen it, can you really say you don’t want one of your own? The design comes our way from [AlexY], and is actually the logical evolution of a manually-operated version released previously. But for our money (and 3D printing time), we’d definitely go with this new motorized variant.

↺ Another consequence of supply shortage: mass production mishaps – CNX Software

Chips may suddenly disappear from the supply chain or get really expensive due to the recurring supply shortage, companies are now designing their PCBs to support multiple chips either selecting drop-in replacements or creating multiple footprints to cater to at least one alternative part. That means one PCB and multiple bill-of-materials are needed to be more resilient to any supply disruption.

Radxa did that on the ROCK 3A board for the USB PD circuitry with the ability to use either Injoinic IP2315 or WCH CH224D IC. Those are not pin-to-pin compatible chips, and two circuitry were made for the board requiring two BoMs as it’s not just possible to only replace IP2315 by CH224D.


↺ Synthetic Drugs Are Sending the Overdose Crisis Into Overdrive

Isotonitazene. Xylazine. Etizolam. These drugs sound like they belong in a dystopian sci-fi film. So does the manufactured plague of which they’re a part.

↺ America, Land of the Dying? Alarming Study Shows US Killing Its Own Population

Researchers find that the nation had become an outlier among other rich countries in mortality rates long before the pandemic – and that Americans are dying younger than their peers abroad.

↺ This Is Not a Climate Solution: Indigenous Land Defender Warns Senate Bill Will Aid Fossil Fuel Firms

We look at ​​the Democrats’ sweeping $739 billion bill just passed by the Senate in part to address the climate crisis. Democrats in the Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act on Sunday with votes from West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema, and the House will vote on the package Friday. The reason the bill exists at all is due to Senator Bernie Sanders and grassroots organizing to demand action on climate change, says Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. Indigenous lawyer Tara Houska says the bill’s climate provisions cede too much to Big Oil companies in pursuit of renewable energy. “Black and Brown people continue to disparately experience the effects of extractive industry,” she adds. Bishop William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, says the bill contains too much compromise. “Part of the bill was putting a pipeline that Black and white and Brown and poor people in frontline communities are fighting right now,” he says.


↺ Microsoft August 2022 Patch Tuesday fixes exploited zero-day, 121 flaws

Today is Microsoft’s August 2022 Patch Tuesday, and with it comes fixes for the actively exploited ‘DogWalk’ zero-day vulnerability and a total of 121 flaws.


↺ Nebraska Abortion Ban 3 Votes Short Shows Why Midterms ‘Matter So Damn Much’

Abortion rights advocates in Nebraska expressed relief Monday after narrowly avoiding a legislative session devoted to further restricting abortion access in the state, but cautioned that the tide could quickly shift if pro-choice candidates aren’t elected in large numbers in November.

“Voters have an opportunity to defend legal access to abortion at the polls this November by electing more Democrats to the Legislature, Congress, and the governor’s office.”

↺ It Takes A Village Of Third Party Surveillance Tech Providers To Raise A Child

As surveillance tech has become cheaper, it has become ubiquitous. Lots of people believe they can solve education-related problems, and most frequently their “solutions” involve tech replacing people and AI replacing common sense.

↺ Smoking Meat Finds Natural Home In The Cloud

Did you know that backyard barbecues now come with WiFi? It should be no surprise, given the pervasiveness of cloud-enabled appliances throughout the home. However [Carl] wasn’t ready to part with his reliable but oh-so-analog BBQ smoker, so instead he created an affordable WiFi-based temperature monitor that rivals its commercial counterparts.


↺ The White House Will Approve New $1 Billion Weapons Transfer to Ukraine

The package likely includes long-range rockets and air defense ammunition.

↺ Opinion | Israel’s Savagery in Gaza Claims the Lives of More Children

A ceasefire between Israel and the Islamic Jihad resistance group took effect before midnight Sunday, ending a deadly Israeli assault on Gaza.

↺ Opinion | AIPAC’s New Political Strategy: Spend Millions on Elections Without Mentioning Israel

↺ Pentagon Contractors in Afghanistan Pocketed $108 Billion Over 20 Years

Pentagon contractors operating in Afghanistan over the past two decades raked in nearly $108 billion—funds that “were distributed and spent with a significant lack of transparency,” according to a report published Tuesday.

“These contracts show the shadowy ‘camo economy’ at work in Afghanistan.”

↺ Ending the war would have majority support among Russians (but so would a new assault on Kyiv) — Meduza

65 percent of Russians would support President Vladimir Putin if he chose to end the war in Ukraine and sign a peace treaty, according to a new survey of 1,609 Russians conducted by the private polling agency Russian Field. On the other hand, practically the same proportion of respondents — 60 percent — said they would support the president if he chose to launch a “new offensive on Kyiv.”

↺ Occupation authorities unlikely to rebuild Popasna — Meduza

Officials in the self-declared Luhansk People’s Republic are considering not rebuilding the city of Popasna, which is on territory that they control. “There wouldn’t really be a point. The city is truly almost completely destroyed,” said “LNR” head Leonid Pasechik. While a final decision has not yet been made, he said, the Russian-backed administration is “leaning towards” leaving the town as it is and relocating its residents.


↺ Opinion | Amazon Admits to Staggering 18% Increase in Emissions Last Year—We Need to Be Concerned

This week, retail giant Amazon announced that its carbon emissions jumped by a staggering 18% in 2021 during the pandemic and, overall, its emissions are up 40% since 2019. The vast majority of these increases came from many of the out-of-sight, out-of-mind things it takes to get billions of packages to consumers’ front doors—think: ships, planes, trucks, and warehouses.

↺ ‘What Happens When You Warm a Planet’: Massive Flooding Kills At Least 8 in Seoul

Record-shattering rainfall in Seoul, South Korea overnight Monday killed at least eight people and—according to scientists—offered further evidence that the planet is in the midst of a climate disaster.

According to The New York Times, “Three of the dead, two sisters in their 40s and a 13-year-old girl, were found early Tuesday as emergency workers pumped out the water that had flooded their semi-basement home in southern Seoul.”


↺ The Most Recent Development in Fossil-Fuelized Fascism

Stan Cox argues that big trucks, aggressively driven, straddle the borderline between a democracy in crisis and a country (and world) facing a climate emergency of the first order.

↺ The bid to cap Russian oil prices The U.S. and its allies want to limit the price of Russian oil to hinder Moscow’s ability to fund the war. Would that work? — Meduza


↺ Conservationists hail scientists’ Western Rewilding Blueprint as “A Major Call to Action”

Conservationists today hailed a new scientific study that identifies an ambitious network of protected areas, with wolf and beaver restoration as a centerpiece, as a sound strategy for restoring native ecosystems and wildlife diversity on western public lands. The benefits of this proposal would contribute significantly to stream restoration and help mitigate drought, wildfires, and climate change. The study uses scientific modeling to identify eleven large-scale reserves, then identified connectivity habitats to allow the dispersal of native species among the Western Rewilding Network.

“This scientific blueprint for large landscape conservation, and its focus on retiring public land livestock operations and restoring wolves and beavers is a major call to action for policymakers in Congress and the administration,” said Erik Molvar, a wildlife biologist and Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project. “The ecological success of Yellowstone National Park shows that this combination restores biodiversity, and replicating this success across the West is an enterprise well worth our collective efforts.”


↺ Private Equity Gave Sinema $500k, So She Exempted It From Corporate Minimum Tax

↺ Forced Treatment Isn’t What Unhoused People Need

I remember how my heart pounded as I drove cross-country to Los Angeles in the fall of 2019. I was anxious about whether I could start again and leave behind a string of traumas, including a forced hospitalization in New York.

↺ ‘A Lot Better Than Build Back Better’: Big Business Relieved as Dems Go Light on Tax Hikes

Corporate America’s relentless year-long lobbying campaign partially paid off this past weekend when Senate Democrats—constrained by two industry-allied lawmakers in their own party and united GOP opposition—approved legislation that stands as a mere shadow of its predecessor, the Build Back Better Act.

Big business is particularly pleased that it was able to fend off Democrats’ push to increase the corporate tax rate and impose other levies on the ultra-rich and private equity firms, which exploit glaring loopholes to systematically avoid taxation.

↺ Fetterman Demands Dr. Oz Answer for $50,000 Tax Break Intended for Pa. Farmers

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman on Tuesday slammed his GOP opponent in the state’s U.S. Senate election, Mehmet Oz, for taking advantage of a tax break under a program originally intended to help struggling farmers, saying the tax relief underscores how the celebrity doctor seeks to benefit from Pennsylvania instead of serving the state.

“Dr. Oz hasn’t even moved into his ‘home’ in Pennsylvania yet, but he’s already found time to claim a tax break on his new mansion in Pennsylvania—a tax break meant for struggling small-time farmers.”

↺ Opinion | The Inflation Reduction Act Should Be Just the Beginning

The Schumer-Manchin reconciliation bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which is expected to become law after it cleared the Senate on a party line vote and key House Democrats have already signaled that they will vote for it when it moves to the lower chamber of Congress, aims to boost the economy and fight the climate crisis. It will also extend the Affordable Care Act subsidies through 2024, lower a handful of prescription drug prices (for those who are on Medicare), boost IRS enforcement, and require large corporations to pay at least 15 percent of their total profits in taxes.


↺ Hawleysticker

↺ Theocracy Now! The Forgotten Prophet of the Resurgent Right

In his salad days, during the high Cold War of the 1950s and ’60s, L. Brent Bozell Jr. was a notorious right-wing polemicist whose ideas influenced everyone from Joseph McCarthy to Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan. Yet he always bristled at the misfortune of living his entire adult life in the shadow of a celebrity relative. “It’s a hindrance to be William F. Buckley’s brother-in-law, because people are under the assumption that I share his views,” Bozell told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 1971. “I do not. He is the right-wing establishment. I consider myself outside the establishment.”

↺ Steve Bannon’s Endgame

Steve Bannon called it on January 5, 2021, when he announced that “all hell is going to break loose tomorrow.” Bannon knew what was coming on the eve of President Donald Trump’s violent coup attempt. And he knows what’s coming now as he promotes a “populist revolt” that he predicts will see an army of partisans flooding polling places this November to usher in a new era of right-wing extremism.

↺ Schumer Pledges to Bring $35 Insulin Cap to Another Vote to Bring “Heat” to GOP

↺ Trump on Pence as Mob Constructs Gallows

No calls for dispersal, just insults to Pence Was what Trump relayed to the crowd he harangued. He called Pence disloyal and things worse than that. No thanks to his boss did Mike Pence stay unhanged.

↺ Diego Rivera Back in Town, Again

Those interpretations, unlike the art, are unsigned. Whoever wrote them didn’t know how to talk intelligently about Rivera’s radical politics and his radical way of looking at the world and representing it in murals and paintings.

The museum allows that Rivera was a communist. It doesn’t hide that fact, as other museums have done in the past, though it also aims to sanitize Rivera, made him less revolutionary than he was in person and on walls and canvases and also rebuke him for what the museum staff perceives as his sexism in a painting that depicts women bathing and washing clothes in the Tehuantepec River.

↺ Over 800,000 Brazilians Sign Pro-Democracy Manifesto Amid Bolsonaro Coup Threat

More than 800,000 Brazilians have signed a pro-democracy manifesto ahead of nationwide demonstrations this Thursday and amid growing fears that right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro—who is trailing by double-digits in recent polling—may attempt a coup if he is not reelected in October.

“There is nothing more important than defending democracy and elections.”

↺ Opinion | What the GOP Really Loves Is Money, Power, and Hate

↺ ‘Enough Is Enough’ Campaign Launched in UK to Fight Cost of Living Crisis

A progressive coalition of trade unions, advocacy groups, and lawmakers in the United Kingdom launched a new campaign Monday to “push back against the misery forced on millions by rising bills, low wages, food poverty, shoddy housing—and a society run only for a wealthy elite.”

“It’s time to turn anger into action.”


↺ Teaching Content Moderators About How To Moderate Is Tough, But TikTok’s Partner Using Actual Child Sexual Abuse Material Is Likely Criminal

WTF, TikTok? Time and time again we see that TikTok does weird things regarding content moderation. More than most firms in the space, TikTok often does things that suggest that it hasn’t bothered to speak to other experts in trust and safety, and they want to reinvent the wheel… but with terrible, terrible instincts. Apparently that applies to the company’s third party moderators as well.

Censorship/Free Speech

↺ Global Allies Stand With Walden Bello as Social Justice Champion Posts Bail in the Philippines

As academic, activist, and author Walden Bello was released on bail in the Philippines on Tuesday, progressives around the world denounced his Monday arrest for alleged “cyber libel” as “politically motivated” and called for the charges to be “dropped immediately.”

“He’s long been a leading voice for justice, accountability, and democracy in the Philippines, which is why he’s being targeted.”

Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

↺ Freedom of Speech and Graham Phillips

The imposition of sanctions against British citizen and journalist Graham Phillips is an appalling violation of freedom of speech – which to have meaning must mean freedom to say things which disagree with the government, the media and/or majority public opinion.

Civil Rights/Policing

↺ Opinion | Black and Poor Women Will Suffer the Most From Abortion Bans—The Answer Is Universal Healthcare

On July 29, Louisiana reinstated a controversial abortion ban, which led to the immediate cancellation of procedures in the state. Following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in late June, a number of states across the country have moved to outlaw abortion, and in Louisiana, women in poverty will bear the worst burdens of the newly reinstated ban. These women are the true experts regarding the fatal risks of taking away reproductive freedom in the state—not anti-abortion politicians.

↺ ‘Like a bad 1980s spy film’ Brittney Griner’s imprisonment reveals Russia’s embrace of pariah identity — Meduza

↺ Appeals Court: ‘Frisking’ A Vehicle Is Completely Normal And Not Any Sort Of Rights Violation

Welcome to America, where not only are people subject to frisks by cops when things seem reasonably suspicious, but their vehicles are as well.

Digital Restrictions (DRM)

↺ Netflix Piracy Thrives as Subscribers Rethink Their Streaming Subscriptions

Despite the availability of more legal streaming options than ever before, TV show and movie piracy are on the rise. Increased fragmentation in the streaming landscape paired with high costs is driving people to illegal options. According to data from piracy tracking company Muso, Netflix content is now good for 16% of all piracy traffic.

↺ Two Dozen Texas Cities Latest To Try And Push A Netflix Tax

Hungry to boost municipal budgets, a growing roster of states and cities have spent the last five years or so trying to implement a tax on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services.

↺ Netflix’s Gaming Offering Is Being Largely Ignored By Customer Base

You might recall that almost exactly a year ago, Netflix announced that it would be getting into the “gaming” business. While the announcement led many to believe that Netflix was going to jump into competing with Google’s Stadia platform and offer streaming AAA video games, in actuality, it turns out to be… not so much. Instead, Stadia collapsed faster than a poorly maintained Miami condo building, and Netflix’s plans were revealed to be a couple of movie/show-related mobile games siloed behind Netflix’s mobile app. While this felt underwhelming, at least the games were free and contained no micro-transactions.


↺ With Antitrust Bills Stalled, Watchdogs Demand Schumer Disclose Big Tech Donations

A coalition of watchdog organizations on Tuesday pushed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to disclose any campaign donations he’s received from major technology corporations as the New York Democrat faces growing backlash for slow-walking antitrust legislation aimed at curbing Big Tech’s monopoly power.

Spearheaded by Demand Progress, the letter notes that corporate behemoths such as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Meta “have invested heavily in delaying, watering down, and defeating” the American Innovation and Choice Online Act and the Open App Markets Act, bipartisan bills designed to restrict large tech firms’ ability to crowd out and crush smaller competitors through a practice known as self-preferencing.

↺ Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers And Deeply Unfunny ‘Satirist’ Seek To Remove Website 1st Amendment Rights To ‘Protect Free Speech’

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who heads something called the “House Republican Big Tech Task Force” has teamed up with Seth Dillon, the CEO of the deeply unfunny “conservative” Onion wannabe, The Babylon Bee, to whine in the NY Post about “how to end big tech censorship of free speech.” The answer, apparently, is to remove the 1st Amendment. I only wish I were joking, but that’s the crux of their very, very confused suggestion.


↺ PrimeWire Replacement HydraWire Sacrifices Itself to Hollywood

A lawsuit filed last year by several Hollywood studios and Netflix targeting illegal streaming veteran PrimeWire now resembles a war of attrition. As efforts to gather intelligence and seize domains continue, the studios have also been dealing with PrimeWire replacement ‘HydraWire’. But despite the numerous hurdles, all signs point to the plaintiffs toughing the case out for as long as it takes.

Gemini* and Gopher


↺ Coronavirus adventure, days 3 & 4

Yesterday I felt alright, so I logged in to zoom meetings and worked remotely.

Today, I slept through all the meetings and took the day off. I’m a little embarrassed, but my supervisor is understanding

I’ve been absolutely exhausted from coronavirus. It’s a kind of fatigue I’ve experienced after working out for a long time or after that camp director job, wherein I was outside all day chasing after campers. I’m missing the other symptoms, but the topmost part of my lungs hurt.

↺ Philosophiblahblahblah – Linguistics – Anglo-Saxon Onomastics & Properties of Identity

This all has direct bearing on the politics of identity, a taxon which is inherently dependent on the hegemonies of Western modernity in ways corrosive of communal cultures

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