-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gemini.rlamacraft.uk:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

Moving off of Goodreads

In my quest to migrate off of over-engineered big-tech solutions to trivial problems I have just downloaded the list I maintained on Goodreads of interesting books to one day, maybe, get around to reading. Instead, I now use a recfile[1], allowing me to trivially search by tags when looking for a new book.

[1] :: GNU.org :: Recutils

Goodreads provides an export as CSV option (yay!) from which I was able to hack together the following AWK script for pulling out the book title, author, date added to the list, and bookshelves (which I use as tags) and then printing them in a recfile format. With a little bit of preamble, this just works.

awk -v FPAT='[^,]*|"[^"]+"' 'BEGIN{
  print "# -*- mode: rec -*-";
  print "";
  print "%rec: To Read";
  print "";
/to-read/ {
  print "Name: " $2;
  print "Author: " $3;
  print "Date: " $16;
  print "Tags: " substr($17,10);
  print "";
}' $FILE

GitHub Gist

For more explanation on the FPAT variable when parsing CSV, take a look at the StackOverflow post[2] and the GNU docs[3] that helped me figure that out.

[2] :: StackOverflow :: What's the most robust way to efficiently parse CSV using AWK?

[3] :: GNU.org :: GAWK :: Splitting By Content


Last Updated: 2021-01-03


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