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neil in gemini space

cpu temp script - 2021-05-17

2021-05-29 - changed

the original script was showing the correct current temperature, but average loads from last boot *not* current loads.

2021-05-29 - cpu temp script revisited - might even work as intended now.

2021-05-10 - original here for historical purposes only

so i wanted to keep an eye on my cpu temps (changed cpu and cpu fan) - i find psensor gui clunky and it didn't log correctly (does not respect log interval entered in gui). some really bad bash follows:

# echoes datetime and cpu Tdie
echo -n $(date -u +%FT%TZ); \
    echo -n " $(sensors k10temp-pci-00c3 | \
    grep Tdie | awk '{ print $1" "$2 }')"; \
    iostat | head -n4 | tail -n1 | \
    awk '{ print " "$1+$2+$3"% load" }'

a cron job gives me:

2021-05-17T14:56:01Z Tdie: +82.2°C 49.31% load
2021-05-17T14:58:01Z Tdie: +79.0°C 49.32% load
2021-05-17T15:00:01Z Tdie: +78.8°C 49.32% load
2021-05-17T15:02:01Z Tdie: +79.1°C 49.32% load
2021-05-17T15:04:01Z Tdie: +79.2°C 49.32% load
2021-05-17T15:06:01Z Tdie: +79.6°C 49.32% load
2021-05-17T15:08:01Z Tdie: +82.5°C 49.33% load
2021-05-17T15:10:01Z Tdie: +79.6°C 49.33% load
2021-05-17T15:12:01Z Tdie: +79.4°C 49.33% load
2021-05-17T15:14:01Z Tdie: +79.2°C 49.33% load

i run folding at home on 50% cores h24 so the load is fairly constant.

echo -n supresses the newline so I get it all on one line.

sensor driver will vary with cpu, motherboard, etc.

upgrade to cpu in anther post.... probably.

2021-05-18 changed fan settings

motherboard fans settings to pwm from auto.

fan splitter cables for rear exhaust fans.

rear fans set to pmw based on cpu temp.

2021-05-18T11:00:01Z Tdie: +70.2°C 51.12% load
2021-05-18T11:02:01Z Tdie: +70.2°C 51.12% load
2021-05-18T11:04:01Z Tdie: +70.4°C 51.12% load
2021-05-18T11:06:01Z Tdie: +70.4°C 51.12% load
2021-05-18T11:08:01Z Tdie: +69.2°C 51.12% load
2021-05-18T11:10:01Z Tdie: +69.1°C 51.11% load
2021-05-18T11:12:01Z Tdie: +69.8°C 51.13% load
2021-05-18T11:14:01Z Tdie: +71.5°C 51.13% load
2021-05-18T11:16:01Z Tdie: +70.4°C 51.13% load
2021-05-18T11:18:02Z Tdie: +70.6°C 51.13% load

reduced temperatures well worth 5 minutes down time.


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