-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gemini.locrian.zone:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

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📚️ Library

The Locrian.Zone library is home to books and other writings that are available via the public domain and free licenses such as Creative Commons BY-SA.


Fiction section

Non-Fiction section

Poetry section

In one dusty old filing cabinet, you find folders full of pages printed out from the internet:

StackExchange archive


Many thanks to the following sources for making this archive possible:


Project Gutenberg

The Internet Speculative Fiction Database


Library ASCII art copyright Hayley Jane Wakenshaw


Minor edits to punctuation, spacing, and the like have been made in some places to conform to Gemtext specifications or to improve readability. For example:

English punctuation rules have changed since many of these archived pieces were written, so in some places I've changed punctuation to make meaning clearer.

Some very long paragraphs have been split in places that, I hope, are natural enough breaking points, to improve reading flow.

Gemtext lacks italicized text, so originally italicized text is instead (a) rendered in ALL CAPS to convey emphasis or to indicate the titles of books; (b) rendered in "quotation marks" to indicate that a word is being used in-the-sense-of-the-word-itself or to indicate the titles of papers; or (c) not emphasized in any way, if the italics originally indicated that the word was of foreign origin.

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Sun May 19 07:03:55 2024