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A Zetteldream


I had a dream that featured a paper Zettelkasten. Someone whose opinion I truly valued, in the dream, (because in the real world, who would that be?) -- was showing me their system: very large cards in a box, scribbled with tiny writing. I was asking that distinguished person about their methodology, and felt hopeful about my own Zettelkasten.

When you dream of something, it seems that you are finally internalizing whatever the subject is. I find that when I work on complicated things long enough, eventually I start dreaming about it. Some dreams result in solutions of problems at hand, or at least a different direction to try.

Some of these dreams become very tedious: I remember writing a state-machine parser for some protocol, step by step, in a dream. Not fun, really.

My Zettelkasten is very, very small -- maybe 8 pages. I've been trying out Zettler, open source and all... I can't get over the weirdness with files being named by date, with the YAML (yuck) title/keyword header; adding a title makes the file named on the selector box on the left.... That alone leaves me gaping at the page, wondering if I can live with that. So I kind of dread using it.

So the overhead of creating a new page and messing around with YAML is enough to make me give up. Not to mention the annoying link syntax, and just dealing with manual linking...

Maybe I need to push through this initial apprehension. But then again, my lifetime of experience tells me that I probably can't use it.

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