2020-03-28T04:25:29 #kisslinux Weird, firefox-bin is crashing. 2020-03-28T04:26:00 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/ekxy 2020-03-28T04:27:40 #kisslinux Ah it's probably alsa. 2020-03-28T04:29:08 #kisslinux Indeed, it was. :D 2020-03-28T04:39:44 #kisslinux mforney: About the patch, "Noted." (thanks) 2020-03-28T07:48:46 #kisslinux o/ 2020-03-28T07:51:32 #kisslinux kiedtl: 'contrib' is short for 'contribution'. ie, I thought that users would _contribute_ 'kiss-*' scripts. 2020-03-28T10:20:45 #kisslinux Python really doesn't want to be static 2020-03-28T10:46:56 #kisslinux gst-plugins-good is runtime dep? 2020-03-28T10:51:00 #kisslinux I'd rather we didn't include gstreamer at all 2020-03-28T10:51:20 #kisslinux o/ 2020-03-28T10:51:36 #kisslinux ello 2020-03-28T10:51:42 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Quick ques 2020-03-28T10:51:46 #kisslinux is $RANDOM posix? 2020-03-28T10:51:50 #kisslinux No 2020-03-28T10:52:20 #kisslinux oh, how unfortunate lol 2020-03-28T10:52:56 #kisslinux i'm trying to create a pure shell `shuf` 2020-03-28T10:54:56 #kisslinux seems impossible though 2020-03-28T10:56:44 #kisslinux I can give you fake random 2020-03-28T11:00:09 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Yes, please! 2020-03-28T11:01:52 #kisslinux set -f -- GLOB; shift $(($$ * PPID % $#)); echo "$1" 2020-03-28T11:01:59 #kisslinux Oops 2020-03-28T11:02:04 #kisslinux Ignore the '-f' 2020-03-28T11:02:08 #kisslinux set -- GLOB; shift $(($$ * PPID % $#)); echo "$1" 2020-03-28T11:03:55 #kisslinux How do I use it? 2020-03-28T11:04:17 #kisslinux That is usage 2020-03-28T11:04:30 #kisslinux 1. Populate the argument list with your items. 2020-03-28T11:04:44 #kisslinux 2. Shift the list a pseudo random amount. 2020-03-28T11:04:54 #kisslinux 3. $1 now stores the random element. 2020-03-28T11:05:29 #kisslinux It just prints `GLOB`. 2020-03-28T11:05:44 #kisslinux Well, yeah 2020-03-28T11:05:47 #kisslinux It's an example 2020-03-28T11:07:20 #kisslinux Ohh 2020-03-28T11:09:03 #kisslinux Not so random, though. But it'll do. Thanks. :D 2020-03-28T11:10:59 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-03-28T11:11:08 #kisslinux Was random enough for my use case 2020-03-28T11:40:23 #kisslinux I have static Python (lib still shared as planned) 2020-03-28T11:42:45 #kisslinux But 2020-03-28T11:53:23 #kisslinux hello 2020-03-28T11:54:16 #kisslinux hello 2020-03-28T11:55:00 #kisslinux how are you? 2020-03-28T11:56:47 #kisslinux I'm good 2020-03-28T11:57:38 #kisslinux fine than you! 2020-03-28T12:08:47 #kisslinux -.-' hahaha good morning 2020-03-28T12:17:52 #kisslinux dylanaraps: for bind excellent question! actually i was seeing that some call it bind regardless and other bind utils ... 2020-03-28T12:19:51 #kisslinux Repology expects it to be called 'bind' which is also what it's called upstream. 2020-03-28T12:20:55 #kisslinux maybe he's right and we should change the package name to bind ... how do I do in these cases? redo package and redo the pull request? 2020-03-28T12:21:22 #kisslinux yeh all correct comments! 2020-03-28T12:21:29 #kisslinux Just rename the directory 2020-03-28T12:25:34 #kisslinux ok! 2020-03-28T12:52:27 #kisslinux Reduced our imagemagick package to 6MB~ 2020-03-28T12:52:29 #kisslinux :D 2020-03-28T13:05:30 #kisslinux saw that dylanaraps? 2020-03-28T13:05:30 #kisslinux https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=3331 2020-03-28T13:09:58 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-03-28T13:15:58 #kisslinux dylanaraps: it should be ok now 2020-03-28T13:22:05 #kisslinux question: my .cache / kiss has grown exponentially by build ... can i obviously remove it right?don't conflict with kiss command right? 2020-03-28T13:44:48 #kisslinux ax: You'll lose your cached package tarballs and cached sources 2020-03-28T13:44:58 #kisslinux But yes, it''s fine otherwise 2020-03-28T13:45:01 #kisslinux it's* 2020-03-28T15:14:37 #kisslinux Re Kiss on 32bit: ok nice, kiss on alpinei585 finally build gcc 2020-03-28T15:15:33 #kisslinux I had to modify the buildfile https://termbin.com/usvq 2020-03-28T15:17:43 #kisslinux There I removed from original gcc build : --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-default-pie --enable-default-ssp . Is this worth further trying? 2020-03-28T15:24:43 #kisslinux I had success building this musl crosscompiler frome here https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make. The settings which this gcc has, I adopted to te buildfile above. https://termbin.com/ws3et 2020-03-28T17:00:07 #kisslinux @ax i periodically remove my cached tarballs and sources to keep disk usage lower, and I haven't encountered any issues after doing so 2020-03-28T17:02:06 #kisslinux Yeah, it's 100% fine 2020-03-28T17:02:15 #kisslinux You start with an empty ~/.cache/kiss after all ;) 2020-03-28T17:03:27 #kisslinux The first time is still very stressful even knowing that XD 2020-03-28T17:49:54 #kisslinux o/ 2020-03-28T17:50:12 #kisslinux anyone know where json-c resides? trying to install sway 2020-03-28T18:02:12 #kisslinux micro_O: json-c is available through community 2020-03-28T18:06:31 #kisslinux hmm i thought i had community updated 2020-03-28T18:08:16 #kisslinux ahh, needed to add community/community to KISS_PATH, not the root directory of just `community` 2020-03-28T18:09:36 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-03-28T18:12:41 #kisslinux wonder if that should be changed or not 2020-03-28T18:12:54 #kisslinux i'll make a discussion on the issue tracker 2020-03-28T18:13:02 #kisslinux It won't be changed 2020-03-28T18:13:44 #kisslinux 1. It prevents a mess of directories in the root of the repository. 2. It allows for things like 'community-testing' to be added if needed in the future. 2020-03-28T18:14:02 #kisslinux 3. It's identical to how the official repositories in its layout. 2020-03-28T18:15:01 #kisslinux 4. It'd also be a breaking change for _everyone_ over dropping a simple misunderstanding. 2020-03-28T18:15:39 #kisslinux Documentation could be improved instead. 2020-03-28T18:16:02 #kisslinux iirc, the only place the instructions live is in the install guide (towards the end). 2020-03-28T18:17:45 #kisslinux well another alternative to the misundertanding would be to have the other repos follow the same layout 2020-03-28T18:18:24 #kisslinux I'd need four separate git repositories to do that. 2020-03-28T18:18:46 #kisslinux With the number growing for any repositories added in the future. 2020-03-28T18:19:31 #kisslinux I mean, to have kiss-games and mywayland put their stuf fin subdirectories 2020-03-28T18:19:47 #kisslinux Ah 2020-03-28T18:19:53 #kisslinux Right 2020-03-28T18:26:15 #kisslinux https://github.com/sdsddsd1/mywayland/issues/1 and https://github.com/sdsddsd1/kiss-games/issues/15 2020-03-28T18:32:14 #kisslinux micro_O: I am the maintainer of kiss-games and mywayland 2020-03-28T18:32:37 #kisslinux hi claudia02 2020-03-28T18:32:59 #kisslinux i figure the order of operations would be: make a PR for k1ss documentation to mention repository layout somewhere 2020-03-28T18:33:27 #kisslinux for mywayland it think its fine in a user repository because kiss explicily excludes wayland 2020-03-28T18:33:28 #kisslinux then the rest... the tricky part would be making it not a surprise for maintainers 2020-03-28T18:33:45 #kisslinux i mean not a surprise for users 2020-03-28T18:34:06 #kisslinux and for games I just see it as a nice adition and nothing really needed for the kiss base or its extension 2020-03-28T18:34:18 #kisslinux claudia02 - I am not sure I follow 2020-03-28T18:34:39 #kisslinux I don't think kiss games or mywayland should be in a subdirectory of the main or community kiss repos 2020-03-28T18:34:50 #kisslinux what i'm asking is that the packages themselves be in a subdirectory of the repository 2020-03-28T18:35:31 #kisslinux so KISS_ENV=$KISS_ENV:/path/to/mywayland.git/wayland , instead of :/path/to/mywayland.git 2020-03-28T18:37:27 #kisslinux I am not sure I follow 2020-03-28T18:37:43 #kisslinux I just depends where you clone the repo 2020-03-28T18:37:54 #kisslinux I can make a PR for what I want, that might make more sense. Do you not understand what I am asking or why I am asking for it? 2020-03-28T18:38:17 #kisslinux Iam not sure what you asking and that leads to why 2020-03-28T18:38:20 #kisslinux (: 2020-03-28T18:38:46 #kisslinux e.g I cloned community in /var/db/kiss/repo/community/community for tidyness 2020-03-28T18:40:21 #kisslinux ah 2020-03-28T18:40:24 #kisslinux now in undeerstand 2020-03-28T18:41:12 #kisslinux you want something like sdsddsd/wayland/mywayland in my repo? 2020-03-28T18:41:50 #kisslinux something like that 2020-03-28T18:42:26 #kisslinux mywayland/wayland, or mywayland/core or mywayland/stable 2020-03-28T18:42:38 #kisslinux they dont have to have semantic meaning, in fact i'd prefer they didn't 2020-03-28T18:42:48 #kisslinux unless dylanaraps weighed in there 2020-03-28T18:47:49 #kisslinux Maybe there should just be some documentation that a repository in kiss path has to point to the directory where the actual packages are and not its upper direcotory or so 2020-03-28T18:48:29 #kisslinux @claudia02 I think that should definitely be part of the docs 2020-03-28T18:49:06 #kisslinux I will cloes the issues 2020-03-28T18:49:21 #kisslinux claudia02 - how do you feel about https://github.com/sdsddsd1/kiss-games/pull/16 2020-03-28T18:49:26 #kisslinux thats an example of what I mean 2020-03-28T18:49:57 #kisslinux I still think it would be more consistent / less of a surprise, and have the benefits dylanaraps mentioned in the original issue 2020-03-28T18:53:24 #kisslinux I've also shared my current setup which might help understand my context 2020-03-28T18:53:26 #kisslinux https://github.com/sdsddsd1/kiss-games/pull/16#issuecomment-605503508 2020-03-28T18:53:41 #kisslinux I don't like to clone git repos within other git repos unless they are formally setup as submodules 2020-03-28T18:53:53 #kisslinux since then you have to do your own .gitignore dance 2020-03-28T19:03:14 #kisslinux micro_O: I get your point with consistency. But this are personal repos and I think when you understand KISS_PATH its not a big deal. I leave it open and think of it. But I am more on leave it as is 2020-03-28T19:52:59 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou and dylanaraps : yes, i delete it , thank you 2020-03-28T19:54:30 #kisslinux dylanaraps: --sbindir=/usr/bin should it always be added? 2020-03-28T19:54:48 #kisslinux even if the source automatically considers it? 2020-03-28T20:27:18 #kisslinux dylanaraps: problem ... http://linuxbrit.co.uk/downloads/giblib-1.2.4.tar.gz not work, it's official links 2020-03-28T20:29:53 #kisslinux http://freshmeat.sourceforge.net/projects/giblib/ 2020-03-28T20:31:31 #kisslinux in this case ? add source.tar.gz in package dir ? 2020-03-28T20:32:40 #kisslinux or i can add it in my github page and add it in source 2020-03-28T20:45:47 #kisslinux ok i linked it in my github page ... https://github.com/aicsx/kiss-repo/blob/master/giblib/giblib-1.2.4.tar.gz 2020-03-28T22:56:53 #kisslinux mmcar: you were interested in porting kiss to 32 bit? have you allready looked into it? 2020-03-28T22:58:32 #kisslinux How's it going with the 32-bit port claudia02? 2020-03-28T23:00:11 #kisslinux I am having a hard time (: 2020-03-28T23:00:38 #kisslinux building gcc and busybox makes problem 2020-03-28T23:01:18 #kisslinux for curl and gzip I had to remove the static flags to compile 2020-03-28T23:02:32 #kisslinux you can read in logs today how I compiled gcc. I have a complete chroot but this gcc does not work in the chroot 2020-03-28T23:03:44 #kisslinux there are many variables not working till now which make it not very promising for me :2020-03-28T23:04:40 #kisslinux GCC binary is linking to something that doesn't exist in the KISS chroot? 2020-03-28T23:05:39 #kisslinux I stripped some -enable options from gcc to get it compile 2020-03-28T23:05:51 #kisslinux When you say "gcc does not work in the chroot"? 2020-03-28T23:06:16 #kisslinux now when I build in chroot it says: configure error C compiler cannot create executables 2020-03-28T23:06:26 #kisslinux I guess I stripped to much :D 2020-03-28T23:06:59 #kisslinux What happens when you run /usr/bin/gcc in the chroot? Does it run OK? 2020-03-28T23:07:35 #kisslinux yeah it returns on gcc -v 2020-03-28T23:08:12 #kisslinux I get the output. mom 2020-03-28T23:08:13 #kisslinux any odd CFLAGS when you run env in the chroot? 2020-03-28T23:09:23 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/1tjp 2020-03-28T23:09:43 #kisslinux yes 2020-03-28T23:09:56 #kisslinux its march=x86-64 2020-03-28T23:10:28 #kisslinux ok that i can change 2020-03-28T23:11:03 #kisslinux Yup removing those should help 2020-03-28T23:11:28 #kisslinux just remove or setting something for 32bit? 2020-03-28T23:12:30 #kisslinux You could unset those vars and try again, see if that works. Or if you have some preferred flags for your arch... 2020-03-28T23:17:53 #kisslinux no still no succes 2020-03-28T23:18:47 #kisslinux "checking whether the C compiler work..no" 2020-03-28T23:19:12 #kisslinux You see a message like "...see config.log for details"? 2020-03-28T23:20:51 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/fqhr 2020-03-28T23:21:03 #kisslinux yes 2020-03-28T23:21:29 #kisslinux Try building it inside the chroot, but not using the KISS package system. After the ./configure step fails, you can then look at the config.log file to see more info about the failure. 2020-03-28T23:22:26 #kisslinux I.e. just untar the source for xz into some directory in the chroot and try building there 2020-03-28T23:23:34 #kisslinux alright 2020-03-28T23:25:55 #kisslinux okkk there fails a lot 2020-03-28T23:27:17 #kisslinux much stuff with error relocating 2020-03-28T23:27:34 #kisslinux for gcc 2020-03-28T23:29:05 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/eckx 2020-03-28T23:30:07 #kisslinux My next try would be to add option after option to the gcc build and see if I can make progress 2020-03-28T23:43:43 #kisslinux maybe it can be my crappy old computer? I would try soon i586 Alpine host setup on a 64 bit machine and see 2020-03-28T23:46:52 #kisslinux Looks like GCC is linked to an isl lib which doesn't exist in the chroot. 2020-03-28T23:47:43 #kisslinux Possible to prevent GCC from linking to that when building? gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~phoebos/logs/freenode-kisslinux-2020-03-28.txt

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