2019-10-27T12:42:49 #kisslinux Firefox 71b4 now available in testing. 2019-10-27T12:42:56 #kisslinux Had to write an additional patch. 2019-10-27T12:43:03 #kisslinux Also had to rewrite the dbus patch... 2019-10-27T12:43:11 #kisslinux It's very large now 2019-10-27T19:46:30 #kisslinux o/ 2019-10-27T19:49:19 #kisslinux Hi dylan 2019-10-27T19:55:51 #kisslinux Hello 2019-10-27T19:56:35 #kisslinux sup guys? 2019-10-27T19:57:19 #kisslinux im running gentoo at the moment and im wondering, what are the possible advantages kiss has over gentoo? 2019-10-27T19:59:11 #kisslinux A much simpler base. The ability to fully run without dbus, logind, etc etc. Tooling is tiny and well written. Package build scripts are clean and as simple as possible. 2019-10-27T19:59:38 #kisslinux i see... 2019-10-27T19:59:54 #kisslinux All shell code passes shellcheck. 2019-10-27T19:59:59 #kisslinux i assume the install process would be similar to a gentoo stage 3? 2019-10-27T20:00:03 #kisslinux Yup 2019-10-27T20:00:15 #kisslinux I'm still trying to install on my t430 lul 2019-10-27T20:00:26 #kisslinux Can't get efi working ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-10-27T20:00:31 #kisslinux Any error code? 2019-10-27T20:00:36 #kisslinux great, ill fire a vm up and check it out 2019-10-27T20:00:54 #kisslinux Efi variables are not supported on this system 2019-10-27T20:00:57 #kisslinux why use efi on a t430? 2019-10-27T20:01:12 #kisslinux Because I use uefi on everything 2019-10-27T20:01:16 #kisslinux And it supports it 2019-10-27T20:01:38 #kisslinux -> kiss l | wc -l 2019-10-27T20:01:40 #kisslinux 126 2019-10-27T20:01:41 #kisslinux It's not really my main laptop so if I can't install it's not the end of the world 2019-10-27T20:01:45 #kisslinux This is my system. 2019-10-27T20:01:48 #kisslinux Jesus 2019-10-27T20:01:51 #kisslinux With Firefox etc. 2019-10-27T20:02:12 #kisslinux Is discord in the community repo btw? I realize that's dumb since you moved to irc but it's worth asking for me. 2019-10-27T20:02:19 #kisslinux It is not. 2019-10-27T20:02:29 #kisslinux I don't think it'd work on musl regardless(?) 2019-10-27T20:03:03 #kisslinux KISS is also the most up-to-date distro on repology: https://repology.org/repositories/statistics/pnewest 2019-10-27T20:03:17 #kisslinux Small package count does help here of course. 2019-10-27T20:03:41 #kisslinux yes.. 2019-10-27T20:04:19 #kisslinux The small core repositories are intentional fyi 2019-10-27T20:04:27 #kisslinux This is one of the reasons why. 2019-10-27T20:04:39 #kisslinux Hi there 2019-10-27T20:04:43 #kisslinux Hello 2019-10-27T20:04:46 #kisslinux hey 2019-10-27T20:04:58 #kisslinux only 159 packages! 2019-10-27T20:05:02 #kisslinux I'm having trouble importing gpg key 2019-10-27T20:05:11 #kisslinux What's the error? 2019-10-27T20:05:19 #kisslinux Installing kiss right now 2019-10-27T20:05:34 #kisslinux Cant be retrieved 2019-10-27T20:05:56 #kisslinux I assume you have an internet connection? 2019-10-27T20:06:10 #kisslinux Weird 2019-10-27T20:06:20 #kisslinux I got a positive ping 2019-10-27T20:06:26 #kisslinux Let me check again 2019-10-27T20:06:32 #kisslinux Interesting. 2019-10-27T20:06:32 #kisslinux Thank you 2019-10-27T20:06:54 #kisslinux I might install on my main pc as well, on a separate drive for the time being but still 2019-10-27T20:07:06 #kisslinux Pinged Google 2019-10-27T20:07:08 #kisslinux Compile times would be fine, I'm on a 2700X 2019-10-27T20:07:33 #kisslinux Try omitting the keyserver? 2019-10-27T20:07:43 #kisslinux You could also try an alternate keyserver. 2019-10-27T20:08:36 #kisslinux I'll try 2019-10-27T20:10:28 #kisslinux btw, is bspwm in the repos, if not ill jsut use dwm 2019-10-27T20:10:34 #kisslinux They both are. 2019-10-27T20:10:45 #kisslinux This is htop from this system: https://u.teknik.io/XgG7y.jpg 2019-10-27T20:10:52 #kisslinux alright, great 2019-10-27T20:11:12 #kisslinux Changed keyserver to pgp.keyserver.io 2019-10-27T20:11:53 #kisslinux dylan, i get a similar htop to that with slackware dwm 2019-10-27T20:12:07 #kisslinux Nice 2019-10-27T20:12:31 #kisslinux It works!! Thanks a lot guys 2019-10-27T20:12:38 #kisslinux Anytime 2019-10-27T20:12:49 #kisslinux Will add a note to the install guide. 2019-10-27T20:12:50 #kisslinux only 16 tasks! wow 2019-10-27T20:15:28 #kisslinux With Firefox and 6 tabs it jumps to 24 tasks. :P 2019-10-27T20:27:01 #kisslinux brb 2019-10-27T20:29:59 #kisslinux ooo 2019-10-27T20:30:23 #kisslinux I just found out that I can kill udevd after boot and all is well. 2019-10-27T20:30:41 #kisslinux lovely 2019-10-27T20:31:11 #kisslinux I can't get grub working properly 👀 2019-10-27T20:31:18 #kisslinux Any error? 2019-10-27T20:32:31 #kisslinux Not at all and that's the weird thing 2019-10-27T20:32:42 #kisslinux It installs fine, and yet won't boot into grub 2019-10-27T20:33:50 #kisslinux grub-mkconfig found your kernel? 2019-10-27T20:33:55 #kisslinux Nope 2019-10-27T20:34:01 #kisslinux Just "done" 2019-10-27T20:34:03 #kisslinux No other output 2019-10-27T20:34:51 #kisslinux Output of 'ls -1 /boot'? 2019-10-27T20:35:04 #kisslinux You should get something like this: 2019-10-27T20:35:06 #kisslinux Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.3.7 2019-10-27T20:35:44 #kisslinux Nope 2019-10-27T20:35:47 #kisslinux Oh 2019-10-27T20:35:48 #kisslinux Yeah 2019-10-27T20:35:51 #kisslinux Lol I misread 2019-10-27T20:36:04 #kisslinux I've built my kernel and installed it 2019-10-27T20:38:54 #kisslinux 'ls -1 /boot' ?? 2019-10-27T20:39:10 #kisslinux Lemme boot and chroot again 2019-10-27T20:39:27 #kisslinux okie dokie 2019-10-27T20:40:28 #kisslinux The weird thing is I've never seen this anywhere else, Void, Gentoo, Arch, etc no issues 2019-10-27T20:42:49 #kisslinux Those distros all patch grub. Maybe there's a useful patch missing from KISS. 2019-10-27T20:43:30 #kisslinux Also, for more information I decided to try using legacy and it's the same on both UEFI and Legacy, so I don't think it's your fault, could be something fuck-y with my machine? 2019-10-27T20:43:38 #kisslinux Not sure 2019-10-27T20:43:48 #kisslinux How did you name your kernel? 2019-10-27T20:44:00 #kisslinux vmlinuz-5.3.6 2019-10-27T20:44:11 #kisslinux And System.map-vmlinuz-5.3.6 2019-10-27T20:44:16 #kisslinux No 2019-10-27T20:44:21 #kisslinux System.map-5.3.6 2019-10-27T20:44:23 #kisslinux Sorry 2019-10-27T20:44:41 #kisslinux What the hell 2019-10-27T20:44:45 #kisslinux My kernel isn't there 2019-10-27T20:44:52 #kisslinux > System.map-vmlinuz-5.3.6 2019-10-27T20:44:57 #kisslinux That looks like your kernel. 2019-10-27T20:45:02 #kisslinux 'du -sh System.map-vmlinuz-5.3.6'? 2019-10-27T20:45:13 #kisslinux That's not a real file, sorry I corrected myself there 2019-10-27T20:45:18 #kisslinux Oh. 2019-10-27T20:45:31 #kisslinux Run 'make install' from the sources again. 2019-10-27T20:46:57 #kisslinux It's there now, installing grub again 2019-10-27T20:47:28 #kisslinux Remember to append -5.3.6 2019-10-27T20:47:37 #kisslinux Already done, it found my kernel 2019-10-27T20:47:40 #kisslinux Lets see if it boots 2019-10-27T20:47:47 #kisslinux Nice 2019-10-27T20:49:08 #kisslinux Yeah it's not happening 2019-10-27T20:49:14 #kisslinux Grub isn't loading at all 2019-10-27T20:49:59 #kisslinux One thing I haven't mentioned - when installing grub I get "grub-install: warning: cannot open directory `/usr/share/locale': No such file or directory." However I still get "Installation finished. No error reported." 2019-10-27T20:50:25 #kisslinux That's fine. 2019-10-27T20:52:03 #kisslinux Hm 2019-10-27T20:52:09 #kisslinux No errors or messages at boot? 2019-10-27T20:52:13 #kisslinux Not at all 2019-10-27T20:52:32 #kisslinux If I select the drive in the boot menu it just reloads the boot menu 2019-10-27T20:52:51 #kisslinux Before this I had xubuntu installed so I'm not quite sure *WHAT* it is 2019-10-27T20:54:11 #kisslinux grub-install has no other warnings/errors minus the locale one? 2019-10-27T20:55:40 #kisslinux None at all 2019-10-27T20:55:54 #kisslinux What's the grub-install command you're running? 2019-10-27T20:56:06 #kisslinux grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda 2019-10-27T20:56:12 #kisslinux BIOS boot? 2019-10-27T20:56:16 #kisslinux Yeah 2019-10-27T20:56:23 #kisslinux MBR or GPT? 2019-10-27T20:56:26 #kisslinux GPT 2019-10-27T20:56:38 #kisslinux I KNOW legacy can work on gpt but I haven't tried mbr 2019-10-27T20:57:27 #kisslinux https://superuser.com/questions/1337344/is-it-possible-to-boot-linux-from-a-gpt-disk-on-a-bios-system 2019-10-27T20:57:31 #kisslinux It's a bit iffy. 2019-10-27T20:57:47 #kisslinux I've done it before though 2019-10-27T20:57:49 #kisslinux Hm 2019-10-27T20:58:30 #kisslinux See here too: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#GUID_Partition_Table_.28GPT.29_specific_instructions 2019-10-27T21:05:38 #kisslinux Internet kicked off 2019-10-27T21:05:42 #kisslinux On mobile data 2019-10-27T21:05:51 #kisslinux All good 2019-10-27T21:06:38 #kisslinux I didn't see anything after I responded with "Hm" btw, dunno if you said anything 2019-10-27T21:06:53 #kisslinux Ah 2019-10-27T21:07:04 #kisslinux See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#GUID_Partition_Table_.28GPT.29_specific_instructions 2019-10-27T21:09:25 #kisslinux God damn it 2019-10-27T21:09:32 #kisslinux Can you send the link again? 2019-10-27T21:09:41 #kisslinux Sorry 2019-10-27T21:10:20 #kisslinux https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#GUID_Partition_Table_.28GPT.29_specific_instructions 2019-10-27T21:12:24 #kisslinux Yeah I've got that 1M partition 2019-10-27T21:12:29 #kisslinux Weird 2019-10-27T21:13:15 #kisslinux I'll check my bios here in a second to see if I have any weird settings on or something 2019-10-27T21:14:27 #kisslinux Okay now I have a proper irc client here 2019-10-27T21:14:31 #kisslinux Sorry for spam 2019-10-27T21:14:45 #kisslinux All good 2019-10-27T21:16:49 #kisslinux Kek legacy was disabled 2019-10-27T21:17:00 #kisslinux Now it's loading grub but rebooting 2019-10-27T21:17:11 #kisslinux So if I leave it alone it just bootloops 2019-10-27T21:18:23 #kisslinux No menu appears? 2019-10-27T21:18:27 #kisslinux Any message? 2019-10-27T21:20:41 #kisslinux "GRUB is loading" 2019-10-27T21:20:43 #kisslinux Then reboot 2019-10-27T21:21:13 #kisslinux Hm 2019-10-27T21:25:20 #kisslinux What does your partition layout look like? 2019-10-27T21:25:40 #kisslinux brb 30 mins (apologies) 2019-10-27T21:32:03 #kisslinux dylanaraps: cat told me to tell you his internet went out 2019-10-27T21:32:07 #kisslinux like a half hour ago 2019-10-27T21:34:59 #kisslinux Lol I already got on mobile and told him 2019-10-27T21:35:07 #kisslinux Cat = me btw 2019-10-27T21:35:18 #kisslinux If that wasn't already apparent 2019-10-27T22:03:11 #kisslinux back 2019-10-27T22:07:58 #kisslinux Hello 2019-10-27T22:25:22 #kisslinux Fucking spectrum reeee gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~phoebos/logs/freenode-kisslinux-2019-10-27.txt

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