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Camping, spec changes, new bollux

We went camping this weekend for R's birthday. We had a ton of fun as we stayed in a little A-frame cabin (I guess not *technically* camping, if you're going to be hard-core about it) and hiked in a riverbed and thought we got lost but didn't and built fires and ate wild blackberries and had a great time. The stand-out moment was when we re-kindled the fire from old embers after a day of hiking. It made me feel like a real mountain-type-guy.

Cristobal is currently moving toward slash over slash around us. So far it's just rained a lot. The wind picked up a good amount but nothing too major. I've got work off tomorrow because of the weather so it might get worse though. We'll see I suppose. We've been here in Louisiana for 5 years now and haven't had a really bad hurricane yet. Of course I'm sure 2020 will be the year for it.

I pushed bollux 0.4.0, which adds support for gopher, right after we got home. I was sitting on it for a few days because it felt weird to release it so close to 0.3.0, but it's definitely a big release. Hopefully I'll get the hang of releasing software at some point.

Of course, right after I released it, I was reading through the mailing list and saw that solderpunk had gone ahead and updated the spec. So bollux was already out of date! Of course, it still doesn't do stuff with client certificates or TOFU, so that's the next big area of development. I hope I can work on it some tomorrow and later this week. I have to wrap my head around SSL and what it all even means, though -- which means I'll be reading some man pages.

All in all though, I'm happy with the way bollux has been received. I haven't written software for really any major purpose before, and it feels really good to have something that people use. R asked me while we were camping whether I'd ever thought to get a CS degree, and it has crossed my mind. But I feel that at this point it'd be too expensive to really be worth it. But maybe that's just my self-doubt creeping in. But also I really like working with this stuff as a hobby, so if it's a job it might be way different.

But I need to say "but" one more time, right? Good lort.

P.S. OH MY GAWD I forgot the whole reason I started writing this was to test my implementation of blockquotes in text/gemini documents:

> Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

> ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

and a shorter one:

> Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. ~ Marthe Troly-Curtin

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