-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to gemini.bortzmeyer.org:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini; lang=en

Statistics on the Gemini space

This page presents some statistics on the current state of the Gemini space. It has been updated on 2021-10-01 00:04:01Z.

It cannot claim to represent the entire space. The real number of URIs is certainly higher. There are several reasons why many URIs are not in the database:

the capsule may forbid retrieval, through robots.txt,

we do not know all the URIs and some cannot be found from the ones we know,

Lupa has a maximum number of URIs per capsule, to save resources (currently 10000).

On this page, "working" means there was a successful connection recently. "recently" means "less than 31 days". "Dead" URLs and capsules are removed after 46 days and no longer appear in any statistics.

Currently, our database includes 374,022 URIs, 304,970 of them having been checked successfully (status code 20) and recently. Among the recently accessed, 227,701 URIs serve a Gemini content.


The average size of the resources is 23,549 bytes.


10% of the resources are 233 bytes or less,

20% of the resources are 371 bytes or less,

30% of the resources are 627 bytes or less,

40% of the resources are 948 bytes or less,

50% of the resources are 1,588 bytes or less, MEDIAN

60% of the resources are 2,626 bytes or less,

70% of the resources are 4,505 bytes or less,

80% of the resources are 8,397 bytes or less,

90% of the resources are 29,307 bytes or less,

100% of the resources are 7,143,369 bytes or less.

Quantiles only for Gemini pages

10% of the resources are 204 bytes or less,

20% of the resources are 312 bytes or less,

30% of the resources are 455 bytes or less,

40% of the resources are 686 bytes or less,

50% of the resources are 953 bytes or less, MEDIAN

60% of the resources are 1,477 bytes or less,

70% of the resources are 2,406 bytes or less,

80% of the resources are 3,798 bytes or less,

90% of the resources are 6,940 bytes or less,

100% of the resources are 2,677,426 bytes or less.


Less than 10 bytes: 883 URLs (0.29 %)

10 to 100 bytes: 8089 URLs (2.7 %)

100 to 1000 bytes: 116296 URLs (38.1 %)

1 to 10 kbytes: 125259 URLs (41.1 %)

10 to 100 kbytes: 42580 URLs (14.0 %)

100 to 1000 kbytes: 9311 URLs (3.1 %)

More than 1000 kbytes: 2552 URLs (0.84 %)

Most common media (MIME) types

text/gemini: 227,701 URLs

text/plain: 39,982 URLs

image/jpeg: 10,246 URLs

image/png: 6,579 URLs

application/octet-stream: 4,078 URLs

application/pdf: 2,887 URLs

octet/stream: 2,087 URLs

image/gif: 2,024 URLs

text/html: 1,936 URLs

text/x-patch: 1,332 URLs

application/x-mscardfile: 1,075 URLs

text/x-python: 886 URLs

application/zip: 530 URLs

audio/mpeg: 358 URLs

text/x-diff: 301 URLs

text/markdown: 297 URLs

image/webp: 244 URLs

image/svg+xml: 188 URLs

audio/ogg: 184 URLs

audio/midi: 182 URLs

Most common languages

Unspecified: 245,152 URLs

en: 47,231 URLs

ru: 10,197 URLs

fr: 1,119 URLs

de: 313 URLs

es: 204 URLs

it: 128 URLs

ko: 110 URLs

ca: 70 URLs

gl: 68 URLs

en_us: 54 URLs

pl: 50 URLs

es_ar: 40 URLs

sv: 37 URLs

pt: 34 URLs

sco,gd,it,en: 34 URLs

en,zh: 33 URLs

en,he: 26 URLs

en,fr: 16 URLs

pl,en: 16 URLs

Most common language tags

Unspecified: 245,120 URLs

en: 29,875 URLs

en-gb: 11,083 URLs

ru: 10,129 URLs

en-us: 5,991 URLs

fr: 771 URLs

fr-fr: 348 URLs

de: 292 URLs

es-es: 194 URLs

en-au: 161 URLs

ko: 110 URLs

it: 109 URLs

ca-es: 70 URLs

ru-ru: 68 URLs

en_us: 54 URLs

pl: 50 URLs

gl-es: 49 URLs

en-ca: 47 URLs

es_ar: 40 URLs

en-ie: 36 URLs

Most common encodings ("charsets") for all files

(Remember there exists testing capsules, with very exotic encodings, so don't be surprised by some strange ones.)

Unspecified: 282,059 URLs

utf-8: 13,356 URLs

us-ascii: 9,530 URLs

binary: 17 URLs

ascii: 2 URLs

utf-16: 1 URLs

windows-1252: 1 URLs

bzip2: 1 URLs

cp437: 1 URLs

gzip: 1 URLs

iso-8859-1: 1 URLs

Most common encodings for gemtext files only

Unspecified: 220,290 URLs

utf-8: 7,404 URLs

us-ascii: 3 URLs

iso-8859-1: 1 URLs

utf-16: 1 URLs

cp437: 1 URLs

windows-1252: 1 URLs

By the way, 3,369 of recently tested URLs (0.908 %) have a wrong encoding (it does not match the actual content).

Status codes

(Remember there are test capsules with funny status codes, to exercice Gemini clients.)

20 (Success): 304,970 occurrences (86.95 %)

51 (Not found): 28,007 occurrences (7.99 %)

40 (Temporary failure): 5,345 occurrences (1.52 %)

42 (CGI error): 3,405 occurrences (0.97 %)

50 (Permanent failure): 3,023 occurrences (0.86 %)

10 (Input request): 2,203 occurrences (0.63 %)

60 (Client certificate request): 2,025 occurrences (0.58 %)

30 (Temporary redirect): 501 occurrences (0.14 %)

44 (Slow down): 427 occurrences (0.12 %)

43 (Proxy error): 405 occurrences (0.12 %)

31 (Permanent redirect): 227 occurrences (0.06 %)

53 (Proxy request refused): 103 occurrences (0.03 %)


(We count only backlinks from external capsules, and at most one link per capsule. Also, we exclude links from capsules like search engines or directories.)

Maximum number of incoming links: 197

Average number of incoming links: 0.08


There are 1676 capsules. We successfully connected recently to 1372 of them.

Most common capsules by number of working URLs

gemini.cabestan.tk: 10000 URLs

gemini.techrights.org: 10000 URLs

gemini.rob-bolton.co.uk: 9999 URLs

git.sysrq.in: 9996 URLs

gemini.conman.org: 9991 URLs

gemini.spam.works: 9974 URLs

ake.crabdance.com:1966: 9966 URLs

gem.benscraft.info: 9963 URLs

blitter.com: 9744 URLs

gemini.theuse.net: 9705 URLs

geminispace.info: 9577 URLs

vps01.rdelaage.ovh: 9285 URLs

mastogem.picasoft.net: 9128 URLs

gemini.omarpolo.com: 8843 URLs

thegonz.net:3965: 8191 URLs

midnight.pub: 7656 URLs

dw.schettler.net: 7094 URLs

ecs.d2evs.net: 6973 URLs

simplynews.metalune.xyz: 6948 URLs

tilde.team: 6283 URLs

Most common capsules by number of bytes in working URLs

blitter.com: 821.2 megabytes

ecs.d2evs.net: 340.5 megabytes

gem.billsmugs.com: 332.9 megabytes

gemini.spam.works: 226.8 megabytes

mikelynch.org: 202.6 megabytes

kamalatta.ddnss.de: 183.3 megabytes

gemini.techrights.org: 174.4 megabytes

ybad.name: 170.4 megabytes

si3t.ch: 169.9 megabytes

nytpu.com: 162.5 megabytes

tweek.zyxxyz.eu: 148.6 megabytes

gemini.theuse.net: 143.8 megabytes

gemini.conman.org: 136.0 megabytes

clemat.is: 110.9 megabytes

oppen.digital: 106.1 megabytes

gemini.circumlunar.space: 101.1 megabytes

kota.nz: 97.1 megabytes

tilde.team: 91.7 megabytes

pgorl32jhgkgald7tcsp6k7zpujvd763kywenr72yr76fqjaomxf7kid.onion: 91.0 megabytes

ser1.net: 90.2 megabytes

runjimmyrunrunyoufuckerrun.com: 87.3 megabytes

All working capsules:

As a text file

As a gemtext, with links


1195 (87.1 %) capsules are self-signed, 140 (10.2 %) use the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt, 37 (2.7 %) are signed by another CA (may be not a trusted one).

50 capsules (3.72 %) have an expired certificate.


ecdsa-with-SHA256: 844 capsules

sha256WithRSAEncryption: 494 capsules

ED25519: 14 capsules

ecdsa-with-SHA512: 3 capsules

sha512WithRSAEncryption: 3 capsules

ecdsa-with-SHA1: 1 capsules

sha384WithRSAEncryption: 1 capsules

Key types:

ECDSA: 862 capsules

RSA: 484 capsules

ED25519: 14 capsules

Key sizes for RSA:

4096: 285 capsules

2048: 191 capsules

1024: 3 capsules

3072: 3 capsules

4098: 1 capsules

3584: 1 capsules

Key sizes for ECDSA:

256: 799 capsules

384: 61 capsules

521: 2 capsules


85 % of the capsules use TLS 1.3, 15 % use TLS 1.2.

49.2 % of URLs do NOT send a proper TLS shutdown (application

close). Even 39.5 % of those who return status 20 are in that case.

A proposal to make this shutdown mandatory.


8 working capsules (0.6 %) use an alternative port


927 IP addresses used. 14 % are IPv6.

Addresses with most virtual hosts 408 vhosts 72 vhosts 55 vhosts 23 vhosts 16 vhosts 14 vhosts 8 vhosts 7 vhosts

2a00:5881:4008:d00::: 6 vhosts 6 vhosts 6 vhosts 5 vhosts 5 vhosts 5 vhosts

2001:19f0:5c01:83b:5400:2ff:fe02:94cf: 5 vhosts 5 vhosts 5 vhosts 5 vhosts 4 vhosts 4 vhosts


There are 183 TLDs in the capsule's names, and 1007 registered domains.

Most common TLDs

By number of registered domains

com: 143 domains

org: 93 domains

net: 88 domains

xyz: 74 domains

space: 51 domains

de: 34 domains

me: 24 domains

eu: 24 domains

site: 22 domains

dev: 22 domains

uk: 18 domains

info: 17 domains

io: 17 domains

fr: 15 domains

club: 14 domains

ca: 12 domains

ch: 9 domains

online: 8 domains

se: 8 domains

tk: 8 domains

By number of capsules

(There's a strong bias towards TLDs which have hosting services such as flounder.online, which has many capsules in subdomains. See before the TLDs per registered domains, which are probably more useful.)

online: 411 capsules

com: 171 capsules

org: 116 capsules

net: 104 capsules

pub: 80 capsules

xyz: 79 capsules

space: 61 capsules

de: 40 capsules

club: 30 capsules

eu: 30 capsules

me: 25 capsules

dev: 23 capsules

info: 22 capsules

site: 22 capsules

io: 21 capsules

uk: 21 capsules

casa: 21 capsules

fr: 16 capsules

ca: 15 capsules

us: 14 capsules

Other statistics on the geminispace

At the search engine geminispace.info

By Nervuri (specially for certificates)


Maintained by Stéphane Bortzmeyer (email <stephane+gemini@bortzmeyer.org>). Comments and criticisms are welcome.

Home page of the crawler

Source code of the crawler

My capsule

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Tue Jun 18 10:13:34 2024