-- Leo's gemini proxy

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-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini;lang=en-GB


> Copy files and set attributes.

> Copy files (often executable) to a system location like `/usr/local/bin`, give them the appropriate permissions/ownership.

More information.

Copy files to the destination:

install {path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...} {path/to/destination}

Copy files to the destination, setting their ownership:

install --owner {user} {path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...} {path/to/destination}

Copy files to the destination, setting their group ownership:

install --group {user} {path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...} {path/to/destination}

Copy files to the destination, setting their `mode`:

install --mode {+x} {path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...} {path/to/destination}

Copy files and apply access/modification times of source to the destination:

install --preserve-timestamps {path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...} {path/to/destination}

Copy files and create the directories at the destination if they don't exist:

install -D {path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...} {path/to/destination}

> Copyright © 2014—present the tldr-pages team and contributors.

> This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).


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-- Page fetched on Sat Sep 21 01:31:04 2024