-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to figbert.com:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini;lang=en-US

Hello World

69 66  79 6F 75  77 69 6C 6C  69 74  69 74  69 73  6E 6F  64 72 65 61 6D

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69 66  79 6F 75  77 69 6C 6C  69 74  69 74  69 73  6E 6F  64 72 65 61 6D

I'm FIGBERT, an Israeli-American capsuleer. What brings you to this side of the cosmos, traveler?

My Work

To see some of the things I do, you can:

Read my gemlog on this capsule

Peruse through the projects I've worked on

Download txtodo from the App Store

Download Tofu on iOS

Take a look at the source code for this capsule

Check out my text adventure, One Angry Wizard

I'm constantly working on more stuff, so continue checking back for more project highlights.

Web Presence

You can find me on most platforms as FIGBERT:

My site on the WWW

My self-hosted Gitea instance (FIGBERT)

Github (FIGBERT)

Twitter (@therealfigbert)

Mastodon (@figbert@fosstodon.org)

Reddit (@therealFIGBERT)

Hacker News (figbert)

Keys and Crypto

You can contact me via email at figbert@figbert.com using a variety of cryptographies:

This PGP key (old-skool)

My age key (new and shiny)

My minisign key (is signing still crypto?)

If for some reason you want to send me money, feel free to send it to one of my crypto address so I never notice:




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-- Page fetched on Fri Apr 19 19:34:31 2024