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Re: The Disappearence of Sincere Conversations

tags: life

~masqq has a lengthy post about the decline of "sincere conversation"

> People need to re-learn to talk to each other, without any technological interference.


local copy

I my humble opinion, sincere and meaningful conversation can only be achieved, when both sides of the communication have reason to trust each other.

Trust, however, will not just appear out of the blue. Trust needs to be achieved somehow. Can algorithm suggested "friends" a la Linkedin, Xing, facebook etc. be trusted? Nope. Can members of smaller groups like the mailing list of a project be trusted? Maybe. Maybe not. It is my firm believe that contacts in real life are suited best to achieve a level of trust. Go out. Attend a space where like minded gather. And most importantly talk to those others for a bit. Maybe it works. Trust will not come to seek you while you are sitting at home alone with only a keyboard and a fullblown range of technical wonders keeping you company.

Or in other words. A long time ago a young man in a group bemoaned the fact that he was single. I asked him: Suppose for a moment, this significant person shows up in your life now. How much time (like in hours per week) would you be willing to spend? Whatever this number is, start now to spend this much time per week away from your computer and together with other people. This significant person will not come to your home, because they don't know you, yet.


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