-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to eolas.flounder.online:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini; charset=utf-8

On Browsing The Internet

It's surprisingly enjoyable to browse the internet with no particular purpose, just following links to see where they'll take you.

I usually start by making a search that's strange and/or obscure, e.g. "eco-friendly dumbphones" and following the links I find from some website on pages 3-6.

You can find some really interesting stuff, like how one time I was looking into the framework laptop[1] and ended up admiring trackball mice.

This was actually the way I found gemini, as I was, if I'm not mistaken (it was a while ago), looking into DIY typewriters, and, when looking around the blog of someone who had made an electronic one, found out they had a gemini site too.

I researched gemini a little bit more, before getting deedum[2] on my phone about a month later.

There's cool other things I've found too, like a hosting site[3] for, of all things, the Finger protocol[4].

If you've came across flounder, you've probably done something similar, and understand what I'm talking about.

To go so far from the main path of reddit, facebook and twitter is rewarding, with so may hidden jewels to be found.

So, go forth (python is better, but you know what I mean) and browse the depths of the interweb!

Geros ilas!

[1] frame.work

[2] Deedum

[3] happynetbox.com

[4] Finger

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-- Page fetched on Tue Jun 18 06:33:06 2024