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Plants: the planting and eating thereof

Lately I feel a compulsion to write about fascism, anarchism, that sort of thing... but I don’t WANT to be writing about these things. So, since that means I haven’t written at all, how about a quick update about my mundane life?

I’m sure I’ve already complained about the landscaping at the house I moved into (when I moved cross-country to Southern California). It’s designed for herbicides and leaf blowers, and since I won’t use those things, some parts of it aren’t looking so great. I noticed that some “weedy” patches in neighbors’ yards are actually quite beautifully filled with a yellow woodsorrel. There’s one shady part of my lawn that’s particularly sad, and I’m wondering if I can pull out the current landscaping and encourage that to grow in its place. My neighbors will think I’m crazy if I do this, but I think I might set some out in pots to watch how it does through the next few months. We’re still in the rainy season, and I did learn during my first year here that many of the plants that look quite lovely now will become very unfriendly once everything dries out. If you’re a gardener — especially if you have experience with sandy soil or zone 10b — please tell me what to do because I have no clue what I’m doing.

I’ve been eating an (almost) entirely plant-based diet for over two months now. I haven’t gained or lost an appreciable amount of weight¹, and I am enjoying the new recipes I’ve been trying. Since it’s cool and damp (well, compared to the other half of the year), I’ve baked many casseroles. Some well-meaning friends, upon learning that I gave up eggs and dairy, have passed along interesting recipes for side dishes, but in so doing make it clear that they haven’t cared for small children. Dude. I don’t have the time or energy to make a complicated SIDE DISH. That braised daikon looks amazing, but I won’t fuck with anything like that until I’m not responsible for ensuring that another human being has eaten. Sorry friends, I’m preparing Mains (served with no-frills starches and vegetables) and One-Pot Meals exclusively for a few years yet. I do look forward to expanding beyond casseroles though.

Speaking of my mundane life, I’ve managed to jot a note or sketch some little drawing in my (physical) journal every day since the beginning of February. This is a nice streak for me (especially since I’m not using this for anything work-related), and I’m curious to see how far I take it — though I already accept its inevitable end.

¹ I didn’t intend to do either, I was just curious if I would.


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