------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSMISSION ATTEMPT # 2793 MESSAGE TRIGGERED FROM: Heleon MESSAGE TRIGGERED BY: Dr. K MESSAGE DATE: 23rd Rot, 098th Rev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transmission Sanctity Verification Line 1: ----------------------------------------- ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ Transmission Sanctity Verification Line 2: ----------------------------------------- 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 Transmission Message: -------------------- This is the captain, Dr. K, transmitting from Heleon. Hope it makes to QEC this time. For more information about this signal, refer to the Fast Radio Burst specifications below. ========================================== || || || FRB Specifications: || || ------------------ || || 1. Frequency: 220 THz || || 2. Dispersion Measure: 598 pc cm^3 || || || ========================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF TRANSMISSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gemini://cosmic.voyage:1965/Heleon/log000.txt

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-- Page fetched on Sat Apr 27 04:26:39 2024