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Fünftes Treffen Python User Group Dresden - Deep Learning for Computer Vision | c3d2

Montag, 7. August 2017 um 23:13 Uhr von a8

Beginn: Donnerstag, 24. August 2017 um 19:00 Uhr

Ort: HQ im Zentralwerk

Die Python User Group lädt herzlich zum fünften Dresdner Meetup rund um die Programmiersprache Python ein. Dieser Kreis dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch der Python User Group Dresden, auch unter pydresden.org zu finden.


Today we have Alex Conway as a guest who is presenting his talk Deep Learning for Computer Vision. The talk will be in English like its announcement is.

Deep Learning for Computer Vision

The state-of-the-art in image classification has skyrocketed thanks to the development of deep convolutional neural networks and increases in the amount of data and computing power available to train them. The top-5 error rate in the international ImageNet competition to predict which of 1000 classes an image belongs to has plummeted from 28% error in 2010 before deep learning to just 2.25% in 2017 (human level error is around 5%).

In addition to being able to classify objects in images (including not hotdogs), deep learning can be used to automatically generate captions for images, convert photos into paintings, detect cancer in pathology slide images, and help self-driving cars ‘see’.

The talk will give an overview of the cutting edge in the field and some of the core mathematical concepts behind the models. It will also include a short code-first tutorial to show how easy it is to get started using deep learning for computer vision in python…

So, this is your chance to ask all the questions about machine learning that are circling in your head and discuss ideas.

Willkommen sind alle selbstdenkenden Wesen und Schlangen.


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