-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to brachycera.diptera.casa:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini;lang=en

Stream of conciousness (tinylog)

author: @jo


Sun 26 May 2024 13:57 +0200

Certificate changed

Tue 13 Feb 2024 19:24 +0100

I updated a bunch of stuff on this site, mainly the dr who section which now includes my fanart

Sun 11 Feb 2024 12:14 +0100

I dont know why I'm even using mastodon, I should just go back to rambling on here I think that was much better. People on mastodon don't see what I'm posting anyway so it's the same.

Sun 03 Dec 2023 12:20 +0100

It's Christmas time again, or as I like to call it Michael Bublé's Christmas songs season -- including, most importantly, his cover of 'Santa Baby': A song with clearly erotic undertones, which he tried and failed to counter by making all the girly lyrics about macho things. Like, I'm sorry Mike, it doesn't matter that you didn't ask him for a ring, you're still telling Santa Clause you need 'the deed'.

Sun 26 Nov 2023 15:23 +0100

Watching Farscape atm. It's kinda boring not gonna lie. One of those shows you have to watch 10 episodes off before you feel like you want to watch it.

Mon 16 Oct 2023 07:30 +0200

Unfortunately Astrobotany cert login isn't working atm, but today my baby pest control turns 1 year old! Can't believe it's been so long.

visit the young kasi (unauthenticated link, obviously, given the circumstances)

Mon 16 Oct 2023 07:28 +0200

Yesterday someone in the toki pona discord voice chat thought I was British after I said like one or two things. I guess it's pretty nice that I don't have that much of a German accent?

Wed 11 Oct 2023 11:47 +0200

I have got a nix station now btw, which can be found here:



echo / | nc diptera.casa 1900


telnet diptera.casa 1900

Wed 11 Oct 2023 11:44 +0200

I must come across as really terminally online.. I mean just looking at the amount of internet sites I'm sending from this domain, all with different contents in them it must seem like I don't do anything else.

But tis not true! I also watch TV.

Tue 10 Oct 2023 17:37 +0200

Just found out about nex protocol. You can't just show me stuff like that, not matter how useless I will impliment it immediately. I even made a txt protocol sever and the documentation for that was completely mysterious for no reason. Anyway next stop nightfall express I suppose


Mon 24 Jul 2023 16:25 +0200

I love the dinkus and it's 90% because it is called the "dinkus"

Thu 20 Jul 2023 07:17 +0200

Katy Manning is such a good voice actor. I noticed this back when there were those companion chronicles with Jo Grant/Jones and Iris Wildthyme and now again with the audiobooks. She does Panda so well I genuinely forget it's all the same boice sometimes. I'm so glad to heat Iris on audio again. They should make more audio dramas :^(

Sun 18 Jun 2023 15:41 +0200

I'm also really grateful any time I see a comment on my guestbook! You're all very nice!

Sun 18 Jun 2023 15:40 +0200

I'm not so active on gemini at the moment, but I just added a collection page of my ascii art so that is something


I'm mostly active on my website atm :^°

Sat 27 May 2023 09:10 +0200

I should really keep better records of my forum passwords

Tue 25 Apr 2023 15:01 +0200

I have decided to retire this domain from the web and be small net exclusive. I will have a new website under a different domain that will be less focused on doing fuckall and more on ordered thoughts and sharing of my work. Don't worry though, gemini is forever. My guestbook boosted my ego way too much to ever retire from here (also I love gemini so so much have I mentioned)

Sun 23 Apr 2023 09:57 +0200

I'm pondering a new domain name again. I love diptera.casa but really it has little to do with me. I wonder if I should get one of those domains that are just my name

Sat 22 Apr 2023 11:15 +0200

Webmentions are literally soo fucking cool. I've long been considering gemmentions but it seemed you need cgi supportfor that. if it works, like webmention, on static pages too then I might get that going.

My dilemma here is that I sort of like the non-interactive, static feel of both my website and my gemini capsule. I like that I'm basically talking into the void, thinking no one can hear me, and that the only possibility to respond is by using email (sidenote: I should really get that IMAP stuff going, logging into the server via ssh every time is kind of annoying)

Fri 21 Apr 2023 21:05 +0200

I worry

Thu 20 Apr 2023 09:30 +0200

I am sort of considering posting my gemlog as a blog on my website too 😶‍🌫️🤫🥶

Wed 19 Apr 2023 08:27 +0200

i should set up imap for my email. and i should also fix it so that gmail doesnt mark me as spam anymore

Wed 12 Apr 2023 06:27 +0200

So the finale of that show was kind of sad. but i'm totally not being cringe about it (lie)

Sat 08 Apr 2023 11:03 +0200

season 7 of (dr) House is so shit I am snoring

Tue 28 Mar 2023 06:10 +0200

My website is pretty heavy I don't like it when websites arent accessible to people with shitty internet I should do something about that. But i quite like my APOD and all that

Fri 24 Mar 2023 23:09 +0100

Added different colors to the links on my website inspired by the colors for each protocol in Lagrange. Only those that link to pages on the website are in that nice little pink now

Thu 23 Mar 2023 19:05 +0100

Made a Wikipedia account and I can now switch to the old/classic and imo better stylesheet!! :^D

Tue 21 Mar 2023 18:57 +0100

Ever since mI switched to the standard ports on my website I get scanned by soo many bots. I don't even mean the malicious ones (though they are the worst of it) but also general scans.

Sun 19 Mar 2023 11:23 +0100

I've somehow blocked my own IP from visisting my website 💀 perhaps i tested the error too often

Wed 15 Mar 2023 23:55 +0100

Wanted to make a gemlog post about the Raffles stories today but decided I didn't feel like it.

Anyway, happy Ides of March to those two homoerotic victorian thiefs.

read 'The Ides of March'

Mon 20 Feb 2023 21:45 +0100

Watching hannibal. Whoever said that killing eve is like hannibal for lesbians was wrong because this is worse

Thu 16 Feb 2023 15:36 +0100

if it weren't for sftp I would literally die on the spot because my file structure on this server is abysmal (my own fault of course)

Tue 14 Feb 2023 05:12 +0100

I removed my 'How I did everything' guide from my capsule but I feel like some guides could be helpful. I always feel self conscious about these sort of things cause I don't feel like I know a great deal, since I'm not really a wise sysadmin or programmer like most people on gemini. But maybe it's worth it for some stuff like the Spotify script.

Mon 13 Feb 2023 23:00 +0100

Spent wayy too long on my silly little scripts again. I wanted to get up in 6h, lets's see how that goes..

But at least now my currently playing track from Spotify is displayed on my website :)) might put that on gemini too, very cool

Sun 12 Feb 2023 16:29 +0100

Updated my website

Sat 11 Feb 2023 12:43 +0100

Hmm going to change some things in my capsule and update the bash script i use to make gemlog posts because having the date as the file name confuses Me so much. Like I would remember every date i ever said something. That was just lack of thinking on my part lol

Wed 01 Feb 2023 13:36 +0100

Happy 61st Birthday to actress and director Lisa Bowerman (voice of Bernice Summerfield) and happy 21st Birthday to me :^)

Sun 29 Jan 2023 22:00 +0100

I'm so glad to be engaging in a hobby that can be enjoyed even while at work without impeding its quality (listening to audio dramas)

Sat 28 Jan 2023 11:11 +0100

Finally finished setting up a Matrix Synapse homeserver just for my family (on my dads raspberry using our routers loong dns that it happened to have for management things when outside the network) but none of them are available so I am the only user on there so far 🥸

Tue 24 Jan 2023 18:13 +0100

Almost done with my Torchwood re/watch. Started listening to the BBC radio audio plays today and will proceed onto Big Finish afterwards. New thing to be annoying about

Wed 18 Jan 2023 23:19 +0100

Today I got up at 5am UTC+1 and streamed on anonradio.net for a bit - my first time. Then I wrote a test at school but it was easy. When I got home I implemented a password protected subdomain to store my school notes. Then I had a video chat with some other indieweb enthusiasts and afterwards I started coding my website. Apart from my school lessons it was a productive and interesting day.

Tue 17 Jan 2023 15:52 +0100

A stranger told me they liked my Will Wood and the Tapeworms hoodie today and that they were also a fan and then they left.

Fri 13 Jan 2023 21:34 +0100

After finally finishing the second Dirk Gently book I checked out the 2010 show, which portrays him much more accurately than the Netflix show and I am sooo mad they cancelled it after 4 Episodes. Like that isn't shit.

Like I also liked the Netflix show, obviously, since it got me interested in the first place but the character is so different. He's not even a cheap, petty asshole. AND they cancelled that too. Dirk deserves better.

Fri 13 Jan 2023 12:24 +0100

Contact lenses are so bizarre. What do you mean I am seeing with my own eyes? Also I look so strange without my glasses. Less cute tbh

Mon 09 Jan 2023 20:51 +0100

Watching Torchwood since I've only seen about half the episodes. It's good.

Sun 08 Jan 2023 13:18 +0100

Yup. They block the port. It's apparently a real pain to get them to unblock it since they assume you are a company. Think I'll just leave things how they are, it's not important enough to give out more of my personal data and time.

Sun 08 Jan 2023 12:12 +0100

I'd like to finally get my sever to Send mail too. It isn't connecting to anywhere on port 25. Very much hope it's my incompetence and not something my provider blocks.

Thu 05 Jan 2023 18:15 +0100

Don't get why diptera.casa is on the 'newest hosts' page on geminispace.info rn. I've had this domain for 4 months now 🤔

Idk if all capsules are added manually? If that's the case ig I should be flattered someone added my page.

Sun 25 Dec 2022 01:09 +0100

Had myself a merry little Christmas (Eve, which is the day presents are exchanged here).

Got, among things, a big palette of bright coloured eyeshadow :)

Sat 10 Dec 2022 14:58 +0100

I really appreciate the kind comments people leave in my guestbook :D

Thu 17 Nov 2022 07:48 +0100

Changed my gemini address to brachycera. subdomain cause diptera.casa had a kinda ugly color in Lagrange. Now the capsule is blue and the icon is a comet :^]. Though imo the previous icon looked a bit like wings so it kinda fit too.

I was pretty lucky with my previous domain name, which was pink-purple and had a triangle icon which is pretty gay and the tokipona subdomain was yellow with a sun ")

I know many people don't even use Lagrange but I felt like doing it anyway

Sat 12 Nov 2022 18:40 +0100

installed latest gnome fedora on my laptop. it has good keyboard navigation (my touchpad doesn't work)

Thu 10 Nov 2022 18:35 +0100

I really like it when comic book films and tv shows are extremely silly. Comic book level silly. The most recent Dr Strange was 'bad' but in a way I really appreciated.

I like this turn that comic book films and TV shows are taking. Especially the Doom Patrol show is extremely stupid and I love it.

Thu 03 Nov 2022 23:15 +0100

Star Trek Prodigy is so so so good, genuinely my fav modern Star Trek show

Tue 18 Oct 2022 17:41 +0200

I'd really like to have my bookwyrm.social feed in my capsule. In truth I don't really understand rss/xml but I see they've got that for me on the site and I've seen xml files work on gemini. With the information I know atm, I don't think I'll be able to make it work this way tho, since all feeds I've seen so far were generated for Gemini sites.

Sun 16 Oct 2022 21:18 +0200

Somehow wound up setting up a mail server instead. Got it to recieve mail but it can't send mail yet. A problem for another time, I've work in the morning

=>mailto:johanna@diptera.casa btw

Fri 14 Oct 2022 17:31 +0200

Might work out SSL for my gopher this weekend. No one wants to download files unencrypted.. tho so far there's nothing worth downloading

Thu 13 Oct 2022 18:13 +0200

I should really write something for my Cosmic.Voyage ship but I've kinda gotten back into reading Star Trek: New Frontier. Also my stories are kinda bad, I really struggle with the first person of it all but anything else would be hard to sell (in terms of believability)

Fri 07 Oct 2022 21:18 +0200

Trying out fish shell. Very fancy indeed.

Wed 05 Oct 2022 19:34 +0200

I changed my domain name, reworked my website yet again and started making use of my gopher hole. I'm currently going over my gemini capsule. Corona can be useful?

Thu 29 Sep 2022 11:34 +0200

Something weird happened to my server yesterday and most of my files were just gone so I had to restore a backup just now and now my Big Finish list is 3 months behind again :/

Also my tinylog is missing several entries, since i only backup once a month.

Sat 20 Aug 2022 01:27 +0200

Finally got the guestbook working!!

Fri 19 Aug 2022 14:59 +0200

Starting a tinylog for thoughts that aren't worth their own gemlog or a post on social media.

=>/ 🔙 drop telepathic rock

-- Response ended

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