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Dice Poker -- a new Gemini dice game (alpha)


A 5-dice poker game, inspired by @gritty.

During each of 10 rounds you can hold any of the dice to build the best hand, and roll the remaining dice.

You specify which dice to hold by their values, not their position!

It's a little rough, and uses cgisesh (which is WIP) to keep state, so apologies if it breaks... But give it a shot!

🚀 stack

May 18 · 2 weeks ago · 👍 sev, gritty


🐐 satch · May 18 at 13:16:

Great design and interface. As for the game itself, feels like there’s a lot less strategy involved than I would like. Maybe I’m just not thinking about it enough but it always seems kind of obvious what to hold.

🚀 stack [OP] · May 18 at 13:30:

Yeah, it's not a game for geniuses... but it's pretty streamlined and once I put in a leaderboard, may be a fun way to spend a couple of minutes...

🚀 stack [OP] · May 18 at 13:37:

As a proof of concept for the underlying game state db, it is a pretty amazing accomplishment.

The db is a 30KB executable with no disk access and negligeable memory footprint -- around 64KB ram for 1000 unique users of this game, and really fast response.

The game CGI is likewise under 30KB...

🍀 gritty · May 18 at 15:10:

that's neat. I also like the design.

I'm not good at C so I might be able to do something similar in Pascal with memory streams.

🚀 stack [OP] · May 18 at 15:13:

You can use the cgisesh server with anything that can connect to a socket.

🍀 gritty · May 18 at 15:23:

ohhh okay

🕹️ skyjake [...] · May 18 at 18:07:

Great start. When it comes to the UI, I was slightly confused which dice were being held (top or bottom / front or back?) and the progression through the rounds was a little unclear. Maybe delineate the rounds somehow, for example add an intermediate step to conclude each round?

🚀 stack [OP] · May 18 at 18:31:

@skyjake, I tried to get rid of unnecessary steps... The dice you hold move back and the rest are rolled... I had an additional step to roll, but there is literally nothing else you can do. After a few games it is very natural and obvious. I'll surely tweak it some more.

🐐 satch · May 18 at 18:38:

@skyjake @stack I think there just needs to be some text clearly explaining that when you pick the dice to hold, the rest are automatically rolled. I like not having to click as many buttons, but it is confusing at first.

🚀 stack [OP] · May 18 at 19:02:

The link and the input box state 'select and roll', (I think). I'll try to make it clearer.

🕹️ skyjake [...] · May 19 at 09:58:

Yeah it's probably the combining of multiple events (hold and roll) behind a single action that was confusing me. Also, the graphic should indicate the held dice unambiguously (add tick marks?). Moving them back and forward alone is not quite clear enough IMHO.

🚀 stack [OP] · May 19 at 16:34:

I think what caused most confusion is that rolls continually place new dice in the exact same positions. I made a small change: after hold/roll the dice are redrawn slightly up, so that the next turn is distinct.

I am tempted to use color, but had avoided it as I am not sure about how universa browser support is...

🕹️ skyjake [...] · May 19 at 16:43:

I recommend avoiding color unless it's an opt-in preference... Even in Lagrange, some page themes remove much of the ANSI color sequences to avoid color clashing.

🚀 stack [OP] · May 19 at 21:34:

I added some more visual cues to highlight newly-rolled dice and adjusted positioning. It seems to make more intuitive sense than before. I reset the server so you can all try it again...

🕹️ skyjake [...] · May 20 at 16:23:

It does feel better now.

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