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Comment by 🕹️ skyjake

Re: "Let's try some Lagrange dev liveblogging"

In: u/skyjake

— This is just all kinds of wrong...

🕹️ skyjake [OP, sysop]

2023-05-18 · 1 year ago

10 Later Comments ↓

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 15:22:

I set a custom bookmark icon there, might be cool to hide the Emoji in the sidebar title if it matches the bookmark icon.

Ah well, time to go walk the dog. 🐕

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 15:28:

Hmm, I suppose comments aren't supposed to appear in the tinylog. Maybe they could be optionally flagged to, at least if it's from the OP.

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 18:50:

Back in the IDE. With any luck I can get an hour of coding done.

While testing the Bubble Gempub exports I noticed that the app is crashing when swiping back from the opened archive. Let's see what's up with that...

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 18:58:

Crash is due to cached text runs referencing memory that has already been freed. Time to fire up AddressSanitizer.

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 19:13:

Xcode fought back by forcing me to regenerate the Xcode project and fiddle with some build settings, but apparently DocumentView frees the GmDocument but doesn't invalidate itself, i.e., clear all pointers to the document data.

Doesn't seem to crash any more? Onto the next thing. 💪

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 19:23:

This coding session is experiencing some headwinds as I have to every now and then get up and swing the baby so he stays asleep. (As usual.)

Now let's see if we can clean up that mess of a title and icon in the left margin.

— Ah, much better.

— Tweaked the word wrapping rules to allow periods inside words to break.

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-18 at 19:51:

Looks like my time is up! Let's see if I can do this again another day...

🍵 michaelnordmeyer · 2023-05-19 at 20:14:

Putting the devblog messages in the comment section works well IMHO.

Regarding tab opening, I'd like open next to current tab, but keep opening the following tabs next to the last opened tab, like most web browsers do.

🕹️ skyjake [OP...] · 2023-05-19 at 20:36:

@michaelnordmeyer Indeed, thanks for pointing that out. I should just chuck that option and implement the common browser behavior for tabs, there should be no need for customization.

😎 Smokey · 2023-05-24 at 08:14:

Bubble is looking awesome so far! And yes, I am on here btw, thanks for taking the suggestion ;)

Original Post

🕹️ skyjake [...]

Let's try some Lagrange dev liveblogging — I think if one already has a gemlog on their own capsule, they probably don't want to write too many long-form posts here. But the /u/ feeds are well-suited for microblogging, too, without the need for any custom scripting, SSHing, or other such solutions. The use case is exactly the same as on fedi, I suppose, but I don't feel like spamming a lot of low-level dev details there.

💬 12 comments · 5 likes · 2023-05-18 · 1 year ago

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