-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to bbs.archaicbinary.net:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini;lang=en-US

Archaic Binary

Archaic Binary is the recreation of my childhood days of BBSes it runs on multiple technologies and contains some useful APIs, Utilities, Files, Message Bases (FTN Style) and access to ANSI/Text Door Games.

Other Services

HTTPS Website

Gopher Server







Bulletin Board System (BBS)

Use your ANSI Terminal and connect to bbs.archaicbinary.net today.

Telnet (bbs.archaicbinary.net/23)

SSH (bbs.archaicbinary.net/22)

We recommend using SyncTERM on modern systems.


Doors (Games and More)

Ambroshia (Local)

Arrow Bridge (Local)

Arrow Bridge II (Local)

Ashrella (Game Server)

BBS Crash (Game Server)

Bordello (Game Server)

Chicago Crime Statistics (Local/API)

Chicago crime statistics and metrics. Uses heyjackass.com data.

Clans, The (Game Server)

Crypto Prices (Local/API)

Shows tabular information about crypto-currency.

Darkness (Local)

Dodgeball (Game Server)

Dog World ][ (Local)

DoorMUD (Local)

Dungeon Master (Game Server)

Eclectic Avenue (Game Server)

Exitilus (Local)

Falcon's Honor (Game Server)

Food Fite (Local)

Global War (Game Server)

Global War: Backgammon (Game Server)

Gold Rush (Game Server)

Jezebel (Game Server)

LORD; Legend of the Red Dragon (Local)

LORD is a simplified text based RPG. It is a classic retro multi-player role playing game, created during the BBS era by a popular fellow named Seth Robinson. LORD takes the whole story line of a typical MUD, and breaks it down into a text based menu driven game where you can play your turn within several minutes. You can play every day, or once every other week, and still maintain an active role in the game.

Lunatix (Game Server)

Mega Slots (Game Server)

Metals (Commodies) Pricing (Local)

Uses a public API to query pricing for various metals.

MoMUD (Local)

MRC (Chat Network)

Network chat room/server/service with multiple connected BBSes participating.

OpenVAERS Covid Data (Local)

Basic information door that scrapes the OpenVAERS website. Then shows readable information in tabular form.

Operation Overkill II (Game Server)

Pimp Wars (Game Server)

Pit, The (Local)

SpotCrime; Local Crime Stats (Local/API)

Queries the SpotCrime API databases for local crime information.

Torrent Browser (Local)

An API door browsing public Torrent databases.

Usurper (Local)

Zomato (Local)

API that queries restaurant databases.

  ___   _      ___   _      ___   _      ___   _      ___   _
 [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|
  '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|
 /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /
                             |            |            |
                         ___  \_      ___  \_      ___  \_
                        [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|
                         '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|
                        /mmm/        /mmm/        /mmm/

Friends Gopherholes & Capsules

Roman's Place



0zZ's Place

cr1mson's Place

Societal Glitch

Contact me through the Contact Sysop function on the BBS to have your Gopher or Gemini site added to the list.

LEO Gemring

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LEO Random Page

Space Elevator

About Space Elevator

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-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Sat Apr 27 19:22:05 2024